blob: f424bb35c645bdb68fdb5ac7659f4204d56e8d9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Default server (service) code, internal identification
"primaryServerCode": "apache",
/* Teamcity Integration Parameters */
"tcServers": [
/* Service Code for internal identification */
"code": "apache",
/** Teamcity Host, HTTPs is highly recommended because of Basic Auth used.*/
"host": "",
/** Downloaded build logs relative path. */
"logsDir": "apache_logs",
/** Default tracked branch name in internal identification of TC bot. */
"defaultTrackedBranch": "master",
/** Build parameters, which may be used for filtering Run history and tagging builds. */
"filteringParameters": [
"name": "env.JAVA_HOME",
"selection": [
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_18%", "label":"JDK8"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_9%", "label":"JDK9"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_10%", "label":"JDK10"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_OPEN_11%", "label":"JDK11"}
/** Build type IDs, which should trigger notifications about any non build problem, and should be blocker in this case. **/
"trustedSuites": []
/* Set of JIRA servers/projects configured */
"jiraServers": [
/* Server code will be referenced in all tracked branches, URLs, etc */
"code": "apache",
/* JIRA project code for commenting tickets. Default project is "IGNITE". */
"projectCode": "IGNITE",
/* Following prefix is to be specified only if it is necessary to separate project code and branches markup in tickets. */
// "branchNumPrefix": "IGNITE-",
/* JIRA Url, HTTPs is highly recommended because of Basic Auth used. */
"url": "",
/** JIRA Auth token to access,
Base-64 pre-encoded username and password, which will be included into Basic Auth requests.
Encoded token needs to be encrypted using,
use PasswordEncoder#encodeJiraTok to get from clear username/password */
"authTok": ""
//todo ^ specify token
/* Set of GitHub services configured: GitHub integration parameters.*/
"gitHubConfigs": [
"code": "apache",
/* More for preffering branches gives branch for PR to be default branch for triggering builds on TC. */
"preferBranches": false,
/** Branch identification rules: PR-less contribution branch name mandatory prefix */
"branchPrefix": "ignite-",
Specify GitHub Auth token (if needed), go to User->Settings->Developers options->create new.
Created token needs to be encrypted using,
use {@link} to set up value in a config.
Git Auth token encoded to access non-public GitHub repos. For public GitHub repos token gives more velocity.
"authTok": "",
//todo ^ specify token
/* REST API Url for GitHub. Includes owner (apache) and project (ignite). */
"apiUrl": ""
"notifications": {
/* Email sending settings, only is now supported. */
"email": {
/* Username, equal to from: field */
"username": "",
/** Email password encoded using Password Encoder. */
"pwd": ""
//todo ^ specify password
"channels": [
"email": "",
"subscribed": [
"master", "master-nightly"
"branches": [
"id": "master",
"chains": [
"serverId": "apache",
"suiteId": "IgniteTests24Java8_RunAll",
"branchForRest": "\u003cdefault\u003e"
/* Disable notifications for the following issue types. See {@link IssueType#code()}. */
"disableIssueTypes": []
"id": "master-nightly",
"chains": [
"serverId": "apache",
"suiteId": "IgniteTests24Java8_RunAllNightly",
"branchForRest": "\u003cdefault\u003e",
"triggerBuild": true,
/* Triggering quiet period in minutes. Protects from too-often triggering in case build is too fast, e.g. compilation failure. */
"triggerBuildQuietPeriod": 30,
/** List of build parameters should be specified for triggering build. Each parameter should have name and may have randomly selected or fixed value. */
"triggerParameters": [
"name": "reverse.dep.*.env.JAVA_HOME",
"randomValue": true,
"selection": [
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_18%", "label":"JDK8"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_9%", "label":"JDK9"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_ORA_10%", "label":"JDK10"},
{"value":"%env.JDK_OPEN_11%", "label":"JDK11"}
/* Disable notifications for the following issue types. See {@link IssueType#code()}. */
"disableIssueTypes": []
"id": "ignite-2.7.5",
"chains": [
"serverId": "apache",
"suiteId": "IgniteTests24Java8_RunAll",
"branchForRest": "ignite-2.7.5",
"baseBranchForTc": "\u003cdefault\u003e"
/* Disable notifications for the following issue types. See {@link IssueType#code()}. */
"disableIssueTypes": []
"id": "ignite-2.7.5-nightly",
"chains": [
"serverId": "apache",
"suiteId": "IgniteTests24Java8_RunAllNightly",
"branchForRest": "ignite-2.7.5",
"baseBranchForTc": "\u003cdefault\u003e",
"triggerBuild": true,
"triggerBuildQuietPeriod": 30 //triggering quiet period in minutes
/* Disable notifications for the following issue types. See {@link IssueType#code()}. */
"disableIssueTypes": []