blob: cd736b4016becbf00442c3a77c7894c9fa1d1840 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Apache Ignite Teamcity Bot - PR selection</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="icon" href="img/leaf-icon-png-7066.png">
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style-1.5.css">
<script src=""></script>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
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<script src="js/common-1.6.js"></script>
<script src="js/testfails-2.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/prs-1.1.js"></script>
const prs = new Map();
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getScript("js/common-1.6.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr){ });
$( document ).tooltip();
function showTabs() {
var index = 'prsCheck_lastOpenedTab'; // Define friendly index name
var dataStore = window.sessionStorage; // Define friendly data store name
var oldIndex;
try {
// getter: Fetch previous value
oldIndex = dataStore.getItem(index);
} catch (e) {
// getter: Always default to first tab in error state
oldIndex = 0;
// The zero-based index of the panel that is active (open)
active: oldIndex,
// Triggered after a tab has been activated
activate: function (event, ui) {
// Get future value
var newIndex = ui.newTab.parent().children().index(ui.newTab);
// Set future value
dataStore.setItem(index, newIndex)
function showServerContribTabs(result) {
const processed = new Set();
for (let serverId of result) {
if (processed.has(serverId))
let selSrv = findGetParameter("server");
if (isDefinedAndFilled(selSrv)) {
if (serverId !== selSrv)
let tabsInsertion = $("#tabs-insertionPoint");
let tabId = "tabs-" + serverId;
let tabRef = "#" + tabId;
tabsInsertion.prepend("<li><a href=\"" + tabRef + "\">" + serverId + "</a></li>");
tabsInsertion.after("<div id=\"" + tabId + "\">" + "</div>");
requestTableForServer(serverId, $(tabRef));
function loadData() {
$("#loadStatus").html("<img src='' width=20px height=20px> Please wait");
url: "rest/branches/version",
success: showVersionInfo,
error: showErrInLoadStatus
url: "rest/branches/suites",
success: function(result) {
error: showErrInLoadStatus
url: "rest/branches/getServerIds",
success: function(result) {
error: showErrInLoadStatus
function prShowHref(srvId, suiteId, branchName) {
return "/pr.html?serverId=" + srvId + "&" +
"suiteId=" + suiteId +
//"&baseBranchForTc=" +
"&branchForTc=" + branchName +
function showSuitesForTeamCityRunData(result) {
var res = "";
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var chainAtServer = result[i];
res += "Server: <input type='text' name='serverId' value='" + chainAtServer.serverId + "' readonly>";
res += "Chain: <input type='text' name='suiteId' value='" + chainAtServer.suiteId + "' readonly>";
res += "Branch: <input type='text' name='branchForTc' class='branchForTc" + chainAtServer.serverId +
"' required> ";
res += "Ticket: <input type='text' name='ticketId'>";
res += "<button name='jira' type='button' onclick='trigBuild(\"tests\")'>Start tests</button>";
res += "<button name='jira' onclick='trigBuild(\"tests+jira\")'>Start tests and comment JIRA ticket on ready</button><br>";
//res += "<button name='git' onclick='trigBuild(\"tests+jira\")'>Start tests and comment GitHub PR on ready</button>";
res+="Server: <input type='text' name='serverId' value=" + serverId +" readonly>" ;
res+="Pull Request #<input type='text' name='prId' onkeypress='return trigBuild(event)'> ";
res+="<button onclick='trigBuild()'>Run All</button><br>";
* This form allows user to startIgnite TeamCity Run All build.
function showCommentJiraForm(result) {
var res = "";
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var chainAtServer = result[i];
res += "Server: <input type='text' name='serverId' value=" + chainAtServer.serverId +" readonly>" ;
res += "Chain: <input type='text' name='suiteId' value='" + chainAtServer.suiteId + "' readonly>";
res += "Branch: <input type='text' name='branchForTc' class='branchForTc" + chainAtServer.serverId +
"' required> ";
res += "Ticket: <input type='text' name='ticketId'> ";
res += "<button name='action' onclick='notifyJira()'>Notify</button><br>";
* Start Run All build on TeamCity and comment in JIRA ticket when build will be finished.
function trigBuild(trigCase) {
var fields = document.getElementById("suitesForRunAll").children;
var srvId = fields.namedItem("serverId").value;
var suiteId = fields.namedItem("suiteId").value;
var branchName = fields.namedItem("branchForTc").value;
var ticketId = fields.namedItem("ticketId").value;
//todo prNum
triggerBuilds(srvId, suiteId, branchName, false, trigCase !== "tests", ticketId);
* Comment in JIRA ticket with results for the given PR.
function notifyJira() {
var fields = document.getElementById("notifyJira").children;
var srvId = fields.namedItem("serverId").value;
var suiteId = fields.namedItem("suiteId").value;
var branchName = fields.namedItem("branchForTc").value;
var ticketId = fields.namedItem("ticketId").value;
commentJira(srvId, suiteId, branchName, ticketId)
function showFormAndSuitesForPrCheck(result) {
var res = "";
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var chainAtServer = result[i];
res += "<form action='pr.html'>";
res += "Server: <input type='text' name='serverId' value=" + chainAtServer.serverId + " readonly>";
res += "Chain: <input type='text' name='suiteId' value=" + chainAtServer.suiteId + ">";
res += "Base branch: <input class='branchForTc" + chainAtServer.serverId +
"' type='text' name='baseBranchForTc' title='Etalon branch to take base data from, e.g refs/heads/master'> ";
res += "<b>Branch:</b> <input class='branchForTc" + chainAtServer.serverId +
"' type='text' name='branchForTc' title='Tested branch, e.g. pull/4790/head or ignite-9349' required> ";
res += "<input type='submit' name='action' value='Latest' title='Show latest runs'>";
// res+="<input type='submit' name='action' value='Chain'>";
res += "<input type='submit' name='action' value='History' title='Show last 10 runs merged'>";
res += "</form>";
<div id="loadStatus"></div>
<div id="tabs" >
<ul id="tabs-insertionPoint">
<li><a href="#tabs-manual" title="I'll enter branch data">Manual</a></li>
<div id="tabs-manual">
<div class="formgroup">
Trigger new TeamCity Run All for a PR/Branch: <br>
<div id="suitesForRunAll"></div>
<div class="formgroup">
Notify JIRA (save TC Bot visa to a ticket comment): <br>
<div id="notifyJira"></div>
<br>Check results of branch/PR TeamCity Run All:
<div id="suitesForPrCheck"></div>
<!--Notify GitHub: <br>
<div id="notifyGitHub">
Server: <input type='text' name='serverId' value="apache" readonly>
Branch: <input type='text' name='branchForTc' required>
<input type='submit' name='action' value='Notify'>
<div id="version"></div>
<div style="visibility:hidden"><div id="triggerConfirm" title="Trigger Confirmation"></div><div id="triggerDialog" title="Trigger Result"></div></div>