blob: c97e7924fbdc8815244c9331300e32896998f5e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ignite Web Console Standalone Docker module
Apache Ignite Web Console Standalone Docker module provides Dockerfile and accompanying files
for building docker image of Web Console.
Ignite Web Console Standalone Docker Image Build Instructions
1) Build ignite-web-console module
mvn clean install -P web-console -DskipTests -T 2C -pl :ignite-web-console -am
2) Copy ignite-web-agent-<version>.zip from 'modules/web-console/web-agent/target'
to 'docker/web-console/standalone' directory
cp -rf modules/web-console/web-agent/target/ignite-web-agent-*.zip docker/web-console/standalone
3) Go to Apache Ignite Web Console Docker module directory and copy Apache
Ignite Web Console's frontend and backend directory
cd docker/web-console/standalone
cp -rf ../../../modules/web-console/backend ./
cp -rf ../../../modules/web-console/frontend ./
4) Build docker image
docker build . -t apacheignite/web-console-standalone:[:<version>]
Prepared image will be available in local docker registry (can be seen
issuing `docker images` command)
5) Clean up
rm -rf backend frontend ignite-web-agent*