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Ignite Web Agent
Ignite Web Agent is a java standalone application that allow to connect Ignite Grid to Ignite Web Console.
Ignite Web Agent communicates with grid nodes via REST interface and connects to Ignite Web Console via web-socket.
Two main functions of Ignite Web Agent:
1. Proxy between Ignite Web Console and Ignite Grid to execute SQL statements and collect metrics for monitoring.
You may need to specify URI for connect to Ignite REST server via "-n" option.
2. Proxy between Ignite Web Console and user RDBMS to collect database metadata for later indexed types configuration.
You may need to copy JDBC driver into "./jdbc-drivers" subfolder or specify path via "-d" option.
Usage example:
Configuration file:
Should be a file with simple line-oriented format as described here:
Available entries names:
Example configuration file:
Security tokens:
1) By default security token of current user will be included into "" inside downloaded "".
2) One can get/reset token in Web Console profile (https://<your_console_address>/settings/profile).
3) One may specify several comma-separated list of tokens using configuration file or command line arguments of web agent.
Ignite Web agent requirements:
1) In order to communicate with web agent Ignite node should be started with REST server (copy "ignite-rest-http" folder from "libs/optional/" to "libs/").
2) Configure web agent server-uri property with address where Web Console is running.
3) Configure web agent node-uri property with Ignite nodes URI(s).
-h, --help
Print this help message
-c, --config
Path to agent property file
Default value:
-d, --driver-folder
Path to folder with JDBC drivers
Default value: ./jdbc-drivers
-n, --node-uri
Comma-separated list of URIs for connect to Ignite node via REST
Default value: http://localhost:8080
-nl, --node-login
User name that will be used to connect to secured cluster
-np, --node-password
Password that will be used to connect to secured cluster
-s, --server-uri
URI for connect to Ignite Console via web-socket protocol
Default value: http://localhost:3000
-t, --tokens
User's tokens separated by comma used to connect to Ignite Console.
-nks, --node-key-store
Path to key store that will be used to connect to cluster
-nksp, --node-key-store-password
Optional password for node key store
-nts, --node-trust-store
Path to trust store that will be used to connect to cluster
-ntsp, --node-trust-store-password
Optional password for node trust store
-sks, --server-key-store
Path to key store that will be used to connect to Web server
-sksp, --server-key-store-password
Optional password for server key store
-sts, --server-trust-store
Path to trust store that will be used to connect to Web server
-stsp, --server-trust-store-password
Optional password for server trust store
-cs, --cipher-suites
Optional comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to be used to connect
to server and cluster
How to build:
To build from sources run following command in Ignite project root folder:
mvn clean package -pl :ignite-web-agent -am -P web-console -DskipTests=true
Demo of Ignite Web Agent:
In order to simplify evaluation demo mode was implemented. To start demo, you need to click button "Start demo".
New tab will be open with prepared demo data.
1) Demo for import domain model from database.
In this mode an in-memory H2 database will be started.
How to evaluate:
1.1) Go to Ignite Web Console "Domain model" screen.
1.2) Click "Import from database". You should see modal with demo description.
1.3) Click "Next" button. You should see list of available schemas.
1.4) Click "Next" button. You should see list of available tables.
1.5) Click "Next" button. You should see import options.
1.6) Select some of them and click "Save".
2) Demo for SQL.
How to evaluate:
In this mode internal Ignite node will be started. Cache created and populated with data.
2.1) Click "SQL" in Ignite Web Console top menu.
2.2) "Demo" notebook with preconfigured queries will be opened.
2.3) You can also execute any SQL queries for tables: "Country, Department, Employee, Parking, Car".
For example:
2.4) Enter SQL statement:
SELECT, count(*) AS cnt FROM "ParkingCache".Parking p
INNER JOIN "CarCache".Car c ON ( = (c.parkingId)
2.5) Click "Execute" button. You should get some data in table.
2.6) Click charts buttons to see auto generated charts.