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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
include /app/configuration/mixins
-var form = 'atomics'
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCluster.atomicConfiguration'
-var affModel = model + '.affinity'
-var rendezvousAff = affModel + '.kind === "Rendezvous"'
-var customAff = affModel + '.kind === "Custom"'
panel-collapsible(ng-form=form on-open=`ui.loadPanel('${form}')`)
panel-title Atomic configuration
| Configuration for atomic data structures.
| Atomics are distributed across the cluster, essentially enabling performing atomic operations (such as increment-and-get or compare-and-set) with the same globally-visible value.
| #["" target="_blank") More info]
label: 'Cache mode:',
model: `${model}.cacheMode`,
name: '"cacheMode"',
placeholder: 'PARTITIONED',
options: '[\
{value: "LOCAL", label: "LOCAL"},\
{value: "REPLICATED", label: "REPLICATED"},\
{value: "PARTITIONED", label: "PARTITIONED"}\
tip: 'Cache modes:\
<li>Partitioned - in this mode the overall key set will be divided into partitions and all partitions will be split equally between participating nodes</li>\
<li>Replicated - in this mode all the keys are distributed to all participating nodes</li>\
<li>Local - in this mode caches residing on different grid nodes will not know about each other</li>\
label: 'Sequence reserve:',
model: `${model}.atomicSequenceReserveSize`,
name: '"atomicSequenceReserveSize"',
placeholder: '1000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Default number of sequence values reserved for IgniteAtomicSequence instances<br/>\
After a certain number has been reserved, consequent increments of sequence will happen locally, without communication with other nodes, until the next reservation has to be made'
.pc-form-grid-col-60(ng-show=`!(${model}.cacheMode && ${model}.cacheMode != "PARTITIONED")`)
label: 'Backups:',
model: model + '.backups',
name: '"backups"',
placeholder: '0',
min: '0',
tip: 'Number of backup nodes'
label: 'Function:',
model: `${affModel}.kind`,
name: '"AffinityKind"',
placeholder: 'Default',
options: '$ctrl.Clusters.affinityFunctions',
tip: 'Key topology resolver to provide mapping from keys to nodes\
<li>Rendezvous - Based on Highest Random Weight algorithm<br/></li>\
<li>Custom - Custom implementation of key affinity function<br/></li>\
<li>Default - By default rendezvous affinity function with 1024 partitions is used<br/></li>\
.pc-form-group(ng-if-end ng-if=rendezvousAff + ' || ' + customAff)
label: 'Partitions',
model: `${affModel}.Rendezvous.partitions`,
name: '"RendPartitions"',
required: rendPartitionsRequired,
placeholder: '1024',
min: '1',
tip: 'Number of partitions'
label: 'Backup filter',
model: `${affModel}.Rendezvous.affinityBackupFilter`,
name: '"RendAffinityBackupFilter"',
tip: 'Backups will be selected from all nodes that pass this filter'
label: 'Exclude neighbors',
model: `${affModel}.Rendezvous.excludeNeighbors`,
name: '"RendExcludeNeighbors"',
tip: 'Exclude same - host - neighbors from being backups of each other and specified number of backups'
label: 'Class name:',
model: `${affModel}.Custom.className`,
name: '"AffCustomClassName"',
required: customAff,
tip: 'Custom key affinity function implementation class name'
+preview-xml-java(model, 'clusterAtomics')