blob: 800302ad0c65a6ab67fbc67b9361a1ff92f89b16 [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
mixin discovery-cloud(modelAt='$ctrl.clonedCluster')
-const model = `${modelAt}.discovery.Cloud`
-const discoveryKind = 'Cloud'
-const required = `${modelAt}.discovery.kind == "${discoveryKind}"`
-const regions = `${model}.regions`
-const zones = `${model}.zones`
-const formRegions = 'discoveryCloudRegions'
-const formZones = 'discoveryCloudZones'
label: 'Credential:',
model: `${model}.credential`,
name: '"credential"',
placeholder: 'Input cloud credential',
tip: 'Credential that is used during authentication on the cloud<br/>\
Depending on a cloud platform it can be a password or access key'
label: 'Path to credential:',
model: `${model}.credentialPath`,
name: '"credentialPath"',
placeholder: 'Input path to credential',
tip: 'Path to a credential that is used during authentication on the cloud<br/>\
Access key or private key should be stored in a plain or PEM file without a passphrase'
label: 'Identity:',
model: `${model}.identity`,
name: '"' + discoveryKind + 'Identity"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input identity',
tip: 'Identity that is used as a user name during a connection to the cloud<br/>\
Depending on a cloud platform it can be an email address, user name, etc'
model: `${model}.provider`,
name: '"' + discoveryKind + 'Provider"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input provider',
tip: 'Cloud provider to use'
items: regions,
lbl: 'Region name',
name: 'regionName',
itemName: 'region',
itemsName: 'regions'
name: 'Regions:',
tip: "List of regions where VMs are located<br />
If the regions are not set then every region, that a cloud provider has, will be investigated. This could lead to significant performance degradation<br />
Note, that some cloud providers, like Google Compute Engine, doesn't have a notion of a region. For such providers regions are redundant"
+form-field__error({ error: 'igniteUnique', message: 'Such region already exists!' })
items: zones,
lbl: 'Zone name',
name: 'zoneName',
itemName: 'zone',
itemsName: 'zones'
name: 'Zones:',
tip: "List of zones where VMs are located<br />
If the zones are not set then every zone from specified regions, will be taken into account<br />
Note, that some cloud providers, like Rackspace, doesn't have a notion of a zone. For such providers zones are redundant"
+form-field__error({ error: 'igniteUnique', message: 'Such zone already exists!' })