blob: 227dee07e344b4618d827b3b61227f89d480364d [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
include /app/configuration/mixins
-var form = 'general'
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCluster'
-var modelDiscoveryKind = model + '.discovery.kind'
include ./general/discovery/cloud
include ./general/discovery/google
include ./general/discovery/jdbc
include ./general/discovery/multicast
include ./general/discovery/s3
include ./general/discovery/shared
include ./general/discovery/vm
include ./general/discovery/zookeeper
include ./general/discovery/kubernetes
panel-collapsible(opened=`::true` ng-form=form)
panel-title General
| Common cluster configuration.
| #["" target="_blank") More info]
label: 'Name:',
model: `${model}.name`,
name: '"clusterName"',
placeholder: 'Input name',
required: true,
tip: 'Instance name allows to indicate to what grid this particular grid instance belongs to'
ignite-unique-skip=`["_id", ${model}]`
+form-field__error({ error: 'igniteUnique', message: 'Cluster name should be unique.' })
label: 'Local host:',
model: `${model}.localHost`,
name: '"localHost"',
enabled: 'true',
placeholder: '',
tip: 'System-wide local address or host for all Ignite components to bind to<br/>\
If not defined then Ignite tries to use local wildcard address<br/>\
That means that all services will be available on all network interfaces of the host machine'
label: 'Discovery:',
model: `${model}.discovery.kind`,
name: '"discovery"',
placeholder: 'Choose discovery',
options: '$ctrl.Clusters.discoveries',
tip: 'Discovery allows to discover remote nodes in grid\
<li>Static IPs - IP Finder which works only with pre configured list of IP addresses specified</li>\
<li>Multicast - Multicast based IP finder</li>\
<li>AWS S3 - AWS S3 based IP finder that automatically discover cluster nodes on Amazon EC2 cloud</li>\
<li>Apache jclouds - Apache jclouds multi cloud toolkit based IP finder for cloud platforms with unstable IP addresses</li>\
<li>Google cloud storage - Google Cloud Storage based IP finder that automatically discover cluster nodes on Google Compute Engine cluster</li>\
<li>JDBC - JDBC based IP finder that use database to store node IP address</li>\
<li>Shared filesystem - Shared filesystem based IP finder that use file to store node IP address</li>\
<li>Apache ZooKeeper - Apache ZooKeeper based IP finder when you use ZooKeeper to coordinate your distributed environment</li>\
<li>Kubernetes - IP finder for automatic lookup of Ignite nodes running in Kubernetes environment</li>\
+discovery-cloud()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'Cloud'`)
+discovery-google()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'GoogleStorage'`)
+discovery-jdbc()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'Jdbc'`)
+discovery-multicast()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'Multicast'`)
+discovery-s3()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'S3'`)
+discovery-shared()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'SharedFs'`)
+discovery-vm()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'Vm'`)
+discovery-zookeeper()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'ZooKeeper'`)
+discovery-kubernetes()(ng-if=`${modelDiscoveryKind} === 'Kubernetes'`)
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCluster'
+preview-xml-java(model, 'clusterGeneral')