blob: 6a3de5bcf17dadca3b0e2cad14f584229f3ed515 [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
include /app/configuration/mixins
-var form = 'communication'
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCluster'
-var communication = model + '.communication'
panel-collapsible(ng-form=form on-open=`ui.loadPanel('${form}')`)
panel-title Communication
| Configuration of communication with other nodes by TCP/IP.
| Provide basic plumbing to send and receive grid messages and is utilized for all distributed grid operations.
| #["" target="_blank") More info]
label: 'Timeout:',
model: `${model}.networkTimeout`,
name: '"commNetworkTimeout"',
placeholder: '5000',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum timeout in milliseconds for network requests'
label: 'Send retry delay:',
model: `${model}.networkSendRetryDelay`,
name: '"networkSendRetryDelay"',
placeholder: '1000',
min: '1',
tip: 'Interval in milliseconds between message send retries'
label: 'Send retry count:',
model: `${model}.networkSendRetryCount`,
name: '"networkSendRetryCount"',
placeholder: '3',
min: '1',
tip: 'Message send retries count'
.pc-form-grid-col-30(ng-if='$ctrl.available(["1.0.0", "2.3.0"])')
label: 'Discovery startup delay:',
model: `${model}.discoveryStartupDelay`,
name: '"discoveryStartupDelay"',
placeholder: '60000',
min: '1',
tip: 'This value is used to expire messages from waiting list whenever node discovery discrepancies happen'
label: 'Communication listener:',
model: `${communication}.listener`,
name: '"comListener"',
tip: 'Listener of communication events'
label: 'Local IP address:',
model: `${communication}.localAddress`,
name: '"comLocalAddress"',
enabled: 'true',
placeholder: '',
tip: 'Local host address for socket binding<br/>\
If not specified use all available addres on local host'
label: 'Local port:',
model: `${communication}.localPort`,
name: '"comLocalPort"',
placeholder: '47100',
min: '1024',
max: '65535',
tip: 'Local port for socket binding'
label: 'Local port range:',
model: `${communication}.localPortRange`,
name: '"comLocalPortRange"',
placeholder: '100',
min: '1',
tip: 'Local port range for local host ports'
label: 'Shared memory port:',
model: `${communication}.sharedMemoryPort`,
name: '"sharedMemoryPort"',
placeholder: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.sharedMemoryPort.default }}',
min: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.sharedMemoryPort.min }}',
max: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.sharedMemoryPort.max }}',
tip: `Local port to accept shared memory connections<br/>If set to <b>-1</b> shared memory communication will be disabled`
+form-field__error({ error: 'notInCollection', message: 'Shared memory port should be more than "{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.sharedMemoryPort.invalidValues[0] }}" or equal to "{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.sharedMemoryPort.min }}"' })
label: 'Idle connection timeout:',
model: `${communication}.idleConnectionTimeout`,
name: '"idleConnectionTimeout"',
placeholder: '30000',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum idle connection timeout upon which a connection to client will be closed'
label: 'Connect timeout:',
model: `${communication}.connectTimeout`,
name: '"connectTimeout"',
placeholder: '5000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Connect timeout used when establishing connection with remote nodes'
label: 'Max. connect timeout:',
model: `${communication}.maxConnectTimeout`,
name: '"maxConnectTimeout"',
placeholder: '600000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Maximum connect timeout'
label: 'Reconnect count:',
model: `${communication}.reconnectCount`,
name: '"comReconnectCount"',
placeholder: '10',
min: '1',
tip: 'Maximum number of reconnect attempts used when establishing connection with remote nodes'
label: 'Socket send buffer:',
model: `${communication}.socketSendBuffer`,
name: '"socketSendBuffer"',
placeholder: '32768',
min: '0',
tip: 'Send buffer size for sockets created or accepted by this SPI'
label: 'Socket receive buffer:',
model: `${communication}.socketReceiveBuffer`,
name: '"socketReceiveBuffer"',
placeholder: '32768',
min: '0',
tip: 'Receive buffer size for sockets created or accepted by this SPI'
label: 'Slow client queue limit:',
model: `${communication}.slowClientQueueLimit`,
name: '"slowClientQueueLimit"',
placeholder: '0',
min: '0',
tip: 'Slow client queue limit'
label: 'Ack send threshold:',
model: `${communication}.ackSendThreshold`,
name: '"ackSendThreshold"',
placeholder: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.ackSendThreshold.default }}',
min: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.ackSendThreshold.min }}',
tip: 'Number of received messages per connection to node after which acknowledgment message is sent'
label: 'Message queue limit:',
model: `${communication}.messageQueueLimit`,
name: '"messageQueueLimit"',
placeholder: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.messageQueueLimit.default }}',
min: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.messageQueueLimit.min }}',
tip: 'Message queue limit for incoming and outgoing messages'
//- allowInvalid: true prevents from infinite digest loop when old value was 0 and becomes less than allowed minimum
label: 'Unacknowledged messages:',
model: `${communication}.unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize`,
name: '"unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize"',
placeholder: '{{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize.default }}',
min: `{{ $ctrl.Clusters.unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize.min(
) }}`,
tip: `Maximum number of stored unacknowledged messages per connection to node<br/>
If specified non zero value it should be
<li>At least ack send threshold * {{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize.validRatio }}</li>
<li>At least message queue limit * {{ ::$ctrl.Clusters.unacknowledgedMessagesBufferSize.validRatio }}</li>
allowInvalid: true
label: 'Socket write timeout:',
model: `${communication}.socketWriteTimeout`,
name: '"socketWriteTimeout"',
placeholder: '2000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Socket write timeout'
label: 'Selectors count:',
model: `${communication}.selectorsCount`,
name: '"selectorsCount"',
placeholder: 'min(4, availableProcessors)',
min: '1',
tip: 'Count of selectors te be used in TCP server'
label: 'Address resolver:',
model: `${communication}.addressResolver`,
name: '"comAddressResolver"',
tip: 'Provides resolution between external and internal addresses'
label: 'Direct buffer',
model: `${communication}.directBuffer`,
name: '"directBuffer"',
tip: 'If value is true, then SPI will use ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(int) call<br/>\
Otherwise, SPI will use ByteBuffer.allocate(int) call'
label: 'Direct send buffer',
model: `${communication}.directSendBuffer`,
name: '"directSendBuffer"',
tip: 'Flag defining whether direct send buffer should be used'
label: 'TCP_NODELAY option',
model: `${communication}.tcpNoDelay`,
name: '"tcpNoDelay"',
tip: 'Value for TCP_NODELAY socket option'
+preview-xml-java(model, 'clusterCommunication')