blob: e9a14e4d9f9dd6625f9edd983bdbbb653c6123d8 [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
include /app/configuration/mixins
-var form = 'store'
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCache'
panel-collapsible(ng-form=form on-open=`ui.loadPanel('${form}')`)
panel-title Store
| Cache store settings.
| #["" target="_blank") More info]
-var storeFactory = `${model}.cacheStoreFactory`;
-var storeFactoryKind = `${storeFactory}.kind`;
label: 'Store factory:',
model: storeFactoryKind,
name: '"cacheStoreFactory"',
placeholder: '{{ ::$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.kind.default }}',
options: '::$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.values',
tip: `Factory for persistent storage for cache data
<li>JDBC POJO store factory - Objects are stored in underlying database by using java beans mapping description via reflection backed by JDBC</li>
<li>JDBC BLOB store factory - Objects are stored in underlying database in BLOB format backed by JDBC</li>
<li>Hibernate BLOB store factory - Objects are stored in underlying database in BLOB format backed by Hibernate</li>
writeThroughOn: '$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.storeDisabledValueOff(${model}, ${model}.writeThrough)',
readThroughOn: '$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.storeDisabledValueOff(${model}, ${model}.readThrough)',
writeBehindOn: '$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.storeDisabledValueOff(${model}, ${model}.writeBehindEnabled)'
ui-validate-watch-collection=`"[${model}.readThrough, ${model}.writeThrough, ${model}.writeBehindEnabled]"`
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
+form-field__error({ error: 'writeThroughOn', message: 'Write through is enabled but store is not set' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'readThroughOn', message: 'Read through is enabled but store is not set' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'writeBehindOn', message: 'Write-behind is enabled but store is not set' })
.pc-form-grid-row(ng-if=`${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory'`)
-var pojoStoreFactory = `${storeFactory}.CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory`
-var required = `${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory'`
label: 'Data source bean name:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.dataSourceBean`,
name: '"pojoDataSourceBean"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input bean name',
tip: 'Name of the data source bean in Spring context'
+form-field__error({ error: 'required', message: 'Data source bean name is required' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'isValidJavaIdentifier', message: 'Data source bean name is not a valid Java identifier' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'notJavaReservedWord', message: 'Data source bean name should not be a Java reserved word' })
label: 'Dialect:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.dialect`,
name: '"pojoDialect"',
tip: 'Dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS:',
genericDialectName: 'Generic JDBC dialect',
placeholder: 'Choose JDBC dialect'
label:'Batch size:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.batchSize`,
name: '"pojoBatchSize"',
placeholder: '512',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum batch size for writeAll and deleteAll operations'
label: 'Thread count:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.maximumPoolSize`,
name: '"pojoMaximumPoolSize"',
placeholder: 'availableProcessors',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum workers thread count.<br/>\
These threads are responsible for load cache.'
label: 'Maximum write attempts:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.maximumWriteAttempts`,
name: '"pojoMaximumWriteAttempts"',
placeholder: '2',
min: '0',
tip: 'Maximum write attempts in case of database error'
label: 'Parallel load threshold:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.parallelLoadCacheMinimumThreshold`,
name: '"pojoParallelLoadCacheMinimumThreshold"',
placeholder: '512',
min: '0',
tip: 'Parallel load cache minimum threshold.<br/>\
If <b>0</b> then load sequentially.'
label: 'Hasher:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.hasher`,
name: '"pojoHasher"',
tip: 'Hash calculator',
validationActive: required
label: 'Transformer:',
model: `${pojoStoreFactory}.transformer`,
name: '"pojoTransformer"',
tip: 'Types transformer',
validationActive: required
label: 'Escape table and filed names',
name: '"sqlEscapeAll"',
tip: 'If enabled than all schema, table and field names will be escaped with double quotes (for example: "tableName"."fieldName").<br/>\
This enforces case sensitivity for field names and also allows having special characters in table and field names.<br/>\
Escaped names will be used for CacheJdbcPojoStore internal SQL queries.'
.pc-form-grid-row(ng-if=`${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory'`)
-var blobStoreFactory = `${storeFactory}.CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory`
-var blobStoreFactoryVia = `${blobStoreFactory}.connectVia`
label: 'Connect via:',
model: blobStoreFactoryVia,
name: '"connectVia"',
placeholder: 'Choose connection method',
options: '[\
{value: "URL", label: "URL"},\
{value: "DataSource", label: "Data source"}\
tip: 'You can connect to database via:\
<li>JDBC URL, for example: jdbc:h2:mem:myDatabase</li>\
<li>Configured data source</li>\
-var required = `${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory' && ${blobStoreFactoryVia} === 'URL'`
.pc-form-grid-col-60(ng-if-start=`${blobStoreFactoryVia} === 'URL'`)
label: 'Connection URL:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.connectionUrl`,
name: '"connectionUrl"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input URL',
tip: 'URL for database access, for example: jdbc:h2:mem:myDatabase'
label: 'User:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.user`,
name: '"user"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input user name',
tip: 'User name for database access'
.pc-form-grid__text-only-item Password will be generated as stub.
-var required = `${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheJdbcBlobStoreFactory' && ${blobStoreFactoryVia} !== 'URL'`
.pc-form-grid-col-60(ng-if-start=`${blobStoreFactoryVia} !== 'URL'`)
label: 'Data source bean name:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.dataSourceBean`,
name: '"blobDataSourceBean"',
required: required,
placeholder: 'Input bean name',
tip: 'Name of the data source bean in Spring context'
+form-field__error({ error: 'required', message: 'Data source bean name is required' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'isValidJavaIdentifier', message: 'Data source bean name is not a valid Java identifier' })
+form-field__error({ error: 'notJavaReservedWord', message: 'Data source bean name should not be a Java reserved word' })
label: 'Database:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.dialect`,
name: '"blobDialect"',
tip: 'Supported databases:',
genericDialectName: 'Generic database',
placeholder: 'Choose database'
label: 'Init schema',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.initSchema`,
name: '"initSchema"',
tip: 'Flag indicating whether DB schema should be initialized by Ignite (default behaviour) or was explicitly created by user'
label: 'Create query:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.createTableQuery`,
name: '"createTableQuery"',
placeholder: 'SQL for table creation',
tip: 'Query for table creation in underlying database<br/>\
Default value: create table if not exists ENTRIES (key binary primary key, val binary)'
label: 'Load query:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.loadQuery`,
name: '"loadQuery"',
placeholder: 'SQL for load entry',
tip: 'Query for entry load from underlying database<br/>\
Default value: select * from ENTRIES where key=?'
label: 'Insert query:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.insertQuery`,
name: '"insertQuery"',
placeholder: 'SQL for insert entry',
tip: 'Query for insert entry into underlying database<br/>\
Default value: insert into ENTRIES (key, val) values (?, ?)'
label: 'Update query:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.updateQuery`,
name: '"updateQuery"',
placeholder: 'SQL for update entry',
tip: 'Query for update entry in underlying database<br/>\
Default value: update ENTRIES set val=? where key=?'
label: 'Delete query:',
model: `${blobStoreFactory}.deleteQuery`,
name: '"deleteQuery"',
placeholder: 'SQL for delete entry',
tip: 'Query for delete entry from underlying database<br/>\
Default value: delete from ENTRIES where key=?'
.pc-form-grid-row(ng-if=`${storeFactoryKind} === 'CacheHibernateBlobStoreFactory'`)
-var hibernateStoreFactory = `${storeFactory}.CacheHibernateBlobStoreFactory`
+form-field__label({ label: 'Hibernate properties:', name: '"hibernateProperties"' })
+form-field__tooltip({ title: `List of Hibernate properties<bt />
For example: connection.url=jdbc:h2:mem:exampleDb` })
items: `${hibernateStoreFactory}.hibernateProperties`,
keyLbl: 'Property name',
valLbl: 'Property value',
itemName: 'property',
itemsName: 'properties'
- form = 'store'
label: 'Keep binary in store',
model: `${model}.storeKeepBinary`,
name: '"storeKeepBinary"',
tip: 'Flag indicating that CacheStore implementation is working with binary objects instead of Java objects'
label: 'Load previous value',
model: `${model}.loadPreviousValue`,
name: '"loadPreviousValue"',
tip: 'Flag indicating whether value should be loaded from store if it is not in the cache for following cache operations: \
<ul> \
<li>IgniteCache.putIfAbsent()</li> \
<li>IgniteCache.replace()</li> \
<li>IgniteCache.remove()</li> \
<li>IgniteCache.getAndPut()</li> \
<li>IgniteCache.getAndRemove()</li> \
<li>IgniteCache.getAndReplace()</li> \
<li> IgniteCache.getAndPutIfAbsent()</li>\
label: 'Read-through',
model: `${model}.readThrough`,
name: '"readThrough"',
tip: 'Flag indicating whether read-through caching should be used'
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn: '$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn(${model})'
ui-validate-watch-collection=`"[${storeFactoryKind}, ${model}.writeThrough, ${model}.readThrough]"`
+form-field__error({ error: 'storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn', message: 'Read or write through should be turned on when store kind is set' })
label: 'Write-through',
model: `${model}.writeThrough`,
name: '"writeThrough"',
tip: 'Flag indicating whether write-through caching should be used'
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn: '$ctrl.Caches.cacheStoreFactory.storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn(${model})'
ui-validate-watch-collection=`"[${storeFactoryKind}, ${model}.writeThrough, ${model}.readThrough]"`
+form-field__error({ error: 'storeEnabledReadOrWriteOn', message: 'Read or write through should be turned on when store kind is set' })
-var enabled = `${model}.writeBehindEnabled`
label: 'Write-behind',
model: enabled,
name: '"writeBehindEnabled"',
tip: `
Cache write-behind settings.<br>
Write-behind is a special mode when updates to cache accumulated and then asynchronously flushed to persistent store as a bulk operation.
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
+form-field__error({ error: 'storeDisabledValueOff', message: 'Write-behind is enabled but store kind is not set' })
label: 'Batch size:',
model: `${model}.writeBehindBatchSize`,
name: '"writeBehindBatchSize"',
disabled: `!(${enabled})`,
placeholder: '512',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum batch size for write-behind cache store operations<br/>\
Store operations(get or remove) are combined in a batch of this size to be passed to cache store'
label: 'Flush size:',
model: `${model}.writeBehindFlushSize`,
name: '"writeBehindFlushSize"',
placeholder: '10240',
min: `{{ $ctrl.Caches.writeBehindFlush.min(${model}) }}`,
tip: `Maximum size of the write-behind cache<br/>
If cache size exceeds this value, all cached items are flushed to the cache store and write cache is cleared`
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
label: 'Flush frequency:',
model: `${model}.writeBehindFlushFrequency`,
name: '"writeBehindFlushFrequency"',
placeholder: '5000',
min: `{{ $ctrl.Caches.writeBehindFlush.min(${model}) }}`,
tip: `Frequency with which write-behind cache is flushed to the cache store in milliseconds`
ng-model-options='{allowInvalid: true}'
label: 'Flush threads count:',
model: `${model}.writeBehindFlushThreadCount`,
name: '"writeBehindFlushThreadCount"',
disabled: `!(${enabled})`,
placeholder: '1',
min: '1',
tip: 'Number of threads that will perform cache flushing'
//- Since ignite 2.0
label: 'Write coalescing',
model: model + '.writeBehindCoalescing',
name: '"WriteBehindCoalescing"',
disabled: `!${enabled}`,
tip: 'Write coalescing flag for write-behind cache store'
+preview-xml-java(model, 'cacheStore', 'domains')