IGNITE-13911 Asyncio version of client

This closes #21
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 699c26d..14ec495 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 7e726be..74909b8 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
     - python: '3.8'
       arch: amd64
       env: TOXENV=py38
+    - python: '3.8'
+      arch: amd64
+      env: TOXENV=codestyle
     - python: '3.9'
       arch: amd64
       env: TOXENV=py39
diff --git a/examples/create_binary.py b/examples/create_binary.py
index c963796..b199527 100644
--- a/examples/create_binary.py
+++ b/examples/create_binary.py
@@ -23,44 +23,44 @@
 client.connect('', 10800)
 student_cache = client.create_cache({
-            {
-                'table_name': 'Student'.upper(),
-                'key_field_name': 'SID',
-                'key_type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
-                'field_name_aliases': [],
-                'query_fields': [
-                    {
-                        'name': 'SID',
-                        'type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
-                        'is_key_field': True,
-                        'is_notnull_constraint_field': True,
-                    },
-                    {
-                        'name': 'NAME',
-                        'type_name': 'java.lang.String',
-                    },
-                    {
-                        'name': 'LOGIN',
-                        'type_name': 'java.lang.String',
-                    },
-                    {
-                        'name': 'AGE',
-                        'type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
-                    },
-                    {
-                        'name': 'GPA',
-                        'type_name': 'java.math.Double',
-                    },
-                ],
-                'query_indexes': [],
-                'value_type_name': 'SQL_PUBLIC_STUDENT_TYPE',
-                'value_field_name': None,
-            },
-        ],
-    })
+        {
+            'table_name': 'Student'.upper(),
+            'key_field_name': 'SID',
+            'key_type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
+            'field_name_aliases': [],
+            'query_fields': [
+                {
+                    'name': 'SID',
+                    'type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
+                    'is_key_field': True,
+                    'is_notnull_constraint_field': True,
+                },
+                {
+                    'name': 'NAME',
+                    'type_name': 'java.lang.String',
+                },
+                {
+                    'name': 'LOGIN',
+                    'type_name': 'java.lang.String',
+                },
+                {
+                    'name': 'AGE',
+                    'type_name': 'java.lang.Integer',
+                },
+                {
+                    'name': 'GPA',
+                    'type_name': 'java.math.Double',
+                },
+            ],
+            'query_indexes': [],
+            'value_type_name': 'SQL_PUBLIC_STUDENT_TYPE',
+            'value_field_name': None,
+        },
+    ],
 class Student(
diff --git a/examples/sql.py b/examples/sql.py
index 8f0ee7c..0e8c729 100644
--- a/examples/sql.py
+++ b/examples/sql.py
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 field_data = list(*result)
 print('City info:')
-for field_name, field_value in zip(field_names*len(field_data), field_data):
+for field_name, field_value in zip(field_names * len(field_data), field_data):
     print('{}: {}'.format(field_name, field_value))
 # City info:
 # ID: 3802
diff --git a/pyignite/__init__.py b/pyignite/__init__.py
index 0ac346f..c26c59a 100644
--- a/pyignite/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/__init__.py
@@ -14,4 +14,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 from pyignite.client import Client
+from pyignite.aio_client import AioClient
 from pyignite.binary import GenericObjectMeta
+__version__ = '0.4.0-dev'
diff --git a/pyignite/aio_cache.py b/pyignite/aio_cache.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b92a14c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyignite/aio_cache.py
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Union
+from .constants import AFFINITY_RETRIES, AFFINITY_DELAY
+from .connection import AioConnection
+from .datatypes import prop_codes
+from .datatypes.base import IgniteDataType
+from .datatypes.internal import AnyDataObject
+from .exceptions import CacheCreationError, CacheError, ParameterError, connection_errors
+from .utils import cache_id, status_to_exception
+from .api.cache_config import (
+    cache_create_async, cache_get_or_create_async, cache_destroy_async, cache_get_configuration_async,
+    cache_create_with_config_async, cache_get_or_create_with_config_async
+from .api.key_value import (
+    cache_get_async, cache_contains_key_async, cache_clear_key_async, cache_clear_keys_async, cache_clear_async,
+    cache_replace_async, cache_put_all_async, cache_get_all_async, cache_put_async, cache_contains_keys_async,
+    cache_get_and_put_async, cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async, cache_put_if_absent_async, cache_get_and_remove_async,
+    cache_get_and_replace_async, cache_remove_key_async, cache_remove_keys_async, cache_remove_all_async,
+    cache_remove_if_equals_async, cache_replace_if_equals_async, cache_get_size_async,
+from .cursors import AioScanCursor
+from .api.affinity import cache_get_node_partitions_async
+from .cache import __parse_settings, BaseCacheMixin
+async def get_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    if settings:
+        raise ParameterError('Only cache name allowed as a parameter')
+    return AioCache(client, name)
+async def create_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    conn = await client.random_node()
+    if settings:
+        result = await cache_create_with_config_async(conn, settings)
+    else:
+        result = await cache_create_async(conn, name)
+    if result.status != 0:
+        raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
+    return AioCache(client, name)
+async def get_or_create_cache(client: 'AioClient', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    conn = await client.random_node()
+    if settings:
+        result = await cache_get_or_create_with_config_async(conn, settings)
+    else:
+        result = await cache_get_or_create_async(conn, name)
+    if result.status != 0:
+        raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
+    return AioCache(client, name)
+class AioCache(BaseCacheMixin):
+    """
+    Ignite cache abstraction. Users should never use this class directly,
+    but construct its instances with
+    :py:meth:`~pyignite.client.Client.create_cache`,
+    :py:meth:`~pyignite.client.Client.get_or_create_cache` or
+    :py:meth:`~pyignite.client.Client.get_cache` methods instead. See
+    :ref:`this example <create_cache>` on how to do it.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, client: 'AioClient', name: str):
+        """
+        Initialize async cache object. For internal use.
+        :param client: Async Ignite client,
+        :param name: Cache name.
+        """
+        self._client = client
+        self._name = name
+        self._cache_id = cache_id(self._name)
+        self._settings = None
+        self._affinity_query_mux = asyncio.Lock()
+        self.affinity = {'version': (0, 0)}
+    async def settings(self) -> Optional[dict]:
+        """
+        Lazy Cache settings. See the :ref:`example <sql_cache_read>`
+        of reading this property.
+        All cache properties are documented here: :ref:`cache_props`.
+        :return: dict of cache properties and their values.
+        """
+        if self._settings is None:
+            conn = await self.get_best_node()
+            config_result = await cache_get_configuration_async(conn, self._cache_id)
+            if config_result.status == 0:
+                self._settings = config_result.value
+            else:
+                raise CacheError(config_result.message)
+        return self._settings
+    async def name(self) -> str:
+        """
+        Lazy cache name.
+        :return: cache name string.
+        """
+        if self._name is None:
+            settings = await self.settings()
+            self._name = settings[prop_codes.PROP_NAME]
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def client(self) -> 'AioClient':
+        """
+        Ignite :class:`~pyignite.aio_client.AioClient` object.
+        :return: Async client object, through which the cache is accessed.
+        """
+        return self._client
+    @property
+    def cache_id(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Cache ID.
+        :return: integer value of the cache ID.
+        """
+        return self._cache_id
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def destroy(self):
+        """
+        Destroys cache with a given name.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_destroy_async(conn, self._cache_id)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def _get_affinity(self, conn: 'AioConnection') -> Dict:
+        """
+        Queries server for affinity mappings. Retries in case
+        of an intermittent error (most probably “Getting affinity for topology
+        version earlier than affinity is calculated”).
+        :param conn: connection to Igneite server,
+        :return: OP_CACHE_PARTITIONS operation result value.
+        """
+        for _ in range(AFFINITY_RETRIES or 1):
+            result = await cache_get_node_partitions_async(conn, self._cache_id)
+            if result.status == 0 and result.value['partition_mapping']:
+                break
+            await asyncio.sleep(AFFINITY_DELAY)
+        return result
+    async def get_best_node(self, key: Any = None, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None) -> 'AioConnection':
+        """
+        Returns the node from the list of the nodes, opened by client, that
+        most probably contains the needed key-value pair. See IEP-23.
+        This method is not a part of the public API. Unless you wish to
+        extend the `pyignite` capabilities (with additional testing, logging,
+        examining connections, et c.) you probably should not use it.
+        :param key: (optional) pythonic key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :return: Ignite connection object.
+        """
+        conn = await self._client.random_node()
+        if self.client.partition_aware and key is not None:
+            if self.__should_update_mapping():
+                async with self._affinity_query_mux:
+                    while self.__should_update_mapping():
+                        try:
+                            full_affinity = await self._get_affinity(conn)
+                            self._update_affinity(full_affinity)
+                            asyncio.ensure_future(
+                                asyncio.gather(
+                                    *[conn.reconnect() for conn in self.client._nodes if not conn.alive],
+                                    return_exceptions=True
+                                )
+                            )
+                            break
+                        except connection_errors:
+                            # retry if connection failed
+                            conn = await self._client.random_node()
+                            pass
+                        except CacheError:
+                            # server did not create mapping in time
+                            return conn
+            parts = self.affinity.get('number_of_partitions')
+            if not parts:
+                return conn
+            key, key_hint = self._get_affinity_key(key, key_hint)
+            hashcode = await key_hint.hashcode_async(key, self._client)
+            best_node = self._get_node_by_hashcode(hashcode, parts)
+            if best_node:
+                return best_node
+        return conn
+    def __should_update_mapping(self):
+        return self.affinity['version'] < self._client.affinity_version
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get(self, key, key_hint: object = None) -> Any:
+        """
+        Retrieves a value from cache by key.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :return: value retrieved.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_get_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def put(self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None):
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache (overwriting existing value
+        if any).
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_put_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint=key_hint, value_hint=value_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_all(self, keys: list) -> list:
+        """
+        Retrieves multiple key-value pairs from cache.
+        :param keys: list of keys or tuples of (key, key_hint),
+        :return: a dict of key-value pairs.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        result = await cache_get_all_async(conn, self._cache_id, keys)
+        if result.value:
+            keys = list(result.value.keys())
+            values = await asyncio.gather(*[self.client.unwrap_binary(value) for value in result.value.values()])
+            for i, key in enumerate(keys):
+                result.value[key] = values[i]
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def put_all(self, pairs: dict):
+        """
+        Puts multiple key-value pairs to cache (overwriting existing
+        associations if any).
+        :param pairs: dictionary type parameters, contains key-value pairs
+         to save. Each key or value can be an item of representable
+         Python type or a tuple of (item, hint),
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_put_all_async(conn, self._cache_id, pairs)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def replace(self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None):
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exist.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_replace_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint=key_hint, value_hint=value_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def clear(self, keys: Optional[list] = None):
+        """
+        Clears the cache without notifying listeners or cache writers.
+        :param keys: (optional) list of cache keys or (key, key type
+         hint) tuples to clear (default: clear all).
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        if keys:
+            return await cache_clear_keys_async(conn, self._cache_id, keys)
+        else:
+            return await cache_clear_async(conn, self._cache_id)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def clear_key(self, key, key_hint: object = None):
+        """
+        Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_clear_key_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def clear_keys(self, keys: Iterable):
+        """
+        Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
+        :param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_clear_keys_async(conn, self._cache_id, keys)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def contains_key(self, key, key_hint=None) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns a value indicating whether given key is present in cache.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :return: boolean `True` when key is present, `False` otherwise.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_contains_key_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def contains_keys(self, keys: Iterable) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns a value indicating whether all given keys are present in cache.
+        :param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples,
+        :return: boolean `True` when all keys are present, `False` otherwise.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_contains_keys_async(conn, self._cache_id, keys)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_and_put(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None) -> Any:
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache, and returns the previous value
+        for that key, or null value if there was not such key.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted.
+        :return: old value or None.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_get_and_put_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_and_put_if_absent(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None):
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
+        already exist.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted,
+        :return: old value or None.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def put_if_absent(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None):
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
+        already exist.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_put_if_absent_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_and_remove(self, key, key_hint=None) -> Any:
+        """
+        Removes the cache entry with specified key, returning the value.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :return: old value or None.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_get_and_remove_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, key_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_and_replace(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None) -> Any:
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache, returning previous value
+        for that key, if and only if there is a value currently mapped
+        for that key.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry. Can be of any supported type,
+        :param value: value for the key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted.
+        :return: old value or None.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_get_and_replace_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, value, key_hint, value_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def remove_key(self, key, key_hint=None):
+        """
+        Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
+        :param key: key for the cache entry,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_remove_key_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, key_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def remove_keys(self, keys: list):
+        """
+        Removes cache entries by given list of keys, notifying listeners
+        and cache writers.
+        :param keys: list of keys or tuples of (key, key_hint) to remove.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_remove_keys_async(conn, self._cache_id, keys)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def remove_all(self):
+        """
+        Removes all cache entries, notifying listeners and cache writers.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_remove_all_async(conn, self._cache_id)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def remove_if_equals(self, key, sample, key_hint=None, sample_hint=None):
+        """
+        Removes an entry with a given key if provided value is equal to
+        actual value, notifying listeners and cache writers.
+        :param key:  key for the cache entry,
+        :param sample: a sample to compare the stored value with,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param sample_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for whic
+         the given sample should be converted.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        return await cache_remove_if_equals_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, sample, key_hint, sample_hint)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def replace_if_equals(self, key, sample, value, key_hint=None, sample_hint=None, value_hint=None) -> Any:
+        """
+        Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exists
+        and value equals provided sample.
+        :param key:  key for the cache entry,
+        :param sample: a sample to compare the stored value with,
+        :param value: new value for the given key,
+        :param key_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given key
+         should be converted,
+        :param sample_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for whic
+         the given sample should be converted
+        :param value_hint: (optional) Ignite data type, for which the given
+         value should be converted,
+        :return: boolean `True` when key is present, `False` otherwise.
+        """
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        conn = await self.get_best_node(key, key_hint)
+        result = await cache_replace_if_equals_async(conn, self._cache_id, key, sample, value, key_hint, sample_hint,
+                                                     value_hint)
+        result.value = await self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
+        return result
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_size(self, peek_modes=0):
+        """
+        Gets the number of entries in cache.
+        :param peek_modes: (optional) limit count to near cache partition
+         (PeekModes.NEAR), primary cache (PeekModes.PRIMARY), or backup cache
+         (PeekModes.BACKUP). Defaults to all cache partitions (PeekModes.ALL),
+        :return: integer number of cache entries.
+        """
+        conn = await self.get_best_node()
+        return await cache_get_size_async(conn, self._cache_id, peek_modes)
+    def scan(self, page_size: int = 1, partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False):
+        """
+        Returns all key-value pairs from the cache, similar to `get_all`, but
+        with internal pagination, which is slower, but safer.
+        :param page_size: (optional) page size. Default size is 1 (slowest
+         and safest),
+        :param partitions: (optional) number of partitions to query
+         (negative to query entire cache),
+        :param local: (optional) pass True if this query should be executed
+         on local node only. Defaults to False,
+        :return: async scan query cursor
+        """
+        return AioScanCursor(self.client, self._cache_id, page_size, partitions, local)
diff --git a/pyignite/aio_client.py b/pyignite/aio_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d882969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyignite/aio_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+import random
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import Iterable, Type, Union, Any
+from .api.binary import get_binary_type_async, put_binary_type_async
+from .api.cache_config import cache_get_names_async
+from .client import BaseClient
+from .cursors import AioSqlFieldsCursor
+from .aio_cache import AioCache, get_cache, create_cache, get_or_create_cache
+from .connection import AioConnection
+from .datatypes import BinaryObject
+from .exceptions import BinaryTypeError, CacheError, ReconnectError, connection_errors
+from .stream import AioBinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
+from .utils import cache_id, entity_id, status_to_exception, is_iterable, is_wrapped
+__all__ = ['AioClient']
+class AioClient(BaseClient):
+    """
+    Asynchronous Client implementation.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, compact_footer: bool = None, partition_aware: bool = False, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Initialize client.
+        :param compact_footer: (optional) use compact (True, recommended) or
+         full (False) schema approach when serializing Complex objects.
+         Default is to use the same approach the server is using (None).
+         Apache Ignite binary protocol documentation on this topic:
+         https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/binary-client-protocol-data-format#section-schema
+        :param partition_aware: (optional) try to calculate the exact data
+         placement from the key before to issue the key operation to the
+         server node:
+         https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-23%3A+Best+Effort+Affinity+for+thin+clients
+         The feature is in experimental status, so the parameter is `False`
+         by default. This will be changed later.
+        """
+        super().__init__(compact_footer, partition_aware, **kwargs)
+        self._registry_mux = asyncio.Lock()
+    async def connect(self, *args):
+        """
+        Connect to Ignite cluster node(s).
+        :param args: (optional) host(s) and port(s) to connect to.
+        """
+        nodes = self._process_connect_args(*args)
+        for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
+            host, port = node
+            conn = AioConnection(self, host, port, **self._connection_args)
+            if not self.partition_aware:
+                try:
+                    if self.protocol_version is None:
+                        # open connection before adding to the pool
+                        await conn.connect()
+                        # do not try to open more nodes
+                        self._current_node = i
+                except connection_errors:
+                    conn.failed = True
+            self._nodes.append(conn)
+        if self.partition_aware:
+            connect_results = await asyncio.gather(
+                *[conn.connect() for conn in self._nodes],
+                return_exceptions=True
+            )
+            reconnect_coro = []
+            for i, res in enumerate(connect_results):
+                if isinstance(res, Exception):
+                    if isinstance(res, connection_errors):
+                        reconnect_coro.append(self._nodes[i].reconnect())
+                    else:
+                        raise res
+            await asyncio.gather(*reconnect_coro, return_exceptions=True)
+        if self.protocol_version is None:
+            raise ReconnectError('Can not connect.')
+    async def close(self):
+        await asyncio.gather(*[conn.close() for conn in self._nodes], return_exceptions=True)
+        self._nodes.clear()
+    async def random_node(self) -> AioConnection:
+        """
+        Returns random usable node.
+        This method is not a part of the public API. Unless you wish to
+        extend the `pyignite` capabilities (with additional testing, logging,
+        examining connections, et c.) you probably should not use it.
+        """
+        if self.partition_aware:
+            # if partition awareness is used just pick a random connected node
+            return await self._get_random_node()
+        else:
+            # if partition awareness is not used then just return the current
+            # node if it's alive or the next usable node if connection with the
+            # current is broken
+            node = self._nodes[self._current_node]
+            if node.alive:
+                return node
+            # close current (supposedly failed) node
+            await self._nodes[self._current_node].close()
+            # advance the node index
+            self._current_node += 1
+            if self._current_node >= len(self._nodes):
+                self._current_node = 0
+            # prepare the list of node indexes to try to connect to
+            for i in chain(range(self._current_node, len(self._nodes)), range(self._current_node)):
+                node = self._nodes[i]
+                try:
+                    await node.connect()
+                except connection_errors:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    return node
+            # no nodes left
+            raise ReconnectError('Can not reconnect: out of nodes.')
+    async def _get_random_node(self, reconnect=True):
+        alive_nodes = [n for n in self._nodes if n.alive]
+        if alive_nodes:
+            return random.choice(alive_nodes)
+        elif reconnect:
+            await asyncio.gather(*[n.reconnect() for n in self._nodes], return_exceptions=True)
+            return await self._get_random_node(reconnect=False)
+        else:
+            # cannot choose from an empty sequence
+            raise ReconnectError('Can not reconnect: out of nodes.') from None
+    @status_to_exception(BinaryTypeError)
+    async def get_binary_type(self, binary_type: Union[str, int]) -> dict:
+        """
+        Gets the binary type information from the Ignite server. This is quite
+        a low-level implementation of Ignite thin client protocol's
+        `OP_GET_BINARY_TYPE` operation. You would probably want to use
+        :py:meth:`~pyignite.client.Client.query_binary_type` instead.
+        :param binary_type: binary type name or ID,
+        :return: binary type description − a dict with the following fields:
+         - `type_exists`: True if the type is registered, False otherwise. In
+           the latter case all the following fields are omitted,
+         - `type_id`: Complex object type ID,
+         - `type_name`: Complex object type name,
+         - `affinity_key_field`: string value or None,
+         - `is_enum`: False in case of Complex object registration,
+         - `schemas`: a list, containing the Complex object schemas in format:
+           OrderedDict[field name: field type hint]. A schema can be empty.
+        """
+        conn = await self.random_node()
+        result = await get_binary_type_async(conn, binary_type)
+        return self._process_get_binary_type_result(result)
+    @status_to_exception(BinaryTypeError)
+    async def put_binary_type(self, type_name: str, affinity_key_field: str = None, is_enum=False, schema: dict = None):
+        """
+        Registers binary type information in cluster. Do not update binary
+        registry. This is a literal implementation of Ignite thin client
+        protocol's `OP_PUT_BINARY_TYPE` operation. You would probably want
+        to use :py:meth:`~pyignite.client.Client.register_binary_type` instead.
+        :param type_name: name of the data type being registered,
+        :param affinity_key_field: (optional) name of the affinity key field,
+        :param is_enum: (optional) register enum if True, binary object
+         otherwise. Defaults to False,
+        :param schema: (optional) when register enum, pass a dict
+         of enumerated parameter names as keys and an integers as values.
+         When register binary type, pass a dict of field names: field types.
+         Binary type with no fields is OK.
+        """
+        conn = await self.random_node()
+        return await put_binary_type_async(conn, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema)
+    async def register_binary_type(self, data_class: Type, affinity_key_field: str = None):
+        """
+        Register the given class as a representation of a certain Complex
+        object type. Discards autogenerated or previously registered class.
+        :param data_class: Complex object class,
+        :param affinity_key_field: (optional) affinity parameter.
+        """
+        if not await self.query_binary_type(data_class.type_id, data_class.schema_id):
+            await self.put_binary_type(data_class.type_name, affinity_key_field, schema=data_class.schema)
+        self._registry[data_class.type_id][data_class.schema_id] = data_class
+    async def query_binary_type(self, binary_type: Union[int, str], schema: Union[int, dict] = None):
+        """
+        Queries the registry of Complex object classes.
+        :param binary_type: Complex object type name or ID,
+        :param schema: (optional) Complex object schema or schema ID,
+        :return: found dataclass or None, if `schema` parameter is provided,
+         a dict of {schema ID: dataclass} format otherwise.
+        """
+        type_id = entity_id(binary_type)
+        result = self._get_from_registry(type_id, schema)
+        if not result:
+            async with self._registry_mux:
+                result = self._get_from_registry(type_id, schema)
+                if not result:
+                    type_info = await self.get_binary_type(type_id)
+                    self._sync_binary_registry(type_id, type_info)
+                    return self._get_from_registry(type_id, schema)
+        return result
+    async def unwrap_binary(self, value: Any) -> Any:
+        """
+        Detects and recursively unwraps Binary Object.
+        :param value: anything that could be a Binary Object,
+        :return: the result of the Binary Object unwrapping with all other data
+         left intact.
+        """
+        if is_wrapped(value):
+            blob, offset = value
+            with AioBinaryStream(self, blob) as stream:
+                data_class = await BinaryObject.parse_async(stream)
+                return await BinaryObject.to_python_async(stream.read_ctype(data_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD), self)
+        return value
+    async def create_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+        """
+        Creates Ignite cache by name. Raises `CacheError` if such a cache is
+        already exists.
+        :param settings: cache name or dict of cache properties' codes
+         and values. All cache properties are documented here:
+         :ref:`cache_props`. See also the
+         :ref:`cache creation example <sql_cache_create>`,
+        :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
+        """
+        return await create_cache(self, settings)
+    async def get_or_create_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+        """
+        Creates Ignite cache, if not exist.
+        :param settings: cache name or dict of cache properties' codes
+         and values. All cache properties are documented here:
+         :ref:`cache_props`. See also the
+         :ref:`cache creation example <sql_cache_create>`,
+        :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
+        """
+        return await get_or_create_cache(self, settings)
+    async def get_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'AioCache':
+        """
+        Creates Cache object with a given cache name without checking it up
+        on server. If such a cache does not exist, some kind of exception
+        (most probably `CacheError`) may be raised later.
+        :param settings: cache name or cache properties (but only `PROP_NAME`
+         property is allowed),
+        :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
+        """
+        return await get_cache(self, settings)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
+    async def get_cache_names(self) -> list:
+        """
+        Gets existing cache names.
+        :return: list of cache names.
+        """
+        conn = await self.random_node()
+        return await cache_get_names_async(conn)
+    def sql(
+        self, query_str: str, page_size: int = 1024,
+        query_args: Iterable = None, schema: str = 'PUBLIC',
+        statement_type: int = 0, distributed_joins: bool = False,
+        local: bool = False, replicated_only: bool = False,
+        enforce_join_order: bool = False, collocated: bool = False,
+        lazy: bool = False, include_field_names: bool = False,
+        max_rows: int = -1, timeout: int = 0,
+        cache: Union[int, str, 'AioCache'] = None
+    ):
+        """
+        Runs an SQL query and returns its result.
+        :param query_str: SQL query string,
+        :param page_size: (optional) cursor page size. Default is 1024, which
+         means that client makes one server call per 1024 rows,
+        :param query_args: (optional) query arguments. List of values or
+         (value, type hint) tuples,
+        :param schema: (optional) schema for the query. Defaults to `PUBLIC`,
+        :param statement_type: (optional) statement type. Can be:
+         * StatementType.ALL − any type (default),
+         * StatementType.SELECT − select,
+         * StatementType.UPDATE − update.
+        :param distributed_joins: (optional) distributed joins. Defaults
+         to False,
+        :param local: (optional) pass True if this query should be executed
+         on local node only. Defaults to False,
+        :param replicated_only: (optional) whether query contains only
+         replicated tables or not. Defaults to False,
+        :param enforce_join_order: (optional) enforce join order. Defaults
+         to False,
+        :param collocated: (optional) whether your data is co-located or not.
+         Defaults to False,
+        :param lazy: (optional) lazy query execution. Defaults to False,
+        :param include_field_names: (optional) include field names in result.
+         Defaults to False,
+        :param max_rows: (optional) query-wide maximum of rows. Defaults to -1
+         (all rows),
+        :param timeout: (optional) non-negative timeout value in ms.
+         Zero disables timeout (default),
+        :param cache (optional) Name or ID of the cache to use to infer schema.
+         If set, 'schema' argument is ignored,
+        :return: generator with result rows as a lists. If
+         `include_field_names` was set, the first row will hold field names.
+        """
+        c_id = cache.cache_id if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else cache_id(cache)
+        if c_id != 0:
+            schema = None
+        return AioSqlFieldsCursor(self, c_id, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema, statement_type,
+                                  distributed_joins, local, replicated_only, enforce_join_order, collocated,
+                                  lazy, include_field_names, max_rows, timeout)
diff --git a/pyignite/api/__init__.py b/pyignite/api/__init__.py
index 7dbef0a..7deed8c 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/__init__.py
@@ -23,53 +23,55 @@
 stable end user API see :mod:`pyignite.client` module.
+# flake8: noqa
 from .affinity import (
-    cache_get_node_partitions,
+    cache_get_node_partitions, cache_get_node_partitions_async,
 from .cache_config import (
-    cache_create,
-    cache_get_names,
-    cache_get_or_create,
-    cache_destroy,
-    cache_get_configuration,
-    cache_create_with_config,
-    cache_get_or_create_with_config,
+    cache_create, cache_create_async,
+    cache_get_names, cache_get_names_async,
+    cache_get_or_create, cache_get_or_create_async,
+    cache_destroy, cache_destroy_async,
+    cache_get_configuration, cache_get_configuration_async,
+    cache_create_with_config, cache_create_with_config_async,
+    cache_get_or_create_with_config, cache_get_or_create_with_config_async,
 from .key_value import (
-    cache_get,
-    cache_put,
-    cache_get_all,
-    cache_put_all,
-    cache_contains_key,
-    cache_contains_keys,
-    cache_get_and_put,
-    cache_get_and_replace,
-    cache_get_and_remove,
-    cache_put_if_absent,
-    cache_get_and_put_if_absent,
-    cache_replace,
-    cache_replace_if_equals,
-    cache_clear,
-    cache_clear_key,
-    cache_clear_keys,
-    cache_remove_key,
-    cache_remove_if_equals,
-    cache_remove_keys,
-    cache_remove_all,
-    cache_get_size,
-    cache_local_peek,
+    cache_get, cache_get_async,
+    cache_put, cache_put_async,
+    cache_get_all, cache_get_all_async,
+    cache_put_all, cache_put_all_async,
+    cache_contains_key, cache_contains_key_async,
+    cache_contains_keys, cache_contains_keys_async,
+    cache_get_and_put, cache_get_and_put_async,
+    cache_get_and_replace, cache_get_and_replace_async,
+    cache_get_and_remove, cache_get_and_remove_async,
+    cache_put_if_absent, cache_put_if_absent_async,
+    cache_get_and_put_if_absent, cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async,
+    cache_replace, cache_replace_async,
+    cache_replace_if_equals, cache_replace_if_equals_async,
+    cache_clear, cache_clear_async,
+    cache_clear_key, cache_clear_key_async,
+    cache_clear_keys, cache_clear_keys_async,
+    cache_remove_key, cache_remove_key_async,
+    cache_remove_if_equals, cache_remove_if_equals_async,
+    cache_remove_keys, cache_remove_keys_async,
+    cache_remove_all, cache_remove_all_async,
+    cache_get_size, cache_get_size_async,
+    cache_local_peek, cache_local_peek_async,
 from .sql import (
-    scan,
-    scan_cursor_get_page,
+    scan, scan_async,
+    scan_cursor_get_page, scan_cursor_get_page_async,
-    sql_fields,
-    sql_fields_cursor_get_page,
-    resource_close,
+    sql_fields, sql_fields_async,
+    sql_fields_cursor_get_page, sql_fields_cursor_get_page_async,
+    resource_close, resource_close_async
 from .binary import (
-    get_binary_type,
-    put_binary_type,
+    get_binary_type, get_binary_type_async,
+    put_binary_type, put_binary_type_async
 from .result import APIResult
diff --git a/pyignite/api/affinity.py b/pyignite/api/affinity.py
index 7d09517..ddf1e7a 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/affinity.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/affinity.py
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
 from typing import Iterable, Union
+from pyignite.connection import AioConnection, Connection
 from pyignite.datatypes import Bool, Int, Long, UUIDObject
 from pyignite.datatypes.internal import StructArray, Conditional, Struct
-from pyignite.queries import Query
+from pyignite.queries import Query, query_perform
 from pyignite.queries.op_codes import OP_CACHE_PARTITIONS
 from pyignite.utils import is_iterable
 from .result import APIResult
@@ -67,10 +68,7 @@
-def cache_get_node_partitions(
-    conn: 'Connection', caches: Union[int, Iterable[int]],
-    query_id: int = None,
-) -> APIResult:
+def cache_get_node_partitions(conn: 'Connection', caches: Union[int, Iterable[int]], query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
     Gets partition mapping for an Ignite cache or a number of caches. See
     “IEP-23: Best Effort Affinity for thin clients”.
@@ -82,6 +80,62 @@
      is generated,
     :return: API result data object.
+    return __cache_get_node_partitions(conn, caches, query_id)
+async def cache_get_node_partitions_async(conn: 'AioConnection', caches: Union[int, Iterable[int]],
+                                          query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_node_partitions.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_node_partitions(conn, caches, query_id)
+def __post_process_partitions(result):
+    if result.status == 0:
+        # tidying up the result
+        value = {
+            'version': (
+                result.value['version_major'],
+                result.value['version_minor']
+            ),
+            'partition_mapping': {},
+        }
+        for partition_map in result.value['partition_mapping']:
+            is_applicable = partition_map['is_applicable']
+            node_mapping = None
+            if is_applicable:
+                node_mapping = {
+                    p['node_uuid']: set(x['partition_id'] for x in p['node_partitions'])
+                    for p in partition_map['node_mapping']
+                }
+            for cache_info in partition_map['cache_mapping']:
+                cache_id = cache_info['cache_id']
+                cache_partition_mapping = {
+                    'is_applicable': is_applicable,
+                }
+                parts = 0
+                if is_applicable:
+                    cache_partition_mapping['cache_config'] = {
+                        a['key_type_id']: a['affinity_key_field_id']
+                        for a in cache_info['cache_config']
+                    }
+                    cache_partition_mapping['node_mapping'] = node_mapping
+                    parts = sum(len(p) for p in cache_partition_mapping['node_mapping'].values())
+                cache_partition_mapping['number_of_partitions'] = parts
+                value['partition_mapping'][cache_id] = cache_partition_mapping
+        result.value = value
+    return result
+def __cache_get_node_partitions(conn, caches, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -92,7 +146,8 @@
     if not is_iterable(caches):
         caches = [caches]
-    result = query_struct.perform(
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct,
             'cache_ids': [{'cache_id': cache} for cache in caches],
@@ -102,36 +157,5 @@
             ('version_minor', Int),
             ('partition_mapping', partition_mapping),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_partitions
-    if result.status == 0:
-        # tidying up the result
-        value = {
-            'version': (
-                result.value['version_major'],
-                result.value['version_minor']
-            ),
-            'partition_mapping': [],
-        }
-        for i, partition_map in enumerate(result.value['partition_mapping']):
-            cache_id = partition_map['cache_mapping'][0]['cache_id']
-            value['partition_mapping'].insert(
-                i,
-                {
-                    'cache_id': cache_id,
-                    'is_applicable': partition_map['is_applicable'],
-                }
-            )
-            if partition_map['is_applicable']:
-                value['partition_mapping'][i]['cache_config'] = {
-                    a['key_type_id']: a['affinity_key_field_id']
-                    for a in partition_map['cache_mapping'][0]['cache_config']
-                }
-                value['partition_mapping'][i]['node_mapping'] = {
-                    p['node_uuid']: [
-                        x['partition_id'] for x in p['node_partitions']
-                    ]
-                    for p in partition_map['node_mapping']
-                }
-        result.value = value
-    return result
diff --git a/pyignite/api/binary.py b/pyignite/api/binary.py
index 87a5232..345e8e8 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/binary.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/binary.py
@@ -15,17 +15,15 @@
 from typing import Union
-from pyignite.constants import *
-from pyignite.datatypes.binary import (
-    body_struct, enum_struct, schema_struct, binary_fields_struct,
+from pyignite.connection import Connection, AioConnection
+from pyignite.constants import PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
+from pyignite.datatypes.binary import enum_struct, schema_struct, binary_fields_struct
 from pyignite.datatypes import String, Int, Bool
-from pyignite.queries import Query
-from pyignite.queries.op_codes import *
+from pyignite.queries import Query, query_perform
+from pyignite.queries.op_codes import OP_GET_BINARY_TYPE, OP_PUT_BINARY_TYPE
 from pyignite.utils import entity_id, schema_id
 from .result import APIResult
-from ..stream import BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
-from ..queries.response import Response
+from ..queries.response import BinaryTypeResponse
 def get_binary_type(conn: 'Connection', binary_type: Union[str, int], query_id=None) -> APIResult:
@@ -39,75 +37,33 @@
      is generated,
     :return: API result data object.
+    return __get_binary_type(conn, binary_type, query_id)
+async def get_binary_type_async(conn: 'AioConnection', binary_type: Union[str, int], query_id=None) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version of get_binary_type.
+    """
+    return await __get_binary_type(conn, binary_type, query_id)
+def __get_binary_type(conn, binary_type, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
             ('type_id', Int),
+        response_type=BinaryTypeResponse
-    with BinaryStream(conn) as stream:
-        query_struct.from_python(stream, {
-            'type_id': entity_id(binary_type),
-        })
-        conn.send(stream.getbuffer())
-    response_head_struct = Response(protocol_version=conn.get_protocol_version(),
-                                    following=[('type_exists', Bool)])
-    with BinaryStream(conn, conn.recv()) as stream:
-        init_pos = stream.tell()
-        response_head_type = response_head_struct.parse(stream)
-        response_head = stream.read_ctype(response_head_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-        response_parts = []
-        if response_head.type_exists:
-            resp_body_type = body_struct.parse(stream)
-            response_parts.append(('body', resp_body_type))
-            resp_body = stream.read_ctype(resp_body_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-            if resp_body.is_enum:
-                resp_enum = enum_struct.parse(stream)
-                response_parts.append(('enums', resp_enum))
-            resp_schema_type = schema_struct.parse(stream)
-            response_parts.append(('schema', resp_schema_type))
-        response_class = type(
-            'GetBinaryTypeResponse',
-            (response_head_type,),
-            {
-                '_pack_': 1,
-                '_fields_': response_parts,
-            }
-        )
-        response = stream.read_ctype(response_class, position=init_pos)
-    result = APIResult(response)
-    if result.status != 0:
-        return result
-    result.value = {
-        'type_exists': Bool.to_python(response.type_exists)
-    }
-    if hasattr(response, 'body'):
-        result.value.update(body_struct.to_python(response.body))
-    if hasattr(response, 'enums'):
-        result.value['enums'] = enum_struct.to_python(response.enums)
-    if hasattr(response, 'schema'):
-        result.value['schema'] = {
-            x['schema_id']: [
-                z['schema_field_id'] for z in x['schema_fields']
-            ]
-            for x in schema_struct.to_python(response.schema)
-        }
-    return result
+    return query_perform(query_struct, conn, query_params={
+        'type_id': entity_id(binary_type),
+    })
-def put_binary_type(
-    connection: 'Connection', type_name: str, affinity_key_field: str=None,
-    is_enum=False, schema: dict=None, query_id=None,
-) -> APIResult:
+def put_binary_type(connection: 'Connection', type_name: str, affinity_key_field: str = None,
+                    is_enum=False, schema: dict = None, query_id=None) -> APIResult:
     Registers binary type information in cluster.
@@ -125,6 +81,29 @@
      is generated,
     :return: API result data object.
+    return __put_binary_type(connection, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema, query_id)
+async def put_binary_type_async(connection: 'AioConnection', type_name: str, affinity_key_field: str = None,
+                                is_enum=False, schema: dict = None, query_id=None) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version of put_binary_type.
+    """
+    return await __put_binary_type(connection, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema, query_id)
+def __post_process_put_binary(type_id):
+    def internal(result):
+        if result.status == 0:
+            result.value = {
+                'type_id': type_id,
+                'schema_id': schema_id,
+            }
+        return result
+    return internal
+def __put_binary_type(connection, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema, query_id):
     # prepare data
     if schema is None:
         schema = {}
@@ -195,10 +174,5 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(connection, query_params=data)
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = {
-            'type_id': type_id,
-            'schema_id': schema_id,
-        }
-    return result
+    return query_perform(query_struct, connection, query_params=data,
+                         post_process_fun=__post_process_put_binary(type_id))
diff --git a/pyignite/api/cache_config.py b/pyignite/api/cache_config.py
index cfea416..0adb549 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/cache_config.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/cache_config.py
@@ -25,15 +25,19 @@
 from typing import Union
+from pyignite.connection import Connection, AioConnection
 from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import cache_config_struct
 from pyignite.datatypes.cache_properties import prop_map
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    Int, Byte, prop_codes, Short, String, StringArray,
+from pyignite.datatypes import Int, Byte, prop_codes, Short, String, StringArray
+from pyignite.queries import Query, ConfigQuery, query_perform
+from pyignite.queries.op_codes import (
-from pyignite.queries import Query, ConfigQuery
-from pyignite.queries.op_codes import *
 from pyignite.utils import cache_id
+from .result import APIResult
 def compact_cache_config(cache_config: dict) -> dict:
@@ -48,14 +52,13 @@
     for k, v in cache_config.items():
         if k == 'length':
-        prop_code = getattr(prop_codes, 'PROP_{}'.format(k.upper()))
+        prop_code = getattr(prop_codes, f'PROP_{k.upper()}')
         result[prop_code] = v
     return result
-def cache_get_configuration(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], flags: int=0, query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_configuration(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int],
+                            flags: int = 0, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Gets configuration for the given cache.
@@ -68,7 +71,24 @@
     :return: API result data object. Result value is OrderedDict with
      the cache configuration parameters.
+    return __cache_get_configuration(connection, cache, flags, query_id)
+async def cache_get_configuration_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int],
+                                        flags: int = 0, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_configuration.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_configuration(connection, cache, flags, query_id)
+def __post_process_cache_config(result):
+    if result.status == 0:
+        result.value = compact_cache_config(result.value['cache_config'])
+    return result
+def __cache_get_configuration(connection, cache, flags, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -77,24 +97,19 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-        query_params={
-            'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
-            'flags': flags,
-        },
-        response_config=[
-            ('cache_config', cache_config_struct),
-        ],
-    )
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = compact_cache_config(result.value['cache_config'])
-    return result
+    return query_perform(query_struct, connection,
+                         query_params={
+                             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
+                             'flags': flags
+                         },
+                         response_config=[
+                             ('cache_config', cache_config_struct)
+                         ],
+                         post_process_fun=__post_process_cache_config
+                         )
-def cache_create(
-    connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_create(connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Creates a cache with a given name. Returns error if a cache with specified
     name already exists.
@@ -108,24 +123,18 @@
      created successfully, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
-    query_struct = Query(
-        [
-            ('cache_name', String),
-        ],
-        query_id=query_id,
-    )
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-        query_params={
-            'cache_name': name,
-        },
-    )
+    return __cache_create_with_name(OP_CACHE_CREATE_WITH_NAME, connection, name, query_id)
-def cache_get_or_create(
-    connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+async def cache_create_async(connection: 'AioConnection', name: str, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_create.
+    """
+    return await __cache_create_with_name(OP_CACHE_CREATE_WITH_NAME, connection, name, query_id)
+def cache_get_or_create(connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Creates a cache with a given name. Does nothing if the cache exists.
@@ -138,24 +147,22 @@
      created successfully, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
-    query_struct = Query(
-        [
-            ('cache_name', String),
-        ],
-        query_id=query_id,
-    )
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-        query_params={
-            'cache_name': name,
-        },
-    )
+    return __cache_create_with_name(OP_CACHE_GET_OR_CREATE_WITH_NAME, connection, name, query_id)
-def cache_destroy(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+async def cache_get_or_create_async(connection: 'AioConnection', name: str, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_or_create.
+    """
+    return await __cache_create_with_name(OP_CACHE_GET_OR_CREATE_WITH_NAME, connection, name, query_id)
+def __cache_create_with_name(op_code, conn, name, query_id):
+    query_struct = Query(op_code, [('cache_name', String)], query_id=query_id)
+    return query_perform(query_struct, conn, query_params={'cache_name': name})
+def cache_destroy(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Destroys cache with a given name.
@@ -166,19 +173,20 @@
      is generated,
     :return: API result data object.
+    return __cache_destroy(connection, cache, query_id)
-    query_struct = Query(
-            ('hash_code', Int),
-        ],
-        query_id=query_id,
-    )
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-        query_params={
-            'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
-        },
-    )
+async def cache_destroy_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_destroy.
+    """
+    return await __cache_destroy(connection, cache, query_id)
+def __cache_destroy(connection, cache, query_id):
+    query_struct = Query(OP_CACHE_DESTROY, [('hash_code', Int)], query_id=query_id)
+    return query_perform(query_struct, connection, query_params={'hash_code': cache_id(cache)})
 def cache_get_names(connection: 'Connection', query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
@@ -193,21 +201,30 @@
      names, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
-    query_struct = Query(OP_CACHE_GET_NAMES, query_id=query_id)
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-        response_config=[
-            ('cache_names', StringArray),
-        ],
-    )
+    return __cache_get_names(connection, query_id)
+async def cache_get_names_async(connection: 'AioConnection', query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_names.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_names(connection, query_id)
+def __post_process_cache_names(result):
     if result.status == 0:
         result.value = result.value['cache_names']
     return result
-def cache_create_with_config(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def __cache_get_names(connection, query_id):
+    query_struct = Query(OP_CACHE_GET_NAMES, query_id=query_id)
+    return query_perform(query_struct, connection,
+                         response_config=[('cache_names', StringArray)],
+                         post_process_fun=__post_process_cache_names)
+def cache_create_with_config(connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Creates cache with provided configuration. An error is returned
     if the name is already in use.
@@ -222,29 +239,17 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status if cache was created,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
-    prop_types = {}
-    prop_values = {}
-    for i, prop_item in enumerate(cache_props.items()):
-        prop_code, prop_value = prop_item
-        prop_name = 'property_{}'.format(i)
-        prop_types[prop_name] = prop_map(prop_code)
-        prop_values[prop_name] = prop_value
-    prop_values['param_count'] = len(cache_props)
-    query_struct = ConfigQuery(
-        [
-            ('param_count', Short),
-        ] + list(prop_types.items()),
-        query_id=query_id,
-    )
-    return query_struct.perform(connection, query_params=prop_values)
+    return __cache_create_with_config(OP_CACHE_CREATE_WITH_CONFIGURATION, connection, cache_props, query_id)
-def cache_get_or_create_with_config(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+async def cache_create_with_config_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_create_with_config.
+    """
+    return await __cache_create_with_config(OP_CACHE_CREATE_WITH_CONFIGURATION, connection, cache_props, query_id)
+def cache_get_or_create_with_config(connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
     Creates cache with provided configuration. Does nothing if the name
     is already in use.
@@ -259,9 +264,20 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status if cache was created,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_create_with_config(OP_CACHE_GET_OR_CREATE_WITH_CONFIGURATION, connection, cache_props, query_id)
-    prop_types = {}
-    prop_values = {}
+async def cache_get_or_create_with_config_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache_props: dict,
+                                                query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_or_create_with_config.
+    """
+    return await __cache_create_with_config(OP_CACHE_GET_OR_CREATE_WITH_CONFIGURATION, connection, cache_props,
+                                            query_id)
+def __cache_create_with_config(op_code, connection, cache_props, query_id):
+    prop_types, prop_values = {}, {}
     for i, prop_item in enumerate(cache_props.items()):
         prop_code, prop_value = prop_item
         prop_name = 'property_{}'.format(i)
@@ -269,11 +285,6 @@
         prop_values[prop_name] = prop_value
     prop_values['param_count'] = len(cache_props)
-    query_struct = ConfigQuery(
-        [
-            ('param_count', Short),
-        ] + list(prop_types.items()),
-        query_id=query_id,
-    )
-    return query_struct.perform(connection, query_params=prop_values)
+    following = [('param_count', Short)] + list(prop_types.items())
+    query_struct = ConfigQuery(op_code, following, query_id=query_id)
+    return query_perform(query_struct, connection, query_params=prop_values)
diff --git a/pyignite/api/key_value.py b/pyignite/api/key_value.py
index 25601e9..6d5663c 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/key_value.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/key_value.py
@@ -15,20 +15,26 @@
 from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Union
-from pyignite.queries.op_codes import *
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    Map, Bool, Byte, Int, Long, AnyDataArray, AnyDataObject,
+from pyignite.connection import AioConnection, Connection
+from pyignite.queries.op_codes import (
+from pyignite.datatypes import Map, Bool, Byte, Int, Long, AnyDataArray, AnyDataObject
+from pyignite.datatypes.base import IgniteDataType
 from pyignite.datatypes.key_value import PeekModes
-from pyignite.queries import Query
+from pyignite.queries import Query, query_perform
 from pyignite.utils import cache_id
+from .result import APIResult
-def cache_put(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_put(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+              key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+              query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache (overwriting existing value if any).
@@ -48,7 +54,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status if a value
      is written, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_put_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                          key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                          query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_put
+    """
+    return await __cache_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -59,19 +77,19 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(connection, {
-        'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
-        'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
-        'key': key,
-        'value': value,
-    })
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
+        query_params={
+            'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
+            'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
+            'key': key,
+            'value': value
+        }
+    )
-def cache_get(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+              binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Retrieves a value from cache by key.
@@ -88,7 +106,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status and a value
      retrieved on success, non-zero status and an error description on failure.
+    return __cache_get(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
+                          key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                          query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get
+    """
+    return await __cache_get(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -98,27 +128,22 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
             'key': key,
-           ('value', AnyDataObject),
+            ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status != 0:
-        return result
-    result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_get_all(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_all(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable, binary: bool = False,
+                  query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Retrieves multiple key-value pairs from cache.
@@ -134,7 +159,18 @@
      retrieved key-value pairs, non-zero status and an error description
      on failure.
+    return __cache_get_all(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_all_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable, binary: bool = False,
+                              query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_all.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_all(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_all(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -144,8 +180,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -154,16 +190,12 @@
             ('data', Map),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('data')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = dict(result.value)['data']
-    return result
-def cache_put_all(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], pairs: dict,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_put_all(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], pairs: dict, binary: bool = False,
+                  query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts multiple key-value pairs to cache (overwriting existing associations
     if any).
@@ -181,7 +213,18 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status if key-value pairs
      are written, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_put_all(connection, cache, pairs, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_put_all_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], pairs: dict, binary: bool = False,
+                              query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_put_all.
+    """
+    return await __cache_put_all(connection, cache, pairs, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_put_all(connection, cache, pairs, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -191,8 +234,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -201,11 +244,8 @@
-def cache_contains_key(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_contains_key(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                       binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Returns a value indicating whether given key is present in cache.
@@ -223,7 +263,19 @@
      retrieved on success: `True` when key is present, `False` otherwise,
      non-zero status and an error description on failure.
+    return __cache_contains_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_contains_key_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
+                                   key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                                   query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_contains_key.
+    """
+    return await __cache_contains_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_contains_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -233,9 +285,9 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
-            query_params={
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
+        query_params={
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
             'key': key,
@@ -243,16 +295,12 @@
             ('value', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_contains_keys(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_contains_keys(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable, binary: bool = False,
+                        query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Returns a value indicating whether all given keys are present in cache.
@@ -268,7 +316,18 @@
      retrieved on success: `True` when all keys are present, `False` otherwise,
      non-zero status and an error description on failure.
+    return __cache_contains_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_contains_keys_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
+                                    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_contains_keys.
+    """
+    return await __cache_contains_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_contains_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -278,8 +337,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -288,17 +347,13 @@
             ('value', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_get_and_put(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_and_put(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                      key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                      query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache, and returns the previous value
     for that key, or null value if there was not such key.
@@ -320,7 +375,19 @@
      or None if a value is written, non-zero status and an error description
      in case of error.
+    return __cache_get_and_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_and_put_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                                  key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                                  binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_and_put.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_and_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_and_put(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -331,8 +398,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -342,17 +409,13 @@
             ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_get_and_replace(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_and_replace(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                          key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                          query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache, returning previous value
     for that key, if and only if there is a value currently mapped
@@ -374,7 +437,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status and an old value
      or None on success, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_get_and_replace(connection, cache, key, key_hint, value, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_and_replace_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                                      key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                                      binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_and_replace.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_and_replace(connection, cache, key, key_hint, value, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_and_replace(connection, cache, key, key_hint, value, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
             ('hash_code', Int),
@@ -384,8 +459,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -395,17 +470,12 @@
             ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_get_and_remove(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_and_remove(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                         binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Removes the cache entry with specified key, returning the value.
@@ -422,7 +492,16 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status and an old value
      or None, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_get_and_remove(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_and_remove_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
+                                     key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                                     query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    return await __cache_get_and_remove(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_and_remove(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
             ('hash_code', Int),
@@ -431,8 +510,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -441,17 +520,13 @@
             ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_put_if_absent(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_put_if_absent(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                        key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                        binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key
     does not already exist.
@@ -472,7 +547,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_put_if_absent_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                                    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                                    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_put_if_absent.
+    """
+    return await __cache_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -483,8 +570,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -494,17 +581,13 @@
             ('success', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('success')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['success']
-    return result
-def cache_get_and_put_if_absent(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_and_put_if_absent(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                                key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                                binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
     already exist.
@@ -525,7 +608,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status and an old value
      or None on success, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_get_and_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_and_put_if_absent_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                                            key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                                            binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_get_and_put_if_absent.
+    """
+    return await __cache_get_and_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_and_put_if_absent(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -536,8 +631,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -547,17 +642,13 @@
             ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
-def cache_replace(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_replace(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                  key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                  query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exist.
@@ -578,7 +669,19 @@
      success code, or non-zero status and an error description if something
      has gone wrong.
+    return __cache_replace(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_replace_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, value: Any,
+                              key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                              binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_replace.
+    """
+    return await __cache_replace(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_replace(connection, cache, key, value, key_hint, value_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -589,8 +692,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -600,18 +703,14 @@
             ('success', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('success')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['success']
-    return result
-def cache_replace_if_equals(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int],
-    key: Any, sample: Any, value: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDatatType' = None,
-    sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_replace_if_equals(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, sample: Any, value: Any,
+                            key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                            value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                            query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exists
     and value equals provided sample.
@@ -636,7 +735,23 @@
      success code, or non-zero status and an error description if something
      has gone wrong.
+    return __cache_replace_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, value, key_hint, sample_hint, value_hint, binary,
+                                     query_id)
+async def cache_replace_if_equals_async(
+        connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, sample: Any, value: Any,
+        key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, value_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+        binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_replace_if_equals.
+    """
+    return await __cache_replace_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, value, key_hint, sample_hint, value_hint,
+                                           binary, query_id)
+def __cache_replace_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, value, key_hint, sample_hint, value_hint, binary,
+                              query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -648,8 +763,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -660,16 +775,12 @@
             ('success', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('success')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['success']
-    return result
-def cache_clear(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int],
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_clear(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], binary: bool = False,
+                query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Clears the cache without notifying listeners or cache writers.
@@ -683,7 +794,18 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_clear(connection, cache, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_clear_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], binary: bool = False,
+                            query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_clear.
+    """
+    return await __cache_clear(connection, cache, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_clear(connection, cache, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -692,8 +814,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -701,11 +823,8 @@
-def cache_clear_key(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_clear_key(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
@@ -722,7 +841,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_clear_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_clear_key_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
+                                key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                                query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_clear_key.
+    """
+    return await __cache_clear_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_clear_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -732,8 +863,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -742,10 +873,8 @@
-def cache_clear_keys(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: list,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_clear_keys(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable, binary: bool = False,
+                     query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Clears the cache keys without notifying listeners or cache writers.
@@ -760,7 +889,18 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_clear_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_clear_keys_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
+                                 binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_clear_keys.
+    """
+    return await __cache_clear_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_clear_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -770,8 +910,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -780,11 +920,8 @@
-def cache_remove_key(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_remove_key(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                     binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
@@ -802,7 +939,19 @@
      success code, or non-zero status and an error description if something
      has gone wrong.
+    return __cache_remove_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_remove_key_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any,
+                                 key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False,
+                                 query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_remove_key.
+    """
+    return await __cache_remove_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_remove_key(connection, cache, key, key_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -812,8 +961,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -822,17 +971,13 @@
             ('success', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('success')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['success']
-    return result
-def cache_remove_if_equals(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, sample: Any,
-    key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_remove_if_equals(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, sample: Any,
+                           key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                           binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Removes an entry with a given key if provided value is equal to
     actual value, notifying listeners and cache writers.
@@ -854,7 +999,19 @@
      success code, or non-zero status and an error description if something
      has gone wrong.
+    return __cache_remove_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, key_hint, sample_hint, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_remove_if_equals_async(
+        connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, sample: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+        sample_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_remove_if_equals.
+    """
+    return await __cache_remove_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, key_hint, sample_hint, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_remove_if_equals(connection, cache, key, sample, key_hint, sample_hint, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -865,8 +1022,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -876,16 +1033,12 @@
             ('success', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('success')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['success']
-    return result
-def cache_remove_keys(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_remove_keys(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable, binary: bool = False,
+                      query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Removes entries with given keys, notifying listeners and cache writers.
@@ -900,7 +1053,18 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_remove_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_remove_keys_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], keys: Iterable,
+                                  binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_remove_keys.
+    """
+    return await __cache_remove_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_remove_keys(connection, cache, keys, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -910,8 +1074,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -920,10 +1084,8 @@
-def cache_remove_all(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int],
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_remove_all(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], binary: bool = False,
+                     query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Removes all entries from cache, notifying listeners and cache writers.
@@ -937,7 +1099,18 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __cache_remove_all(connection, cache, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_remove_all_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], binary: bool = False,
+                                 query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_remove_all.
+    """
+    return await __cache_remove_all(connection, cache, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_remove_all(connection, cache, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -946,8 +1119,8 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -955,10 +1128,8 @@
-def cache_get_size(
-    connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], peek_modes: int = 0,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_get_size(connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], peek_modes: Union[int, list, tuple] = 0,
+                   binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Gets the number of entries in cache.
@@ -976,6 +1147,16 @@
      cache entries on success, non-zero status and an error description
+    return __cache_get_size(connection, cache, peek_modes, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_get_size_async(connection: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int],
+                               peek_modes: Union[int, list, tuple] = 0, binary: bool = False,
+                               query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    return await __cache_get_size(connection, cache, peek_modes, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_get_size(connection, cache, peek_modes, binary, query_id):
     if not isinstance(peek_modes, (list, tuple)):
         peek_modes = [peek_modes] if peek_modes else []
@@ -988,8 +1169,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        connection,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, connection,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -998,21 +1179,17 @@
             ('count', Long),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('count')
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = result.value['count']
-    return result
-def cache_local_peek(
-    conn: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int],
-    key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None, peek_modes: int = 0,
-    binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None,
-) -> 'APIResult':
+def cache_local_peek(conn: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+                     peek_modes: Union[int, list, tuple] = 0, binary: bool = False,
+                     query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
     Peeks at in-memory cached value using default optional peek mode.
-    This method will not load value from any persistent store or from a remote
+    This method will not load value from any cache store or from a remote
     :param conn: connection: connection to Ignite server,
@@ -1031,6 +1208,19 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status and a peeked value
      (null if not found).
+    return __cache_local_peek(conn, cache, key, key_hint, peek_modes, binary, query_id)
+async def cache_local_peek_async(
+        conn: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], key: Any, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
+        peek_modes: Union[int, list, tuple] = 0, binary: bool = False, query_id: Optional[int] = None) -> 'APIResult':
+    """
+    Async version of cache_local_peek.
+    """
+    return await __cache_local_peek(conn, cache, key, key_hint, peek_modes, binary, query_id)
+def __cache_local_peek(conn, cache, key, key_hint, peek_modes, binary, query_id):
     if not isinstance(peek_modes, (list, tuple)):
         peek_modes = [peek_modes] if peek_modes else []
@@ -1044,8 +1234,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -1055,8 +1245,14 @@
             ('value', AnyDataObject),
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_value_by_key('value')
-    if result.status != 0:
+def __post_process_value_by_key(key):
+    def internal(result):
+        if result.status == 0:
+            result.value = result.value[key]
         return result
-    result.value = result.value['value']
-    return result
+    return internal
diff --git a/pyignite/api/result.py b/pyignite/api/result.py
index f60a437..f134be9 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/result.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/result.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     message = 'Success'
     value = None
-    def __init__(self, response: 'Response'):
+    def __init__(self, response):
         self.status = getattr(response, 'status_code', OP_SUCCESS)
         self.query_id = response.query_id
         if hasattr(response, 'error_message'):
diff --git a/pyignite/api/sql.py b/pyignite/api/sql.py
index dc470d1..b10cc7d 100644
--- a/pyignite/api/sql.py
+++ b/pyignite/api/sql.py
@@ -15,23 +15,21 @@
 from typing import Union
-from pyignite.constants import *
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    AnyDataArray, AnyDataObject, Bool, Byte, Int, Long, Map, Null, String,
-    StructArray,
+from pyignite.connection import AioConnection, Connection
+from pyignite.datatypes import AnyDataArray, AnyDataObject, Bool, Byte, Int, Long, Map, Null, String, StructArray
 from pyignite.datatypes.sql import StatementType
-from pyignite.queries import Query
-from pyignite.queries.op_codes import *
+from pyignite.queries import Query, query_perform
+from pyignite.queries.op_codes import (
 from pyignite.utils import cache_id, deprecated
 from .result import APIResult
+from ..queries.response import SQLResponse
-def scan(
-    conn: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], page_size: int,
-    partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False, binary: bool = False,
-    query_id: int = None,
-) -> APIResult:
+def scan(conn: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], page_size: int, partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False,
+         binary: bool = False, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
     Performs scan query.
@@ -58,7 +56,24 @@
      * `more`: bool, True if more data is available for subsequent
        ‘scan_cursor_get_page’ calls.
+    return __scan(conn, cache, page_size, partitions, local, binary, query_id)
+async def scan_async(conn: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int], page_size: int, partitions: int = -1,
+                     local: bool = False, binary: bool = False, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version of scan.
+    """
+    return await __scan(conn, cache, page_size, partitions, local, binary, query_id)
+def __query_result_post_process(result):
+    if result.status == 0:
+        result.value = dict(result.value)
+    return result
+def __scan(conn, cache, page_size, partitions, local, binary, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -71,8 +86,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -86,15 +101,11 @@
             ('data', Map),
             ('more', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__query_result_post_process
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = dict(result.value)
-    return result
-def scan_cursor_get_page(
-    conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None,
-) -> APIResult:
+def scan_cursor_get_page(conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
     Fetches the next scan query cursor page by cursor ID that is obtained
     from `scan` function.
@@ -114,7 +125,14 @@
      * `more`: bool, True if more data is available for subsequent
        ‘scan_cursor_get_page’ calls.
+    return __scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, query_id)
+async def scan_cursor_get_page_async(conn: 'AioConnection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
+    return await __scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, query_id)
+def __scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -122,8 +140,8 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'cursor': cursor,
@@ -131,10 +149,8 @@
             ('data', Map),
             ('more', Bool),
+        post_process_fun=__query_result_post_process
-    if result.status == 0:
-        result.value = dict(result.value)
-    return result
 @deprecated(version='1.2.0', reason="This API is deprecated and will be removed in the following major release. "
@@ -322,6 +338,31 @@
      * `more`: bool, True if more data is available for subsequent
        ‘sql_fields_cursor_get_page’ calls.
+    return __sql_fields(conn, cache, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema, statement_type, distributed_joins,
+                        local, replicated_only, enforce_join_order, collocated, lazy, include_field_names, max_rows,
+                        timeout, binary, query_id)
+async def sql_fields_async(
+        conn: 'AioConnection', cache: Union[str, int],
+        query_str: str, page_size: int, query_args=None, schema: str = None,
+        statement_type: int = StatementType.ANY, distributed_joins: bool = False,
+        local: bool = False, replicated_only: bool = False,
+        enforce_join_order: bool = False, collocated: bool = False,
+        lazy: bool = False, include_field_names: bool = False, max_rows: int = -1,
+        timeout: int = 0, binary: bool = False, query_id: int = None
+) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version of sql_fields.
+    """
+    return await __sql_fields(conn, cache, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema, statement_type, distributed_joins,
+                              local, replicated_only, enforce_join_order, collocated, lazy, include_field_names,
+                              max_rows, timeout, binary, query_id)
+def __sql_fields(conn, cache, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema, statement_type, distributed_joins, local,
+                 replicated_only, enforce_join_order, collocated, lazy, include_field_names, max_rows, timeout,
+                 binary, query_id):
     if query_args is None:
         query_args = []
@@ -346,10 +387,11 @@
             ('include_field_names', Bool),
+        response_type=SQLResponse
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
             'flag': 1 if binary else 0,
@@ -368,15 +410,12 @@
             'timeout': timeout,
             'include_field_names': include_field_names,
-        sql=True,
-def sql_fields_cursor_get_page(
-    conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, field_count: int, query_id: int = None,
-) -> APIResult:
+def sql_fields_cursor_get_page(conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, field_count: int, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
     Retrieves the next query result page by cursor ID from `sql_fields`.
@@ -396,7 +435,18 @@
      * `more`: bool, True if more data is available for subsequent
        ‘sql_fields_cursor_get_page’ calls.
+    return __sql_fields_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, field_count, query_id)
+async def sql_fields_cursor_get_page_async(conn: 'AioConnection', cursor: int, field_count: int,
+                                           query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
+    """
+    Async version sql_fields_cursor_get_page.
+    """
+    return await __sql_fields_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, field_count, query_id)
+def __sql_fields_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, field_count, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -404,16 +454,20 @@
-    result = query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'cursor': cursor,
             ('data', StructArray([(f'field_{i}', AnyDataObject) for i in range(field_count)])),
             ('more', Bool),
-        ]
+        ],
+        post_process_fun=__post_process_sql_fields_cursor
+def __post_process_sql_fields_cursor(result):
     if result.status != 0:
         return result
@@ -427,9 +481,7 @@
     return result
-def resource_close(
-    conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None
-) -> APIResult:
+def resource_close(conn: 'Connection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
     Closes a resource, such as query cursor.
@@ -441,7 +493,14 @@
     :return: API result data object. Contains zero status on success,
      non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
+    return __resource_close(conn, cursor, query_id)
+async def resource_close_async(conn: 'AioConnection', cursor: int, query_id: int = None) -> APIResult:
+    return await __resource_close(conn, cursor, query_id)
+def __resource_close(conn, cursor, query_id):
     query_struct = Query(
@@ -449,9 +508,9 @@
-    return query_struct.perform(
-        conn,
+    return query_perform(
+        query_struct, conn,
             'cursor': cursor,
-        },
+        }
diff --git a/pyignite/binary.py b/pyignite/binary.py
index da62bb5..4e34267 100644
--- a/pyignite/binary.py
+++ b/pyignite/binary.py
@@ -27,15 +27,22 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import ctypes
+from io import SEEK_CUR
 from typing import Any
 import attr
-from pyignite.constants import *
-from .datatypes import *
+from .constants import PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
+from .datatypes import (
+    Null, ByteObject, ShortObject, IntObject, LongObject, FloatObject, DoubleObject, CharObject, BoolObject, UUIDObject,
+    DateObject, TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject, ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject,
+    IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject, FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, CharArrayObject, BoolArrayObject,
+    UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject, TimeArrayObject, EnumArrayObject, String, StringArrayObject,
+    DecimalObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject, CollectionObject, MapObject, BinaryObject, WrappedDataObject
 from .datatypes.base import IgniteDataTypeProps
 from .exceptions import ParseError
-from .utils import entity_id, hashcode, schema_id
+from .utils import entity_id, schema_id
@@ -69,12 +76,14 @@
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
         # allow all items in Binary Object schema to be populated as optional
         # arguments to `__init__()` with sensible defaults.
-        attributes = {}
-        for k, v in cls.schema.items():
-            attributes[k] = attr.ib(type=getattr(v, 'pythonic', type(None)), default=getattr(v, 'default', None))
+        if not attr.has(cls):
+            attributes = {
+                k: attr.ib(type=getattr(v, 'pythonic', type(None)), default=getattr(v, 'default', None))
+                for k, v in cls.schema.items()
+            }
-        attributes.update({'version': attr.ib(type=int, default=1)})
-        cls = attr.s(cls, these=attributes)
+            attributes.update({'version': attr.ib(type=int, default=1)})
+            cls = attr.s(cls, these=attributes)
         # skip parameters
         return super().__new__(cls)
@@ -99,7 +108,7 @@
         """ Sort out class creation arguments. """
         result = super().__new__(
-            mcs, name, (GenericObjectProps, )+base_classes, namespace
+            mcs, name, (GenericObjectProps, ) + base_classes, namespace
         def _from_python(self, stream, save_to_buf=False):
@@ -111,10 +120,37 @@
             :param stream: BinaryStream
             :param save_to_buf: Optional. If True, save serialized data to buffer.
+            initial_pos = stream.tell()
+            header, header_class = write_header(self, stream)
-            compact_footer = stream.compact_footer
+            offsets = [ctypes.sizeof(header_class)]
+            schema_items = list(self.schema.items())
+            for field_name, field_type in schema_items:
+                val = getattr(self, field_name, getattr(field_type, 'default', None))
+                field_start_pos = stream.tell()
+                field_type.from_python(stream, val)
+                offsets.append(max(offsets) + stream.tell() - field_start_pos)
-            # prepare header
+            write_footer(self, stream, header, header_class, schema_items, offsets, initial_pos, save_to_buf)
+        async def _from_python_async(self, stream, save_to_buf=False):
+            """
+            Async version of _from_python
+            """
+            initial_pos = stream.tell()
+            header, header_class = write_header(self, stream)
+            offsets = [ctypes.sizeof(header_class)]
+            schema_items = list(self.schema.items())
+            for field_name, field_type in schema_items:
+                val = getattr(self, field_name, getattr(field_type, 'default', None))
+                field_start_pos = stream.tell()
+                await field_type.from_python_async(stream, val)
+                offsets.append(max(offsets) + stream.tell() - field_start_pos)
+            write_footer(self, stream, header, header_class, schema_items, offsets, initial_pos, save_to_buf)
+        def write_header(obj, stream):
             header_class = BinaryObject.build_header()
             header = header_class()
             header.type_code = int.from_bytes(
@@ -122,36 +158,30 @@
             header.flags = BinaryObject.USER_TYPE | BinaryObject.HAS_SCHEMA
-            if compact_footer:
+            if stream.compact_footer:
                 header.flags |= BinaryObject.COMPACT_FOOTER
-            header.version = self.version
-            header.type_id = self.type_id
-            header.schema_id = self.schema_id
+            header.version = obj.version
+            header.type_id = obj.type_id
+            header.schema_id = obj.schema_id
-            header_len = ctypes.sizeof(header_class)
-            initial_pos = stream.tell()
+            stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
-            # create fields and calculate offsets
-            offsets = [ctypes.sizeof(header_class)]
-            schema_items = list(self.schema.items())
+            return header, header_class
-            stream.seek(initial_pos + header_len)
-            for field_name, field_type in schema_items:
-                val = getattr(self, field_name, getattr(field_type, 'default', None))
-                field_start_pos = stream.tell()
-                field_type.from_python(stream, val)
-                offsets.append(max(offsets) + stream.tell() - field_start_pos)
+        def write_footer(obj, stream, header, header_class, schema_items, offsets, initial_pos, save_to_buf):
             offsets = offsets[:-1]
+            header_len = ctypes.sizeof(header_class)
             # create footer
             if max(offsets, default=0) < 255:
                 header.flags |= BinaryObject.OFFSET_ONE_BYTE
             elif max(offsets) < 65535:
                 header.flags |= BinaryObject.OFFSET_TWO_BYTES
             schema_class = BinaryObject.schema_type(header.flags) * len(offsets)
             schema = schema_class()
-            if compact_footer:
+            if stream.compact_footer:
                 for i, offset in enumerate(offsets):
                     schema[i] = offset
@@ -171,8 +201,8 @@
             if save_to_buf:
-                self._buffer = bytes(stream.mem_view(initial_pos, stream.tell() - initial_pos))
-            self._hashcode = header.hash_code
+                obj._buffer = bytes(stream.mem_view(initial_pos, stream.tell() - initial_pos))
+            obj._hashcode = header.hash_code
         def _setattr(self, attr_name: str, attr_value: Any):
             # reset binary representation, if any field is changed
@@ -184,6 +214,7 @@
             super(result, self).__setattr__(attr_name, attr_value)
         setattr(result, _from_python.__name__, _from_python)
+        setattr(result, _from_python_async.__name__, _from_python_async)
         setattr(result, '__setattr__', _setattr)
         setattr(result, '_buffer', None)
         setattr(result, '_hashcode', None)
diff --git a/pyignite/cache.py b/pyignite/cache.py
index a91a3cf..5fba6fb 100644
--- a/pyignite/cache.py
+++ b/pyignite/cache.py
@@ -16,54 +16,145 @@
 import time
 from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from .constants import *
-from .binary import GenericObjectMeta, unwrap_binary
+from .constants import AFFINITY_RETRIES, AFFINITY_DELAY
+from .binary import GenericObjectMeta
 from .datatypes import prop_codes
 from .datatypes.internal import AnyDataObject
-from .exceptions import (
-    CacheCreationError, CacheError, ParameterError, SQLError,
-    connection_errors,
-from .utils import (
-    cache_id, get_field_by_id, is_wrapped,
-    status_to_exception, unsigned
+from .exceptions import CacheCreationError, CacheError, ParameterError, SQLError, connection_errors
+from .utils import cache_id, get_field_by_id, status_to_exception, unsigned
 from .api.cache_config import (
-    cache_create, cache_create_with_config,
-    cache_get_or_create, cache_get_or_create_with_config,
-    cache_destroy, cache_get_configuration,
+    cache_create, cache_create_with_config, cache_get_or_create, cache_get_or_create_with_config, cache_destroy,
+    cache_get_configuration
 from .api.key_value import (
-    cache_get, cache_put, cache_get_all, cache_put_all, cache_replace,
-    cache_clear, cache_clear_key, cache_clear_keys,
-    cache_contains_key, cache_contains_keys,
-    cache_get_and_put, cache_get_and_put_if_absent, cache_put_if_absent,
-    cache_get_and_remove, cache_get_and_replace,
-    cache_remove_key, cache_remove_keys, cache_remove_all,
-    cache_remove_if_equals, cache_replace_if_equals, cache_get_size,
+    cache_get, cache_put, cache_get_all, cache_put_all, cache_replace, cache_clear, cache_clear_key, cache_clear_keys,
+    cache_contains_key, cache_contains_keys, cache_get_and_put, cache_get_and_put_if_absent, cache_put_if_absent,
+    cache_get_and_remove, cache_get_and_replace, cache_remove_key, cache_remove_keys, cache_remove_all,
+    cache_remove_if_equals, cache_replace_if_equals, cache_get_size
-from .api.sql import scan, scan_cursor_get_page, sql, sql_cursor_get_page
+from .cursors import ScanCursor, SqlCursor
 from .api.affinity import cache_get_node_partitions
 PROP_CODES = set([
     getattr(prop_codes, x)
     for x in dir(prop_codes)
     if x.startswith('PROP_')
-    True: {
-        True: cache_get_or_create_with_config,
-        False: cache_create_with_config,
-    },
-    False: {
-        True: cache_get_or_create,
-        False: cache_create,
-    },
-class Cache:
+def get_cache(client: 'Client', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    if settings:
+        raise ParameterError('Only cache name allowed as a parameter')
+    return Cache(client, name)
+def create_cache(client: 'Client', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    conn = client.random_node
+    if settings:
+        result = cache_create_with_config(conn, settings)
+    else:
+        result = cache_create(conn, name)
+    if result.status != 0:
+        raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
+    return Cache(client, name)
+def get_or_create_cache(client: 'Client', settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
+    name, settings = __parse_settings(settings)
+    conn = client.random_node
+    if settings:
+        result = cache_get_or_create_with_config(conn, settings)
+    else:
+        result = cache_get_or_create(conn, name)
+    if result.status != 0:
+        raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
+    return Cache(client, name)
+def __parse_settings(settings: Union[str, dict]) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[dict]]:
+    if isinstance(settings, str):
+        return settings, None
+    elif isinstance(settings, dict) and prop_codes.PROP_NAME in settings:
+        name = settings[prop_codes.PROP_NAME]
+        if len(settings) == 1:
+            return name, None
+        if not set(settings).issubset(PROP_CODES):
+            raise ParameterError('One or more settings was not recognized')
+        return name, settings
+    else:
+        raise ParameterError('You should supply at least cache name')
+class BaseCacheMixin:
+    def _get_affinity_key(self, key, key_hint=None):
+        if key_hint is None:
+            key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
+        if self.affinity.get('is_applicable'):
+            config = self.affinity.get('cache_config')
+            if config:
+                affinity_key_id = config.get(key_hint.type_id)
+                if affinity_key_id and isinstance(key, GenericObjectMeta):
+                    return get_field_by_id(key, affinity_key_id)
+        return key, key_hint
+    def _update_affinity(self, full_affinity):
+        self.affinity['version'] = full_affinity['version']
+        full_mapping = full_affinity.get('partition_mapping')
+        if full_mapping and self.cache_id in full_mapping:
+            self.affinity.update(full_mapping[self.cache_id])
+    def _get_node_by_hashcode(self, hashcode, parts):
+        """
+        Get node by key hashcode. Calculate partition and return node on that it is primary.
+        (algorithm is taken from `RendezvousAffinityFunction.java`)
+        """
+        # calculate partition for key or affinity key
+        # (algorithm is taken from `RendezvousAffinityFunction.java`)
+        mask = parts - 1
+        if parts & mask == 0:
+            part = (hashcode ^ (unsigned(hashcode) >> 16)) & mask
+        else:
+            part = abs(hashcode // parts)
+        assert 0 <= part < parts, 'Partition calculation has failed'
+        node_mapping = self.affinity.get('node_mapping')
+        if not node_mapping:
+            return None
+        node_uuid, best_conn = None, None
+        for u, p in node_mapping.items():
+            if part in p:
+                node_uuid = u
+                break
+        if node_uuid:
+            for n in self.client._nodes:
+                if n.uuid == node_uuid:
+                    best_conn = n
+                    break
+            if best_conn and best_conn.alive:
+                return best_conn
+class Cache(BaseCacheMixin):
     Ignite cache abstraction. Users should never use this class directly,
     but construct its instances with
@@ -73,77 +164,18 @@
     :ref:`this example <create_cache>` on how to do it.
-    affinity = None
-    _cache_id = None
-    _name = None
-    _client = None
-    _settings = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def _validate_settings(
-        settings: Union[str, dict] = None, get_only: bool = False,
-    ):
-        if any([
-            not settings,
-            type(settings) not in (str, dict),
-            type(settings) is dict and prop_codes.PROP_NAME not in settings,
-        ]):
-            raise ParameterError('You should supply at least cache name')
-        if all([
-            type(settings) is dict,
-            not set(settings).issubset(PROP_CODES),
-        ]):
-            raise ParameterError('One or more settings was not recognized')
-        if get_only and type(settings) is dict and len(settings) != 1:
-            raise ParameterError('Only cache name allowed as a parameter')
-    def __init__(
-        self, client: 'Client', settings: Union[str, dict] = None,
-        with_get: bool = False, get_only: bool = False,
-    ):
+    def __init__(self, client: 'Client', name: str):
-        Initialize cache object.
+        Initialize cache object. For internal use.
         :param client: Ignite client,
-        :param settings: cache settings. Can be a string (cache name) or a dict
-         of cache properties and their values. In this case PROP_NAME is
-         mandatory,
-        :param with_get: (optional) do not raise exception, if the cache
-         is already exists. Defaults to False,
-        :param get_only: (optional) do not communicate with Ignite server
-         at all, only create Cache instance. Defaults to False.
+        :param name: Cache name.
         self._client = client
-        self._validate_settings(settings)
-        if type(settings) == str:
-            self._name = settings
-        else:
-            self._name = settings[prop_codes.PROP_NAME]
-        if not get_only:
-            func = CACHE_CREATE_FUNCS[type(settings) is dict][with_get]
-            result = func(client.random_node, settings)
-            if result.status != 0:
-                raise CacheCreationError(result.message)
+        self._name = name
+        self._settings = None
         self._cache_id = cache_id(self._name)
-        self.affinity = {
-            'version': (0, 0),
-        }
-    def get_protocol_version(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
-        """
-        Returns the tuple of major, minor, and revision numbers of the used
-        thin protocol version, or None, if no connection to the Ignite cluster
-        was not yet established.
-        This method is not a part of the public API. Unless you wish to
-        extend the `pyignite` capabilities (with additional testing, logging,
-        examining connections, et c.) you probably should not use it.
-        """
-        return self.client.protocol_version
+        self.affinity = {'version': (0, 0)}
     def settings(self) -> Optional[dict]:
@@ -197,18 +229,6 @@
         return self._cache_id
-    def _process_binary(self, value: Any) -> Any:
-        """
-        Detects and recursively unwraps Binary Object.
-        :param value: anything that could be a Binary Object,
-        :return: the result of the Binary Object unwrapping with all other data
-         left intact.
-        """
-        if is_wrapped(value):
-            return unwrap_binary(self._client, value)
-        return value
     def destroy(self):
@@ -234,9 +254,7 @@
         return result
-    def get_best_node(
-        self, key: Any = None, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None,
-    ) -> 'Connection':
+    def get_best_node(self, key: Any = None, key_hint: 'IgniteDataType' = None) -> 'Connection':
         Returns the node from the list of the nodes, opened by client, that
         most probably contains the needed key-value pair. See IEP-23.
@@ -253,14 +271,11 @@
         conn = self._client.random_node
         if self.client.partition_aware and key is not None:
-            if key_hint is None:
-                key_hint = AnyDataObject.map_python_type(key)
             if self.affinity['version'] < self._client.affinity_version:
                 # update partition mapping
                 while True:
-                        self.affinity = self._get_affinity(conn)
+                        full_affinity = self._get_affinity(conn)
                     except connection_errors:
                         # retry if connection failed
@@ -270,68 +285,23 @@
                         # server did not create mapping in time
                         return conn
-                # flatten it a bit
-                try:
-                    self.affinity.update(self.affinity['partition_mapping'][0])
-                except IndexError:
-                    return conn
-                del self.affinity['partition_mapping']
-                # calculate the number of partitions
-                parts = 0
-                if 'node_mapping' in self.affinity:
-                    for p in self.affinity['node_mapping'].values():
-                        parts += len(p)
-                self.affinity['number_of_partitions'] = parts
+                self._update_affinity(full_affinity)
                 for conn in self.client._nodes:
                     if not conn.alive:
-            else:
-                # get number of partitions
-                parts = self.affinity.get('number_of_partitions')
+            parts = self.affinity.get('number_of_partitions')
             if not parts:
                 return conn
-            if self.affinity['is_applicable']:
-                affinity_key_id = self.affinity['cache_config'].get(
-                    key_hint.type_id,
-                    None
-                )
-                if affinity_key_id and isinstance(key, GenericObjectMeta):
-                    key, key_hint = get_field_by_id(key, affinity_key_id)
+            key, key_hint = self._get_affinity_key(key, key_hint)
+            hashcode = key_hint.hashcode(key, self._client)
-            # calculate partition for key or affinity key
-            # (algorithm is taken from `RendezvousAffinityFunction.java`)
-            base_value = key_hint.hashcode(key, self._client)
-            mask = parts - 1
-            if parts & mask == 0:
-                part = (base_value ^ (unsigned(base_value) >> 16)) & mask
-            else:
-                part = abs(base_value // parts)
-            assert 0 <= part < parts, 'Partition calculation has failed'
-            # search for connection
-            try:
-                node_uuid, best_conn = None, None
-                for u, p in self.affinity['node_mapping'].items():
-                    if part in p:
-                        node_uuid = u
-                        break
-                if node_uuid:
-                    for n in conn.client._nodes:
-                        if n.uuid == node_uuid:
-                            best_conn = n
-                            break
-                    if best_conn and best_conn.alive:
-                        conn = best_conn
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
+            best_node = self._get_node_by_hashcode(hashcode, parts)
+            if best_node:
+                return best_node
         return conn
@@ -354,12 +324,12 @@
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
     def put(
-        self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None
+            self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None
         Puts a value with a given key to cache (overwriting existing value
@@ -392,7 +362,7 @@
         result = cache_get_all(self.get_best_node(), self._cache_id, keys)
         if result.value:
             for key, value in result.value.items():
-                result.value[key] = self._process_binary(value)
+                result.value[key] = self.client.unwrap_binary(value)
         return result
@@ -409,7 +379,7 @@
     def replace(
-        self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None
+            self, key, value, key_hint: object = None, value_hint: object = None
         Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exist.
@@ -429,7 +399,7 @@
             self._cache_id, key, value,
             key_hint=key_hint, value_hint=value_hint
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
@@ -466,6 +436,16 @@
+    def clear_keys(self, keys: Iterable):
+        """
+        Clears the cache key without notifying listeners or cache writers.
+        :param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples
+        """
+        return cache_clear_keys(self.get_best_node(), self._cache_id, keys)
+    @status_to_exception(CacheError)
     def contains_key(self, key, key_hint=None) -> bool:
         Returns a value indicating whether given key is present in cache.
@@ -493,7 +473,7 @@
         :param keys: a list of keys or (key, type hint) tuples,
         :return: boolean `True` when all keys are present, `False` otherwise.
-        return cache_contains_keys(self._client, self._cache_id, keys)
+        return cache_contains_keys(self.get_best_node(), self._cache_id, keys)
     def get_and_put(self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None) -> Any:
@@ -518,12 +498,12 @@
             key, value,
             key_hint, value_hint
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
     def get_and_put_if_absent(
-        self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None
+            self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None
         Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key does not
@@ -546,7 +526,7 @@
             key, value,
             key_hint, value_hint
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
@@ -591,12 +571,12 @@
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
     def get_and_replace(
-        self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None
+            self, key, value, key_hint=None, value_hint=None
     ) -> Any:
         Puts a value with a given key to cache, returning previous value
@@ -620,7 +600,7 @@
             key, value,
             key_hint, value_hint
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
@@ -683,8 +663,8 @@
     def replace_if_equals(
-        self, key, sample, value,
-        key_hint=None, sample_hint=None, value_hint=None
+            self, key, sample, value,
+            key_hint=None, sample_hint=None, value_hint=None
     ) -> Any:
         Puts a value with a given key to cache only if the key already exists
@@ -710,7 +690,7 @@
             key, sample, value,
             key_hint, sample_hint, value_hint
-        result.value = self._process_binary(result.value)
+        result.value = self.client.unwrap_binary(result.value)
         return result
@@ -727,9 +707,7 @@
             self.get_best_node(), self._cache_id, peek_modes
-    def scan(
-        self, page_size: int = 1, partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False
-    ):
+    def scan(self, page_size: int = 1, partitions: int = -1, local: bool = False):
         Returns all key-value pairs from the cache, similar to `get_all`, but
         with internal pagination, which is slower, but safer.
@@ -740,40 +718,14 @@
          (negative to query entire cache),
         :param local: (optional) pass True if this query should be executed
          on local node only. Defaults to False,
-        :return: generator with key-value pairs.
+        :return: Scan query cursor.
-        node = self.get_best_node()
-        result = scan(
-            node,
-            self._cache_id,
-            page_size,
-            partitions,
-            local
-        )
-        if result.status != 0:
-            raise CacheError(result.message)
-        cursor = result.value['cursor']
-        for k, v in result.value['data'].items():
-            k = self._process_binary(k)
-            v = self._process_binary(v)
-            yield k, v
-        while result.value['more']:
-            result = scan_cursor_get_page(node, cursor)
-            if result.status != 0:
-                raise CacheError(result.message)
-            for k, v in result.value['data'].items():
-                k = self._process_binary(k)
-                v = self._process_binary(v)
-                yield k, v
+        return ScanCursor(self.client, self._cache_id, page_size, partitions, local)
     def select_row(
-        self, query_str: str, page_size: int = 1,
-        query_args: Optional[list] = None, distributed_joins: bool = False,
-        replicated_only: bool = False, local: bool = False, timeout: int = 0
+            self, query_str: str, page_size: int = 1,
+            query_args: Optional[list] = None, distributed_joins: bool = False,
+            replicated_only: bool = False, local: bool = False, timeout: int = 0
         Executes a simplified SQL SELECT query over data stored in the cache.
@@ -791,46 +743,13 @@
          on local node only. Defaults to False,
         :param timeout: (optional) non-negative timeout value in ms. Zero
          disables timeout (default),
-        :return: generator with key-value pairs.
+        :return: Sql cursor.
-        node = self.get_best_node()
-        def generate_result(value):
-            cursor = value['cursor']
-            more = value['more']
-            for k, v in value['data'].items():
-                k = self._process_binary(k)
-                v = self._process_binary(v)
-                yield k, v
-            while more:
-                inner_result = sql_cursor_get_page(node, cursor)
-                if result.status != 0:
-                    raise SQLError(result.message)
-                more = inner_result.value['more']
-                for k, v in inner_result.value['data'].items():
-                    k = self._process_binary(k)
-                    v = self._process_binary(v)
-                    yield k, v
         type_name = self.settings[
         if not type_name:
             raise SQLError('Value type is unknown')
-        result = sql(
-            node,
-            self._cache_id,
-            type_name,
-            query_str,
-            page_size,
-            query_args,
-            distributed_joins,
-            replicated_only,
-            local,
-            timeout
-        )
-        if result.status != 0:
-            raise SQLError(result.message)
-        return generate_result(result.value)
+        return SqlCursor(self.client, self._cache_id, type_name, query_str, page_size, query_args,
+                         distributed_joins, replicated_only, local, timeout)
diff --git a/pyignite/client.py b/pyignite/client.py
index 9416474..e4eef6a 100644
--- a/pyignite/client.py
+++ b/pyignite/client.py
@@ -44,22 +44,20 @@
 import random
 import re
 from itertools import chain
-from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
+from typing import Iterable, Type, Union, Any
 from .api.binary import get_binary_type, put_binary_type
 from .api.cache_config import cache_get_names
-from .api.sql import sql_fields, sql_fields_cursor_get_page
-from .cache import Cache
+from .cursors import SqlFieldsCursor
+from .cache import Cache, create_cache, get_cache, get_or_create_cache
 from .connection import Connection
-from .constants import *
 from .datatypes import BinaryObject
 from .datatypes.internal import tc_map
-from .exceptions import (
-    BinaryTypeError, CacheError, ReconnectError, SQLError, connection_errors,
+from .exceptions import BinaryTypeError, CacheError, ReconnectError, connection_errors
+from .stream import BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
 from .utils import (
-    cache_id, capitalize, entity_id, schema_id, process_delimiter,
-    status_to_exception, is_iterable,
+    cache_id, capitalize, entity_id, schema_id, process_delimiter, status_to_exception, is_iterable, is_wrapped
 from .binary import GenericObjectMeta
@@ -67,7 +65,185 @@
 __all__ = ['Client']
-class Client:
+class BaseClient:
+    # used for Complex object data class names sanitizing
+    _identifier = re.compile(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_.+$]', re.UNICODE)
+    _ident_start = re.compile(r'^[^a-zA-Z_]+', re.UNICODE)
+    def __init__(self, compact_footer: bool = None, partition_aware: bool = False, **kwargs):
+        self._compact_footer = compact_footer
+        self._partition_aware = partition_aware
+        self._connection_args = kwargs
+        self._registry = defaultdict(dict)
+        self._nodes = []
+        self._current_node = 0
+        self._partition_aware = partition_aware
+        self.affinity_version = (0, 0)
+        self._protocol_version = None
+    @property
+    def protocol_version(self):
+        """
+        Returns the tuple of major, minor, and revision numbers of the used
+        thin protocol version, or None, if no connection to the Ignite cluster
+        was not yet established.
+        This method is not a part of the public API. Unless you wish to
+        extend the `pyignite` capabilities (with additional testing, logging,
+        examining connections, et c.) you probably should not use it.
+        """
+        return self._protocol_version
+    @protocol_version.setter
+    def protocol_version(self, value):
+        self._protocol_version = value
+    @property
+    def partition_aware(self):
+        return self._partition_aware and self.partition_awareness_supported_by_protocol
+    @property
+    def partition_awareness_supported_by_protocol(self):
+        return self.protocol_version is not None and self.protocol_version >= (1, 4, 0)
+    @property
+    def compact_footer(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        This property remembers Complex object schema encoding approach when
+        decoding any Complex object, to use the same approach on Complex
+        object encoding.
+        :return: True if compact schema was used by server or no Complex
+         object decoding has yet taken place, False if full schema was used.
+        """
+        # this is an ordinary object property, but its backing storage
+        # is a class attribute
+        # use compact schema by default, but leave initial (falsy) backing
+        # value unchanged
+        return self._compact_footer or self._compact_footer is None
+    @compact_footer.setter
+    def compact_footer(self, value: bool):
+        # normally schema approach should not change
+        if self._compact_footer not in (value, None):
+            raise Warning('Can not change client schema approach.')
+        else:
+            self._compact_footer = value
+    @staticmethod
+    def _process_connect_args(*args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            # no parameters − use default Ignite host and port
+        if len(args) == 1 and is_iterable(args[0]):
+            # iterable of host-port pairs is given
+            return args[0]
+        if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0], str) and isinstance(args[1], int):
+            # host and port are given
+            return [args]
+        raise ConnectionError('Connection parameters are not valid.')
+    def _process_get_binary_type_result(self, result):
+        if result.status != 0 or not result.value['type_exists']:
+            return result
+        binary_fields = result.value.pop('binary_fields')
+        old_format_schemas = result.value.pop('schema')
+        result.value['schemas'] = []
+        for s_id, field_ids in old_format_schemas.items():
+            result.value['schemas'].append(self._convert_schema(field_ids, binary_fields))
+        return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def _convert_type(tc_type: int):
+        try:
+            return tc_map(tc_type.to_bytes(1, PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER))
+        except (KeyError, OverflowError):
+            # if conversion to char or type lookup failed,
+            # we probably have a binary object type ID
+            return BinaryObject
+    def _convert_schema(self, field_ids: list, binary_fields: list) -> OrderedDict:
+        converted_schema = OrderedDict()
+        for field_id in field_ids:
+            binary_field = next(x for x in binary_fields if x['field_id'] == field_id)
+            converted_schema[binary_field['field_name']] = self._convert_type(binary_field['type_id'])
+        return converted_schema
+    @staticmethod
+    def _create_dataclass(type_name: str, schema: OrderedDict = None) -> Type:
+        """
+        Creates default (generic) class for Ignite Complex object.
+        :param type_name: Complex object type name,
+        :param schema: Complex object schema,
+        :return: the resulting class.
+        """
+        schema = schema or {}
+        return GenericObjectMeta(type_name, (), {}, schema=schema)
+    @classmethod
+    def _create_type_name(cls, type_name: str) -> str:
+        """
+        Creates Python data class name from Ignite binary type name.
+        Handles all the special cases found in
+        `java.org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryBasicNameMapper.simpleName()`.
+        Tries to adhere to PEP8 along the way.
+        """
+        # general sanitizing
+        type_name = cls._identifier.sub('', type_name)
+        # - name ending with '$' (Scala)
+        # - name + '$' + some digits (anonymous class)
+        # - '$$Lambda$' in the middle
+        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '$')
+        # .NET outer/inner class delimiter
+        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '+')
+        # Java fully qualified class name
+        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '.')
+        # start chars sanitizing
+        type_name = capitalize(cls._ident_start.sub('', type_name))
+        return type_name
+    def _sync_binary_registry(self, type_id: int, type_info: dict):
+        """
+        Sync binary registry
+        :param type_id: Complex object type ID.
+        :param type_info: Complex object type info.
+        """
+        if type_info['type_exists']:
+            for schema in type_info['schemas']:
+                if not self._registry[type_id].get(schema_id(schema), None):
+                    data_class = self._create_dataclass(
+                        self._create_type_name(type_info['type_name']),
+                        schema,
+                    )
+                    self._registry[type_id][schema_id(schema)] = data_class
+    def _get_from_registry(self, type_id, schema):
+        """
+        Get binary type info from registry.
+        :param type_id: Complex object type ID.
+        :param schema: Complex object schema.
+        """
+        if schema:
+            try:
+                return self._registry[type_id][schema_id(schema)]
+            except KeyError:
+                return None
+        return self._registry[type_id]
+class Client(BaseClient):
     This is a main `pyignite` class, that is build upon the
     :class:`~pyignite.connection.Connection`. In addition to the attributes,
@@ -79,23 +255,7 @@
      * binary types registration endpoint.
-    _registry = defaultdict(dict)
-    _compact_footer: bool = None
-    _connection_args: Dict = None
-    _current_node: int = None
-    _nodes: List[Connection] = None
-    # used for Complex object data class names sanitizing
-    _identifier = re.compile(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z_.+$]', re.UNICODE)
-    _ident_start = re.compile(r'^[^a-zA-Z_]+', re.UNICODE)
-    affinity_version: Optional[Tuple] = None
-    protocol_version: Optional[Tuple] = None
-    def __init__(
-        self, compact_footer: bool = None, partition_aware: bool = False,
-        **kwargs
-    ):
+    def __init__(self, compact_footer: bool = None, partition_aware: bool = False, **kwargs):
         Initialize client.
@@ -111,35 +271,7 @@
          The feature is in experimental status, so the parameter is `False`
          by default. This will be changed later.
-        self._compact_footer = compact_footer
-        self._connection_args = kwargs
-        self._nodes = []
-        self._current_node = 0
-        self._partition_aware = partition_aware
-        self.affinity_version = (0, 0)
-    def get_protocol_version(self) -> Optional[Tuple]:
-        """
-        Returns the tuple of major, minor, and revision numbers of the used
-        thin protocol version, or None, if no connection to the Ignite cluster
-        was not yet established.
-        This method is not a part of the public API. Unless you wish to
-        extend the `pyignite` capabilities (with additional testing, logging,
-        examining connections, et c.) you probably should not use it.
-        """
-        return self.protocol_version
-    @property
-    def partition_aware(self):
-        return self._partition_aware and self.partition_awareness_supported_by_protocol
-    @property
-    def partition_awareness_supported_by_protocol(self):
-        # TODO: Need to re-factor this. I believe, we need separate class or
-        #  set of functions to work with protocol versions without manually
-        #  comparing versions with just some random tuples
-        return self.protocol_version is not None and self.protocol_version >= (1, 4, 0)
+        super().__init__(compact_footer, partition_aware, **kwargs)
     def connect(self, *args):
@@ -147,21 +279,7 @@
         :param args: (optional) host(s) and port(s) to connect to.
-        if len(args) == 0:
-            # no parameters − use default Ignite host and port
-        elif len(args) == 1 and is_iterable(args[0]):
-            # iterable of host-port pairs is given
-            nodes = args[0]
-        elif (
-            len(args) == 2
-            and isinstance(args[0], str)
-            and isinstance(args[1], int)
-        ):
-            # host and port are given
-            nodes = [args]
-        else:
-            raise ConnectionError('Connection parameters are not valid.')
+        nodes = self._process_connect_args(*args)
         # the following code is quite twisted, because the protocol version
         # is initially unknown
@@ -169,14 +287,12 @@
         # TODO: open first node in foreground, others − in background
         for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
             host, port = node
-            conn = Connection(self, **self._connection_args)
-            conn.host = host
-            conn.port = port
+            conn = Connection(self, host, port, **self._connection_args)
                 if self.protocol_version is None or self.partition_aware:
                     # open connection before adding to the pool
-                    conn.connect(host, port)
+                    conn.connect()
                     # now we have the protocol version
                     if not self.partition_aware:
@@ -210,13 +326,7 @@
         if self.partition_aware:
             # if partition awareness is used just pick a random connected node
-            try:
-                return random.choice(
-                    list(n for n in self._nodes if n.alive)
-                )
-            except IndexError:
-                # cannot choose from an empty sequence
-                raise ReconnectError('Can not reconnect: out of nodes.') from None
+            return self._get_random_node()
             # if partition awareness is not used then just return the current
             # node if it's alive or the next usable node if connection with the
@@ -238,7 +348,7 @@
             for i in chain(range(self._current_node, num_nodes), range(self._current_node)):
                 node = self._nodes[i]
-                    node.connect(node.host, node.port)
+                    node.connect()
                 except connection_errors:
@@ -247,6 +357,19 @@
             # no nodes left
             raise ReconnectError('Can not reconnect: out of nodes.')
+    def _get_random_node(self, reconnect=True):
+        alive_nodes = [n for n in self._nodes if n.alive]
+        if alive_nodes:
+            return random.choice(alive_nodes)
+        elif reconnect:
+            for n in self._nodes:
+                n.reconnect()
+            return self._get_random_node(reconnect=False)
+        else:
+            # cannot choose from an empty sequence
+            raise ReconnectError('Can not reconnect: out of nodes.') from None
     def get_binary_type(self, binary_type: Union[str, int]) -> dict:
@@ -267,71 +390,8 @@
          - `schemas`: a list, containing the Complex object schemas in format:
            OrderedDict[field name: field type hint]. A schema can be empty.
-        def convert_type(tc_type: int):
-            try:
-                return tc_map(tc_type.to_bytes(1, PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER))
-            except (KeyError, OverflowError):
-                # if conversion to char or type lookup failed,
-                # we probably have a binary object type ID
-                return BinaryObject
-        def convert_schema(
-            field_ids: list, binary_fields: list
-        ) -> OrderedDict:
-            converted_schema = OrderedDict()
-            for field_id in field_ids:
-                binary_field = [
-                    x
-                    for x in binary_fields
-                    if x['field_id'] == field_id
-                ][0]
-                converted_schema[binary_field['field_name']] = convert_type(
-                    binary_field['type_id']
-                )
-            return converted_schema
-        conn = self.random_node
-        result = get_binary_type(conn, binary_type)
-        if result.status != 0 or not result.value['type_exists']:
-            return result
-        binary_fields = result.value.pop('binary_fields')
-        old_format_schemas = result.value.pop('schema')
-        result.value['schemas'] = []
-        for s_id, field_ids in old_format_schemas.items():
-            result.value['schemas'].append(
-                convert_schema(field_ids, binary_fields)
-            )
-        return result
-    @property
-    def compact_footer(self) -> bool:
-        """
-        This property remembers Complex object schema encoding approach when
-        decoding any Complex object, to use the same approach on Complex
-        object encoding.
-        :return: True if compact schema was used by server or no Complex
-         object decoding has yet taken place, False if full schema was used.
-        """
-        # this is an ordinary object property, but its backing storage
-        # is a class attribute
-        # use compact schema by default, but leave initial (falsy) backing
-        # value unchanged
-        return (
-            self.__class__._compact_footer
-            or self.__class__._compact_footer is None
-        )
-    @compact_footer.setter
-    def compact_footer(self, value: bool):
-        # normally schema approach should not change
-        if self.__class__._compact_footer not in (value, None):
-            raise Warning('Can not change client schema approach.')
-        else:
-            self.__class__._compact_footer = value
+        result = get_binary_type(self.random_node, binary_type)
+        return self._process_get_binary_type_result(result)
     def put_binary_type(
@@ -353,71 +413,9 @@
          When register binary type, pass a dict of field names: field types.
          Binary type with no fields is OK.
-        return put_binary_type(
-            self.random_node, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema
-        )
+        return put_binary_type(self.random_node, type_name, affinity_key_field, is_enum, schema)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _create_dataclass(type_name: str, schema: OrderedDict = None) -> Type:
-        """
-        Creates default (generic) class for Ignite Complex object.
-        :param type_name: Complex object type name,
-        :param schema: Complex object schema,
-        :return: the resulting class.
-        """
-        schema = schema or {}
-        return GenericObjectMeta(type_name, (), {}, schema=schema)
-    def _sync_binary_registry(self, type_id: int):
-        """
-        Reads Complex object description from Ignite server. Creates default
-        Complex object classes and puts in registry, if not already there.
-        :param type_id: Complex object type ID.
-        """
-        type_info = self.get_binary_type(type_id)
-        if type_info['type_exists']:
-            for schema in type_info['schemas']:
-                if not self._registry[type_id].get(schema_id(schema), None):
-                    data_class = self._create_dataclass(
-                        self._create_type_name(type_info['type_name']),
-                        schema,
-                    )
-                    self._registry[type_id][schema_id(schema)] = data_class
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_type_name(cls, type_name: str) -> str:
-        """
-        Creates Python data class name from Ignite binary type name.
-        Handles all the special cases found in
-        `java.org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryBasicNameMapper.simpleName()`.
-        Tries to adhere to PEP8 along the way.
-        """
-        # general sanitizing
-        type_name = cls._identifier.sub('', type_name)
-        # - name ending with '$' (Scala)
-        # - name + '$' + some digits (anonymous class)
-        # - '$$Lambda$' in the middle
-        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '$')
-        # .NET outer/inner class delimiter
-        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '+')
-        # Java fully qualified class name
-        type_name = process_delimiter(type_name, '.')
-        # start chars sanitizing
-        type_name = capitalize(cls._ident_start.sub('', type_name))
-        return type_name
-    def register_binary_type(
-        self, data_class: Type, affinity_key_field: str = None,
-    ):
+    def register_binary_type(self, data_class: Type, affinity_key_field: str = None):
         Register the given class as a representation of a certain Complex
         object type. Discards autogenerated or previously registered class.
@@ -425,47 +423,44 @@
         :param data_class: Complex object class,
         :param affinity_key_field: (optional) affinity parameter.
-        if not self.query_binary_type(
-            data_class.type_id, data_class.schema_id
-        ):
-            self.put_binary_type(
-                data_class.type_name,
-                affinity_key_field,
-                schema=data_class.schema,
-            )
+        if not self.query_binary_type(data_class.type_id, data_class.schema_id):
+            self.put_binary_type(data_class.type_name, affinity_key_field, schema=data_class.schema)
         self._registry[data_class.type_id][data_class.schema_id] = data_class
-    def query_binary_type(
-        self, binary_type: Union[int, str], schema: Union[int, dict] = None,
-        sync: bool = True
-    ):
+    def query_binary_type(self, binary_type: Union[int, str], schema: Union[int, dict] = None):
         Queries the registry of Complex object classes.
         :param binary_type: Complex object type name or ID,
-        :param schema: (optional) Complex object schema or schema ID,
-        :param sync: (optional) look up the Ignite server for registered
-         Complex objects and create data classes for them if needed,
+        :param schema: (optional) Complex object schema or schema ID
         :return: found dataclass or None, if `schema` parameter is provided,
          a dict of {schema ID: dataclass} format otherwise.
         type_id = entity_id(binary_type)
-        s_id = schema_id(schema)
-        if schema:
-            try:
-                result = self._registry[type_id][s_id]
-            except KeyError:
-                result = None
-        else:
-            result = self._registry[type_id]
-        if sync and not result:
-            self._sync_binary_registry(type_id)
-            return self.query_binary_type(type_id, s_id, sync=False)
+        result = self._get_from_registry(type_id, schema)
+        if not result:
+            type_info = self.get_binary_type(type_id)
+            self._sync_binary_registry(type_id, type_info)
+            return self._get_from_registry(type_id, schema)
         return result
+    def unwrap_binary(self, value: Any) -> Any:
+        """
+        Detects and recursively unwraps Binary Object.
+        :param value: anything that could be a Binary Object,
+        :return: the result of the Binary Object unwrapping with all other data
+         left intact.
+        """
+        if is_wrapped(value):
+            blob, offset = value
+            with BinaryStream(self, blob) as stream:
+                data_class = BinaryObject.parse(stream)
+                return BinaryObject.to_python(stream.read_ctype(data_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD), self)
+        return value
     def create_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
         Creates Ignite cache by name. Raises `CacheError` if such a cache is
@@ -477,7 +472,7 @@
          :ref:`cache creation example <sql_cache_create>`,
         :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
-        return Cache(self, settings)
+        return create_cache(self, settings)
     def get_or_create_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
@@ -489,7 +484,7 @@
          :ref:`cache creation example <sql_cache_create>`,
         :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
-        return Cache(self, settings, with_get=True)
+        return get_or_create_cache(self, settings)
     def get_cache(self, settings: Union[str, dict]) -> 'Cache':
@@ -501,7 +496,7 @@
          property is allowed),
         :return: :class:`~pyignite.cache.Cache` object.
-        return Cache(self, settings, get_only=True)
+        return get_cache(self, settings)
     def get_cache_names(self) -> list:
@@ -559,42 +554,12 @@
         :return: generator with result rows as a lists. If
          `include_field_names` was set, the first row will hold field names.
-        def generate_result(value):
-            cursor = value['cursor']
-            more = value['more']
-            if include_field_names:
-                yield value['fields']
-                field_count = len(value['fields'])
-            else:
-                field_count = value['field_count']
-            for line in value['data']:
-                yield line
-            while more:
-                inner_result = sql_fields_cursor_get_page(
-                    conn, cursor, field_count
-                )
-                if inner_result.status != 0:
-                    raise SQLError(result.message)
-                more = inner_result.value['more']
-                for line in inner_result.value['data']:
-                    yield line
-        conn = self.random_node
         c_id = cache.cache_id if isinstance(cache, Cache) else cache_id(cache)
         if c_id != 0:
             schema = None
-        result = sql_fields(
-            conn, c_id, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema,
-            statement_type, distributed_joins, local, replicated_only,
-            enforce_join_order, collocated, lazy, include_field_names,
-            max_rows, timeout,
-        )
-        if result.status != 0:
-            raise SQLError(result.message)
-        return generate_result(result.value)
+        return SqlFieldsCursor(self, c_id, query_str, page_size, query_args, schema, statement_type, distributed_joins,
+                               local, replicated_only, enforce_join_order, collocated, lazy, include_field_names,
+                               max_rows, timeout)
diff --git a/pyignite/connection/__init__.py b/pyignite/connection/__init__.py
index 1114594..14e820a 100644
--- a/pyignite/connection/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/connection/__init__.py
@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@
 from .connection import Connection
+from .aio_connection import AioConnection
-__all__ = ['Connection']
+__all__ = ['Connection', 'AioConnection']
diff --git a/pyignite/connection/aio_connection.py b/pyignite/connection/aio_connection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c11da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyignite/connection/aio_connection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+from asyncio import Lock
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from io import BytesIO
+from typing import Union
+from pyignite.constants import PROTOCOLS, PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
+from pyignite.exceptions import HandshakeError, SocketError, connection_errors
+from .connection import BaseConnection
+from .handshake import HandshakeRequest, HandshakeResponse
+from .ssl import create_ssl_context
+from ..stream import AioBinaryStream
+class AioConnection(BaseConnection):
+    """
+    Asyncio connection to Ignite node. It serves multiple purposes:
+    * wrapper of asyncio streams. See also https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-stream.html
+    * encapsulates handshake and reconnection.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, client: 'AioClient', host: str, port: int, username: str = None, password: str = None,
+                 **ssl_params):
+        """
+        Initialize connection.
+        For the use of the SSL-related parameters see
+        https://docs.python.org/3/library/ssl.html#ssl-certificates.
+        :param client: Ignite client object,
+        :param host: Ignite server node's host name or IP,
+        :param port: Ignite server node's port number,
+        :param use_ssl: (optional) set to True if Ignite server uses SSL
+         on its binary connector. Defaults to use SSL when username
+         and password has been supplied, not to use SSL otherwise,
+        :param ssl_version: (optional) SSL version constant from standard
+         `ssl` module. Defaults to TLS v1.1, as in Ignite 2.5,
+        :param ssl_ciphers: (optional) ciphers to use. If not provided,
+         `ssl` default ciphers are used,
+        :param ssl_cert_reqs: (optional) determines how the remote side
+         certificate is treated:
+         * `ssl.CERT_NONE` − remote certificate is ignored (default),
+         * `ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL` − remote certificate will be validated,
+           if provided,
+         * `ssl.CERT_REQUIRED` − valid remote certificate is required,
+        :param ssl_keyfile: (optional) a path to SSL key file to identify
+         local (client) party,
+        :param ssl_keyfile_password: (optional) password for SSL key file,
+         can be provided when key file is encrypted to prevent OpenSSL
+         password prompt,
+        :param ssl_certfile: (optional) a path to ssl certificate file
+         to identify local (client) party,
+        :param ssl_ca_certfile: (optional) a path to a trusted certificate
+         or a certificate chain. Required to check the validity of the remote
+         (server-side) certificate,
+        :param username: (optional) user name to authenticate to Ignite
+         cluster,
+        :param password: (optional) password to authenticate to Ignite cluster.
+        """
+        super().__init__(client, host, port, username, password, **ssl_params)
+        self._mux = Lock()
+        self._reader = None
+        self._writer = None
+    @property
+    def closed(self) -> bool:
+        """ Tells if socket is closed. """
+        return self._writer is None
+    async def connect(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+        """
+        Connect to the given server node with protocol version fallback.
+        """
+        async with self._mux:
+            return await self._connect()
+    async def _connect(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+        detecting_protocol = False
+        # choose highest version first
+        if self.client.protocol_version is None:
+            detecting_protocol = True
+            self.client.protocol_version = max(PROTOCOLS)
+        try:
+            result = await self._connect_version()
+        except HandshakeError as e:
+            if e.expected_version in PROTOCOLS:
+                self.client.protocol_version = e.expected_version
+                result = await self._connect_version()
+            else:
+                raise e
+        except connection_errors:
+            # restore undefined protocol version
+            if detecting_protocol:
+                self.client.protocol_version = None
+            raise
+        # connection is ready for end user
+        self.uuid = result.get('node_uuid', None)  # version-specific (1.4+)
+        self.failed = False
+        return result
+    async def _connect_version(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+        """
+        Connect to the given server node using protocol version
+        defined on client.
+        """
+        ssl_context = create_ssl_context(self.ssl_params)
+        self._reader, self._writer = await asyncio.open_connection(self.host, self.port, ssl=ssl_context)
+        protocol_version = self.client.protocol_version
+        hs_request = HandshakeRequest(
+            protocol_version,
+            self.username,
+            self.password
+        )
+        with AioBinaryStream(self.client) as stream:
+            await hs_request.from_python_async(stream)
+            await self._send(stream.getbuffer(), reconnect=False)
+        with AioBinaryStream(self.client, await self._recv(reconnect=False)) as stream:
+            hs_response = await HandshakeResponse.parse_async(stream, self.protocol_version)
+            if hs_response.op_code == 0:
+                self._close()
+                self._process_handshake_error(hs_response)
+            return hs_response
+    async def reconnect(self):
+        async with self._mux:
+            await self._reconnect()
+    async def _reconnect(self):
+        if self.alive:
+            return
+        self._close()
+        # connect and silence the connection errors
+        try:
+            await self._connect()
+        except connection_errors:
+            pass
+    async def request(self, data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]) -> bytearray:
+        """
+        Perform request.
+        :param data: bytes to send.
+        """
+        async with self._mux:
+            await self._send(data)
+            return await self._recv()
+    async def _send(self, data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview], reconnect=True):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise SocketError('Attempt to use closed connection.')
+        try:
+            self._writer.write(data)
+            await self._writer.drain()
+        except connection_errors:
+            self.failed = True
+            if reconnect:
+                await self._reconnect()
+            raise
+    async def _recv(self, reconnect=True) -> bytearray:
+        if self.closed:
+            raise SocketError('Attempt to use closed connection.')
+        with BytesIO() as stream:
+            try:
+                buf = await self._reader.readexactly(4)
+                response_len = int.from_bytes(buf, PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
+                stream.write(buf)
+                stream.write(await self._reader.readexactly(response_len))
+            except connection_errors:
+                self.failed = True
+                if reconnect:
+                    await self._reconnect()
+                raise
+            return bytearray(stream.getbuffer())
+    async def close(self):
+        async with self._mux:
+            self._close()
+    def _close(self):
+        """
+        Close connection.
+        """
+        if self._writer:
+            try:
+                self._writer.close()
+            except connection_errors:
+                pass
+            self._writer, self._reader = None, None
diff --git a/pyignite/connection/connection.py b/pyignite/connection/connection.py
index 8db304e..901cb56 100644
--- a/pyignite/connection/connection.py
+++ b/pyignite/connection/connection.py
@@ -32,64 +32,94 @@
 import socket
 from typing import Union
-from pyignite.constants import *
-from pyignite.exceptions import (
-    HandshakeError, ParameterError, SocketError, connection_errors, AuthenticationError,
-from pyignite.datatypes import Byte, Int, Short, String, UUIDObject
-from pyignite.datatypes.internal import Struct
+from pyignite.exceptions import HandshakeError, SocketError, connection_errors, AuthenticationError
-from .handshake import HandshakeRequest
-from .ssl import wrap
-from ..stream import BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
+from .handshake import HandshakeRequest, HandshakeResponse
+from .ssl import wrap, check_ssl_params
+from ..stream import BinaryStream
-class Connection:
+class BaseConnection:
+    def __init__(self, client, host: str = None, port: int = None, username: str = None, password: str = None,
+                 **ssl_params):
+        self.client = client
+        self.host = host if host else IGNITE_DEFAULT_HOST
+        self.port = port if port else IGNITE_DEFAULT_PORT
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
+        self.uuid = None
+        check_ssl_params(ssl_params)
+        if self.username and self.password and 'use_ssl' not in ssl_params:
+            ssl_params['use_ssl'] = True
+        self.ssl_params = ssl_params
+        self._failed = False
+    @property
+    def closed(self) -> bool:
+        """ Tells if socket is closed. """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @property
+    def failed(self) -> bool:
+        """ Tells if connection is failed. """
+        return self._failed
+    @failed.setter
+    def failed(self, value):
+        self._failed = value
+    @property
+    def alive(self) -> bool:
+        """ Tells if connection is up and no failure detected. """
+        return not self.failed and not self.closed
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return '{}:{}'.format(self.host or '?', self.port or '?')
+    @property
+    def protocol_version(self):
+        """
+        Returns the tuple of major, minor, and revision numbers of the used
+        thin protocol version, or None, if no connection to the Ignite cluster
+        was yet established.
+        """
+        return self.client.protocol_version
+    def _process_handshake_error(self, response):
+        error_text = f'Handshake error: {response.message}'
+        # if handshake fails for any reason other than protocol mismatch
+        # (i.e. authentication error), server version is 0.0.0
+        protocol_version = self.client.protocol_version
+        server_version = (response.version_major, response.version_minor, response.version_patch)
+        if any(server_version):
+            error_text += f' Server expects binary protocol version ' \
+                          f'{server_version[0]}.{server_version[1]}.{server_version[2]}. ' \
+                          f'Client provides ' \
+                          f'{protocol_version[0]}.{protocol_version[1]}.{protocol_version[2]}.'
+        elif response.client_status == CLIENT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE:
+            raise AuthenticationError(error_text)
+        raise HandshakeError(server_version, error_text)
+class Connection(BaseConnection):
     This is a `pyignite` class, that represents a connection to Ignite
     node. It serves multiple purposes:
      * socket wrapper. Detects fragmentation and network errors. See also
-     * binary protocol connector. Incapsulates handshake and failover reconnection.
+     * binary protocol connector. Encapsulates handshake and failover reconnection.
-    _socket = None
-    _failed = None
-    client = None
-    host = None
-    port = None
-    timeout = None
-    username = None
-    password = None
-    ssl_params = {}
-    uuid = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def _check_ssl_params(params):
-        expected_args = [
-            'use_ssl',
-            'ssl_version',
-            'ssl_ciphers',
-            'ssl_cert_reqs',
-            'ssl_keyfile',
-            'ssl_keyfile_password',
-            'ssl_certfile',
-            'ssl_ca_certfile',
-        ]
-        for param in params:
-            if param not in expected_args:
-                raise ParameterError((
-                    'Unexpected parameter for connection initialization: `{}`'
-                ).format(param))
-    def __init__(
-        self, client: 'Client', timeout: float = 2.0,
-        username: str = None, password: str = None, **ssl_params
-    ):
+    def __init__(self, client: 'Client', host: str, port: int, timeout: float = 2.0,
+                 username: str = None, password: str = None, **ssl_params):
         Initialize connection.
@@ -97,6 +127,8 @@
         :param client: Ignite client object,
+        :param host: Ignite server node's host name or IP,
+        :param port: Ignite server node's port number,
         :param timeout: (optional) sets timeout (in seconds) for each socket
          operation including `connect`. 0 means non-blocking mode, which is
          virtually guaranteed to fail. Can accept integer or float value.
@@ -130,84 +162,15 @@
         :param password: (optional) password to authenticate to Ignite cluster.
-        self.client = client
+        super().__init__(client, host, port, username, password, **ssl_params)
         self.timeout = timeout
-        self.username = username
-        self.password = password
-        self._check_ssl_params(ssl_params)
-        if self.username and self.password and 'use_ssl' not in ssl_params:
-            ssl_params['use_ssl'] = True
-        self.ssl_params = ssl_params
-        self._failed = False
+        self._socket = None
     def closed(self) -> bool:
-        """ Tells if socket is closed. """
         return self._socket is None
-    @property
-    def failed(self) -> bool:
-        """ Tells if connection is failed. """
-        return self._failed
-    @failed.setter
-    def failed(self, value):
-        self._failed = value
-    @property
-    def alive(self) -> bool:
-        """ Tells if connection is up and no failure detected. """
-        return not self.failed and not self.closed
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
-        return '{}:{}'.format(self.host or '?', self.port or '?')
-    _wrap = wrap
-    def get_protocol_version(self):
-        """
-        Returns the tuple of major, minor, and revision numbers of the used
-        thin protocol version, or None, if no connection to the Ignite cluster
-        was yet established.
-        """
-        return self.client.protocol_version
-    def read_response(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
-        """
-        Processes server's response to the handshake request.
-        :return: handshake data.
-        """
-        response_start = Struct([
-            ('length', Int),
-            ('op_code', Byte),
-        ])
-        with BinaryStream(self, self.recv(reconnect=False)) as stream:
-            start_class = response_start.parse(stream)
-            start = stream.read_ctype(start_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-            data = response_start.to_python(start)
-            response_end = None
-            if data['op_code'] == 0:
-                response_end = Struct([
-                    ('version_major', Short),
-                    ('version_minor', Short),
-                    ('version_patch', Short),
-                    ('message', String),
-                    ('client_status', Int)
-                ])
-            elif self.get_protocol_version() >= (1, 4, 0):
-                response_end = Struct([
-                    ('node_uuid', UUIDObject),
-                ])
-            if response_end:
-                end_class = response_end.parse(stream)
-                end = stream.read_ctype(end_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-                data.update(response_end.to_python(end))
-            return data
-    def connect(
-        self, host: str = None, port: int = None
-    ) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+    def connect(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
         Connect to the given server node with protocol version fallback.
@@ -222,11 +185,11 @@
             self.client.protocol_version = max(PROTOCOLS)
-            result = self._connect_version(host, port)
+            result = self._connect_version()
         except HandshakeError as e:
             if e.expected_version in PROTOCOLS:
                 self.client.protocol_version = e.expected_version
-                result = self._connect_version(host, port)
+                result = self._connect_version()
                 raise e
         except connection_errors:
@@ -237,28 +200,19 @@
         # connection is ready for end user
         self.uuid = result.get('node_uuid', None)  # version-specific (1.4+)
         self.failed = False
         return result
-    def _connect_version(
-        self, host: str = None, port: int = None,
-    ) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+    def _connect_version(self) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
         Connect to the given server node using protocol version
         defined on client.
-        :param host: Ignite server node's host name or IP,
-        :param port: Ignite server node's port number.
-        host = host or IGNITE_DEFAULT_HOST
-        port = port or IGNITE_DEFAULT_PORT
         self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        self._socket = self._wrap(self._socket)
-        self._socket.connect((host, port))
+        self._socket = wrap(self._socket, self.ssl_params)
+        self._socket.connect((self.host, self.port))
         protocol_version = self.client.protocol_version
@@ -268,56 +222,41 @@
-        with BinaryStream(self) as stream:
+        with BinaryStream(self.client) as stream:
             self.send(stream.getbuffer(), reconnect=False)
-        hs_response = self.read_response()
-        if hs_response['op_code'] == 0:
-            self.close()
+        with BinaryStream(self.client, self.recv(reconnect=False)) as stream:
+            hs_response = HandshakeResponse.parse(stream, self.protocol_version)
-            error_text = 'Handshake error: {}'.format(hs_response['message'])
-            # if handshake fails for any reason other than protocol mismatch
-            # (i.e. authentication error), server version is 0.0.0
-            if any([
-                hs_response['version_major'],
-                hs_response['version_minor'],
-                hs_response['version_patch'],
-            ]):
-                error_text += (
-                    ' Server expects binary protocol version '
-                    '{version_major}.{version_minor}.{version_patch}. Client '
-                    'provides {client_major}.{client_minor}.{client_patch}.'
-                ).format(
-                    client_major=protocol_version[0],
-                    client_minor=protocol_version[1],
-                    client_patch=protocol_version[2],
-                    **hs_response
-                )
-            elif hs_response['client_status'] == CLIENT_STATUS_AUTH_FAILURE:
-                raise AuthenticationError(error_text)
-            raise HandshakeError((
-                hs_response['version_major'],
-                hs_response['version_minor'],
-                hs_response['version_patch'],
-            ), error_text)
-        self.host, self.port = host, port
-        return hs_response
+            if hs_response.op_code == 0:
+                self.close()
+                self._process_handshake_error(hs_response)
+            return hs_response
     def reconnect(self):
-        # do not reconnect if connection is already working
-        # or was closed on purpose
-        if not self.failed:
+        if self.alive:
         # connect and silence the connection errors
-            self.connect(self.host, self.port)
+            self.connect()
         except connection_errors:
+    def request(self, data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview], flags=None) -> bytearray:
+        """
+        Perform request.
+        :param data: bytes to send,
+        :param flags: (optional) OS-specific flags.
+        """
+        self.send(data, flags=flags)
+        return self.recv()
     def send(self, data: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview], flags=None, reconnect=True):
         Send data down the socket.
@@ -337,7 +276,8 @@
             self._socket.sendall(data, **kwargs)
         except connection_errors:
             self.failed = True
-            self.reconnect()
+            if reconnect:
+                self.reconnect()
     def recv(self, flags=None, reconnect=True) -> bytearray:
diff --git a/pyignite/connection/handshake.py b/pyignite/connection/handshake.py
index 3315c4e..0b0fe50 100644
--- a/pyignite/connection/handshake.py
+++ b/pyignite/connection/handshake.py
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@
 from typing import Optional, Tuple
-from pyignite.datatypes import Byte, Int, Short, String
+from pyignite.datatypes import Byte, Int, Short, String, UUIDObject
 from pyignite.datatypes.internal import Struct
+from pyignite.stream import READ_BACKWARD
@@ -51,6 +52,12 @@
         self.handshake_struct = Struct(fields)
     def from_python(self, stream):
+        self.handshake_struct.from_python(stream, self.__create_handshake_data())
+    async def from_python_async(self, stream):
+        await self.handshake_struct.from_python_async(stream, self.__create_handshake_data())
+    def __create_handshake_data(self):
         handshake_data = {
             'length': 8,
             'op_code': OP_HANDSHAKE,
@@ -69,5 +76,66 @@
+        return handshake_data
-        self.handshake_struct.from_python(stream, handshake_data)
+class HandshakeResponse(dict):
+    """
+    Handshake response.
+    """
+    __response_start = Struct([
+        ('length', Int),
+        ('op_code', Byte),
+    ])
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.update(data)
+    def __getattr__(self, item):
+        return self.get(item)
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, stream, protocol_version):
+        start_class = cls.__response_start.parse(stream)
+        start = stream.read_ctype(start_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+        data = cls.__response_start.to_python(start)
+        response_end = cls.__create_response_end(data, protocol_version)
+        if response_end:
+            end_class = response_end.parse(stream)
+            end = stream.read_ctype(end_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+            data.update(response_end.to_python(end))
+        return cls(data)
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_async(cls, stream, protocol_version):
+        start_class = cls.__response_start.parse(stream)
+        start = stream.read_ctype(start_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+        data = await cls.__response_start.to_python_async(start)
+        response_end = cls.__create_response_end(data, protocol_version)
+        if response_end:
+            end_class = await response_end.parse_async(stream)
+            end = stream.read_ctype(end_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+            data.update(await response_end.to_python_async(end))
+        return cls(data)
+    @classmethod
+    def __create_response_end(cls, start_data, protocol_version):
+        response_end = None
+        if start_data['op_code'] == 0:
+            response_end = Struct([
+                ('version_major', Short),
+                ('version_minor', Short),
+                ('version_patch', Short),
+                ('message', String),
+                ('client_status', Int)
+            ])
+        elif protocol_version >= (1, 4, 0):
+            response_end = Struct([
+                ('node_uuid', UUIDObject),
+            ])
+        return response_end
diff --git a/pyignite/connection/ssl.py b/pyignite/connection/ssl.py
index 9773860..385b414 100644
--- a/pyignite/connection/ssl.py
+++ b/pyignite/connection/ssl.py
@@ -16,34 +16,62 @@
 import ssl
 from ssl import SSLContext
-from pyignite.constants import *
+from pyignite.constants import SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHERS, SSL_DEFAULT_VERSION
+from pyignite.exceptions import ParameterError
-def wrap(conn: 'Connection', _socket):
+def wrap(socket, ssl_params):
     """ Wrap socket in SSL wrapper. """
-    if conn.ssl_params.get('use_ssl', None):
-        keyfile = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_keyfile', None)
-        certfile = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_certfile', None)
+    if not ssl_params.get('use_ssl'):
+        return socket
-        if keyfile and not certfile:
-            raise ValueError("certfile must be specified")
+    context = create_ssl_context(ssl_params)
-        password = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_keyfile_password', None)
-        ssl_version = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_version', SSL_DEFAULT_VERSION)
-        ciphers = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_ciphers', SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHERS)
-        cert_reqs = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_NONE)
-        ca_certs = conn.ssl_params.get('ssl_ca_certfile', None)
+    return context.wrap_socket(sock=socket)
-        context = SSLContext(ssl_version)
-        context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
-        if ca_certs:
-            context.load_verify_locations(ca_certs)
-        if certfile:
-            context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile, password)
-        if ciphers:
-            context.set_ciphers(ciphers)
+def check_ssl_params(params):
+    expected_args = [
+        'use_ssl',
+        'ssl_version',
+        'ssl_ciphers',
+        'ssl_cert_reqs',
+        'ssl_keyfile',
+        'ssl_keyfile_password',
+        'ssl_certfile',
+        'ssl_ca_certfile',
+    ]
+    for param in params:
+        if param not in expected_args:
+            raise ParameterError((
+                'Unexpected parameter for connection initialization: `{}`'
+            ).format(param))
-        _socket = context.wrap_socket(sock=_socket)
-    return _socket
+def create_ssl_context(ssl_params):
+    if not ssl_params.get('use_ssl'):
+        return None
+    keyfile = ssl_params.get('ssl_keyfile', None)
+    certfile = ssl_params.get('ssl_certfile', None)
+    if keyfile and not certfile:
+        raise ValueError("certfile must be specified")
+    password = ssl_params.get('ssl_keyfile_password', None)
+    ssl_version = ssl_params.get('ssl_version', SSL_DEFAULT_VERSION)
+    ciphers = ssl_params.get('ssl_ciphers', SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHERS)
+    cert_reqs = ssl_params.get('ssl_cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_NONE)
+    ca_certs = ssl_params.get('ssl_ca_certfile', None)
+    context = SSLContext(ssl_version)
+    context.verify_mode = cert_reqs
+    if ca_certs:
+        context.load_verify_locations(ca_certs)
+    if certfile:
+        context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile, password)
+    if ciphers:
+        context.set_ciphers(ciphers)
+    return context
diff --git a/pyignite/cursors.py b/pyignite/cursors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c699556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyignite/cursors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+This module contains sync and async cursors for different types of queries.
+import asyncio
+from pyignite.api import (
+    scan, scan_cursor_get_page, resource_close, scan_async, scan_cursor_get_page_async, resource_close_async, sql,
+    sql_cursor_get_page, sql_fields, sql_fields_cursor_get_page, sql_fields_cursor_get_page_async, sql_fields_async
+from pyignite.exceptions import CacheError, SQLError
+__all__ = ['ScanCursor', 'SqlCursor', 'SqlFieldsCursor', 'AioScanCursor', 'AioSqlFieldsCursor']
+class BaseCursorMixin:
+    @property
+    def connection(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_conn', None)
+    @connection.setter
+    def connection(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_conn', value)
+    @property
+    def cursor_id(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_cursor_id', None)
+    @cursor_id.setter
+    def cursor_id(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_cursor_id', value)
+    @property
+    def more(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_more', None)
+    @more.setter
+    def more(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_more', value)
+    @property
+    def cache_id(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_cache_id', None)
+    @cache_id.setter
+    def cache_id(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_cache_id', value)
+    @property
+    def client(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_client', None)
+    @client.setter
+    def client(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_client', value)
+    @property
+    def data(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_data', None)
+    @data.setter
+    def data(self, value):
+        setattr(self, '_data', value)
+class CursorMixin(BaseCursorMixin):
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        self.close()
+    def close(self):
+        if self.connection and self.cursor_id and self.more:
+            resource_close(self.connection, self.cursor_id)
+class AioCursorMixin(BaseCursorMixin):
+    def __await__(self):
+        return (yield from self.__aenter__().__await__())
+    def __aiter__(self):
+        return self
+    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        await self.close()
+    async def close(self):
+        if self.connection and self.cursor_id and self.more:
+            await resource_close_async(self.connection, self.cursor_id)
+class AbstractScanCursor:
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, page_size, partitions, local):
+        self.client = client
+        self.cache_id = cache_id
+        self._page_size = page_size
+        self._partitions = partitions
+        self._local = local
+    def _finalize_init(self, result):
+        if result.status != 0:
+            raise CacheError(result.message)
+        self.cursor_id, self.more = result.value['cursor'], result.value['more']
+        self.data = iter(result.value['data'].items())
+    def _process_page_response(self, result):
+        if result.status != 0:
+            raise CacheError(result.message)
+        self.data, self.more = iter(result.value['data'].items()), result.value['more']
+class ScanCursor(AbstractScanCursor, CursorMixin):
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, page_size, partitions, local):
+        super().__init__(client, cache_id, page_size, partitions, local)
+        self.connection = self.client.random_node
+        result = scan(self.connection, self.cache_id, self._page_size, self._partitions, self._local)
+        self._finalize_init(result)
+    def __next__(self):
+        if not self.data:
+            raise StopIteration
+        try:
+            k, v = next(self.data)
+        except StopIteration:
+            if self.more:
+                self._process_page_response(scan_cursor_get_page(self.connection, self.cursor_id))
+                k, v = next(self.data)
+            else:
+                raise StopIteration
+        return self.client.unwrap_binary(k), self.client.unwrap_binary(v)
+class AioScanCursor(AbstractScanCursor, AioCursorMixin):
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, page_size, partitions, local):
+        super().__init__(client, cache_id, page_size, partitions, local)
+    async def __aenter__(self):
+        if not self.connection:
+            self.connection = await self.client.random_node()
+            result = await scan_async(self.connection, self.cache_id, self._page_size, self._partitions, self._local)
+            self._finalize_init(result)
+        return self
+    async def __anext__(self):
+        if not self.connection:
+            raise CacheError("Using uninitialized cursor, initialize it using async with expression.")
+        if not self.data:
+            raise StopAsyncIteration
+        try:
+            k, v = next(self.data)
+        except StopIteration:
+            if self.more:
+                self._process_page_response(await scan_cursor_get_page_async(self.connection, self.cursor_id))
+                try:
+                    k, v = next(self.data)
+                except StopIteration:
+                    raise StopAsyncIteration
+            else:
+                raise StopAsyncIteration
+        return await asyncio.gather(
+            *[self.client.unwrap_binary(k), self.client.unwrap_binary(v)]
+        )
+class SqlCursor(CursorMixin):
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.client = client
+        self.cache_id = cache_id
+        self.connection = self.client.random_node
+        result = sql(self.connection, self.cache_id, *args, **kwargs)
+        if result.status != 0:
+            raise SQLError(result.message)
+        self.cursor_id, self.more = result.value['cursor'], result.value['more']
+        self.data = iter(result.value['data'].items())
+    def __next__(self):
+        if not self.data:
+            raise StopIteration
+        try:
+            k, v = next(self.data)
+        except StopIteration:
+            if self.more:
+                result = sql_cursor_get_page(self.connection, self.cursor_id)
+                if result.status != 0:
+                    raise SQLError(result.message)
+                self.data, self.more = iter(result.value['data'].items()), result.value['more']
+                k, v = next(self.data)
+            else:
+                raise StopIteration
+        return self.client.unwrap_binary(k), self.client.unwrap_binary(v)
+class AbstractSqlFieldsCursor:
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id):
+        self.client = client
+        self.cache_id = cache_id
+    def _finalize_init(self, result):
+        if result.status != 0:
+            raise SQLError(result.message)
+        self.cursor_id, self.more = result.value['cursor'], result.value['more']
+        self.data = iter(result.value['data'])
+        self._field_names = result.value.get('fields', None)
+        if self._field_names:
+            self._field_count = len(self._field_names)
+        else:
+            self._field_count = result.value['field_count']
+class SqlFieldsCursor(AbstractSqlFieldsCursor, CursorMixin):
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(client, cache_id)
+        self.connection = self.client.random_node
+        self._finalize_init(sql_fields(self.connection, self.cache_id, *args, **kwargs))
+    def __next__(self):
+        if not self.data:
+            raise StopIteration
+        if self._field_names:
+            result = self._field_names
+            self._field_names = None
+            return result
+        try:
+            row = next(self.data)
+        except StopIteration:
+            if self.more:
+                result = sql_fields_cursor_get_page(self.connection, self.cursor_id, self._field_count)
+                if result.status != 0:
+                    raise SQLError(result.message)
+                self.data, self.more = iter(result.value['data']), result.value['more']
+                row = next(self.data)
+            else:
+                raise StopIteration
+        return [self.client.unwrap_binary(v) for v in row]
+class AioSqlFieldsCursor(AbstractSqlFieldsCursor, AioCursorMixin):
+    def __init__(self, client, cache_id, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(client, cache_id)
+        self._params = (args, kwargs)
+    async def __aenter__(self):
+        await self._initialize(*self._params[0], *self._params[1])
+        return self
+    async def __anext__(self):
+        if not self.connection:
+            raise SQLError("Attempting to use uninitialized aio cursor, please await on it or use with expression.")
+        if not self.data:
+            raise StopAsyncIteration
+        if self._field_names:
+            result = self._field_names
+            self._field_names = None
+            return result
+        try:
+            row = next(self.data)
+        except StopIteration:
+            if self.more:
+                result = await sql_fields_cursor_get_page_async(self.connection, self.cursor_id, self._field_count)
+                if result.status != 0:
+                    raise SQLError(result.message)
+                self.data, self.more = iter(result.value['data']), result.value['more']
+                try:
+                    row = next(self.data)
+                except StopIteration:
+                    raise StopAsyncIteration
+            else:
+                raise StopAsyncIteration
+        return await asyncio.gather(*[self.client.unwrap_binary(v) for v in row])
+    async def _initialize(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.connection and self.cursor_id:
+            return
+        self.connection = await self.client.random_node()
+        self._finalize_init(await sql_fields_async(self.connection, self.cache_id, *args, **kwargs))
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/__init__.py b/pyignite/datatypes/__init__.py
index 49860bd..5024f79 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/__init__.py
@@ -25,22 +25,3 @@
 from .primitive_arrays import *
 from .primitive_objects import *
 from .standard import *
-from ..stream import BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
-def unwrap_binary(client: 'Client', wrapped: tuple) -> object:
-    """
-    Unwrap wrapped BinaryObject and convert it to Python data.
-    :param client: connection to Ignite cluster,
-    :param wrapped: `WrappedDataObject` value,
-    :return: dict representing wrapped BinaryObject.
-    """
-    from pyignite.datatypes.complex import BinaryObject
-    blob, offset = wrapped
-    with BinaryStream(client.random_node, blob) as stream:
-        data_class = BinaryObject.parse(stream)
-        result = BinaryObject.to_python(stream.read_ctype(data_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD), client)
-    return result
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/base.py b/pyignite/datatypes/base.py
index 25b5b1e..fbd798b 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/base.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/base.py
@@ -47,4 +47,34 @@
     This is a base class for all Ignite data types, a.k.a. parser/constructor
     classes, both object and payload varieties.
-    pass
+    @classmethod
+    async def hashcode_async(cls, value, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.hashcode(value, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value, *args, **kwargs):
+        return 0
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, stream):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_async(cls, stream):
+        return cls.parse(stream)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        cls.from_python(stream, value, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/cache_properties.py b/pyignite/datatypes/cache_properties.py
index eadaef9..127b6f3 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/cache_properties.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/cache_properties.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 from .primitive import *
 from .standard import *
 __all__ = [
     'PropName', 'PropCacheMode', 'PropCacheAtomicityMode', 'PropBackupsNumber',
     'PropWriteSynchronizationMode', 'PropCopyOnRead', 'PropReadFromBackup',
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -112,10 +111,16 @@
         return prop_class
+    async def parse_async(cls, stream):
+        return cls.parse(stream)
+    @classmethod
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        return cls.prop_data_class.to_python(
-            ctype_object.data, *args, **kwargs
-        )
+        return cls.prop_data_class.to_python(ctype_object.data, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
     def from_python(cls, stream, value):
@@ -125,6 +130,10 @@
         cls.prop_data_class.from_python(stream, value)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value):
+        return cls.from_python(stream, value)
 class PropName(PropBase):
     prop_code = PROP_NAME
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/complex.py b/pyignite/datatypes/complex.py
index b8d9c02..5cb6160 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/complex.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/complex.py
@@ -12,30 +12,25 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import ctypes
 from io import SEEK_CUR
-from typing import Iterable, Dict
+from typing import Optional
 from pyignite.constants import *
 from pyignite.exceptions import ParseError
-from .base import IgniteDataType
-from .internal import AnyDataObject, infer_from_python
+from .internal import AnyDataObject, Struct, infer_from_python, infer_from_python_async
 from .type_codes import *
 from .type_ids import *
 from .type_names import *
 from .null_object import Null, Nullable
+from ..stream import AioBinaryStream, BinaryStream
-__all__ = [
-    'Map', 'ObjectArrayObject', 'CollectionObject', 'MapObject',
-    'WrappedDataObject', 'BinaryObject',
-from ..stream import BinaryStream
+__all__ = ['Map', 'ObjectArrayObject', 'CollectionObject', 'MapObject', 'WrappedDataObject', 'BinaryObject']
-class ObjectArrayObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class ObjectArrayObject(Nullable):
     Array of Ignite objects of any consistent type. Its Python representation
     is tuple(type_id, iterable of any type). The only type ID that makes sense
@@ -48,15 +43,10 @@
     _type_id = TYPE_OBJ_ARR
     type_code = TC_OBJECT_ARRAY
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Iterable) -> int:
-        # Arrays are not supported as keys at the moment.
-        return 0
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -70,16 +60,36 @@
     def parse_not_null(cls, stream):
-        header_class = cls.build_header()
-        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
-        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
         fields = []
         for i in range(header.length):
             c_type = AnyDataObject.parse(stream)
             fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
-        final_class = type(
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_not_null_async(cls, stream):
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(header.length):
+            c_type = await AnyDataObject.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    def __parse_header(cls, stream):
+        header_class = cls.build_header()
+        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        return header, header_class
+    @classmethod
+    def __build_final_class(cls, header_class, fields):
+        return type(
@@ -88,8 +98,6 @@
-        return final_class
     def to_python_not_null(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         result = []
@@ -103,28 +111,55 @@
         return ctype_object.type_id, result
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_not_null_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        result = [
+            await AnyDataObject.to_python_async(
+                getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)), *args, **kwargs
+            )
+            for i in range(ctype_object.length)]
+        return ctype_object.type_id, result
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, *args, **kwargs):
         type_or_id, value = value
+        try:
+            length = len(value)
+        except TypeError:
+            value = [value]
+            length = 1
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_or_id, length)
+        for x in value:
+            infer_from_python(stream, x)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_not_null_async(cls, stream, value, *args, **kwargs):
+        type_or_id, value = value
+        try:
+            length = len(value)
+        except TypeError:
+            value = [value]
+            length = 1
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_or_id, length)
+        for x in value:
+            await infer_from_python_async(stream, x)
+    @classmethod
+    def __write_header(cls, stream, type_or_id, length):
         header_class = cls.build_header()
         header = header_class()
         header.type_code = int.from_bytes(
-        try:
-            length = len(value)
-        except TypeError:
-            value = [value]
-            length = 1
         header.length = length
         header.type_id = type_or_id
-        for x in value:
-            infer_from_python(stream, x)
-class WrappedDataObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class WrappedDataObject(Nullable):
     One or more binary objects can be wrapped in an array. This allows reading,
     storing, passing and writing objects efficiently without understanding
@@ -138,7 +173,7 @@
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -160,7 +195,7 @@
                 '_pack_': 1,
                 '_fields_': [
-                    ('payload', ctypes.c_byte*header.length),
+                    ('payload', ctypes.c_byte * header.length),
                     ('offset', ctypes.c_int),
@@ -170,15 +205,15 @@
         return final_class
-    def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+    def to_python_not_null(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         return bytes(ctype_object.payload), ctype_object.offset
-    def from_python(cls, stream, value):
+    def from_python(cls, stream, value, *args, **kwargs):
         raise ParseError('Send unwrapped data.')
-class CollectionObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class CollectionObject(Nullable):
     Similar to object array, but contains platform-agnostic deserialization
     type hint instead of type ID.
@@ -220,15 +255,10 @@
     pythonic = list
     default = []
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Iterable) -> int:
-        # Collections are not supported as keys at the moment.
-        return 0
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -242,16 +272,36 @@
     def parse_not_null(cls, stream):
-        header_class = cls.build_header()
-        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
-        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
         fields = []
         for i in range(header.length):
             c_type = AnyDataObject.parse(stream)
             fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
-        final_class = type(
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_not_null_async(cls, stream):
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(header.length):
+            c_type = await AnyDataObject.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    def __parse_header(cls, stream):
+        header_class = cls.build_header()
+        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        return header, header_class
+    @classmethod
+    def __build_final_class(cls, header_class, fields):
+        return type(
@@ -259,46 +309,78 @@
                 '_fields_': fields,
-        return final_class
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        result = []
-        length = getattr(ctype_object, "length", None)
+        length = cls.__get_length(ctype_object)
         if length is None:
             return None
-        for i in range(length):
-            result.append(
-                AnyDataObject.to_python(
-                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
-                    *args, **kwargs
-                )
-            )
+        result = [
+            AnyDataObject.to_python(getattr(ctype_object, f'element_{i}'), *args, **kwargs)
+            for i in range(length)
+        ]
         return ctype_object.type, result
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        length = cls.__get_length(ctype_object)
+        if length is None:
+            return None
+        result_coro = [
+            AnyDataObject.to_python_async(getattr(ctype_object, f'element_{i}'), *args, **kwargs)
+            for i in range(length)
+        ]
+        return ctype_object.type, await asyncio.gather(*result_coro)
+    @classmethod
+    def __get_length(cls, ctype_object):
+        return getattr(ctype_object, "length", None)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, *args, **kwargs):
         type_or_id, value = value
+        try:
+            length = len(value)
+        except TypeError:
+            value = [value]
+            length = 1
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_or_id, length)
+        for x in value:
+            infer_from_python(stream, x)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_not_null_async(cls, stream, value, *args, **kwargs):
+        type_or_id, value = value
+        try:
+            length = len(value)
+        except TypeError:
+            value = [value]
+            length = 1
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_or_id, length)
+        for x in value:
+            await infer_from_python_async(stream, x)
+    @classmethod
+    def __write_header(cls, stream, type_or_id, length):
         header_class = cls.build_header()
         header = header_class()
         header.type_code = int.from_bytes(
-        try:
-            length = len(value)
-        except TypeError:
-            value = [value]
-            length = 1
         header.length = length
         header.type = type_or_id
-        for x in value:
-            infer_from_python(stream, x)
-class Map(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class Map(Nullable):
     Dictionary type, payload-only.
@@ -310,15 +392,10 @@
     HASH_MAP = 1
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Dict) -> int:
-        # Maps are not supported as keys at the moment.
-        return 0
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -330,16 +407,36 @@
     def parse_not_null(cls, stream):
-        header_class = cls.build_header()
-        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
-        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
         fields = []
         for i in range(header.length << 1):
             c_type = AnyDataObject.parse(stream)
             fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
-        final_class = type(
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_not_null_async(cls, stream):
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(header.length << 1):
+            c_type = await AnyDataObject.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return cls.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    @classmethod
+    def __parse_header(cls, stream):
+        header_class = cls.build_header()
+        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        return header, header_class
+    @classmethod
+    def __build_final_class(cls, header_class, fields):
+        return type(
@@ -347,43 +444,75 @@
                 '_fields_': fields,
-        return final_class
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        map_type = getattr(ctype_object, 'type', cls.HASH_MAP)
-        result = OrderedDict() if map_type == cls.LINKED_HASH_MAP else {}
+        map_cls = cls.__get_map_class(ctype_object)
+        result = map_cls()
         for i in range(0, ctype_object.length << 1, 2):
             k = AnyDataObject.to_python(
-                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
-                    *args, **kwargs
-                )
+                getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
+                *args, **kwargs
+            )
             v = AnyDataObject.to_python(
-                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i + 1)),
-                    *args, **kwargs
-                )
+                getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i + 1)),
+                *args, **kwargs
+            )
             result[k] = v
         return result
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        map_cls = cls.__get_map_class(ctype_object)
+        kv_pairs_coro = [
+            asyncio.gather(
+                AnyDataObject.to_python_async(
+                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
+                    *args, **kwargs
+                ),
+                AnyDataObject.to_python_async(
+                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i + 1)),
+                    *args, **kwargs
+                )
+            ) for i in range(0, ctype_object.length << 1, 2)
+        ]
+        return map_cls(await asyncio.gather(*kv_pairs_coro))
+    @classmethod
+    def __get_map_class(cls, ctype_object):
+        map_type = getattr(ctype_object, 'type', cls.HASH_MAP)
+        return OrderedDict if map_type == cls.LINKED_HASH_MAP else dict
+    @classmethod
     def from_python(cls, stream, value, type_id=None):
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_id, len(value))
+        for k, v in value.items():
+            infer_from_python(stream, k)
+            infer_from_python(stream, v)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value, type_id=None):
+        cls.__write_header(stream, type_id, len(value))
+        for k, v in value.items():
+            await infer_from_python_async(stream, k)
+            await infer_from_python_async(stream, v)
+    @classmethod
+    def __write_header(cls, stream, type_id, length):
         header_class = cls.build_header()
         header = header_class()
-        length = len(value)
         header.length = length
         if hasattr(header, 'type_code'):
-            header.type_code = int.from_bytes(
-                cls.type_code,
-                byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
-            )
+            header.type_code = int.from_bytes(cls.type_code, byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
         if hasattr(header, 'type'):
             header.type = type_id
-        for k, v in value.items():
-            infer_from_python(stream, k)
-            infer_from_python(stream, v)
 class MapObject(Map):
@@ -404,7 +533,7 @@
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -419,23 +548,43 @@
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         obj_type = getattr(ctype_object, "type", None)
-        if obj_type is None:
-            return None
-        return obj_type, super().to_python(
-            ctype_object, *args, **kwargs
-        )
+        if obj_type:
+            return obj_type, super().to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+        return None
-    def from_python(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        obj_type = getattr(ctype_object, "type", None)
+        if obj_type:
+            return obj_type, await super().to_python_async(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+        return None
+    @classmethod
+    def __get_obj_type(cls, ctype_object):
+        return getattr(ctype_object, "type", None)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        type_id, value = cls.__unpack_value(stream, value)
+        if value:
+            super().from_python(stream, value, type_id)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        type_id, value = cls.__unpack_value(stream, value)
+        if value:
+            await super().from_python_async(stream, value, type_id)
+    @classmethod
+    def __unpack_value(cls, stream, value):
         if value is None:
-            return
+            return None, None
-        type_id, value = value
-        super().from_python(stream, value, type_id)
+        return value
-class BinaryObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class BinaryObject(Nullable):
     _type_id = TYPE_BINARY_OBJ
     type_code = TC_COMPLEX_OBJECT
@@ -446,19 +595,26 @@
     OFFSET_TWO_BYTES = 0x0010
     COMPACT_FOOTER = 0x0020
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: object, client: None) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: object, client: Optional['Client']) -> int:
         # binary objects's hashcode implementation is special in the sense
         # that you need to fully serialize the object to calculate
         # its hashcode
-        if not value._hashcode and client :
-            with BinaryStream(client.random_node) as stream:
+        if not value._hashcode and client:
+            with BinaryStream(client) as stream:
                 value._from_python(stream, save_to_buf=True)
         return value._hashcode
+    async def hashcode_async(cls, value: object, client: Optional['AioClient']) -> int:
+        if not value._hashcode and client:
+            with AioBinaryStream(client) as stream:
+                await value._from_python_async(stream, save_to_buf=True)
+        return value._hashcode
+    @classmethod
     def build_header(cls):
         return type(
@@ -504,22 +660,47 @@
     def parse_not_null(cls, stream):
-        from pyignite.datatypes import Struct
-        header_class = cls.build_header()
-        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
-        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
         # ignore full schema, always retrieve fields' types and order
         # from complex types registry
         data_class = stream.get_dataclass(header)
-        fields = data_class.schema.items()
-        object_fields_struct = Struct(fields)
+        object_fields_struct = cls.__build_object_fields_struct(data_class)
         object_fields = object_fields_struct.parse(stream)
-        final_class_fields = [('object_fields', object_fields)]
+        return cls.__build_final_class(stream, header, header_class, object_fields,
+                                       len(object_fields_struct.fields))
+    @classmethod
+    async def parse_not_null_async(cls, stream):
+        header, header_class = cls.__parse_header(stream)
+        # ignore full schema, always retrieve fields' types and order
+        # from complex types registry
+        data_class = await stream.get_dataclass(header)
+        object_fields_struct = cls.__build_object_fields_struct(data_class)
+        object_fields = await object_fields_struct.parse_async(stream)
+        return cls.__build_final_class(stream, header, header_class, object_fields,
+                                       len(object_fields_struct.fields))
+    @classmethod
+    def __parse_header(cls, stream):
+        header_class = cls.build_header()
+        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        return header, header_class
+    @staticmethod
+    def __build_object_fields_struct(data_class):
+        fields = data_class.schema.items()
+        return Struct(fields)
+    @classmethod
+    def __build_final_class(cls, stream, header, header_class, object_fields, fields_len):
+        final_class_fields = [('object_fields', object_fields)]
         if header.flags & cls.HAS_SCHEMA:
-            schema = cls.schema_type(header.flags) * len(fields)
+            schema = cls.schema_type(header.flags) * fields_len
             stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(schema), SEEK_CUR)
             final_class_fields.append(('schema', schema))
@@ -537,35 +718,71 @@
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, client: 'Client' = None, *args, **kwargs):
-        type_id = getattr(ctype_object, "type_id", None)
-        if type_id is None:
-            return None
+        type_id = cls.__get_type_id(ctype_object, client)
+        if type_id:
+            data_class = client.query_binary_type(type_id, ctype_object.schema_id)
-        if not client:
-            raise ParseError(
-                'Can not query binary type {}'.format(type_id)
-            )
-        data_class = client.query_binary_type(
-            type_id,
-            ctype_object.schema_id
-        )
-        result = data_class()
-        result.version = ctype_object.version
-        for field_name, field_type in data_class.schema.items():
-            setattr(
-                result, field_name, field_type.to_python(
-                    getattr(ctype_object.object_fields, field_name),
-                    client, *args, **kwargs
+            result = data_class()
+            result.version = ctype_object.version
+            for field_name, field_type in data_class.schema.items():
+                setattr(
+                    result, field_name, field_type.to_python(
+                        getattr(ctype_object.object_fields, field_name),
+                        client, *args, **kwargs
+                    )
-            )
-        return result
+            return result
+        return None
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
-        if getattr(value, '_buffer', None):
-            stream.write(value._buffer)
-        else:
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, client: 'AioClient' = None, *args, **kwargs):
+        type_id = cls.__get_type_id(ctype_object, client)
+        if type_id:
+            data_class = await client.query_binary_type(type_id, ctype_object.schema_id)
+            result = data_class()
+            result.version = ctype_object.version
+            field_values = await asyncio.gather(
+                *[
+                    field_type.to_python_async(
+                        getattr(ctype_object.object_fields, field_name), client, *args, **kwargs
+                    )
+                    for field_name, field_type in data_class.schema.items()
+                ]
+            )
+            for i, field_name in enumerate(data_class.schema.keys()):
+                setattr(result, field_name, field_values[i])
+            return result
+        return None
+    @classmethod
+    def __get_type_id(cls, ctype_object, client):
+        type_id = getattr(ctype_object, "type_id", None)
+        if type_id:
+            if not client:
+                raise ParseError(f'Can not query binary type {type_id}')
+            return type_id
+        return None
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        if cls.__write_fast_path(stream, value):
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_not_null_async(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        if cls.__write_fast_path(stream, value):
+            await stream.register_binary_type(value.__class__)
+            await value._from_python_async(stream)
+    @classmethod
+    def __write_fast_path(cls, stream, value):
+        if getattr(value, '_buffer', None):
+            stream.write(value._buffer)
+            return False
+        return True
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/internal.py b/pyignite/datatypes/internal.py
index a6da9fe..0de50e2 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/internal.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/internal.py
@@ -12,26 +12,25 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import ctypes
 import decimal
 from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
 from io import SEEK_CUR
-from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, Callable, List
+from typing import Any, Union, Callable, List
 import uuid
 import attr
-from pyignite.constants import *
+from pyignite.constants import PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
 from pyignite.exceptions import ParseError
 from pyignite.utils import is_binary, is_hinted, is_iterable
 from .type_codes import *
 __all__ = [
-    'AnyDataArray', 'AnyDataObject', 'Struct', 'StructArray', 'tc_map',
-    'infer_from_python',
+    'AnyDataArray', 'AnyDataObject', 'Struct', 'StructArray', 'tc_map', 'infer_from_python', 'infer_from_python_async'
 from ..stream import READ_BACKWARD
@@ -124,11 +123,25 @@
         self.var2 = var2
     def parse(self, stream, context):
-        return self.var1.parse(stream) if self.predicate1(context) else self.var2.parse(stream)
+        if self.predicate1(context):
+            return self.var1.parse(stream)
+        return self.var2.parse(stream)
+    async def parse_async(self, stream, context):
+        if self.predicate1(context):
+            return await self.var1.parse_async(stream)
+        return await self.var2.parse_async(stream)
     def to_python(self, ctype_object, context, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.var1.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs) if self.predicate2(context)\
-            else self.var2.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+        if self.predicate2(context):
+            return self.var1.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+        return self.var2.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, context, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.predicate2(context):
+            return await self.var1.to_python_async(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+        return await self.var2.to_python_async(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
 class StructArray:
@@ -139,7 +152,7 @@
     def build_header_class(self):
         return type(
-            self.__class__.__name__+'Header',
+            self.__class__.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -150,19 +163,34 @@
     def parse(self, stream):
+        fields, length = [], self.__parse_length(stream)
+        for i in range(length):
+            c_type = Struct(self.following).parse(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return self.__build_final_class(fields)
+    async def parse_async(self, stream):
+        fields, length = [], self.__parse_length(stream)
+        for i in range(length):
+            c_type = await Struct(self.following).parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return self.__build_final_class(fields)
+    def __parse_length(self, stream):
         counter_type_len = ctypes.sizeof(self.counter_type)
         length = int.from_bytes(
         stream.seek(counter_type_len, SEEK_CUR)
+        return length
-        fields = []
-        for i in range(length):
-            c_type = Struct(self.following).parse(stream)
-            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
-        data_class = type(
+    def __build_final_class(self, fields):
+        return type(
@@ -171,36 +199,47 @@
-        return data_class
     def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        result = []
         length = getattr(ctype_object, 'length', 0)
-        for i in range(length):
-            result.append(
-                Struct(
-                    self.following, dict_type=dict
-                ).to_python(
-                    getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
-                    *args, **kwargs
-                )
-            )
-        return result
+        return [
+            Struct(self.following, dict_type=dict).to_python(getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
+                                                             *args, **kwargs)
+            for i in range(length)
+        ]
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        length = getattr(ctype_object, 'length', 0)
+        result_coro = [
+            Struct(self.following, dict_type=dict).to_python_async(getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
+                                                                   *args, **kwargs)
+            for i in range(length)
+        ]
+        return await asyncio.gather(*result_coro)
     def from_python(self, stream, value):
-        length = len(value)
-        header_class = self.build_header_class()
-        header = header_class()
-        header.length = length
+        self.__write_header(stream, len(value))
-        stream.write(header)
-        for i, v in enumerate(value):
+        for v in value:
             for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
                 v.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
             for name, el_class in self.following:
                 el_class.from_python(stream, v[name])
+    async def from_python_async(self, stream, value):
+        self.__write_header(stream, len(value))
+        for v in value:
+            for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
+                v.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
+            for name, el_class in self.following:
+                await el_class.from_python_async(stream, v[name])
+    def __write_header(self, stream, length):
+        header_class = self.build_header_class()
+        header = header_class()
+        header.length = length
+        stream.write(header)
 class Struct:
@@ -210,12 +249,7 @@
     defaults = attr.ib(type=dict, default={})
     def parse(self, stream):
-        fields, ctx = [], {}
-        for _, c_type in self.fields:
-            if isinstance(c_type, Conditional):
-                for name in c_type.fields:
-                    ctx[name] = None
+        fields, ctx = [], self.__prepare_conditional_ctx()
         for name, c_type in self.fields:
             is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
@@ -224,7 +258,31 @@
             if name in ctx:
                 ctx[name] = stream.read_ctype(c_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-        data_class = type(
+        return self.__build_final_class(fields)
+    async def parse_async(self, stream):
+        fields, ctx = [], self.__prepare_conditional_ctx()
+        for name, c_type in self.fields:
+            is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
+            c_type = await c_type.parse_async(stream, ctx) if is_cond else await c_type.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append((name, c_type))
+            if name in ctx:
+                ctx[name] = stream.read_ctype(c_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+        return self.__build_final_class(fields)
+    def __prepare_conditional_ctx(self):
+        ctx = {}
+        for _, c_type in self.fields:
+            if isinstance(c_type, Conditional):
+                for name in c_type.fields:
+                    ctx[name] = None
+        return ctx
+    @staticmethod
+    def __build_final_class(fields):
+        return type(
@@ -233,11 +291,7 @@
-        return data_class
-    def to_python(
-        self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs
-    ) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+    def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
         result = self.dict_type()
         for name, c_type in self.fields:
             is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
@@ -251,13 +305,41 @@
         return result
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
+        result = self.dict_type()
+        for name, c_type in self.fields:
+            is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
+            if is_cond:
+                value = await c_type.to_python_async(
+                    getattr(ctype_object, name),
+                    result,
+                    *args, **kwargs
+                )
+            else:
+                value = await c_type.to_python_async(
+                    getattr(ctype_object, name),
+                    *args, **kwargs
+                )
+            result[name] = value
+        return result
     def from_python(self, stream, value):
-        for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
-            value.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
+        self.__set_defaults(value)
         for name, el_class in self.fields:
             el_class.from_python(stream, value[name])
+    async def from_python_async(self, stream, value):
+        self.__set_defaults(value)
+        for name, el_class in self.fields:
+            await el_class.from_python_async(stream, value[name])
+    def __set_defaults(self, value):
+        for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
+            value.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
 class AnyDataObject:
@@ -294,29 +376,44 @@
         # if an iterable contains items of more than one non-nullable type,
         # return None
-        if all([
-            isinstance(x, type_first)
-            or ((x is None) and allow_none) for x in iterator
-        ]):
+        if all(isinstance(x, type_first) or ((x is None) and allow_none) for x in iterator):
             return type_first
     def parse(cls, stream):
-        type_code = bytes(stream.mem_view(offset=ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)))
-        try:
-            data_class = tc_map(type_code)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ParseError('Unknown type code: `{}`'.format(type_code))
+        data_class = cls.__data_class_parse(stream)
         return data_class.parse(stream)
+    async def parse_async(cls, stream):
+        data_class = cls.__data_class_parse(stream)
+        return await data_class.parse_async(stream)
+    @classmethod
+    def __data_class_parse(cls, stream):
+        type_code = bytes(stream.mem_view(offset=ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)))
+        try:
+            return tc_map(type_code)
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ParseError('Unknown type code: `{}`'.format(type_code))
+    @classmethod
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        data_class = cls.__data_class_from_ctype(ctype_object)
+        return data_class.to_python(ctype_object)
+    @classmethod
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        data_class = cls.__data_class_from_ctype(ctype_object)
+        return await data_class.to_python_async(ctype_object)
+    @classmethod
+    def __data_class_from_ctype(cls, ctype_object):
         type_code = ctype_object.type_code.to_bytes(
-        data_class = tc_map(type_code)
-        return data_class.to_python(ctype_object)
+        return tc_map(type_code)
     def _init_python_map(cls):
@@ -423,6 +520,11 @@
         p_type = cls.map_python_type(value)
         p_type.from_python(stream, value)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value):
+        p_type = cls.map_python_type(value)
+        await p_type.from_python_async(stream, value)
 def infer_from_python(stream, value: Any):
@@ -431,14 +533,26 @@
     :param value: pythonic value or (value, type_hint) tuple,
     :return: bytes.
-    if is_hinted(value):
-        value, data_type = value
-    else:
-        data_type = AnyDataObject
+    value, data_type = __unpack_hinted(value)
     data_type.from_python(stream, value)
+async def infer_from_python_async(stream, value: Any):
+    """
+    Async version of infer_from_python
+    """
+    value, data_type = __unpack_hinted(value)
+    await data_type.from_python_async(stream, value)
+def __unpack_hinted(value):
+    if is_hinted(value):
+        return value
+    return value, AnyDataObject
 class AnyDataArray(AnyDataObject):
@@ -448,7 +562,7 @@
     def build_header(self):
         return type(
-            self.__class__.__name__+'Header',
+            self.__class__.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -459,16 +573,33 @@
     def parse(self, stream):
-        header_class = self.build_header()
-        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
-        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        header, header_class = self.__parse_header(stream)
         fields = []
         for i in range(header.length):
             c_type = super().parse(stream)
             fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
-        final_class = type(
+        return self.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    async def parse_async(self, stream):
+        header, header_class = self.__parse_header(stream)
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(header.length):
+            c_type = await super().parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
+        return self.__build_final_class(header_class, fields)
+    def __parse_header(self, stream):
+        header_class = self.build_header()
+        header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(header_class), SEEK_CUR)
+        return header, header_class
+    def __build_final_class(self, header_class, fields):
+        return type(
@@ -476,34 +607,58 @@
                 '_fields_': fields,
-        return final_class
     def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        result = []
-        length = getattr(ctype_object, "length", None)
-        if length is None:
-            return None
-        for i in range(length):
-            result.append(
+        length = cls.__get_length(ctype_object)
+        return [
+            super().to_python(getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)), *args, **kwargs)
+            for i in range(length)
+        ]
+    @classmethod
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        length = cls.__get_length(ctype_object)
+        values = asyncio.gather(
+            *[
                     getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
                     *args, **kwargs
-                )
-            )
-        return result
+                ) for i in range(length)
+            ]
+        )
+        return await values
+    @staticmethod
+    def __get_length(ctype_object):
+        return getattr(ctype_object, "length", None)
     def from_python(self, stream, value):
-        header_class = self.build_header()
-        header = header_class()
             length = len(value)
         except TypeError:
             value = [value]
             length = 1
-        header.length = length
+        self.__write_header(stream, length)
-        stream.write(header)
         for x in value:
             infer_from_python(stream, x)
+    async def from_python_async(self, stream, value):
+        try:
+            length = len(value)
+        except TypeError:
+            value = [value]
+            length = 1
+        self.__write_header(stream, length)
+        for x in value:
+            await infer_from_python_async(stream, x)
+    def __write_header(self, stream, length):
+        header_class = self.build_header()
+        header = header_class()
+        header.length = length
+        stream.write(header)
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/null_object.py b/pyignite/datatypes/null_object.py
index 912ded8..f16034f 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/null_object.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/null_object.py
@@ -21,13 +21,12 @@
 import ctypes
 from io import SEEK_CUR
-from typing import Any
 from .base import IgniteDataType
 from .type_codes import TC_NULL
-__all__ = ['Null']
+__all__ = ['Null', 'Nullable']
 from ..constants import PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
@@ -37,11 +36,6 @@
     pythonic = type(None)
     _object_c_type = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Any) -> int:
-        # Null object can not be a cache key.
-        return 0
     def build_c_type(cls):
         if cls._object_c_type is None:
@@ -59,55 +53,99 @@
     def parse(cls, stream):
-        init_pos, offset = stream.tell(), ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)
-        stream.seek(offset, SEEK_CUR)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte), SEEK_CUR)
         return cls.build_c_type()
-    @staticmethod
-    def to_python(*args, **kwargs):
+    @classmethod
+    def to_python(cls, *args, **kwargs):
         return None
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_python(stream, *args):
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python(cls, stream, *args):
-class Nullable:
+class Nullable(IgniteDataType):
     def parse_not_null(cls, stream):
         raise NotImplementedError
-    def parse(cls, stream):
-        type_len = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)
+    async def parse_not_null_async(cls, stream):
+        return cls.parse_not_null(stream)
-        if stream.mem_view(offset=type_len) == TC_NULL:
-            stream.seek(type_len, SEEK_CUR)
-            return Null.build_c_type()
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, stream):
+        is_null, null_type = cls.__check_null_input(stream)
+        if is_null:
+            return null_type
         return cls.parse_not_null(stream)
+    async def parse_async(cls, stream):
+        is_null, null_type = cls.__check_null_input(stream)
+        if is_null:
+            return null_type
+        return await cls.parse_not_null_async(stream)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_not_null_async(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        return cls.from_python_not_null(stream, value, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        if value is None:
+            Null.from_python(stream)
+        else:
+            cls.from_python_not_null(stream, value)
+    @classmethod
+    async def from_python_async(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
+        if value is None:
+            Null.from_python(stream)
+        else:
+            await cls.from_python_not_null_async(stream, value, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
     def to_python_not_null(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
         raise NotImplementedError
+    async def to_python_not_null_async(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python_not_null(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
     def to_python(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        if ctypes_object.type_code == int.from_bytes(
-                TC_NULL,
-                byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
-        ):
+        if cls.__is_null(ctypes_object):
             return None
         return cls.to_python_not_null(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
-        raise NotImplementedError
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        if cls.__is_null(ctypes_object):
+            return None
+        return await cls.to_python_not_null_async(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
-    def from_python(cls, stream, value):
-        if value is None:
-            Null.from_python(stream)
-        else:
-            cls.from_python_not_null(stream, value)
+    def __check_null_input(cls, stream):
+        type_len = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)
+        if stream.mem_view(offset=type_len) == TC_NULL:
+            stream.seek(type_len, SEEK_CUR)
+            return True, Null.build_c_type()
+        return False, None
+    @classmethod
+    def __is_null(cls, ctypes_object):
+        return ctypes_object.type_code == int.from_bytes(TC_NULL, byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive.py b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive.py
index ffa2e32..3bbb196 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive.py
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@
     def parse(cls, stream):
-        init_pos, offset = stream.tell(), ctypes.sizeof(cls.c_type)
-        stream.seek(offset, SEEK_CUR)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(cls.c_type), SEEK_CUR)
         return cls.c_type
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_arrays.py b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_arrays.py
index 7cb5b20..a21de77 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_arrays.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_arrays.py
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@
 import ctypes
 from io import SEEK_CUR
-from typing import Any
 from pyignite.constants import *
-from . import Null
-from .base import IgniteDataType
 from .null_object import Nullable
 from .primitive import *
 from .type_codes import *
@@ -35,7 +32,7 @@
-class PrimitiveArray(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class PrimitiveArray(Nullable):
     Base class for array of primitives. Payload-only.
@@ -44,15 +41,10 @@
     primitive_type = None
     type_code = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Any) -> int:
-        # Arrays are not supported as keys at the moment.
-        return 0
     def build_header_class(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -88,7 +80,11 @@
         return [ctype_object.data[i] for i in range(ctype_object.length)]
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
         header_class = cls.build_header_class()
         header = header_class()
         if hasattr(header, 'type_code'):
@@ -188,7 +184,7 @@
     def build_header_class(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -312,7 +308,5 @@
         length = getattr(ctype_object, "length", None)
         if length is None:
             return None
-        result = [False] * length
-        for i in range(length):
-            result[i] = ctype_object.data[i] != 0
-        return result
+        return [ctype_object.data[i] != 0 for i in range(length)]
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_objects.py b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_objects.py
index e942dd7..5849935 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_objects.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/primitive_objects.py
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@
 from pyignite.constants import *
 from pyignite.utils import unsigned
-from .base import IgniteDataType
 from .type_codes import *
 from .type_ids import *
 from .type_names import *
-from .null_object import Null, Nullable
+from .null_object import Nullable
 __all__ = [
     'DataObject', 'ByteObject', 'ShortObject', 'IntObject', 'LongObject',
@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@
-class DataObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class DataObject(Nullable):
     Base class for primitive data objects.
@@ -65,12 +64,16 @@
         stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(data_type), SEEK_CUR)
         return data_type
-    @staticmethod
-    def to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+    @classmethod
+    def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         return getattr(ctype_object, "value", None)
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
         data_type = cls.build_c_type()
         data_object = data_type()
         data_object.type_code = int.from_bytes(
@@ -89,8 +92,8 @@
     pythonic = int
     default = 0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return value
@@ -102,8 +105,8 @@
     pythonic = int
     default = 0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return value
@@ -115,8 +118,8 @@
     pythonic = int
     default = 0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return value
@@ -128,8 +131,8 @@
     pythonic = int
     default = 0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return value ^ (unsigned(value, ctypes.c_ulonglong) >> 32)
@@ -141,8 +144,8 @@
     pythonic = float
     default = 0.0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: float, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: float, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return ctypes.cast(
@@ -157,8 +160,8 @@
     pythonic = float
     default = 0.0
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: float, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: float, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         bits = ctypes.cast(
@@ -180,8 +183,8 @@
     pythonic = str
     default = ' '
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: str, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: str, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return ord(value)
@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
         if type(value) is str:
             value = value.encode(PROTOCOL_CHAR_ENCODING)
         # assuming either a bytes or an integer
@@ -216,8 +219,8 @@
     pythonic = bool
     default = False
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: bool, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: bool, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return 1231 if value else 1237
@@ -226,4 +229,3 @@
         if value is None:
             return None
         return value != 0
diff --git a/pyignite/datatypes/standard.py b/pyignite/datatypes/standard.py
index af50a8e..2b61235 100644
--- a/pyignite/datatypes/standard.py
+++ b/pyignite/datatypes/standard.py
@@ -18,16 +18,15 @@
 import decimal
 from io import SEEK_CUR
 from math import ceil
-from typing import Any, Tuple
+from typing import Tuple
 import uuid
 from pyignite.constants import *
 from pyignite.utils import datetime_hashcode, decimal_hashcode, hashcode
-from .base import IgniteDataType
 from .type_codes import *
 from .type_ids import *
 from .type_names import *
-from .null_object import Null, Nullable
+from .null_object import Nullable
 __all__ = [
     'String', 'DecimalObject', 'UUIDObject', 'TimestampObject', 'DateObject',
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@
-class StandardObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class StandardObject(Nullable):
     _type_name = None
     _type_id = None
     type_code = None
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@
         return data_type
-class String(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class String(Nullable):
     Pascal-style string: `c_int` counter, followed by count*bytes.
     UTF-8-encoded, so that one character may take 1 to 4 bytes.
@@ -70,8 +69,8 @@
     type_code = TC_STRING
     pythonic = str
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: str, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: str, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return hashcode(value)
@@ -124,15 +123,15 @@
-class DecimalObject(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class DecimalObject(Nullable):
     _type_name = NAME_DECIMAL
     _type_id = TYPE_DECIMAL
     type_code = TC_DECIMAL
     pythonic = decimal.Decimal
     default = decimal.Decimal('0.00')
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: decimal.Decimal, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: decimal.Decimal, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return decimal_hashcode(value)
@@ -180,11 +179,7 @@
         # apply scale
-        result = (
-            result
-            / decimal.Decimal('10')
-            ** decimal.Decimal(ctype_object.scale)
-        )
+        result = result / decimal.Decimal('10') ** decimal.Decimal(ctype_object.scale)
         if sign:
             # apply sign
             result = -result
@@ -195,7 +190,7 @@
         sign, digits, scale = value.normalize().as_tuple()
         integer = int(''.join([str(d) for d in digits]))
         # calculate number of bytes (at least one, and not forget the sign bit)
-        length = ceil((integer.bit_length() + 1)/8)
+        length = ceil((integer.bit_length() + 1) / 8)
         # write byte string
         data = []
         for i in range(length):
@@ -247,8 +242,8 @@
     UUID_BYTE_ORDER = (7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8)
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: 'UUID', *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: 'UUID', *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         msb = value.int >> 64
         lsb = value.int & 0xffffffffffffffff
         hilo = msb ^ lsb
@@ -309,8 +304,8 @@
     pythonic = tuple
     default = (datetime(1970, 1, 1), 0)
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Tuple[datetime, int], *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: Tuple[datetime, int], *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return datetime_hashcode(int(value[0].timestamp() * 1000))
@@ -331,7 +326,7 @@
         return cls._object_c_type
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value: tuple):
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value: tuple, **kwargs):
         data_type = cls.build_c_type()
         data_object = data_type()
         data_object.type_code = int.from_bytes(
@@ -346,7 +341,7 @@
     def to_python_not_null(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
         return (
-            datetime.fromtimestamp(ctypes_object.epoch/1000),
+            datetime.fromtimestamp(ctypes_object.epoch / 1000),
@@ -365,8 +360,8 @@
     pythonic = datetime
     default = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: datetime, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: datetime, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return datetime_hashcode(int(value.timestamp() * 1000))
@@ -401,7 +396,7 @@
     def to_python_not_null(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        return datetime.fromtimestamp(ctypes_object.epoch/1000)
+        return datetime.fromtimestamp(ctypes_object.epoch / 1000)
 class TimeObject(StandardObject):
@@ -417,8 +412,8 @@
     pythonic = timedelta
     default = timedelta()
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: timedelta, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
+    @classmethod
+    def hashcode(cls, value: timedelta, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
         return datetime_hashcode(int(value.total_seconds() * 1000))
@@ -510,7 +505,7 @@
     type_code = TC_BINARY_ENUM
-class StandardArray(IgniteDataType, Nullable):
+class StandardArray(Nullable):
     Base class for array of primitives. Payload-only.
@@ -519,15 +514,10 @@
     standard_type = None
     type_code = None
-    @staticmethod
-    def hashcode(value: Any) -> int:
-        # Arrays are not supported as keys at the moment.
-        return 0
     def build_header_class(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -575,7 +565,11 @@
         return result
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    async def to_python_async(cls, ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return cls.to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
         header_class = cls.build_header_class()
         header = header_class()
         if hasattr(header, 'type_code'):
@@ -648,7 +642,7 @@
     def build_header_class(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -723,7 +717,7 @@
     def build_header_class(cls):
         return type(
-            cls.__name__+'Header',
+            cls.__name__ + 'Header',
                 '_pack_': 1,
@@ -736,7 +730,7 @@
-    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value):
+    def from_python_not_null(cls, stream, value, **kwargs):
         type_id, value = value
         header_class = cls.build_header_class()
         header = header_class()
@@ -754,7 +748,7 @@
             cls.standard_type.from_python(stream, x)
-    def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+    def to_python_not_null(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         type_id = getattr(ctype_object, "type_id", None)
         if type_id is None:
             return None
diff --git a/pyignite/exceptions.py b/pyignite/exceptions.py
index 5933228..579aa29 100644
--- a/pyignite/exceptions.py
+++ b/pyignite/exceptions.py
@@ -93,4 +93,4 @@
-connection_errors = (IOError, OSError)
+connection_errors = (IOError, OSError, EOFError)
diff --git a/pyignite/queries/__init__.py b/pyignite/queries/__init__.py
index d558125..56c6347 100644
--- a/pyignite/queries/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/queries/__init__.py
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
 :mod:`pyignite.datatypes` binary parser/generator classes.
-from .query import Query, ConfigQuery
+from .query import Query, ConfigQuery, query_perform
diff --git a/pyignite/queries/query.py b/pyignite/queries/query.py
index b5be753..beea5d9 100644
--- a/pyignite/queries/query.py
+++ b/pyignite/queries/query.py
@@ -13,15 +13,35 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-import attr
 import ctypes
+from io import SEEK_CUR
 from random import randint
+import attr
 from pyignite.api.result import APIResult
-from pyignite.connection import Connection
+from pyignite.connection import Connection, AioConnection
 from pyignite.constants import MIN_LONG, MAX_LONG, RHF_TOPOLOGY_CHANGED
-from pyignite.queries.response import Response, SQLResponse
-from pyignite.stream import BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
+from pyignite.queries.response import Response
+from pyignite.stream import AioBinaryStream, BinaryStream, READ_BACKWARD
+def query_perform(query_struct, conn, post_process_fun=None, **kwargs):
+    async def _async_internal():
+        result = await query_struct.perform_async(conn, **kwargs)
+        if post_process_fun:
+            return post_process_fun(result)
+        return result
+    def _internal():
+        result = query_struct.perform(conn, **kwargs)
+        if post_process_fun:
+            return post_process_fun(result)
+        return result
+    if isinstance(conn, AioConnection):
+        return _async_internal()
+    return _internal()
@@ -29,6 +49,7 @@
     op_code = attr.ib(type=int)
     following = attr.ib(type=list, factory=list)
     query_id = attr.ib(type=int, default=None)
+    response_type = attr.ib(type=type(Response), default=Response)
     _query_c_type = None
@@ -48,32 +69,45 @@
         return cls._query_c_type
-    def _build_header(self, stream, values: dict):
+    def from_python(self, stream, values: dict = None):
+        init_pos, header = stream.tell(), self._build_header(stream)
+        values = values if values else None
+        for name, c_type in self.following:
+            c_type.from_python(stream, values[name])
+        self.__write_header(stream, header, init_pos)
+    async def from_python_async(self, stream, values: dict = None):
+        init_pos, header = stream.tell(), self._build_header(stream)
+        values = values if values else None
+        for name, c_type in self.following:
+            await c_type.from_python_async(stream, values[name])
+        self.__write_header(stream, header, init_pos)
+    def _build_header(self, stream):
         header_class = self.build_c_type()
         header_len = ctypes.sizeof(header_class)
-        init_pos = stream.tell()
-        stream.seek(init_pos + header_len)
+        stream.seek(header_len, SEEK_CUR)
         header = header_class()
         header.op_code = self.op_code
         if self.query_id is None:
             header.query_id = randint(MIN_LONG, MAX_LONG)
-        for name, c_type in self.following:
-            c_type.from_python(stream, values[name])
-        header.length = stream.tell() - init_pos - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)
-        stream.seek(init_pos)
         return header
-    def from_python(self, stream, values: dict = None):
-        header = self._build_header(stream, values if values else {})
+    @staticmethod
+    def __write_header(stream, header, init_pos):
+        header.length = stream.tell() - init_pos - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)
+        stream.seek(init_pos)
     def perform(
         self, conn: Connection, query_params: dict = None,
-        response_config: list = None, sql: bool = False, **kwargs,
+        response_config: list = None, **kwargs,
     ) -> APIResult:
         Perform query and process result.
@@ -83,26 +117,60 @@
          Defaults to no parameters,
         :param response_config: (optional) response configuration − list of
          (name, type_hint) tuples. Defaults to empty return value,
-        :param sql: (optional) use normal (default) or SQL response class,
         :return: instance of :class:`~pyignite.api.result.APIResult` with raw
          value (may undergo further processing in API functions).
-        with BinaryStream(conn) as stream:
+        with BinaryStream(conn.client) as stream:
             self.from_python(stream, query_params)
-            conn.send(stream.getbuffer())
+            response_data = conn.request(stream.getbuffer())
-        if sql:
-            response_struct = SQLResponse(protocol_version=conn.get_protocol_version(),
-                                          following=response_config, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            response_struct = Response(protocol_version=conn.get_protocol_version(),
-                                       following=response_config)
+        response_struct = self.response_type(protocol_version=conn.protocol_version,
+                                             following=response_config, **kwargs)
-        with BinaryStream(conn, conn.recv()) as stream:
+        with BinaryStream(conn.client, response_data) as stream:
             response_ctype = response_struct.parse(stream)
             response = stream.read_ctype(response_ctype, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-        # this test depends on protocol version
+        result = self.__post_process_response(conn, response_struct, response)
+        if result.status == 0:
+            result.value = response_struct.to_python(response)
+        return result
+    async def perform_async(
+        self, conn: AioConnection, query_params: dict = None,
+        response_config: list = None, **kwargs,
+    ) -> APIResult:
+        """
+        Perform query and process result.
+        :param conn: connection to Ignite server,
+        :param query_params: (optional) dict of named query parameters.
+         Defaults to no parameters,
+        :param response_config: (optional) response configuration − list of
+         (name, type_hint) tuples. Defaults to empty return value,
+        :return: instance of :class:`~pyignite.api.result.APIResult` with raw
+         value (may undergo further processing in API functions).
+        """
+        with AioBinaryStream(conn.client) as stream:
+            await self.from_python_async(stream, query_params)
+            data = await conn.request(stream.getbuffer())
+        response_struct = self.response_type(protocol_version=conn.protocol_version,
+                                             following=response_config, **kwargs)
+        with AioBinaryStream(conn.client, data) as stream:
+            response_ctype = await response_struct.parse_async(stream)
+            response = stream.read_ctype(response_ctype, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+        result = self.__post_process_response(conn, response_struct, response)
+        if result.status == 0:
+            result.value = await response_struct.to_python_async(response)
+        return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def __post_process_response(conn, response_struct, response):
         if getattr(response, 'flags', False) & RHF_TOPOLOGY_CHANGED:
             # update latest affinity version
             new_affinity = (response.affinity_version, response.affinity_minor)
@@ -112,10 +180,7 @@
                 conn.client.affinity_version = new_affinity
         # build result
-        result = APIResult(response)
-        if result.status == 0:
-            result.value = response_struct.to_python(response)
-        return result
+        return APIResult(response)
 class ConfigQuery(Query):
@@ -142,7 +207,7 @@
         return cls._query_c_type
-    def _build_header(self, stream, values: dict):
-        header = super()._build_header(stream, values)
+    def _build_header(self, stream):
+        header = super()._build_header(stream)
         header.config_length = header.length - ctypes.sizeof(type(header))
         return header
diff --git a/pyignite/queries/response.py b/pyignite/queries/response.py
index ca2ae14..83a6e6a 100644
--- a/pyignite/queries/response.py
+++ b/pyignite/queries/response.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 from io import SEEK_CUR
 import attr
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
 from pyignite.constants import RHF_TOPOLOGY_CHANGED, RHF_ERROR
 from pyignite.datatypes import AnyDataObject, Bool, Int, Long, String, StringArray, Struct
+from pyignite.datatypes.binary import body_struct, enum_struct, schema_struct
 from pyignite.queries.op_codes import OP_SUCCESS
 from pyignite.stream import READ_BACKWARD
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@
         # replace None with empty list
         self.following = self.following or []
-    def build_header(self):
+    def __build_header(self):
         if self._response_header is None:
             fields = [
                 ('length', ctypes.c_int),
@@ -57,9 +59,9 @@
         return self._response_header
-    def parse(self, stream):
+    def __parse_header(self, stream):
         init_pos = stream.tell()
-        header_class = self.build_header()
+        header_class = self.__build_header()
         header_len = ctypes.sizeof(header_class)
         header = stream.read_ctype(header_class)
         stream.seek(header_len, SEEK_CUR)
@@ -85,9 +87,10 @@
         if has_error:
             msg_type = String.parse(stream)
             fields.append(('error_message', msg_type))
-        else:
-            self._parse_success(stream, fields)
+        return not has_error, init_pos, header_class, fields
+    def __build_response_class(self, stream, init_pos, header_class, fields):
         response_class = type(
@@ -100,21 +103,52 @@
         stream.seek(init_pos + ctypes.sizeof(response_class))
         return response_class
+    def parse(self, stream):
+        success, init_pos, header_class, fields = self.__parse_header(stream)
+        if success:
+            self._parse_success(stream, fields)
+        return self.__build_response_class(stream, init_pos, header_class, fields)
+    async def parse_async(self, stream):
+        success, init_pos, header_class, fields = self.__parse_header(stream)
+        if success:
+            await self._parse_success_async(stream, fields)
+        return self.__build_response_class(stream, init_pos, header_class, fields)
     def _parse_success(self, stream, fields: list):
         for name, ignite_type in self.following:
             c_type = ignite_type.parse(stream)
             fields.append((name, c_type))
-    def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
-        result = OrderedDict()
+    async def _parse_success_async(self, stream, fields: list):
+        for name, ignite_type in self.following:
+            c_type = await ignite_type.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append((name, c_type))
+    def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not self.following:
+            return None
+        result = OrderedDict()
         for name, c_type in self.following:
             result[name] = c_type.to_python(
                 getattr(ctype_object, name),
                 *args, **kwargs
-        return result if result else None
+        return result
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not self.following:
+            return None
+        values = await asyncio.gather(
+            *[c_type.to_python_async(getattr(ctype_object, name), *args, **kwargs) for name, c_type in self.following]
+        )
+        return OrderedDict([(name, values[i]) for i, (name, _) in enumerate(self.following)])
@@ -135,38 +169,62 @@
         return 'field_count', Int
     def _parse_success(self, stream, fields: list):
-        following = [
-            self.fields_or_field_count(),
-            ('row_count', Int),
-        ]
-        if self.has_cursor:
-            following.insert(0, ('cursor', Long))
-        body_struct = Struct(following)
+        body_struct = self.__create_body_struct()
         body_class = body_struct.parse(stream)
         body = stream.read_ctype(body_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
-        if self.include_field_names:
-            field_count = body.fields.length
-        else:
-            field_count = body.field_count
-        data_fields = []
+        data_fields, field_count = [], self.__get_fields_count(body)
         for i in range(body.row_count):
             row_fields = []
             for j in range(field_count):
                 field_class = AnyDataObject.parse(stream)
                 row_fields.append(('column_{}'.format(j), field_class))
-            row_class = type(
-                'SQLResponseRow',
-                (ctypes.LittleEndianStructure,),
-                {
-                    '_pack_': 1,
-                    '_fields_': row_fields,
-                }
-            )
-            data_fields.append(('row_{}'.format(i), row_class))
+            self.__row_post_process(i, row_fields, data_fields)
+        self.__body_class_post_process(body_class, fields, data_fields)
+    async def _parse_success_async(self, stream, fields: list):
+        body_struct = self.__create_body_struct()
+        body_class = await body_struct.parse_async(stream)
+        body = stream.read_ctype(body_class, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+        data_fields, field_count = [], self.__get_fields_count(body)
+        for i in range(body.row_count):
+            row_fields = []
+            for j in range(field_count):
+                field_class = await AnyDataObject.parse_async(stream)
+                row_fields.append(('column_{}'.format(j), field_class))
+            self.__row_post_process(i, row_fields, data_fields)
+        self.__body_class_post_process(body_class, fields, data_fields)
+    def __create_body_struct(self):
+        following = [self.fields_or_field_count(), ('row_count', Int)]
+        if self.has_cursor:
+            following.insert(0, ('cursor', Long))
+        return Struct(following)
+    def __get_fields_count(self, body):
+        if self.include_field_names:
+            return body.fields.length
+        return body.field_count
+    @staticmethod
+    def __row_post_process(idx, row_fields, data_fields):
+        row_class = type(
+            'SQLResponseRow',
+            (ctypes.LittleEndianStructure,),
+            {
+                '_pack_': 1,
+                '_fields_': row_fields,
+            }
+        )
+        data_fields.append((f'row_{idx}', row_class))
+    @staticmethod
+    def __body_class_post_process(body_class, fields, data_fields):
         data_class = type(
@@ -182,24 +240,8 @@
     def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
         if getattr(ctype_object, 'status_code', 0) == 0:
-            result = {
-                'more': Bool.to_python(
-                    ctype_object.more, *args, **kwargs
-                ),
-                'data': [],
-            }
-            if hasattr(ctype_object, 'fields'):
-                result['fields'] = StringArray.to_python(
-                    ctype_object.fields, *args, **kwargs
-                )
-            else:
-                result['field_count'] = Int.to_python(
-                    ctype_object.field_count, *args, **kwargs
-                )
-            if hasattr(ctype_object, 'cursor'):
-                result['cursor'] = Long.to_python(
-                    ctype_object.cursor, *args, **kwargs
-                )
+            result = self.__to_python_result_header(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
             for row_item in ctype_object.data._fields_:
                 row_name = row_item[0]
                 row_object = getattr(ctype_object.data, row_name)
@@ -207,8 +249,104 @@
                 for col_item in row_object._fields_:
                     col_name = col_item[0]
                     col_object = getattr(row_object, col_name)
-                    row.append(
-                        AnyDataObject.to_python(col_object, *args, **kwargs)
-                    )
+                    row.append(AnyDataObject.to_python(col_object, *args, **kwargs))
             return result
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        if getattr(ctype_object, 'status_code', 0) == 0:
+            result = self.__to_python_result_header(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
+            data_coro = []
+            for row_item in ctype_object.data._fields_:
+                row_name = row_item[0]
+                row_object = getattr(ctype_object.data, row_name)
+                row_coro = []
+                for col_item in row_object._fields_:
+                    col_name = col_item[0]
+                    col_object = getattr(row_object, col_name)
+                    row_coro.append(AnyDataObject.to_python_async(col_object, *args, **kwargs))
+                data_coro.append(asyncio.gather(*row_coro))
+            result['data'] = await asyncio.gather(*data_coro)
+            return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def __to_python_result_header(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        result = {
+            'more': Bool.to_python(ctype_object.more, *args, **kwargs),
+            'data': [],
+        }
+        if hasattr(ctype_object, 'fields'):
+            result['fields'] = StringArray.to_python(ctype_object.fields, *args, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            result['field_count'] = Int.to_python(ctype_object.field_count, *args, **kwargs)
+        if hasattr(ctype_object, 'cursor'):
+            result['cursor'] = Long.to_python(ctype_object.cursor, *args, **kwargs)
+        return result
+class BinaryTypeResponse(Response):
+    _response_class_name = 'GetBinaryTypeResponse'
+    def _parse_success(self, stream, fields: list):
+        type_exists = self.__process_type_exists(stream, fields)
+        if type_exists.value:
+            resp_body_type = body_struct.parse(stream)
+            fields.append(('body', resp_body_type))
+            resp_body = stream.read_ctype(resp_body_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+            if resp_body.is_enum:
+                resp_enum = enum_struct.parse(stream)
+                fields.append(('enums', resp_enum))
+            resp_schema_type = schema_struct.parse(stream)
+            fields.append(('schema', resp_schema_type))
+    async def _parse_success_async(self, stream, fields: list):
+        type_exists = self.__process_type_exists(stream, fields)
+        if type_exists.value:
+            resp_body_type = await body_struct.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('body', resp_body_type))
+            resp_body = stream.read_ctype(resp_body_type, direction=READ_BACKWARD)
+            if resp_body.is_enum:
+                resp_enum = await enum_struct.parse_async(stream)
+                fields.append(('enums', resp_enum))
+            resp_schema_type = await schema_struct.parse_async(stream)
+            fields.append(('schema', resp_schema_type))
+    @staticmethod
+    def __process_type_exists(stream, fields):
+        fields.append(('type_exists', ctypes.c_byte))
+        type_exists = stream.read_ctype(ctypes.c_byte)
+        stream.seek(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte), SEEK_CUR)
+        return type_exists
+    def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        if getattr(ctype_object, 'status_code', 0) == 0:
+            result = {
+                'type_exists': Bool.to_python(ctype_object.type_exists)
+            }
+            if hasattr(ctype_object, 'body'):
+                result.update(body_struct.to_python(ctype_object.body))
+            if hasattr(ctype_object, 'enums'):
+                result['enums'] = enum_struct.to_python(ctype_object.enums)
+            if hasattr(ctype_object, 'schema'):
+                result['schema'] = {
+                    x['schema_id']: [
+                        z['schema_field_id'] for z in x['schema_fields']
+                    ]
+                    for x in schema_struct.to_python(ctype_object.schema)
+                }
+            return result
+    async def to_python_async(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyignite/stream/__init__.py b/pyignite/stream/__init__.py
index 94153b4..76d171d 100644
--- a/pyignite/stream/__init__.py
+++ b/pyignite/stream/__init__.py
@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from .binary_stream import BinaryStream, READ_FORWARD, READ_BACKWARD
\ No newline at end of file
+from .binary_stream import BinaryStream, AioBinaryStream, READ_FORWARD, READ_BACKWARD
+__all__ = ['BinaryStream', 'AioBinaryStream', 'READ_BACKWARD', 'READ_FORWARD']
diff --git a/pyignite/stream/binary_stream.py b/pyignite/stream/binary_stream.py
index 46ac683..57b4b83 100644
--- a/pyignite/stream/binary_stream.py
+++ b/pyignite/stream/binary_stream.py
@@ -14,39 +14,23 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import ctypes
 from io import BytesIO
+from typing import Union, Optional
+import pyignite
 import pyignite.utils as ignite_utils
-class BinaryStream:
-    def __init__(self, conn, buf=None):
-        """
-        Initialize binary stream around buffers.
-        :param buf: Buffer, optional parameter. If not passed, creates empty BytesIO.
-        :param conn: Connection instance, required.
-        """
-        from pyignite.connection import Connection
-        if not isinstance(conn, Connection):
-            raise TypeError(f"invalid parameter: expected instance of {Connection}")
-        if buf and not isinstance(buf, (bytearray, bytes, memoryview)):
-            raise TypeError(f"invalid parameter: expected bytes-like object")
-        self.conn = conn
-        self.stream = BytesIO(buf) if buf else BytesIO()
+class BinaryStreamBaseMixin:
     def compact_footer(self) -> bool:
-        return self.conn.client.compact_footer
+        return self.client.compact_footer
     def compact_footer(self, value: bool):
-        self.conn.client.compact_footer = value
+        self.client.compact_footer = value
     def read(self, size):
         buf = bytearray(size)
@@ -86,10 +70,10 @@
     def mem_view(self, start=-1, offset=0):
         start = start if start >= 0 else self.tell()
-        return self.stream.getbuffer()[start:start+offset]
+        return self.stream.getbuffer()[start:start + offset]
     def hashcode(self, start, bytes_len):
-        return ignite_utils.hashcode(self.stream.getbuffer()[start:start+bytes_len])
+        return ignite_utils.hashcode(self.stream.getbuffer()[start:start + bytes_len])
     def __enter__(self):
         return self
@@ -100,15 +84,48 @@
         except BufferError:
+class BinaryStream(BinaryStreamBaseMixin):
+    """
+    Synchronous binary stream.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, client: 'pyignite.Client', buf: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]] = None):
+        """
+        :param client: Client instance, required.
+        :param buf: Buffer, optional parameter. If not passed, creates empty BytesIO.
+        """
+        self.client = client
+        self.stream = BytesIO(buf) if buf else BytesIO()
     def get_dataclass(self, header):
-        # get field names from outer space
-        result = self.conn.client.query_binary_type(
-            header.type_id,
-            header.schema_id
-        )
+        result = self.client.query_binary_type(header.type_id, header.schema_id)
         if not result:
             raise RuntimeError('Binary type is not registered')
         return result
     def register_binary_type(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.conn.client.register_binary_type(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.client.register_binary_type(*args, **kwargs)
+class AioBinaryStream(BinaryStreamBaseMixin):
+    """
+    Asyncio binary stream.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, client: 'pyignite.AioClient', buf: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]] = None):
+        """
+        Initialize binary stream around buffers.
+        :param client: AioClient instance, required.
+        :param buf: Buffer, optional parameter. If not passed, creates empty BytesIO.
+        """
+        self.client = client
+        self.stream = BytesIO(buf) if buf else BytesIO()
+    async def get_dataclass(self, header):
+        result = await self.client.query_binary_type(header.type_id, header.schema_id)
+        if not result:
+            raise RuntimeError('Binary type is not registered')
+        return result
+    async def register_binary_type(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        await self.client.register_binary_type(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/pyignite/utils.py b/pyignite/utils.py
index f1a7f90..975f414 100644
--- a/pyignite/utils.py
+++ b/pyignite/utils.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 import ctypes
 import decimal
+import inspect
 import warnings
 from functools import wraps
@@ -65,23 +66,14 @@
     Check if a value is a tuple of data item and its type hint.
-    return (
-        isinstance(value, tuple)
-        and len(value) == 2
-        and issubclass(value[1], IgniteDataType)
-    )
+    return isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2 and issubclass(value[1], IgniteDataType)
 def is_wrapped(value: Any) -> bool:
     Check if a value is of WrappedDataObject type.
-    return (
-        type(value) is tuple
-        and len(value) == 2
-        and type(value[0]) is bytes
-        and type(value[1]) is int
-    )
+    return type(value) is tuple and len(value) == 2 and type(value[0]) is bytes and type(value[1]) is int
 def int_overflow(value: int) -> int:
@@ -107,7 +99,7 @@
 def __hashcode_fallback(data: Union[str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview]) -> int:
     if data is None:
         return 0
     if isinstance(data, str):
         For strings we iterate over code point which are of the int type
@@ -206,8 +198,7 @@
         # this is the case when Java BigDecimal digits are stored
         # compactly, in the internal 64-bit integer field
         int_hash = (
-            (unsigned(value, ctypes.c_ulonglong) >> 32) * 31
-            + (value & LONG_MASK)
+            (unsigned(value, ctypes.c_ulonglong) >> 32) * 31 + (value & LONG_MASK)
         ) & LONG_MASK
         # digits are not fit in the 64-bit long, so they get split internally
@@ -243,25 +234,31 @@
 def status_to_exception(exc: Type[Exception]):
     Converts erroneous status code with error message to an exception
-    of the given class.
+    of the given class. Supports coroutines.
     :param exc: the class of exception to raise,
-    :return: decorator.
+    :return: decorated function.
+    def process_result(result):
+        if result.status != 0:
+            raise exc(result.message)
+        return result.value
     def ste_decorator(fn):
-        @wraps(fn)
-        def ste_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-            result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
-            if result.status != 0:
-                raise exc(result.message)
-            return result.value
-        return ste_wrapper
+        if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn):
+            @wraps(fn)
+            async def ste_wrapper_async(*args, **kwargs):
+                return process_result(await fn(*args, **kwargs))
+            return ste_wrapper_async
+        else:
+            @wraps(fn)
+            def ste_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+                return process_result(fn(*args, **kwargs))
+            return ste_wrapper
     return ste_decorator
-def get_field_by_id(
-    obj: 'GenericObjectMeta', field_id: int
-) -> Tuple[Any, IgniteDataType]:
+def get_field_by_id(obj: 'GenericObjectMeta', field_id: int) -> Tuple[Any, IgniteDataType]:
     Returns a complex object's field value, given the field's entity ID.
diff --git a/requirements/tests.txt b/requirements/tests.txt
index 5d5ae84..38a8e9e 100644
--- a/requirements/tests.txt
+++ b/requirements/tests.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 # these packages are used for testing
+async_generator==1.10; python_version < '3.7'
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 4d90e4e..5db3aed 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import re
 from collections import defaultdict
 from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
 from distutils.errors import CCompilerError, DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError
@@ -86,6 +86,14 @@
 with open('README.md', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as readme_file:
     long_description = readme_file.read()
+version = ''
+with open('pyignite/__init__.py', 'r') as fd:
+    version = re.search(r'^__version__\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]',
+                        fd.read(), re.MULTILINE).group(1)
+if not version:
+    raise RuntimeError('Cannot find version information')
 def run_setup(with_binary=True):
     if with_binary:
@@ -98,7 +106,7 @@
-        version='0.4.0',
+        version=version,
         author='The Apache Software Foundation',
diff --git a/tests/affinity/conftest.py b/tests/affinity/conftest.py
index 7595f25..2ec2b1b 100644
--- a/tests/affinity/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/affinity/conftest.py
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 import pytest
-from pyignite import Client
-from pyignite.api import cache_create, cache_destroy
+from pyignite import Client, AioClient
 from tests.util import start_ignite_gen
 # Sometimes on slow testing servers and unstable topology
@@ -42,29 +41,21 @@
 def client():
     client = Client(partition_aware=True, timeout=CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-    client.connect([('', 10800 + i) for i in range(1, 4)])
-    yield client
-    client.close()
+    try:
+        client.connect([('', 10800 + i) for i in range(1, 4)])
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        client.close()
-def client_not_connected():
-    client = Client(partition_aware=True, timeout=CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
-    yield client
-    client.close()
-def cache(connected_client):
-    cache_name = 'my_bucket'
-    conn = connected_client.random_node
-    cache_create(conn, cache_name)
-    yield cache_name
-    cache_destroy(conn, cache_name)
+async def async_client():
+    client = AioClient(partition_aware=True)
+    try:
+        await client.connect([('', 10800 + i) for i in range(1, 4)])
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        await client.close()
 @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
diff --git a/tests/affinity/test_affinity.py b/tests/affinity/test_affinity.py
index ee8f6c0..b1bcec7 100644
--- a/tests/affinity/test_affinity.py
+++ b/tests/affinity/test_affinity.py
@@ -13,139 +13,265 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import asyncio
 import decimal
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from uuid import UUID, uuid4
 import pytest
-from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
-from pyignite.api import *
-from pyignite.constants import *
-from pyignite.datatypes import *
-from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import CacheMode
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
-def test_get_node_partitions(client):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    cache_1 = client.get_or_create_cache('test_cache_1')
-    cache_2 = client.get_or_create_cache({
-        PROP_NAME: 'test_cache_2',
-            {
-                'type_name': ByteArray.type_name,
-                'affinity_key_field_name': 'byte_affinity',
-            }
-        ],
-    })
-    client.get_or_create_cache('test_cache_3')
-    client.get_or_create_cache('test_cache_4')
-    client.get_or_create_cache('test_cache_5')
-    result = cache_get_node_partitions(
-        conn,
-        [cache_1.cache_id, cache_2.cache_id]
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    'key, key_hint', [
-        # integers
-        (42, None),
-        (43, ByteObject),
-        (-44, ByteObject),
-        (45, IntObject),
-        (-46, IntObject),
-        (47, ShortObject),
-        (-48, ShortObject),
-        (49, LongObject),
-        (MAX_INT-50, LongObject),
-        (MAX_INT+51, LongObject),
-        # floating point
-        (5.2, None),
-        (5.354, FloatObject),
-        (-5.556, FloatObject),
-        (-57.58, DoubleObject),
-        # boolean
-        (True, None),
-        (True, BoolObject),
-        (False, BoolObject),
-        # char
-        ('A', CharObject),
-        ('Z', CharObject),
-        ('â…“', CharObject),
-        ('á', CharObject),
-        ('Ñ‹', CharObject),
-        ('ã‚«', CharObject),
-        ('Ø', CharObject),
-        ('ß', CharObject),
-        # string
-        ('This is a test string', None),
-        ('Кириллица', None),
-        ('Little Mary had a lamb', String),
-        # UUID
-        (UUID('12345678123456789876543298765432'), None),
-        (UUID('74274274274274274274274274274274'), UUIDObject),
-        (uuid4(), None),
-        # decimal (long internal representation in Java)
-        (decimal.Decimal('-234.567'), None),
-        (decimal.Decimal('200.0'), None),
-        (decimal.Decimal('123.456'), DecimalObject),
-        (decimal.Decimal('1.0'), None),
-        (decimal.Decimal('0.02'), None),
-        # decimal (BigInteger internal representation in Java)
-        (decimal.Decimal('12345671234567123.45671234567'), None),
-        (decimal.Decimal('-845678456.7845678456784567845'), None),
-        # date and time
-        (datetime(1980, 1, 1), None),
-        ((datetime(1980, 1, 1), 999), TimestampObject),
-        (timedelta(days=99), TimeObject),
-    ],
+from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta, AioClient
+from pyignite.api import (
+    cache_get_node_partitions, cache_get_node_partitions_async, cache_local_peek, cache_local_peek_async
-def test_affinity(client, key, key_hint):
-    cache_1 = client.get_or_create_cache({
-        PROP_NAME: 'test_cache_1',
-    })
-    value = 42
-    cache_1.put(key, value, key_hint=key_hint)
+from pyignite.constants import MAX_INT
+from pyignite.datatypes import (
+    BinaryObject, ByteArray, ByteObject, IntObject, ShortObject, LongObject, FloatObject, DoubleObject, BoolObject,
+    CharObject, String, UUIDObject, DecimalObject, TimestampObject, TimeObject
+from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import CacheMode
+from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import PROP_NAME, PROP_CACHE_MODE, PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION
+from tests.util import wait_for_condition, wait_for_condition_async
-    best_node = cache_1.get_best_node(key, key_hint=key_hint)
-    for node in filter(lambda n: n.alive, client._nodes):
-        result = cache_local_peek(
-            node, cache_1.cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint,
-        )
-        if node is best_node:
-            assert result.value == value, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
+def test_get_node_partitions(client, caches):
+    cache_ids = [cache.cache_id for cache in caches]
+    __wait_for_ready_affinity(client, cache_ids)
+    mappings = __get_mappings(client, cache_ids)
+    __check_mappings(mappings, cache_ids)
+async def test_get_node_partitions_async(async_client, async_caches):
+    cache_ids = [cache.cache_id for cache in async_caches]
+    await __wait_for_ready_affinity(async_client, cache_ids)
+    mappings = await __get_mappings(async_client, cache_ids)
+    __check_mappings(mappings, cache_ids)
+def __wait_for_ready_affinity(client, cache_ids):
+    def inner():
+        def condition():
+            result = __get_mappings(client, cache_ids)
+            return len(result.value['partition_mapping']) == len(cache_ids)
+        wait_for_condition(condition)
+    async def inner_async():
+        async def condition():
+            result = await __get_mappings(client, cache_ids)
+            return len(result.value['partition_mapping']) == len(cache_ids)
+        await wait_for_condition_async(condition)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+def __get_mappings(client, cache_ids):
+    def inner():
+        conn = client.random_node
+        result = cache_get_node_partitions(conn, cache_ids)
+        assert result.status == 0, result.message
+        return result
+    async def inner_async():
+        conn = await client.random_node()
+        result = await cache_get_node_partitions_async(conn, cache_ids)
+        assert result.status == 0, result.message
+        return result
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+def __check_mappings(result, cache_ids):
+    partition_mapping = result.value['partition_mapping']
+    for i, cache_id in enumerate(cache_ids):
+        cache_mapping = partition_mapping[cache_id]
+        assert 'is_applicable' in cache_mapping
+        # Check replicated cache
+        if i == 3:
+            assert not cache_mapping['is_applicable']
+            assert 'node_mapping' not in cache_mapping
+            assert cache_mapping['number_of_partitions'] == 0
-            assert result.value is None, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
+            # Check cache config
+            if i == 2:
+                assert cache_mapping['cache_config']
-    cache_1.destroy()
+            assert cache_mapping['is_applicable']
+            assert cache_mapping['node_mapping']
+            assert cache_mapping['number_of_partitions'] == 1024
-def test_affinity_for_generic_object(client):
-    cache_1 = client.get_or_create_cache({
+def caches(client):
+    yield from __create_caches_fixture(client)
+async def async_caches(async_client):
+    async for caches in __create_caches_fixture(async_client):
+        yield caches
+def __create_caches_fixture(client):
+    caches_to_create = []
+    for i in range(0, 5):
+        cache_name = f'test_cache_{i}'
+        if i == 2:
+            caches_to_create.append((
+                cache_name,
+                {
+                    PROP_NAME: cache_name,
+                    PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION: [
+                        {
+                            'type_name': ByteArray.type_name,
+                            'affinity_key_field_name': 'byte_affinity',
+                        }
+                    ]
+                }))
+        elif i == 3:
+            caches_to_create.append((
+                cache_name,
+                {
+                    PROP_NAME: cache_name,
+                    PROP_CACHE_MODE: CacheMode.REPLICATED
+                }
+            ))
+        else:
+            caches_to_create.append((cache_name, None))
+    def generate_caches():
+        caches = []
+        for name, config in caches_to_create:
+            if config:
+                cache = client.get_or_create_cache(config)
+            else:
+                cache = client.get_or_create_cache(name)
+            caches.append(cache)
+        return asyncio.gather(*caches) if isinstance(client, AioClient) else caches
+    def inner():
+        caches = []
+        try:
+            caches = generate_caches()
+            yield caches
+        finally:
+            for cache in caches:
+                cache.destroy()
+    async def inner_async():
+        caches = []
+        try:
+            caches = await generate_caches()
+            yield caches
+        finally:
+            await asyncio.gather(*[cache.destroy() for cache in caches])
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+def cache(client):
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache({
         PROP_NAME: 'test_cache_1',
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
+async def async_cache(async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache({
+        PROP_NAME: 'test_cache_1',
+    })
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
+affinity_primitives_params = [
+    # integers
+    (42, None),
+    (43, ByteObject),
+    (-44, ByteObject),
+    (45, IntObject),
+    (-46, IntObject),
+    (47, ShortObject),
+    (-48, ShortObject),
+    (49, LongObject),
+    (MAX_INT - 50, LongObject),
+    (MAX_INT + 51, LongObject),
+    # floating point
+    (5.2, None),
+    (5.354, FloatObject),
+    (-5.556, FloatObject),
+    (-57.58, DoubleObject),
+    # boolean
+    (True, None),
+    (True, BoolObject),
+    (False, BoolObject),
+    # char
+    ('A', CharObject),
+    ('Z', CharObject),
+    ('â…“', CharObject),
+    ('á', CharObject),
+    ('Ñ‹', CharObject),
+    ('ã‚«', CharObject),
+    ('Ø', CharObject),
+    ('ß', CharObject),
+    # string
+    ('This is a test string', None),
+    ('Кириллица', None),
+    ('Little Mary had a lamb', String),
+    # UUID
+    (UUID('12345678123456789876543298765432'), None),
+    (UUID('74274274274274274274274274274274'), UUIDObject),
+    (uuid4(), None),
+    # decimal (long internal representation in Java)
+    (decimal.Decimal('-234.567'), None),
+    (decimal.Decimal('200.0'), None),
+    (decimal.Decimal('123.456'), DecimalObject),
+    (decimal.Decimal('1.0'), None),
+    (decimal.Decimal('0.02'), None),
+    # decimal (BigInteger internal representation in Java)
+    (decimal.Decimal('12345671234567123.45671234567'), None),
+    (decimal.Decimal('-845678456.7845678456784567845'), None),
+    # date and time
+    (datetime(1980, 1, 1), None),
+    ((datetime(1980, 1, 1), 999), TimestampObject),
+    (timedelta(days=99), TimeObject)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, key_hint', affinity_primitives_params)
+def test_affinity(client, cache, key, key_hint):
+    __check_best_node_calculation(client, cache, key, 42, key_hint=key_hint)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('key, key_hint', affinity_primitives_params)
+async def test_affinity_async(async_client, async_cache, key, key_hint):
+    await __check_best_node_calculation(async_client, async_cache, key, 42, key_hint=key_hint)
+def key_generic_object():
     class KeyClass(
@@ -158,61 +284,45 @@
     key = KeyClass()
     key.NO = 1
     key.NAME = 'test_string'
+    yield key
-    cache_1.put(key, 42, key_hint=BinaryObject)
-    best_node = cache_1.get_best_node(key, key_hint=BinaryObject)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('with_type_hint', [True, False])
+def test_affinity_for_generic_object(client, cache, key_generic_object, with_type_hint):
+    key_hint = BinaryObject if with_type_hint else None
+    __check_best_node_calculation(client, cache, key_generic_object, 42, key_hint=key_hint)
-    for node in filter(lambda n: n.alive, client._nodes):
-        result = cache_local_peek(
-            node, cache_1.cache_id, key, key_hint=BinaryObject,
-        )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('with_type_hint', [True, False])
+async def test_affinity_for_generic_object_async(async_client, async_cache, key_generic_object, with_type_hint):
+    key_hint = BinaryObject if with_type_hint else None
+    await __check_best_node_calculation(async_client, async_cache, key_generic_object, 42, key_hint=key_hint)
+def __check_best_node_calculation(client, cache, key, value, key_hint=None):
+    def check_peek_value(node, best_node, result):
         if node is best_node:
-            assert result.value == 42, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
+            assert result.value == value, f'Affinity calculation error for {key}'
-            assert result.value is None, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
+            assert result.value is None, f'Affinity calculation error for {key}'
-    cache_1.destroy()
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(key, value, key_hint=key_hint)
+        best_node = cache.get_best_node(key, key_hint=key_hint)
+        for node in filter(lambda n: n.alive, client._nodes):
+            result = cache_local_peek(node, cache.cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint)
-def test_affinity_for_generic_object_without_type_hints(client):
-    cache_1 = client.get_or_create_cache({
-        PROP_NAME: 'test_cache_1',
-    })
+            check_peek_value(node, best_node, result)
-    class KeyClass(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        schema={
-            'NO': IntObject,
-            'NAME': String,
-        },
-    ):
-        pass
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(key, value, key_hint=key_hint)
+        best_node = await cache.get_best_node(key, key_hint=key_hint)
-    key = KeyClass()
-    key.NO = 2
-    key.NAME = 'another_test_string'
+        for node in filter(lambda n: n.alive, client._nodes):
+            result = await cache_local_peek_async(node, cache.cache_id, key, key_hint=key_hint)
-    cache_1.put(key, 42)
+            check_peek_value(node, best_node, result)
-    best_node = cache_1.get_best_node(key)
-    for node in filter(lambda n: n.alive, client._nodes):
-        result = cache_local_peek(
-            node, cache_1.cache_id, key
-        )
-        if node is best_node:
-            assert result.value == 42, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
-        else:
-            assert result.value is None, (
-                'Affinity calculation error for {}'.format(key)
-            )
-    cache_1.destroy()
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
diff --git a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_bad_servers.py b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_bad_servers.py
index 6fd08d5..b169168 100644
--- a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_bad_servers.py
+++ b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_bad_servers.py
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 import pytest
-from pyignite.exceptions import ReconnectError
+from pyignite.exceptions import ReconnectError, connection_errors
 from tests.affinity.conftest import CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT
-from tests.util import start_ignite, kill_process_tree, get_client
+from tests.util import start_ignite, kill_process_tree, get_client, get_client_async
 @pytest.fixture(params=['with-partition-awareness', 'without-partition-awareness'])
@@ -26,10 +26,16 @@
 def test_client_with_multiple_bad_servers(with_partition_awareness):
-    with pytest.raises(ReconnectError) as e_info:
+    with pytest.raises(ReconnectError, match="Can not connect."):
         with get_client(partition_aware=with_partition_awareness) as client:
             client.connect([("", 10900), ("", 10901)])
-    assert str(e_info.value) == "Can not connect."
+async def test_client_with_multiple_bad_servers_async(with_partition_awareness):
+    with pytest.raises(ReconnectError, match="Can not connect."):
+        async with get_client_async(partition_aware=with_partition_awareness) as client:
+            await client.connect([("", 10900), ("", 10901)])
 def test_client_with_failed_server(request, with_partition_awareness):
@@ -52,6 +58,27 @@
+async def test_client_with_failed_server_async(request, with_partition_awareness):
+    srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+    try:
+        async with get_client_async(partition_aware=with_partition_awareness) as client:
+            await client.connect([("", 10804)])
+            cache = await client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
+            await cache.put(1, 1)
+            kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
+            if with_partition_awareness:
+                ex_class = (ReconnectError, ConnectionResetError)
+            else:
+                ex_class = ConnectionResetError
+            with pytest.raises(ex_class):
+                await cache.get(1)
+    finally:
+        kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
 def test_client_with_recovered_server(request, with_partition_awareness):
     srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
@@ -67,7 +94,7 @@
             # First request may fail.
                 cache.put(1, 2)
-            except:
+            except connection_errors:
             # Retry succeeds
@@ -75,3 +102,29 @@
             assert cache.get(1) == 2
+async def test_client_with_recovered_server_async(request, with_partition_awareness):
+    srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+    try:
+        async with get_client_async(partition_aware=with_partition_awareness) as client:
+            await client.connect([("", 10804)])
+            cache = await client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
+            await cache.put(1, 1)
+            # Kill and restart server
+            kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
+            srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+            # First request may fail.
+            try:
+                await cache.put(1, 2)
+            except connection_errors:
+                pass
+            # Retry succeeds
+            await cache.put(1, 2)
+            assert await cache.get(1) == 2
+    finally:
+        kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
diff --git a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_request_routing.py b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_request_routing.py
index 101db39..64197ff 100644
--- a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_request_routing.py
+++ b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_request_routing.py
@@ -13,20 +13,24 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 from collections import OrderedDict, deque
+import random
 import pytest
-from pyignite import *
-from pyignite.connection import Connection
+from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta, AioClient, Client
+from pyignite.aio_cache import AioCache
+from pyignite.connection import Connection, AioConnection
 from pyignite.constants import PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER
-from pyignite.datatypes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes import String, LongObject
 from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import CacheMode
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
-from tests.util import *
+from tests.util import wait_for_condition, wait_for_condition_async, start_ignite, kill_process_tree
 requests = deque()
 old_send = Connection.send
+old_send_async = AioConnection._send
 def patched_send(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -40,13 +44,26 @@
     return old_send(self, *args, **kwargs)
+async def patched_send_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    """Patched send function that push to queue idx of server to which request is routed."""
+    buf = args[0]
+    if buf and len(buf) >= 6:
+        op_code = int.from_bytes(buf[4:6], byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
+        # Filter only caches operation.
+        if 1000 <= op_code < 1100:
+            requests.append(self.port % 100)
+    return await old_send_async(self, *args, **kwargs)
 def setup_function():
     Connection.send = patched_send
+    AioConnection._send = patched_send_async
 def teardown_function():
     Connection.send = old_send
+    AioConnection.send = old_send_async
 def wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, node_idx, timeout=30):
@@ -68,6 +85,25 @@
                            f"got {real_node_idx} instead")
+async def wait_for_affinity_distribution_async(cache, key, node_idx, timeout=30):
+    real_node_idx = 0
+    async def check_grid_idx():
+        nonlocal real_node_idx
+        try:
+            await cache.get(key)
+            real_node_idx = requests.pop()
+        except (OSError, IOError):
+            return False
+        return real_node_idx == node_idx
+    res = await wait_for_condition_async(check_grid_idx, timeout=timeout)
+    if not res:
+        raise TimeoutError(f"failed to wait for affinity distribution, expected node_idx {node_idx},"
+                           f"got {real_node_idx} instead")
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("key,grid_idx", [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), (11, 1), (13, 1), (19, 1)])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("backups", [0, 1, 2, 3])
 def test_cache_operation_on_primitive_key_routes_request_to_primary_node(request, key, grid_idx, backups, client):
@@ -75,52 +111,56 @@
         PROP_NAME: request.node.name + str(backups),
         PROP_BACKUPS_NUMBER: backups,
+    try:
+        __perform_operations_on_primitive_key(client, cache, key, grid_idx)
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
-    cache.put(key, key)
-    wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, grid_idx)
-    # Test
-    cache.get(key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("key,grid_idx", [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), (11, 1), (13, 1), (19, 1)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("backups", [0, 1, 2, 3])
+async def test_cache_operation_on_primitive_key_routes_request_to_primary_node_async(
+        request, key, grid_idx, backups, async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache({
+        PROP_NAME: request.node.name + str(backups),
+        PROP_BACKUPS_NUMBER: backups,
+    })
+    try:
+        await __perform_operations_on_primitive_key(async_client, cache, key, grid_idx)
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
-    cache.put(key, key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.replace(key, key + 1)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+def __perform_operations_on_primitive_key(client, cache, key, grid_idx):
+    operations = [
+        ('get', 1), ('put', 2), ('replace', 2), ('clear_key', 1), ('contains_key', 1), ('get_and_put', 2),
+        ('get_and_put_if_absent', 2), ('put_if_absent', 2), ('get_and_remove', 1), ('get_and_replace', 2),
+        ('remove_key', 1), ('remove_if_equals', 2), ('replace', 2), ('replace_if_equals', 3)
+    ]
-    cache.clear_key(key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(key, key)
+        wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, grid_idx)
-    cache.contains_key(key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+        for op_name, param_nums in operations:
+            op = getattr(cache, op_name)
+            args = [random.randint(-100, 100) for _ in range(0, param_nums - 1)]
+            op(key, *args)
+            assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.get_and_put(key, 3)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(key, key)
+        await wait_for_affinity_distribution_async(cache, key, grid_idx)
-    cache.get_and_put_if_absent(key, 4)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+        for op_name, param_nums in operations:
+            op = getattr(cache, op_name)
+            args = [random.randint(-100, 100) for _ in range(0, param_nums - 1)]
+            await op(key, *args)
-    cache.put_if_absent(key, 5)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+            assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.get_and_remove(key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.get_and_replace(key, 6)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.remove_key(key)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.remove_if_equals(key, -1)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.replace(key, -1)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-    cache.replace_if_equals(key, 10, -10)
-    assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
 @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Custom key objects are not supported yet")
@@ -164,50 +204,144 @@
     assert requests.pop() == grid_idx
-def test_cache_operation_routed_to_new_cluster_node(request, client_not_connected):
-    client_not_connected.connect(
-        [("", 10801), ("", 10802), ("", 10803), ("", 10804)]
-    )
-    cache = client_not_connected.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
-    key = 12
-    wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, 3)
-    cache.put(key, key)
-    cache.put(key, key)
-    assert requests.pop() == 3
+client_routed_connection_string = [('', 10800 + idx) for idx in range(1, 5)]
-    srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+def client_routed_cache(request):
+    client = Client(partition_aware=True)
-        # Wait for rebalance and partition map exchange
-        wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, 4)
-        # Response is correct and comes from the new node
-        res = cache.get_and_remove(key)
-        assert res == key
-        assert requests.pop() == 4
+        client.connect(client_routed_connection_string)
+        yield client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
-        kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
+        client.close()
-def test_replicated_cache_operation_routed_to_random_node(request, client):
+async def async_client_routed_cache(request):
+    client = AioClient(partition_aware=True)
+    try:
+        await client.connect(client_routed_connection_string)
+        yield await client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
+    finally:
+        await client.close()
+def test_cache_operation_routed_to_new_cluster_node(client_routed_cache):
+    __perform_cache_operation_routed_to_new_node(client_routed_cache)
+async def test_cache_operation_routed_to_new_cluster_node_async(async_client_routed_cache):
+    await __perform_cache_operation_routed_to_new_node(async_client_routed_cache)
+def __perform_cache_operation_routed_to_new_node(cache):
+    key = 12
+    def inner():
+        wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, 3)
+        cache.put(key, key)
+        cache.put(key, key)
+        assert requests.pop() == 3
+        srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+        try:
+            # Wait for rebalance and partition map exchange
+            wait_for_affinity_distribution(cache, key, 4)
+            # Response is correct and comes from the new node
+            res = cache.get_and_remove(key)
+            assert res == key
+            assert requests.pop() == 4
+        finally:
+            kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
+    async def inner_async():
+        await wait_for_affinity_distribution_async(cache, key, 3)
+        await cache.put(key, key)
+        await cache.put(key, key)
+        assert requests.pop() == 3
+        srv = start_ignite(idx=4)
+        try:
+            # Wait for rebalance and partition map exchange
+            await wait_for_affinity_distribution_async(cache, key, 4)
+            # Response is correct and comes from the new node
+            res = await cache.get_and_remove(key)
+            assert res == key
+            assert requests.pop() == 4
+        finally:
+            kill_process_tree(srv.pid)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
+def replicated_cache(request, client):
     cache = client.get_or_create_cache({
         PROP_NAME: request.node.name,
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
-    verify_random_node(cache)
+async def async_replicated_cache(request, async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache({
+        PROP_NAME: request.node.name,
+    })
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
+def test_replicated_cache_operation_routed_to_random_node(replicated_cache):
+    verify_random_node(replicated_cache)
+async def test_replicated_cache_operation_routed_to_random_node_async(async_replicated_cache):
+    await verify_random_node(async_replicated_cache)
 def verify_random_node(cache):
     key = 1
-    cache.put(key, key)
-    idx1 = requests.pop()
-    idx2 = idx1
-    # Try 10 times - random node may end up being the same
-    for _ in range(1, 10):
+    def inner():
         cache.put(key, key)
-        idx2 = requests.pop()
-        if idx2 != idx1:
-            break
-    assert idx1 != idx2
+        idx1 = requests.pop()
+        idx2 = idx1
+        # Try 10 times - random node may end up being the same
+        for _ in range(1, 10):
+            cache.put(key, key)
+            idx2 = requests.pop()
+            if idx2 != idx1:
+                break
+        assert idx1 != idx2
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(key, key)
+        idx1 = requests.pop()
+        idx2 = idx1
+        # Try 10 times - random node may end up being the same
+        for _ in range(1, 10):
+            await cache.put(key, key)
+            idx2 = requests.pop()
+            if idx2 != idx1:
+                break
+        assert idx1 != idx2
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
diff --git a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_single_connection.py b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_single_connection.py
index 0768011..c3d2473 100644
--- a/tests/affinity/test_affinity_single_connection.py
+++ b/tests/affinity/test_affinity_single_connection.py
@@ -15,15 +15,27 @@
 import pytest
-from pyignite import Client
+from pyignite import Client, AioClient
 def client():
     client = Client(partition_aware=True)
-    client.connect('', 10801)
-    yield client
-    client.close()
+    try:
+        client.connect('', 10801)
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        client.close()
+async def async_client():
+    client = AioClient(partition_aware=True)
+    try:
+        await client.connect('', 10801)
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        await client.close()
 def test_all_cache_operations_with_partition_aware_client_on_single_server(request, client):
@@ -108,3 +120,88 @@
     assert not res
     assert res2
     assert cache.get(key) == key2
+async def test_all_cache_operations_with_partition_aware_client_on_single_server_async(request, async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
+    key = 1
+    key2 = 2
+    # Put/Get
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key
+    # Replace
+    res = await cache.replace(key, key2)
+    assert res
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key2
+    # Clear
+    await cache.put(key2, key2)
+    await cache.clear_key(key2)
+    assert await cache.get(key2) is None
+    # ContainsKey
+    assert await cache.contains_key(key)
+    assert not await cache.contains_key(key2)
+    # GetAndPut
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    res = await cache.get_and_put(key, key2)
+    assert res == key
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key2
+    # GetAndPutIfAbsent
+    await cache.clear_key(key)
+    res = await cache.get_and_put_if_absent(key, key)
+    res2 = await cache.get_and_put_if_absent(key, key2)
+    assert res is None
+    assert res2 == key
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key
+    # PutIfAbsent
+    await cache.clear_key(key)
+    res = await cache.put_if_absent(key, key)
+    res2 = await cache.put_if_absent(key, key2)
+    assert res
+    assert not res2
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key
+    # GetAndRemove
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    res = await cache.get_and_remove(key)
+    assert res == key
+    assert await cache.get(key) is None
+    # GetAndReplace
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    res = await cache.get_and_replace(key, key2)
+    assert res == key
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key2
+    # RemoveKey
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    await cache.remove_key(key)
+    assert await cache.get(key) is None
+    # RemoveIfEquals
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    res = await cache.remove_if_equals(key, key2)
+    res2 = await cache.remove_if_equals(key, key)
+    assert not res
+    assert res2
+    assert await cache.get(key) is None
+    # Replace
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    await cache.replace(key, key2)
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key2
+    # ReplaceIfEquals
+    await cache.put(key, key)
+    res = await cache.replace_if_equals(key, key2, key2)
+    res2 = await cache.replace_if_equals(key, key, key2)
+    assert not res
+    assert res2
+    assert await cache.get(key) == key2
diff --git a/tests/common/conftest.py b/tests/common/conftest.py
index 402aede..243d822 100644
--- a/tests/common/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/common/conftest.py
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 import pytest
-from pyignite import Client
-from pyignite.api import cache_create, cache_destroy
+from pyignite import Client, AioClient
 from tests.util import start_ignite_gen
@@ -38,19 +37,36 @@
 def client():
     client = Client()
+    try:
+        client.connect('', 10801)
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        client.close()
-    client.connect('', 10801)
-    yield client
+async def async_client(event_loop):
+    client = AioClient()
+    try:
+        await client.connect('', 10801)
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        await client.close()
-    client.close()
+async def async_cache(async_client: 'AioClient'):
+    cache = await async_client.create_cache('my_bucket')
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
 def cache(client):
-    cache_name = 'my_bucket'
-    conn = client.random_node
-    cache_create(conn, cache_name)
-    yield cache_name
-    cache_destroy(conn, cache_name)
+    cache = client.create_cache('my_bucket')
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
diff --git a/tests/common/test_binary.py b/tests/common/test_binary.py
index 5fa2ec4..1d7192f 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_binary.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_binary.py
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from decimal import Decimal
+import pytest
 from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
+from pyignite.aio_cache import AioCache
 from pyignite.datatypes import (
     BinaryObject, BoolObject, IntObject, DecimalObject, LongObject, String, ByteObject, ShortObject, FloatObject,
     DoubleObject, CharObject, UUIDObject, DateObject, TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject,
     ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject, IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject, FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject,
     CharArrayObject, BoolArrayObject, UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject, TimeArrayObject,
     EnumArrayObject, StringArrayObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject, CollectionObject, MapObject)
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import PROP_NAME, PROP_SQL_SCHEMA, PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES
 insert_data = [
     [1, True, 'asdf', 42, Decimal('2.4')],
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@
 insert_query = '''
-  test_pk, test_bool, test_str, test_int, test_decimal, 
+  test_pk, test_bool, test_str, test_int, test_decimal,
 ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'''.format(table_sql_name)
 select_query = '''SELECT * FROM {}'''.format(table_sql_name)
@@ -62,51 +64,69 @@
 drop_query = 'DROP TABLE {} IF EXISTS'.format(table_sql_name)
-def test_sql_read_as_binary(client):
+def table_cache_read(client):
-    # create table
-    # insert some rows
     for line in insert_data:
         client.sql(insert_query, query_args=line)
-    table_cache = client.get_cache(table_cache_name)
-    result = table_cache.scan()
-    # convert Binary object fields' values to a tuple
-    # to compare it with the initial data
-    for key, value in result:
-        assert key in {x[0] for x in insert_data}
-        assert (
-                   value.TEST_BOOL,
-                   value.TEST_STR,
-                   value.TEST_INT,
-                   value.TEST_DECIMAL
-               ) in {tuple(x[1:]) for x in insert_data}
-    client.sql(drop_query)
+    cache = client.get_cache(table_cache_name)
+    yield cache
+    cache.destroy()
-def test_sql_write_as_binary(client):
-    # configure cache as an SQL table
-    type_name = table_cache_name
+async def table_cache_read_async(async_client):
+    await async_client.sql(drop_query)
+    await async_client.sql(create_query)
-    # register binary type
-    class AllDataType(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name=type_name,
-        schema=OrderedDict([
-            ('TEST_BOOL', BoolObject),
-            ('TEST_STR', String),
-            ('TEST_INT', IntObject),
-            ('TEST_DECIMAL', DecimalObject),
-        ]),
-    ):
-        pass
+    for line in insert_data:
+        await async_client.sql(insert_query, query_args=line)
-    table_cache = client.get_or_create_cache({
+    cache = await async_client.get_cache(table_cache_name)
+    yield cache
+    await cache.destroy()
+def test_sql_read_as_binary(table_cache_read):
+    with table_cache_read.scan() as cursor:
+        # convert Binary object fields' values to a tuple
+        # to compare it with the initial data
+        for key, value in cursor:
+            assert key in {x[0] for x in insert_data}
+            assert (value.TEST_BOOL, value.TEST_STR, value.TEST_INT, value.TEST_DECIMAL) \
+                   in {tuple(x[1:]) for x in insert_data}
+async def test_sql_read_as_binary_async(table_cache_read_async):
+    async with table_cache_read_async.scan() as cursor:
+        # convert Binary object fields' values to a tuple
+        # to compare it with the initial data
+        async for key, value in cursor:
+            assert key in {x[0] for x in insert_data}
+            assert (value.TEST_BOOL, value.TEST_STR, value.TEST_INT, value.TEST_DECIMAL) \
+                   in {tuple(x[1:]) for x in insert_data}
+class AllDataType(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
+    type_name=table_cache_name,
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('TEST_BOOL', BoolObject),
+        ('TEST_STR', String),
+        ('TEST_INT', IntObject),
+        ('TEST_DECIMAL', DecimalObject),
+    ]),
+    pass
+def table_cache_write_settings():
+    return {
         PROP_NAME: table_cache_name,
         PROP_SQL_SCHEMA: scheme_name,
@@ -142,15 +162,18 @@
                 'query_indexes': [],
-                'value_type_name': type_name,
+                'value_type_name': table_cache_name,
                 'value_field_name': None,
-    })
-    table_settings = table_cache.settings
-    assert table_settings, 'SQL table cache settings are empty'
+    }
-    # insert rows as k-v
+def table_cache_write(client, table_cache_write_settings):
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(table_cache_write_settings)
+    assert cache.settings, 'SQL table cache settings are empty'
     for row in insert_data:
         value = AllDataType()
@@ -159,13 +182,39 @@
         ) = row[1:]
-        table_cache.put(row[0], value, key_hint=IntObject)
+        cache.put(row[0], value, key_hint=IntObject)
-    data = table_cache.scan()
-    assert len(list(data)) == len(insert_data), (
-        'Not all data was read as key-value'
-    )
+    data = cache.scan()
+    assert len(list(data)) == len(insert_data), 'Not all data was read as key-value'
+    yield cache
+    cache.destroy()
+async def async_table_cache_write(async_client, table_cache_write_settings):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(table_cache_write_settings)
+    assert await cache.settings(), 'SQL table cache settings are empty'
+    for row in insert_data:
+        value = AllDataType()
+        (
+            value.TEST_BOOL,
+            value.TEST_STR,
+            value.TEST_INT,
+            value.TEST_DECIMAL,
+        ) = row[1:]
+        await cache.put(row[0], value, key_hint=IntObject)
+    async with cache.scan() as cursor:
+        data = [a async for a in cursor]
+        assert len(data) == len(insert_data), 'Not all data was read as key-value'
+    yield cache
+    await cache.destroy()
+def test_sql_write_as_binary(client, table_cache_write):
     # read rows as SQL
     data = client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True)
@@ -176,14 +225,29 @@
     data = list(data)
     assert len(data) == len(insert_data), 'Not all data was read as SQL rows'
-    # cleanup
-    table_cache.destroy()
+async def test_sql_write_as_binary_async(async_client, async_table_cache_write):
+    # read rows as SQL
+    async with async_client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True) as cursor:
+        header_row = await cursor.__anext__()
+        for field_name in AllDataType.schema.keys():
+            assert field_name in header_row, 'Not all field names in header row'
+        data = [v async for v in cursor]
+        assert len(data) == len(insert_data), 'Not all data was read as SQL rows'
-def test_nested_binary_objects(client):
+def test_nested_binary_objects(cache):
+    __check_nested_binary_objects(cache)
-    nested_cache = client.get_or_create_cache('nested_binary')
+async def test_nested_binary_objects_async(async_cache):
+    await __check_nested_binary_objects(async_cache)
+def __check_nested_binary_objects(cache):
     class InnerType(
@@ -203,29 +267,42 @@
-    inner = InnerType(inner_int=42, inner_str='This is a test string')
+    def prepare_obj():
+        inner = InnerType(inner_int=42, inner_str='This is a test string')
-    outer = OuterType(
-        outer_int=43,
-        nested_binary=inner,
-        outer_str='This is another test string'
-    )
+        return OuterType(
+            outer_int=43,
+            nested_binary=inner,
+            outer_str='This is another test string'
+        )
-    nested_cache.put(1, outer)
+    def check_obj(result):
+        assert result.outer_int == 43
+        assert result.outer_str == 'This is another test string'
+        assert result.nested_binary.inner_int == 42
+        assert result.nested_binary.inner_str == 'This is a test string'
-    result = nested_cache.get(1)
-    assert result.outer_int == 43
-    assert result.outer_str == 'This is another test string'
-    assert result.nested_binary.inner_int == 42
-    assert result.nested_binary.inner_str == 'This is a test string'
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(1, prepare_obj())
+        check_obj(await cache.get(1))
-    nested_cache.destroy()
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(1, prepare_obj())
+        check_obj(cache.get(1))
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
-def test_add_schema_to_binary_object(client):
+def test_add_schema_to_binary_object(cache):
+    __check_add_schema_to_binary_object(cache)
-    migrate_cache = client.get_or_create_cache('migrate_binary')
+async def test_add_schema_to_binary_object_async(async_cache):
+    await __check_add_schema_to_binary_object(async_cache)
+def __check_add_schema_to_binary_object(cache):
     class MyBinaryType(
@@ -236,54 +313,66 @@
-    binary_object = MyBinaryType(
-        test_str='Test string',
-        test_int=42,
-        test_bool=True,
-    )
-    migrate_cache.put(1, binary_object)
+    def prepare_bo_v1():
+        return MyBinaryType(test_str='Test string', test_int=42, test_bool=True)
-    result = migrate_cache.get(1)
-    assert result.test_str == 'Test string'
-    assert result.test_int == 42
-    assert result.test_bool is True
+    def check_bo_v1(result):
+        assert result.test_str == 'Test string'
+        assert result.test_int == 42
+        assert result.test_bool is True
-    modified_schema = MyBinaryType.schema.copy()
-    modified_schema['test_decimal'] = DecimalObject
-    del modified_schema['test_bool']
+    def prepare_bo_v2():
+        modified_schema = MyBinaryType.schema.copy()
+        modified_schema['test_decimal'] = DecimalObject
+        del modified_schema['test_bool']
-    class MyBinaryTypeV2(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name='MyBinaryType',
-        schema=modified_schema,
-    ):
-        pass
+        class MyBinaryTypeV2(
+            metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
+            type_name='MyBinaryType',
+            schema=modified_schema,
+        ):
+            pass
-    assert MyBinaryType.type_id == MyBinaryTypeV2.type_id
-    assert MyBinaryType.schema_id != MyBinaryTypeV2.schema_id
+        assert MyBinaryType.type_id == MyBinaryTypeV2.type_id
+        assert MyBinaryType.schema_id != MyBinaryTypeV2.schema_id
-    binary_object_v2 = MyBinaryTypeV2(
-        test_str='Another test',
-        test_int=43,
-        test_decimal=Decimal('2.34')
-    )
+        return MyBinaryTypeV2(test_str='Another test', test_int=43, test_decimal=Decimal('2.34'))
-    migrate_cache.put(2, binary_object_v2)
+    def check_bo_v2(result):
+        assert result.test_str == 'Another test'
+        assert result.test_int == 43
+        assert result.test_decimal == Decimal('2.34')
+        assert not hasattr(result, 'test_bool')
-    result = migrate_cache.get(2)
-    assert result.test_str == 'Another test'
-    assert result.test_int == 43
-    assert result.test_decimal == Decimal('2.34')
-    assert not hasattr(result, 'test_bool')
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(1, prepare_bo_v1())
+        check_bo_v1(await cache.get(1))
+        await cache.put(2, prepare_bo_v2())
+        check_bo_v2(await cache.get(2))
-    migrate_cache.destroy()
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(1, prepare_bo_v1())
+        check_bo_v1(cache.get(1))
+        cache.put(2, prepare_bo_v2())
+        check_bo_v2(cache.get(2))
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
-def test_complex_object_names(client):
+def test_complex_object_names(cache):
     Test the ability to work with Complex types, which names contains symbols
     not suitable for use in Python identifiers.
+    __check_complex_object_names(cache)
+async def test_complex_object_names_async(async_cache):
+    await __check_complex_object_names(async_cache)
+def __check_complex_object_names(cache):
     type_name = 'Non.Pythonic#type-name$'
     key = 'key'
     data = 'test'
@@ -297,41 +386,47 @@
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('test_name_cache')
-    cache.put(key, NonPythonicallyNamedType(field=data))
+    def check(obj):
+        assert obj.type_name == type_name, 'Complex type name mismatch'
+        assert obj.field == data, 'Complex object data failure'
-    obj = cache.get(key)
-    assert obj.type_name == type_name, 'Complex type name mismatch'
-    assert obj.field == data, 'Complex object data failure'
+    async def inner_async():
+        await cache.put(key, NonPythonicallyNamedType(field=data))
+        check(await cache.get(key))
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(key, NonPythonicallyNamedType(field=data))
+        check(cache.get(key))
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
-def test_complex_object_hash(client):
-    """
-    Test that Python client correctly calculates hash of the binary object that
-    contains negative bytes.
-    """
-    class Internal(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name='Internal',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
-            ('id', IntObject),
-            ('str', String),
-        ])
-    ):
-        pass
+class Internal(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta, type_name='Internal',
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('id', IntObject),
+        ('str', String)
+    ])
+    pass
-    class TestObject(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name='TestObject',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
-            ('id', IntObject),
-            ('str', String),
-            ('internal', BinaryObject),
-        ])
-    ):
-        pass
-    obj_ascii = TestObject()
+class NestedObject(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta, type_name='NestedObject',
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('id', IntObject),
+        ('str', String),
+        ('internal', BinaryObject)
+    ])
+    pass
+def complex_objects():
+    fixtures = []
+    obj_ascii = NestedObject()
     obj_ascii.id = 1
     obj_ascii.str = 'test_string'
@@ -339,11 +434,9 @@
     obj_ascii.internal.id = 2
     obj_ascii.internal.str = 'lorem ipsum'
-    hash_ascii = BinaryObject.hashcode(obj_ascii, client=client)
+    fixtures.append((obj_ascii, -1314567146))
-    assert hash_ascii == -1314567146, 'Invalid hashcode value for object with ASCII strings'
-    obj_utf8 = TestObject()
+    obj_utf8 = NestedObject()
     obj_utf8.id = 1
     obj_utf8.str = 'юникод'
@@ -351,39 +444,63 @@
     obj_utf8.internal.id = 2
     obj_utf8.internal.str = 'ユニコード'
-    hash_utf8 = BinaryObject.hashcode(obj_utf8, client=client)
+    fixtures.append((obj_utf8, -1945378474))
-    assert hash_utf8 == -1945378474, 'Invalid hashcode value for object with UTF-8 strings'
+    yield fixtures
-def test_complex_object_null_fields(client):
+def test_complex_object_hash(client, complex_objects):
+    for obj, hash in complex_objects:
+        assert hash == BinaryObject.hashcode(obj, client)
+async def test_complex_object_hash_async(async_client, complex_objects):
+    for obj, hash in complex_objects:
+        assert hash == await BinaryObject.hashcode_async(obj, async_client)
+def camel_to_snake(name):
+    return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower()
+fields = {camel_to_snake(type_.__name__): type_ for type_ in [
+    ByteObject, ShortObject, IntObject, LongObject, FloatObject, DoubleObject, CharObject, BoolObject, UUIDObject,
+    DateObject, TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject, ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject,
+    IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject, FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, CharArrayObject, BoolArrayObject,
+    UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject, TimeArrayObject, EnumArrayObject, String,
+    StringArrayObject, DecimalObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject, CollectionObject, MapObject,
+    BinaryObject]}
+class AllTypesObject(metaclass=GenericObjectMeta, type_name='AllTypesObject', schema=fields):
+    pass
+def null_fields_object():
+    res = AllTypesObject()
+    for field in fields.keys():
+        setattr(res, field, None)
+    yield res
+def test_complex_object_null_fields(cache, null_fields_object):
     Test that Python client can correctly write and read binary object that
     contains null fields.
-    def camel_to_snake(name):
-        return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower()
+    cache.put(1, null_fields_object)
+    assert cache.get(1) == null_fields_object, 'Objects mismatch'
-    fields = {camel_to_snake(type_.__name__): type_ for type_ in [
-        ByteObject, ShortObject, IntObject, LongObject, FloatObject, DoubleObject, CharObject, BoolObject, UUIDObject,
-        DateObject, TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject, ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject,
-        IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject, FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, CharArrayObject, BoolArrayObject,
-        UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject, TimeArrayObject, EnumArrayObject, String,
-        StringArrayObject, DecimalObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject, CollectionObject, MapObject,
-        BinaryObject]}
-    class AllTypesObject(metaclass=GenericObjectMeta, type_name='AllTypesObject', schema=fields):
-        pass
-    key = 42
-    null_fields_value = AllTypesObject()
-    for field in fields.keys():
-        setattr(null_fields_value, field, None)
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('all_types_test_cache')
-    cache.put(key, null_fields_value)
-    got_obj = cache.get(key)
-    assert got_obj == null_fields_value, 'Objects mismatch'
+async def test_complex_object_null_fields_async(async_cache, null_fields_object):
+    """
+    Test that Python client can correctly write and read binary object that
+    contains null fields.
+    """
+    await async_cache.put(1, null_fields_object)
+    assert await async_cache.get(1) == null_fields_object, 'Objects mismatch'
diff --git a/tests/common/test_cache_class.py b/tests/common/test_cache_class.py
index 940160a..02dfa82 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_cache_class.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_cache_class.py
@@ -19,66 +19,56 @@
 import pytest
 from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    BoolObject, DecimalObject, FloatObject, IntObject, String,
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes import BoolObject, DecimalObject, FloatObject, IntObject, String
+from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import PROP_NAME, PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION
 from pyignite.exceptions import CacheError, ParameterError
 def test_cache_create(client):
     cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
-    assert cache.name == cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == 'my_oop_cache'
-    cache.destroy()
+    try:
+        assert cache.name == cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == 'my_oop_cache'
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
-def test_cache_remove(client):
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_cache')
-    cache.clear()
-    assert cache.get_size() == 0
-    cache.put_all({
-        'key_1': 1,
-        'key_2': 2,
-        'key_3': 3,
-        'key_4': 4,
-        'key_5': 5,
-    })
-    assert cache.get_size() == 5
-    result = cache.remove_if_equals('key_1', 42)
-    assert result is False
-    assert cache.get_size() == 5
-    result = cache.remove_if_equals('key_1', 1)
-    assert result is True
-    assert cache.get_size() == 4
-    cache.remove_keys(['key_1', 'key_3', 'key_5', 'key_7'])
-    assert cache.get_size() == 2
-    cache.remove_all()
-    assert cache.get_size() == 0
+async def test_cache_create_async(async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
+    try:
+        assert (await cache.name()) == (await cache.settings())[PROP_NAME] == 'my_oop_cache'
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
-def test_cache_get(client):
+def test_get_cache(client):
     my_cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_cache')
-    assert my_cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == 'my_cache'
-    my_cache.destroy()
-    error = None
+    try:
+        assert my_cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == 'my_cache'
+    finally:
+        my_cache.destroy()
     my_cache = client.get_cache('my_cache')
-    try:
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError):
         _ = my_cache.settings[PROP_NAME]
-    except CacheError as e:
-        error = e
-    assert type(error) is CacheError
-def test_cache_config(client):
-    cache_config = {
+async def test_get_cache_async(async_client):
+    my_cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache('my_cache')
+    try:
+        assert (await my_cache.settings())[PROP_NAME] == 'my_cache'
+    finally:
+        await my_cache.destroy()
+    my_cache = await async_client.get_cache('my_cache')
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError):
+        _ = (await my_cache.settings())[PROP_NAME]
+def cache_config():
+    yield {
         PROP_NAME: 'my_oop_cache',
@@ -87,28 +77,31 @@
+def test_cache_config(client, cache_config):
     cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
-    assert cache.name == cache_config[PROP_NAME]
-    assert (
-        cache.settings[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION]
-        == cache_config[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION]
-    )
-    cache.destroy()
+    try:
+        assert cache.name == cache_config[PROP_NAME]
+        assert cache.settings[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION] == cache_config[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION]
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
-def test_cache_get_put(client):
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
-    cache.put('my_key', 42)
-    result = cache.get('my_key')
-    assert result, 42
-    cache.destroy()
+async def test_cache_config_async(async_client, cache_config):
+    await async_client.create_cache(cache_config)
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
+    try:
+        assert await cache.name() == cache_config[PROP_NAME]
+        assert (await cache.settings())[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION] == cache_config[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION]
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
-def test_cache_binary_get_put(client):
+def binary_type_fixture():
     class TestBinaryType(
@@ -120,52 +113,63 @@
-    cache = client.create_cache('my_oop_cache')
-    my_value = TestBinaryType(
+    return TestBinaryType(
         test_str='This is a test',
-    cache.put('my_key', my_value)
+def test_cache_binary_get_put(cache, binary_type_fixture):
+    cache.put('my_key', binary_type_fixture)
     value = cache.get('my_key')
-    assert value.test_bool is True
-    assert value.test_str == 'This is a test'
-    assert value.test_int == 42
-    assert value.test_decimal == Decimal('34.56')
-    cache.destroy()
+    assert value.test_bool == binary_type_fixture.test_bool
+    assert value.test_str == binary_type_fixture.test_str
+    assert value.test_int == binary_type_fixture.test_int
+    assert value.test_decimal == binary_type_fixture.test_decimal
-def test_get_binary_type(client):
-    client.put_binary_type(
-        'TestBinaryType',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
+async def test_cache_binary_get_put_async(async_cache, binary_type_fixture):
+    await async_cache.put('my_key', binary_type_fixture)
+    value = await async_cache.get('my_key')
+    assert value.test_bool == binary_type_fixture.test_bool
+    assert value.test_str == binary_type_fixture.test_str
+    assert value.test_int == binary_type_fixture.test_int
+    assert value.test_decimal == binary_type_fixture.test_decimal
+def binary_type_schemas_fixture():
+    schemas = [
+        OrderedDict([
             ('TEST_BOOL', BoolObject),
             ('TEST_STR', String),
             ('TEST_INT', IntObject),
-        ])
-    )
-    client.put_binary_type(
-        'TestBinaryType',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
+        ]),
+        OrderedDict([
             ('TEST_BOOL', BoolObject),
             ('TEST_STR', String),
             ('TEST_INT', IntObject),
             ('TEST_FLOAT', FloatObject),
-        ])
-    )
-    client.put_binary_type(
-        'TestBinaryType',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
+        ]),
+        OrderedDict([
             ('TEST_BOOL', BoolObject),
             ('TEST_STR', String),
             ('TEST_INT', IntObject),
             ('TEST_DECIMAL', DecimalObject),
-    )
+    ]
+    yield 'TestBinaryType', schemas
+def test_get_binary_type(client, binary_type_schemas_fixture):
+    type_name, schemas = binary_type_schemas_fixture
+    for schema in schemas:
+        client.put_binary_type(type_name, schema=schema)
     binary_type_info = client.get_binary_type('TestBinaryType')
     assert len(binary_type_info['schemas']) == 3
@@ -175,60 +179,37 @@
     assert len(binary_type_info) == 1
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 17, 5))
-def test_cache_scan(request, client, page_size):
-    test_data = {
-        1: 'This is a test',
-        2: 'One more test',
-        3: 'Foo',
-        4: 'Buzz',
-        5: 'Bar',
-        6: 'Lorem ipsum',
-        7: 'dolor sit amet',
-        8: 'consectetur adipiscing elit',
-        9: 'Nullam aliquet',
-        10: 'nisl at ante',
-        11: 'suscipit',
-        12: 'ut cursus',
-        13: 'metus interdum',
-        14: 'Nulla tincidunt',
-        15: 'sollicitudin iaculis',
-    }
+async def test_get_binary_type_async(async_client, binary_type_schemas_fixture):
+    type_name, schemas = binary_type_schemas_fixture
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(request.node.name)
-    cache.put_all(test_data)
+    for schema in schemas:
+        await async_client.put_binary_type(type_name, schema=schema)
-    gen = cache.scan(page_size=page_size)
-    received_data = []
-    for k, v in gen:
-        assert k in test_data.keys()
-        assert v in test_data.values()
-        received_data.append((k, v))
-    assert len(received_data) == len(test_data)
+    binary_type_info = await async_client.get_binary_type('TestBinaryType')
+    assert len(binary_type_info['schemas']) == 3
-    cache.destroy()
+    binary_type_info = await async_client.get_binary_type('NonExistentType')
+    assert binary_type_info['type_exists'] is False
+    assert len(binary_type_info) == 1
-def test_get_and_put_if_absent(client):
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('my_oop_cache')
-    value = cache.get_and_put_if_absent('my_key', 42)
-    assert value is None
-    cache.put('my_key', 43)
-    value = cache.get_and_put_if_absent('my_key', 42)
-    assert value is 43
-def test_cache_get_when_cache_does_not_exist(client):
+def test_get_cache_errors(client):
     cache = client.get_cache('missing-cache')
-    with pytest.raises(CacheError) as e_info:
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError, match=r'Cache does not exist \[cacheId='):
         cache.put(1, 1)
-    assert str(e_info.value) == "Cache does not exist [cacheId= 1665146971]"
-def test_cache_create_with_none_name(client):
-    with pytest.raises(ParameterError) as e_info:
+    with pytest.raises(ParameterError, match="You should supply at least cache name"):
-    assert str(e_info.value) == "You should supply at least cache name"
+async def test_get_cache_errors_async(async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_cache('missing-cache')
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError, match=r'Cache does not exist \[cacheId='):
+        await cache.put(1, 1)
+    with pytest.raises(ParameterError, match="You should supply at least cache name"):
+        await async_client.create_cache(None)
diff --git a/tests/common/test_cache_class_sql.py b/tests/common/test_cache_class_sql.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f72b39..0000000
--- a/tests/common/test_cache_class_sql.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import pytest
-initial_data = [
-        ('John', 'Doe', 5),
-        ('Jane', 'Roe', 4),
-        ('Joe', 'Bloggs', 4),
-        ('Richard', 'Public', 3),
-        ('Negidius', 'Numerius', 3),
-    ]
-create_query = '''CREATE TABLE Student (
-    id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY,
-    first_name CHAR(24),
-    last_name CHAR(32),
-    grade INT(11))'''
-insert_query = '''INSERT INTO Student(id, first_name, last_name, grade)
-VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'''
-select_query = 'SELECT id, first_name, last_name, grade FROM Student'
-drop_query = 'DROP TABLE Student IF EXISTS'
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 6, 2))
-def test_sql_fields(client, page_size):
-    client.sql(drop_query, page_size)
-    result = client.sql(create_query, page_size)
-    assert next(result)[0] == 0
-    for i, data_line in enumerate(initial_data, start=1):
-        fname, lname, grade = data_line
-        result = client.sql(
-            insert_query,
-            page_size,
-            query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade]
-        )
-        assert next(result)[0] == 1
-    result = client.sql(
-        select_query,
-        page_size,
-        include_field_names=True,
-    )
-    field_names = next(result)
-    assert set(field_names) == {'ID', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'GRADE'}
-    data = list(result)
-    assert len(data) == 5
-    for row in data:
-        assert len(row) == 4
-    client.sql(drop_query, page_size)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 6, 2))
-def test_sql(client, page_size):
-    client.sql(drop_query, page_size)
-    result = client.sql(create_query, page_size)
-    assert next(result)[0] == 0
-    for i, data_line in enumerate(initial_data, start=1):
-        fname, lname, grade = data_line
-        result = client.sql(
-            insert_query,
-            page_size,
-            query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade]
-        )
-        assert next(result)[0] == 1
-    student = client.get_or_create_cache('SQL_PUBLIC_STUDENT')
-    result = student.select_row('TRUE', page_size)
-    for k, v in result:
-        assert k in range(1, 6)
-        assert v.FIRST_NAME in [
-            'John',
-            'Jane',
-            'Joe',
-            'Richard',
-            'Negidius',
-        ]
-    client.sql(drop_query, page_size)
diff --git a/tests/common/test_cache_composite_key_class_sql.py b/tests/common/test_cache_composite_key_class_sql.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 989a229..0000000
--- a/tests/common/test_cache_composite_key_class_sql.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    IntObject, String
-class StudentKey(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name='test.model.StudentKey',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
-            ('ID', IntObject),
-            ('DEPT', String)
-        ])
-    ):
-    pass
-class Student(
-        metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
-        type_name='test.model.Student',
-        schema=OrderedDict([
-            ('NAME', String),
-        ])
-    ):
-    pass
-create_query = '''CREATE TABLE StudentTable (
-    id INT(11),
-    dept VARCHAR,
-    name CHAR(24),
-    PRIMARY KEY (id, dept))
-    WITH "CACHE_NAME=StudentCache, KEY_TYPE=test.model.StudentKey, VALUE_TYPE=test.model.Student"'''
-insert_query = '''INSERT INTO StudentTable (id, dept, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'''
-select_query = 'SELECT _KEY, id, dept, name FROM StudentTable'
-drop_query = 'DROP TABLE StudentTable IF EXISTS'
-def test_cache_get_with_composite_key_finds_sql_value(client):
-    """
-    Should query a record with composite key and calculate 
-    internal hashcode correctly.
-    """
-    client.sql(drop_query)
-    # Create table.
-    result = client.sql(create_query)
-    assert next(result)[0] == 0
-    student_key = StudentKey(1, 'Acct')
-    student_val = Student('John')
-    # Put new Strudent with StudentKey.
-    result = client.sql(insert_query, query_args=[student_key.ID, student_key.DEPT, student_val.NAME])
-    assert next(result)[0] == 1
-    # Cache get finds the same value.
-    studentCache = client.get_cache('StudentCache')
-    val = studentCache.get(student_key)
-    assert val is not None
-    assert val.NAME == student_val.NAME
-    query_result = list(client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True))
-    validate_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
-def test_python_sql_finds_inserted_value_with_composite_key(client):
-    """
-    Insert a record with a composite key and query it with SELECT SQL.
-    """
-    client.sql(drop_query)
-    # Create table.
-    result = client.sql(create_query)
-    assert next(result)[0] == 0
-    student_key = StudentKey(2, 'Business')
-    student_val = Student('Abe')
-    # Put new value using cache.
-    studentCache = client.get_cache('StudentCache')
-    studentCache.put(student_key, student_val)
-    # Find the value using SQL.
-    query_result = list(client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True))
-    validate_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
-def validate_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result):
-    """
-    Compare query result with expected key and value.
-    """
-    assert len(query_result) == 2
-    sql_row = dict(zip(query_result[0], query_result[1]))
-    assert sql_row['ID'] == student_key.ID
-    assert sql_row['DEPT'] == student_key.DEPT
-    assert sql_row['NAME'] == student_val.NAME
diff --git a/tests/common/test_cache_config.py b/tests/common/test_cache_config.py
index b708b0c..f4c8067 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_cache_config.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_cache_config.py
@@ -12,29 +12,17 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import pytest
-from pyignite.api import *
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import PROP_NAME, PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION
+from pyignite.exceptions import CacheError
+cache_name = 'config_cache'
-def test_get_configuration(client):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_get_or_create(conn, 'my_unique_cache')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get_configuration(conn, 'my_unique_cache')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value[PROP_NAME] == 'my_unique_cache'
-def test_create_with_config(client):
-    cache_name = 'my_very_unique_name'
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_create_with_config(conn, {
+def cache_config():
+    return {
         PROP_NAME: cache_name,
@@ -42,38 +30,86 @@
                 'affinity_key_field_name': 'abc1234',
-    })
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get_names(conn)
-    assert cache_name in result.value
-    result = cache_create_with_config(conn, {
-        PROP_NAME: cache_name,
-    })
-    assert result.status != 0
+    }
-def test_get_or_create_with_config(client):
+def cache(client):
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(cache_name)
+    yield cache
+    cache.destroy()
-    cache_name = 'my_very_unique_name'
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_get_or_create_with_config(conn, {
-        PROP_NAME: cache_name,
-            {
-                'type_name': 'blah',
-                'affinity_key_field_name': 'abc1234',
-            }
-        ],
-    })
-    assert result.status == 0
+async def async_cache(async_client):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(cache_name)
+    yield cache
+    await cache.destroy()
-    result = cache_get_names(conn)
-    assert cache_name in result.value
-    result = cache_get_or_create_with_config(conn, {
-        PROP_NAME: cache_name,
-    })
-    assert result.status == 0
+def cache_with_config(client, cache_config):
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    yield cache
+    cache.destroy()
+async def async_cache_with_config(async_client, cache_config):
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    yield cache
+    await cache.destroy()
+def test_cache_get_configuration(client, cache):
+    assert cache_name in client.get_cache_names()
+    assert cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == cache_name
+async def test_cache_get_configuration_async(async_client, async_cache):
+    assert cache_name in (await async_client.get_cache_names())
+    assert (await async_cache.settings())[PROP_NAME] == cache_name
+def test_get_or_create_with_config_existing(client, cache_with_config, cache_config):
+    assert cache_name in client.get_cache_names()
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError):
+        client.create_cache(cache_config)
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    assert cache.settings == cache_with_config.settings
+async def test_get_or_create_with_config_existing_async(async_client, async_cache_with_config, cache_config):
+    assert cache_name in (await async_client.get_cache_names())
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError):
+        await async_client.create_cache(cache_config)
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    assert (await cache.settings()) == (await async_cache_with_config.settings())
+def test_get_or_create_with_config_new(client, cache_config):
+    assert cache_name not in client.get_cache_names()
+    cache = client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    try:
+        assert cache_name in client.get_cache_names()
+        assert cache.settings[PROP_NAME] == cache_name
+    finally:
+        cache.destroy()
+async def test_get_or_create_with_config_new_async(async_client, cache_config):
+    assert cache_name not in (await async_client.get_cache_names())
+    cache = await async_client.get_or_create_cache(cache_config)
+    try:
+        assert cache_name in (await async_client.get_cache_names())
+        assert (await cache.settings())[PROP_NAME] == cache_name
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
diff --git a/tests/common/test_datatypes.py b/tests/common/test_datatypes.py
index 83e9a60..c1aa19f 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_datatypes.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_datatypes.py
@@ -20,199 +20,239 @@
 import pytest
 import uuid
-from pyignite.api.key_value import cache_get, cache_put
-from pyignite.datatypes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes import (
+    ByteObject, IntObject, FloatObject, CharObject, ShortObject, BoolObject, ByteArrayObject, IntArrayObject,
+    ShortArrayObject, FloatArrayObject, BoolArrayObject, CharArrayObject, TimestampObject, String, BinaryEnumObject,
+    TimestampArrayObject, BinaryEnumArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject, CollectionObject, MapObject
 from pyignite.utils import unsigned
+put_get_data_params = [
+    # integers
+    (42, None),
+    (42, ByteObject),
+    (42, ShortObject),
+    (42, IntObject),
+    # floats
+    (3.1415, None),  # True for Double but not Float
+    (3.5, FloatObject),
+    # char is never autodetected
+    ('Ñ‹', CharObject),
+    ('ã‚«', CharObject),
+    # bool
+    (True, None),
+    (False, None),
+    (True, BoolObject),
+    (False, BoolObject),
+    # arrays of integers
+    ([1, 2, 3, 5], None),
+    (b'buzz', ByteArrayObject),
+    (bytearray([7, 8, 8, 11]), None),
+    (bytearray([7, 8, 8, 11]), ByteArrayObject),
+    ([1, 2, 3, 5], ShortArrayObject),
+    ([1, 2, 3, 5], IntArrayObject),
+    # arrays of floats
+    ([2.2, 4.4, 6.6], None),
+    ([2.5, 6.5], FloatArrayObject),
+    # array of char
+    (['Ñ‹', 'ã‚«'], CharArrayObject),
+    # array of bool
+    ([True, False, True], None),
+    ([True, False], BoolArrayObject),
+    ([False, True], BoolArrayObject),
+    ([True, False, True, False], BoolArrayObject),
+    # string
+    ('Little Mary had a lamb', None),
+    ('This is a test', String),
+    # decimals
+    (decimal.Decimal('2.5'), None),
+    (decimal.Decimal('-1.3'), None),
+    # uuid
+    (uuid.uuid4(), None),
+    # date
+    (datetime(year=1998, month=4, day=6, hour=18, minute=30), None),
+    # no autodetection for timestamp either
+    (
+        (datetime(year=1998, month=4, day=6, hour=18, minute=30), 1000),
+        TimestampObject
+    ),
+    # time
+    (timedelta(days=4, hours=4, minutes=24), None),
+    # enum is useless in Python, except for interoperability with Java.
+    # Also no autodetection
+    ((5, 6), BinaryEnumObject),
+    # arrays of standard types
+    (['String 1', 'String 2'], None),
+    (['Some of us are empty', None, 'But not the others'], None),
+    ([decimal.Decimal('2.71828'), decimal.Decimal('100')], None),
+    ([decimal.Decimal('2.1'), None, decimal.Decimal('3.1415')], None),
+    ([uuid.uuid4(), uuid.uuid4()], None),
+    (
+        [
+            datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1),
+            datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=31),
+        ],
+        None,
+    ),
+    ([timedelta(minutes=30), timedelta(hours=2)], None),
+    (
+        [
+            (datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1), 1000),
+            (datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=31), 200),
+        ],
+        TimestampArrayObject
+    ),
+    ((-1, [(6001, 1), (6002, 2), (6003, 3)]), BinaryEnumArrayObject),
+    # object array
+    ((ObjectArrayObject.OBJECT, [1, 2, decimal.Decimal('3')]), ObjectArrayObject),
+    # collection
+    ((CollectionObject.LINKED_LIST, [1, 2, 3]), None),
+    # map
+    ((MapObject.HASH_MAP, {'key': 4, 5: 6.0}), None),
+    ((MapObject.LINKED_HASH_MAP, OrderedDict([('key', 4), (5, 6.0)])), None),
     'value, value_hint',
-    [
-        # integers
-        (42, None),
-        (42, ByteObject),
-        (42, ShortObject),
-        (42, IntObject),
-        # floats
-        (3.1415, None),  # True for Double but not Float
-        (3.5, FloatObject),
-        # char is never autodetected
-        ('Ñ‹', CharObject),
-        ('ã‚«', CharObject),
-        # bool
-        (True, None),
-        (False, None),
-        (True, BoolObject),
-        (False, BoolObject),
-        # arrays of integers
-        ([1, 2, 3, 5], None),
-        (b'buzz', ByteArrayObject),
-        (bytearray([7, 8, 8, 11]), None),
-        (bytearray([7, 8, 8, 11]), ByteArrayObject),
-        ([1, 2, 3, 5], ShortArrayObject),
-        ([1, 2, 3, 5], IntArrayObject),
-        # arrays of floats
-        ([2.2, 4.4, 6.6], None),
-        ([2.5, 6.5], FloatArrayObject),
-        # array of char
-        (['Ñ‹', 'ã‚«'], CharArrayObject),
-        # array of bool
-        ([True, False, True], None),
-        ([True, False], BoolArrayObject),
-        ([False, True], BoolArrayObject),
-        ([True, False, True, False], BoolArrayObject),
-        # string
-        ('Little Mary had a lamb', None),
-        ('This is a test', String),
-        # decimals
-        (decimal.Decimal('2.5'), None),
-        (decimal.Decimal('-1.3'), None),
-        # uuid
-        (uuid.uuid4(), None),
-        # date
-        (datetime(year=1998, month=4, day=6, hour=18, minute=30), None),
-        # no autodetection for timestamp either
-        (
-            (datetime(year=1998, month=4, day=6, hour=18, minute=30), 1000),
-            TimestampObject
-        ),
-        # time
-        (timedelta(days=4, hours=4, minutes=24), None),
-        # enum is useless in Python, except for interoperability with Java.
-        # Also no autodetection
-        ((5, 6), BinaryEnumObject),
-        # arrays of standard types
-        (['String 1', 'String 2'], None),
-        (['Some of us are empty', None, 'But not the others'], None),
-        ([decimal.Decimal('2.71828'), decimal.Decimal('100')], None),
-        ([decimal.Decimal('2.1'), None, decimal.Decimal('3.1415')], None),
-        ([uuid.uuid4(), uuid.uuid4()], None),
-        (
-            [
-                datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1),
-                datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=31),
-            ],
-            None,
-        ),
-        ([timedelta(minutes=30), timedelta(hours=2)], None),
-        (
-            [
-                (datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1), 1000),
-                (datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=31), 200),
-            ],
-            TimestampArrayObject
-        ),
-        ((-1, [(6001, 1), (6002, 2), (6003, 3)]), BinaryEnumArrayObject),
-        # object array
-        ((ObjectArrayObject.OBJECT, [1, 2, decimal.Decimal('3')]), ObjectArrayObject),
-        # collection
-        ((CollectionObject.LINKED_LIST, [1, 2, 3]), None),
-        # map
-        ((MapObject.HASH_MAP, {'key': 4, 5: 6.0}), None),
-        ((MapObject.LINKED_HASH_MAP, OrderedDict([('key', 4), (5, 6.0)])), None),
-    ]
+    put_get_data_params
-def test_put_get_data(client, cache, value, value_hint):
+def test_put_get_data(cache, value, value_hint):
+    cache.put('my_key', value, value_hint=value_hint)
+    assert cache.get('my_key') == value
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_key', value, value_hint=value_hint)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    'value, value_hint',
+    put_get_data_params
+async def test_put_get_data_async(async_cache, value, value_hint):
+    await async_cache.put('my_key', value, value_hint=value_hint)
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_key') == value
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == value
-    if isinstance(result.value, list):
-        for res, val in zip(result.value, value):
-            assert type(res) == type(val)
+bytearray_params = [
+    [1, 2, 3, 5],
+    (7, 8, 13, 18),
+    (-128, -1, 0, 1, 127, 255),
-    [
-        [1, 2, 3, 5],
-        (7, 8, 13, 18),
-        (-128, -1, 0, 1, 127, 255),
-    ]
+    bytearray_params
-def test_bytearray_from_list_or_tuple(client, cache, value):
+def test_bytearray_from_list_or_tuple(cache, value):
     ByteArrayObject's pythonic type is `bytearray`, but it should also accept
     lists or tuples as a content.
-    conn = client.random_node
+    cache.put('my_key', value, value_hint=ByteArrayObject)
-    result = cache_put(
-        conn, cache, 'my_key', value, value_hint=ByteArrayObject
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0
+    assert cache.get('my_key') == bytearray([unsigned(ch, ctypes.c_ubyte) for ch in value])
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == bytearray([
-        unsigned(ch, ctypes.c_ubyte) for ch in value
-    ])
+    'value',
+    bytearray_params
+async def test_bytearray_from_list_or_tuple_async(async_cache, value):
+    """
+    ByteArrayObject's pythonic type is `bytearray`, but it should also accept
+    lists or tuples as a content.
+    """
+    await async_cache.put('my_key', value, value_hint=ByteArrayObject)
+    result = await async_cache.get('my_key')
+    assert result == bytearray([unsigned(ch, ctypes.c_ubyte) for ch in value])
+uuid_params = [
+    'd57babad-7bc1-4c82-9f9c-e72841b92a85',
+    '5946c0c0-2b76-479d-8694-a2e64a3968da',
+    'a521723d-ad5d-46a6-94ad-300f850ef704',
+uuid_table_create_sql = "CREATE TABLE test_uuid_repr (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, uuid_field UUID)"
+uuid_table_drop_sql = "DROP TABLE test_uuid_repr IF EXISTS"
+uuid_table_insert_sql = "INSERT INTO test_uuid_repr(id, uuid_field) VALUES (?, ?)"
+uuid_table_query_sql = "SELECT * FROM test_uuid_repr WHERE uuid_field=?"
+async def uuid_table(client):
+    client.sql(uuid_table_drop_sql)
+    client.sql(uuid_table_create_sql)
+    yield None
+    client.sql(uuid_table_drop_sql)
+async def uuid_table_async(async_client):
+    await async_client.sql(uuid_table_drop_sql)
+    await async_client.sql(uuid_table_create_sql)
+    yield None
+    await async_client.sql(uuid_table_drop_sql)
-    [
-        'd57babad-7bc1-4c82-9f9c-e72841b92a85',
-        '5946c0c0-2b76-479d-8694-a2e64a3968da',
-        'a521723d-ad5d-46a6-94ad-300f850ef704',
-    ]
+    uuid_params
-def test_uuid_representation(client, uuid_string):
+def test_uuid_representation(client, uuid_string, uuid_table):
     """ Test if textual UUID representation is correct. """
     uuid_value = uuid.UUID(uuid_string)
-    # initial cleanup
-    client.sql("DROP TABLE test_uuid_repr IF EXISTS")
-    # create table with UUID field
-    client.sql(
-        "CREATE TABLE test_uuid_repr (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, uuid_field UUID)"
-    )
     # use uuid.UUID class to insert data
-    client.sql(
-        "INSERT INTO test_uuid_repr(id, uuid_field) VALUES (?, ?)",
-        query_args=[1, uuid_value]
-    )
+    client.sql(uuid_table_insert_sql, query_args=[1, uuid_value])
     # use hex string to retrieve data
-    result = client.sql(
-        "SELECT * FROM test_uuid_repr WHERE uuid_field='{}'".format(
-            uuid_string
-        )
-    )
+    with client.sql(uuid_table_query_sql, query_args=[str(uuid_value)]) as cursor:
+        result = list(cursor)
-    # finalize query
-    result = list(result)
+        # if a line was retrieved, our test was successful
+        assert len(result) == 1
+        assert result[0][1] == uuid_value
-    # final cleanup
-    client.sql("DROP TABLE test_uuid_repr IF EXISTS")
-    # if a line was retrieved, our test was successful
-    assert len(result) == 1
-    # doublecheck
-    assert result[0][1] == uuid_value
+    'uuid_string',
+    uuid_params
+async def test_uuid_representation_async(async_client, uuid_string, uuid_table_async):
+    """ Test if textual UUID representation is correct. """
+    uuid_value = uuid.UUID(uuid_string)
+    # use uuid.UUID class to insert data
+    await async_client.sql(uuid_table_insert_sql, query_args=[1, uuid_value])
+    # use hex string to retrieve data
+    async with async_client.sql(uuid_table_query_sql, query_args=[str(uuid_value)]) as cursor:
+        result = [row async for row in cursor]
+        # if a line was retrieved, our test was successful
+        assert len(result) == 1
+        assert result[0][1] == uuid_value
diff --git a/tests/common/test_generic_object.py b/tests/common/test_generic_object.py
index 73dc870..d6c0ee1 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_generic_object.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_generic_object.py
@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
-from pyignite.datatypes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes import IntObject, String
 def test_go():
     class GenericObject(
diff --git a/tests/common/test_get_names.py b/tests/common/test_get_names.py
index 2d6c0bc..7fcb499 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_get_names.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_get_names.py
@@ -12,21 +12,22 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
-from pyignite.api import cache_create, cache_get_names
+import pytest
 def test_get_names(client):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    bucket_names = ['my_bucket', 'my_bucket_2', 'my_bucket_3']
+    bucket_names = {'my_bucket', 'my_bucket_2', 'my_bucket_3'}
     for name in bucket_names:
-        cache_create(conn, name)
+        client.get_or_create_cache(name)
-    result = cache_get_names(conn)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert type(result.value) == list
-    assert len(result.value) >= len(bucket_names)
-    for i, name in enumerate(bucket_names):
-        assert name in result.value
+    assert set(client.get_cache_names()) == bucket_names
+async def test_get_names_async(async_client):
+    bucket_names = {'my_bucket', 'my_bucket_2', 'my_bucket_3'}
+    await asyncio.gather(*[async_client.get_or_create_cache(name) for name in bucket_names])
+    assert set(await async_client.get_cache_names()) == bucket_names
diff --git a/tests/common/test_key_value.py b/tests/common/test_key_value.py
index a7edce1..0f492a2 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_key_value.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_key_value.py
@@ -15,426 +15,405 @@
 from datetime import datetime
-from pyignite.api import *
-from pyignite.datatypes import (
-    CollectionObject, IntObject, MapObject, TimestampObject,
+import pytest
+from pyignite.datatypes import CollectionObject, IntObject, MapObject, TimestampObject
-def test_put_get(client, cache):
+def test_put_get(cache):
+    cache.put('my_key', 5)
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_key', 5)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 5
+    assert cache.get('my_key') == 5
-def test_get_all(client, cache):
+async def test_put_get_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_key', 5)
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_get_all(conn, cache, ['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)])
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == {}
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'key_1', 4)
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 3, 18, key_hint=IntObject)
-    result = cache_get_all(conn, cache, ['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)])
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == {'key_1': 4, 3: 18}
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_key') == 5
-def test_put_all(client, cache):
+def test_get_all(cache):
+    assert cache.get_all(['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)]) == {}
-    conn = client.random_node
+    cache.put('key_1', 4)
+    cache.put(3, 18, key_hint=IntObject)
+    assert cache.get_all(['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)]) == {'key_1': 4, 3: 18}
+async def test_get_all_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get_all(['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)]) == {}
+    await async_cache.put('key_1', 4)
+    await async_cache.put(3, 18, key_hint=IntObject)
+    assert await async_cache.get_all(['key_1', 2, (3, IntObject)]) == {'key_1': 4, 3: 18}
+def test_put_all(cache):
     test_dict = {
         1: 2,
         'key_1': 4,
         (3, IntObject): 18,
-    test_keys = ['key_1', 1, 3]
+    cache.put_all(test_dict)
-    result = cache_put_all(conn, cache, test_dict)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    result = cache.get_all(list(test_dict.keys()))
-    result = cache_get_all(conn, cache, test_keys)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(test_dict) == 3
+    assert len(result) == len(test_dict)
+    for k, v in test_dict.items():
+        k = k[0] if isinstance(k, tuple) else k
+        assert result[k] == v
-    for key in result.value:
-        assert key in test_keys
+async def test_put_all_async(async_cache):
+    test_dict = {
+        1: 2,
+        'key_1': 4,
+        (3, IntObject): 18,
+    }
+    await async_cache.put_all(test_dict)
-def test_contains_key(client, cache):
+    result = await async_cache.get_all(list(test_dict.keys()))
-    conn = client.random_node
+    assert len(result) == len(test_dict)
+    for k, v in test_dict.items():
+        k = k[0] if isinstance(k, tuple) else k
+        assert result[k] == v
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_contains_key(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.value is True
+def test_contains_key(cache):
+    cache.put('test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_contains_key(conn, cache, 'non-existant-key')
-    assert result.value is False
+    assert cache.contains_key('test_key')
+    assert not cache.contains_key('non-existent-key')
-def test_contains_keys(client, cache):
+async def test_contains_key_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('test_key', 42)
-    conn = client.random_node
+    assert await async_cache.contains_key('test_key')
+    assert not await async_cache.contains_key('non-existent-key')
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 5, 6)
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_contains_keys(conn, cache, [5, 'test_key'])
-    assert result.value is True
+def test_contains_keys(cache):
+    cache.put(5, 6)
+    cache.put('test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_contains_keys(conn, cache, [5, 'non-existent-key'])
-    assert result.value is False
+    assert cache.contains_keys([5, 'test_key'])
+    assert not cache.contains_keys([5, 'non-existent-key'])
-def test_get_and_put(client, cache):
+async def test_contains_keys_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put(5, 6)
+    await async_cache.put('test_key', 42)
-    conn = client.random_node
+    assert await async_cache.contains_keys([5, 'test_key'])
+    assert not await async_cache.contains_keys([5, 'non-existent-key'])
-    result = cache_get_and_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is 42
+def test_get_and_put(cache):
+    assert cache.get_and_put('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert cache.get('test_key') == 42
+    assert cache.get_and_put('test_key', 1234) == 42
+    assert cache.get('test_key') == 1234
-    result = cache_get_and_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+async def test_get_and_put_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_put('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('test_key') == 42
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_put('test_key', 1234) == 42
+    assert await async_cache.get('test_key') == 1234
-def test_get_and_replace(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
+def test_get_and_replace(cache):
+    assert cache.get_and_replace('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert cache.get('test_key') is None
+    cache.put('test_key', 42)
+    assert cache.get_and_replace('test_key', 1234) == 42
-    result = cache_get_and_replace(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+async def test_get_and_replace_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_replace('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('test_key') is None
+    await async_cache.put('test_key', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_replace('test_key', 1234) == 42
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_get_and_replace(conn, cache, 'test_key', 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+def test_get_and_remove(cache):
+    assert cache.get_and_remove('test_key') is None
+    cache.put('test_key', 42)
+    assert cache.get_and_remove('test_key') == 42
+    assert cache.get_and_remove('test_key') is None
-def test_get_and_remove(client, cache):
+async def test_get_and_remove_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_remove('test_key') is None
+    await async_cache.put('test_key', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_remove('test_key') == 42
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_remove('test_key') is None
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_get_and_remove(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+def test_put_if_absent(cache):
+    assert cache.put_if_absent('test_key', 42)
+    assert not cache.put_if_absent('test_key', 1234)
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    result = cache_get_and_remove(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+async def test_put_if_absent_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.put_if_absent('test_key', 42)
+    assert not await async_cache.put_if_absent('test_key', 1234)
-def test_put_if_absent(client, cache):
+def test_get_and_put_if_absent(cache):
+    assert cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 1234) == 42
+    assert cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 5678) == 42
+    assert cache.get('test_key') == 42
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put_if_absent(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is True
+async def test_get_and_put_if_absent_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 42) is None
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 1234) == 42
+    assert await async_cache.get_and_put_if_absent('test_key', 5678) == 42
+    assert await async_cache.get('test_key') == 42
-    result = cache_put_if_absent(conn, cache, 'test_key', 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is False
+def test_replace(cache):
+    assert cache.replace('test_key', 42) is False
+    cache.put('test_key', 1234)
+    assert cache.replace('test_key', 42) is True
+    assert cache.get('test_key') == 42
-def test_get_and_put_if_absent(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
+async def test_replace_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.replace('test_key', 42) is False
+    await async_cache.put('test_key', 1234)
+    assert await async_cache.replace('test_key', 42) is True
+    assert await async_cache.get('test_key') == 42
-    result = cache_get_and_put_if_absent(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-    result = cache_get_and_put_if_absent(conn, cache, 'test_key', 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+def test_replace_if_equals(cache):
+    assert cache.replace_if_equals('my_test', 42, 1234) is False
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert cache.replace_if_equals('my_test', 42, 1234) is True
+    assert cache.get('my_test') == 1234
-    result = cache_get_and_put_if_absent(conn, cache, 'test_key', 5678)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+async def test_replace_if_equals_async(async_cache):
+    assert await async_cache.replace_if_equals('my_test', 42, 1234) is False
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.replace_if_equals('my_test', 42, 1234) is True
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') == 1234
-def test_replace(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
+def test_clear(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    cache.clear()
+    assert cache.get('my_test') is None
-    result = cache_replace(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is False
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'test_key', 1234)
+async def test_clear_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    await async_cache.clear()
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') is None
-    result = cache_replace(conn, cache, 'test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is True
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 42
+def test_clear_key(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    cache.clear_key('my_test')
-def test_replace_if_equals(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_replace_if_equals(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42, 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is False
-    cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    result = cache_replace_if_equals(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42, 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is True
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 1234
-def test_clear(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_clear(conn, cache)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-def test_clear_key(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'another_test', 24)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_clear_key(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'another_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 24
-def test_clear_keys(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'another_test', 24)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_clear_keys(conn, cache, [
-        'my_test_key',
-        'nonexistent_key',
-    ])
-    assert result.status == 0
+    assert cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert cache.get('another_test') == 24
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'another_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 24
+async def test_clear_key_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    await async_cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    await async_cache.clear_key('my_test')
-def test_remove_key(client, cache):
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('another_test') == 24
-    conn = client.random_node
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test_key', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
+def test_clear_keys(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test_key', 42)
+    cache.put('another_test', 24)
-    result = cache_remove_key(conn, cache, 'my_test_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is True
+    cache.clear_keys(['my_test_key', 'nonexistent_key'])
-    result = cache_remove_key(conn, cache, 'non_existent_key')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is False
+    assert cache.get('my_test_key') is None
+    assert cache.get('another_test') == 24
-def test_remove_if_equals(client, cache):
+async def test_clear_keys_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test_key', 42)
+    await async_cache.put('another_test', 24)
-    conn = client.random_node
+    await async_cache.clear_keys(['my_test_key', 'nonexistent_key'])
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test_key') is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('another_test') == 24
-    result = cache_remove_if_equals(conn, cache, 'my_test', 1234)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is False
-    result = cache_remove_if_equals(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is True
+def test_remove_key(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test_key', 42)
+    assert cache.remove_key('my_test_key') is True
+    assert cache.remove_key('non_existent_key') is False
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+async def test_remove_key_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test_key', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.remove_key('my_test_key') is True
+    assert await async_cache.remove_key('non_existent_key') is False
-def test_remove_keys(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
+def test_remove_if_equals(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert cache.remove_if_equals('my_test', 1234) is False
+    assert cache.remove_if_equals('my_test', 42) is True
+    assert cache.get('my_test') is None
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'another_test', 24)
-    assert result.status == 0
+async def test_remove_if_equals_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.remove_if_equals('my_test', 1234) is False
+    assert await async_cache.remove_if_equals('my_test', 42) is True
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') is None
-    result = cache_remove_keys(conn, cache, ['my_test', 'non_existent'])
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+def test_remove_keys(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'another_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 24
+    cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    cache.remove_keys(['my_test', 'non_existent'])
+    assert cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert cache.get('another_test') == 24
-def test_remove_all(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
+async def test_remove_keys_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    await async_cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    await async_cache.remove_keys(['my_test', 'non_existent'])
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'another_test', 24)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('another_test') == 24
-    result = cache_remove_all(conn, cache)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'my_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+def test_remove_all(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    cache.remove_all()
-    result = cache_get(conn, cache, 'another_test')
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value is None
+    assert cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert cache.get('another_test') is None
-def test_cache_get_size(client, cache):
+async def test_remove_all_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    await async_cache.put('another_test', 24)
+    await async_cache.remove_all()
-    conn = client.random_node
+    assert await async_cache.get('my_test') is None
+    assert await async_cache.get('another_test') is None
-    result = cache_put(conn, cache, 'my_test', 42)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = cache_get_size(conn, cache)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert result.value == 1
+def test_cache_get_size(cache):
+    cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert cache.get_size() == 1
-def test_put_get_collection(client):
+async def test_cache_get_size_async(async_cache):
+    await async_cache.put('my_test', 42)
+    assert await async_cache.get_size() == 1
-    test_datetime = datetime(year=1996, month=3, day=1)
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('test_coll_cache')
-    cache.put(
+collection_params = [
+    [
-        (
-            1,
-            [
-                (123, IntObject),
-                678,
-                None,
-                55.2,
-                ((test_datetime, 0), TimestampObject),
-            ]
-        ),
-        value_hint=CollectionObject
-    )
-    value = cache.get('simple')
-    assert value == (1, [123, 678, None, 55.2, (test_datetime, 0)])
-    cache.put(
+        (1, [(123, IntObject), 678, None, 55.2, ((datetime(year=1996, month=3, day=1), 0), TimestampObject)]),
+        (1, [123, 678, None, 55.2, (datetime(year=1996, month=3, day=1), 0)])
+    ],
+    [
-        (
-            1,
-            [
-                123,
-                ((1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]), CollectionObject),
-                'outer_test_string',
-            ]
-        ),
-        value_hint=CollectionObject
-    )
-    value = cache.get('nested')
-    assert value == (
-        1,
-        [
-            123,
-            (1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]),
-            'outer_test_string'
-        ]
-    )
-def test_put_get_map(client):
-    cache = client.get_or_create_cache('test_map_cache')
-    cache.put(
-        'test_map',
+        (1, [123, ((1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]), CollectionObject), 'outer_test_string']),
+        (1, [123, (1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]), 'outer_test_string'])
+    ],
+    [
+        'hash_map',
                 (123, IntObject): 'test_data',
                 456: ((1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]), CollectionObject),
                 'test_key': 32.4,
+                'simple_strings': ['string_1', 'string_2']
-        value_hint=MapObject
-    )
-    value = cache.get('test_map')
-    assert value == (MapObject.HASH_MAP, {
-        123: 'test_data',
-        456: (1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]),
-        'test_key': 32.4,
-    })
+        (
+            MapObject.HASH_MAP,
+            {
+                123: 'test_data',
+                456: (1, [456, 'inner_test_string', 789]),
+                'test_key': 32.4,
+                'simple_strings': ['string_1', 'string_2']
+            }
+        )
+    ],
+    [
+        'linked_hash_map',
+        (
+            MapObject.LINKED_HASH_MAP,
+            {
+                'test_data': 12345,
+                456: ['string_1', 'string_2'],
+                'test_key': 32.4
+            }
+        ),
+        (
+            MapObject.LINKED_HASH_MAP,
+            {
+                'test_data': 12345,
+                456: ['string_1', 'string_2'],
+                'test_key': 32.4
+            }
+        )
+    ],
+@pytest.mark.parametrize(['key', 'hinted_value', 'value'], collection_params)
+def test_put_get_collection(cache, key, hinted_value, value):
+    cache.put(key, hinted_value)
+    assert cache.get(key) == value
+@pytest.mark.parametrize(['key', 'hinted_value', 'value'], collection_params)
+async def test_put_get_collection_async(async_cache, key, hinted_value, value):
+    await async_cache.put(key, hinted_value)
+    assert await async_cache.get(key) == value
diff --git a/tests/common/test_scan.py b/tests/common/test_scan.py
index 2f0e056..d55fd3e 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_scan.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_scan.py
@@ -12,57 +12,153 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+from collections import OrderedDict
-from pyignite.api import (
-    scan, scan_cursor_get_page, resource_close, cache_put_all,
+import pytest
+from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta
+from pyignite.api import resource_close, resource_close_async
+from pyignite.connection import AioConnection
+from pyignite.datatypes import IntObject, String
+from pyignite.exceptions import CacheError
-def test_scan(client, cache):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    page_size = 10
-    result = cache_put_all(conn, cache, {
-        'key_{}'.format(v): v for v in range(page_size * 2)
-    })
-    assert result.status == 0
-    result = scan(conn, cache, page_size)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is True
-    cursor = result.value['cursor']
-    result = scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is False
-    result = scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor)
-    assert result.status != 0
+class SimpleObject(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
+    type_name='SimpleObject',
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('id', IntObject),
+        ('str', String),
+    ])
+    pass
-def test_close_resource(client, cache):
+page_size = 10
-    conn = client.random_node
-    page_size = 10
-    result = cache_put_all(conn, cache, {
-        'key_{}'.format(v): v for v in range(page_size * 2)
-    })
-    assert result.status == 0
+def test_objects_data():
+    yield {i: SimpleObject(id=i, str=f'str_{i}') for i in range(page_size * 2)}
-    result = scan(conn, cache, page_size)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is True
-    cursor = result.value['cursor']
+def test_scan_objects(cache, test_objects_data):
+    cache.put_all(test_objects_data)
-    result = resource_close(conn, cursor)
-    assert result.status == 0
+    for p_sz in [page_size, page_size * 2, page_size * 3, page_size + 5]:
+        with cache.scan(p_sz) as cursor:
+            result = {k: v for k, v in cursor}
+            assert result == test_objects_data
-    result = scan_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor)
-    assert result.status != 0
+        __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            with cache.scan(p_sz) as cursor:
+                for _ in cursor:
+                    raise Exception
+        __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+    cursor = cache.scan(page_size)
+    assert {k: v for k, v in cursor} == test_objects_data
+    __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+async def test_scan_objects_async(async_cache, test_objects_data):
+    await async_cache.put_all(test_objects_data)
+    for p_sz in [page_size, page_size * 2, page_size * 3, page_size + 5]:
+        async with async_cache.scan(p_sz) as cursor:
+            result = {k: v async for k, v in cursor}
+            assert result == test_objects_data
+        await __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+        with pytest.raises(Exception):
+            async with async_cache.scan(p_sz) as cursor:
+                async for _ in cursor:
+                    raise Exception
+    await __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+    cursor = await async_cache.scan(page_size)
+    assert {k: v async for k, v in cursor} == test_objects_data
+    await __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+def cache_scan_data():
+    yield {
+        1: 'This is a test',
+        2: 'One more test',
+        3: 'Foo',
+        4: 'Buzz',
+        5: 'Bar',
+        6: 'Lorem ipsum',
+        7: 'dolor sit amet',
+        8: 'consectetur adipiscing elit',
+        9: 'Nullam aliquet',
+        10: 'nisl at ante',
+        11: 'suscipit',
+        12: 'ut cursus',
+        13: 'metus interdum',
+        14: 'Nulla tincidunt',
+        15: 'sollicitudin iaculis',
+    }
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 17, 5))
+def test_cache_scan(cache, cache_scan_data, page_size):
+    cache.put_all(cache_scan_data)
+    with cache.scan(page_size=page_size) as cursor:
+        assert {k: v for k, v in cursor} == cache_scan_data
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 17, 5))
+async def test_cache_scan_async(async_cache, cache_scan_data, page_size):
+    await async_cache.put_all(cache_scan_data)
+    async with async_cache.scan(page_size=page_size) as cursor:
+        assert {k: v async for k, v in cursor} == cache_scan_data
+def test_uninitialized_cursor(cache, test_objects_data):
+    cache.put_all(test_objects_data)
+    cursor = cache.scan(page_size)
+    for _ in cursor:
+        break
+    cursor.close()
+    __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+async def test_uninitialized_cursor_async(async_cache, test_objects_data):
+    await async_cache.put_all(test_objects_data)
+    # iterating of non-awaited cursor.
+    with pytest.raises(CacheError):
+        cursor = async_cache.scan(page_size)
+        assert {k: v async for k, v in cursor} == test_objects_data
+    cursor = await async_cache.scan(page_size)
+    assert {k: v async for k, v in cursor} == test_objects_data
+    await __check_cursor_closed(cursor)
+def __check_cursor_closed(cursor):
+    async def check_async():
+        result = await resource_close_async(cursor.connection, cursor.cursor_id)
+        assert result.status != 0
+    def check():
+        result = resource_close(cursor.connection, cursor.cursor_id)
+        assert result.status != 0
+    return check_async() if isinstance(cursor.connection, AioConnection) else check()
diff --git a/tests/common/test_sql.py b/tests/common/test_sql.py
index cc68a02..0841b7f 100644
--- a/tests/common/test_sql.py
+++ b/tests/common/test_sql.py
@@ -15,160 +15,173 @@
 import pytest
-from pyignite.api import (
-    sql_fields, sql_fields_cursor_get_page,
-    sql, sql_cursor_get_page,
-    cache_get_configuration,
+from pyignite import AioClient
+from pyignite.aio_cache import AioCache
 from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import CacheMode
-from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import *
+from pyignite.datatypes.prop_codes import PROP_NAME, PROP_SQL_SCHEMA, PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES, PROP_CACHE_MODE
 from pyignite.exceptions import SQLError
 from pyignite.utils import entity_id
-from pyignite.binary import unwrap_binary
-initial_data = [
-        ('John', 'Doe', 5),
-        ('Jane', 'Roe', 4),
-        ('Joe', 'Bloggs', 4),
-        ('Richard', 'Public', 3),
-        ('Negidius', 'Numerius', 3),
-    ]
+student_table_data = [
+    ('John', 'Doe', 5),
+    ('Jane', 'Roe', 4),
+    ('Joe', 'Bloggs', 4),
+    ('Richard', 'Public', 3),
+    ('Negidius', 'Numerius', 3),
-create_query = '''CREATE TABLE Student (
-    id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY,
-    first_name CHAR(24),
-    last_name CHAR(32),
-    grade INT(11))'''
-insert_query = '''INSERT INTO Student(id, first_name, last_name, grade)
-VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'''
-select_query = 'SELECT id, first_name, last_name, grade FROM Student'
-drop_query = 'DROP TABLE Student IF EXISTS'
-page_size = 4
+student_table_select_query = 'SELECT id, first_name, last_name, grade FROM Student ORDER BY ID ASC'
-def test_sql(client):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    # cleanup
-    client.sql(drop_query)
-    result = sql_fields(
-        conn,
-        0,
-        create_query,
-        page_size,
-        schema='PUBLIC',
-        include_field_names=True
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    for i, data_line in enumerate(initial_data, start=1):
-        fname, lname, grade = data_line
-        result = sql_fields(
-            conn,
-            0,
-            insert_query,
-            page_size,
-            schema='PUBLIC',
-            query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade],
-            include_field_names=True
-        )
-        assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    result = cache_get_configuration(conn, 'SQL_PUBLIC_STUDENT')
-    assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    binary_type_name = result.value[PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES][0]['value_type_name']
-    result = sql(
-        conn,
-        binary_type_name,
-        'TRUE',
-        page_size
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is True
-    for wrapped_object in result.value['data'].values():
-        data = unwrap_binary(client, wrapped_object)
-        assert data.type_id == entity_id(binary_type_name)
-    cursor = result.value['cursor']
-    while result.value['more']:
-        result = sql_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor)
-        assert result.status == 0, result.message
-        for wrapped_object in result.value['data'].values():
-            data = unwrap_binary(client, wrapped_object)
-            assert data.type_id == entity_id(binary_type_name)
-    # repeat cleanup
-    result = sql_fields(conn, 0, drop_query, page_size, schema='PUBLIC')
-    assert result.status == 0
+def student_table_fixture(client):
+    yield from __create_student_table_fixture(client)
-def test_sql_fields(client):
-    conn = client.random_node
-    # cleanup
-    client.sql(drop_query)
-    result = sql_fields(
-        conn,
-        0,
-        create_query,
-        page_size,
-        schema='PUBLIC',
-        include_field_names=True
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    for i, data_line in enumerate(initial_data, start=1):
-        fname, lname, grade = data_line
-        result = sql_fields(
-            conn,
-            0,
-            insert_query,
-            page_size,
-            schema='PUBLIC',
-            query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade],
-            include_field_names=True
-        )
-        assert result.status == 0, result.message
-    result = sql_fields(
-        conn,
-        0,
-        select_query,
-        page_size,
-        schema='PUBLIC',
-        include_field_names=True
-    )
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is True
-    cursor = result.value['cursor']
-    result = sql_fields_cursor_get_page(conn, cursor, field_count=4)
-    assert result.status == 0
-    assert len(result.value['data']) == len(initial_data) - page_size
-    assert result.value['more'] is False
-    # repeat cleanup
-    result = sql_fields(conn, 0, drop_query, page_size, schema='PUBLIC')
-    assert result.status == 0
+async def async_student_table_fixture(async_client):
+    async for _ in __create_student_table_fixture(async_client):
+        yield
-def test_long_multipage_query(client):
+def __create_student_table_fixture(client):
+    create_query = '''CREATE TABLE Student (
+        id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY,
+        first_name CHAR(24),
+        last_name CHAR(32),
+        grade INT(11))'''
+    insert_query = '''INSERT INTO Student(id, first_name, last_name, grade)
+    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'''
+    drop_query = 'DROP TABLE Student IF EXISTS'
+    def inner():
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+        client.sql(create_query)
+        for i, data_line in enumerate(student_table_data):
+            fname, lname, grade = data_line
+            client.sql(insert_query, query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade])
+        yield None
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+    async def inner_async():
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+        await client.sql(create_query)
+        for i, data_line in enumerate(student_table_data):
+            fname, lname, grade = data_line
+            await client.sql(insert_query, query_args=[i, fname, lname, grade])
+        yield None
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 6, 2))
+def test_sql(client, student_table_fixture, page_size):
+    cache = client.get_cache('SQL_PUBLIC_STUDENT')
+    cache_config = cache.settings
+    binary_type_name = cache_config[PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES][0]['value_type_name']
+    with cache.select_row('ORDER BY ID ASC', page_size=4) as cursor:
+        for i, row in enumerate(cursor):
+            k, v = row
+            assert k == i
+            assert (v.FIRST_NAME, v.LAST_NAME, v.GRADE) == student_table_data[i]
+            assert v.type_id == entity_id(binary_type_name)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 6, 2))
+def test_sql_fields(client, student_table_fixture, page_size):
+    with client.sql(student_table_select_query, page_size=page_size, include_field_names=True) as cursor:
+        for i, row in enumerate(cursor):
+            if i > 0:
+                assert tuple(row) == (i - 1,) + student_table_data[i - 1]
+            else:
+                assert row == ['ID', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'GRADE']
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('page_size', range(1, 6, 2))
+async def test_sql_fields_async(async_client, async_student_table_fixture, page_size):
+    async with async_client.sql(student_table_select_query, page_size=page_size, include_field_names=True) as cursor:
+        i = 0
+        async for row in cursor:
+            if i > 0:
+                assert tuple(row) == (i - 1,) + student_table_data[i - 1]
+            else:
+                assert row == ['ID', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'GRADE']
+            i += 1
+    cursor = await async_client.sql(student_table_select_query, page_size=page_size, include_field_names=True)
+    try:
+        i = 0
+        async for row in cursor:
+            if i > 0:
+                assert tuple(row) == (i - 1,) + student_table_data[i - 1]
+            else:
+                assert row == ['ID', 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'GRADE']
+            i += 1
+    finally:
+        await cursor.close()
+multipage_fields = ["id", "abc", "ghi", "def", "jkl", "prs", "mno", "tuw", "zyz", "abc1", "def1", "jkl1", "prs1"]
+def long_multipage_table_fixture(client):
+    yield from __long_multipage_table_fixture(client)
+async def async_long_multipage_table_fixture(async_client):
+    async for _ in __long_multipage_table_fixture(async_client):
+        yield
+def __long_multipage_table_fixture(client):
+    drop_query = 'DROP TABLE LongMultipageQuery IF EXISTS'
+    create_query = "CREATE TABLE LongMultiPageQuery (%s, %s)" % (
+        multipage_fields[0] + " INT(11) PRIMARY KEY", ",".join(map(lambda f: f + " INT(11)", multipage_fields[1:])))
+    insert_query = "INSERT INTO LongMultipageQuery (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
+        ",".join(multipage_fields), ",".join("?" * len(multipage_fields)))
+    def query_args(_id):
+        return [_id] + list(i * _id for i in range(1, len(multipage_fields)))
+    def inner():
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+        client.sql(create_query)
+        for i in range(1, 21):
+            client.sql(insert_query, query_args=query_args(i))
+        yield None
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+    async def inner_async():
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+        await client.sql(create_query)
+        for i in range(1, 21):
+            await client.sql(insert_query, query_args=query_args(i))
+        yield None
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+def test_long_multipage_query(client, long_multipage_table_fixture):
     The test creates a table with 13 columns (id and 12 enumerated columns)
     and 20 records with id in range from 1 to 20. Values of enumerated columns
@@ -177,25 +190,20 @@
     The goal is to ensure that all the values are selected in a right order.
-    fields = ["id", "abc", "ghi", "def", "jkl", "prs", "mno", "tuw", "zyz", "abc1", "def1", "jkl1", "prs1"]
+    with client.sql('SELECT * FROM LongMultipageQuery', page_size=1) as cursor:
+        for page in cursor:
+            assert len(page) == len(multipage_fields)
+            for field_number, value in enumerate(page[1:], start=1):
+                assert value == field_number * page[0]
-    client.sql('DROP TABLE LongMultipageQuery IF EXISTS')
-    client.sql("CREATE TABLE LongMultiPageQuery (%s, %s)" %
-                         (fields[0] + " INT(11) PRIMARY KEY", ",".join(map(lambda f: f + " INT(11)", fields[1:]))))
-    for id in range(1, 21):
-        client.sql(
-            "INSERT INTO LongMultipageQuery (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (",".join(fields), ",".join("?" * len(fields))),
-            query_args=[id] + list(i * id for i in range(1, len(fields))))
-    result = client.sql('SELECT * FROM LongMultipageQuery', page_size=1)
-    for page in result:
-        assert len(page) == len(fields)
-        for field_number, value in enumerate(page[1:], start=1):
-            assert value == field_number * page[0]
-    client.sql(drop_query)
+async def test_long_multipage_query_async(async_client, async_long_multipage_table_fixture):
+    async with async_client.sql('SELECT * FROM LongMultipageQuery', page_size=1) as cursor:
+        async for page in cursor:
+            assert len(page) == len(multipage_fields)
+            for field_number, value in enumerate(page[1:], start=1):
+                assert value == field_number * page[0]
 def test_sql_not_create_cache_with_schema(client):
@@ -203,20 +211,30 @@
         client.sql(schema=None, cache='NOT_EXISTING', query_str='select * from NotExisting')
+async def test_sql_not_create_cache_with_schema_async(async_client):
+    with pytest.raises(SQLError, match=r".*Cache does not exist.*"):
+        await async_client.sql(schema=None, cache='NOT_EXISTING_ASYNC', query_str='select * from NotExistingAsync')
 def test_sql_not_create_cache_with_cache(client):
     with pytest.raises(SQLError, match=r".*Failed to set schema.*"):
         client.sql(schema='NOT_EXISTING', query_str='select * from NotExisting')
-def test_query_with_cache(client):
-    test_key = 42
-    test_value = 'Lorem ipsum'
+async def test_sql_not_create_cache_with_cache_async(async_client):
+    with pytest.raises(SQLError, match=r".*Failed to set schema.*"):
+        await async_client.sql(schema='NOT_EXISTING_ASYNC', query_str='select * from NotExistingAsync')
-    cache_name = test_query_with_cache.__name__.upper()
+def indexed_cache_settings():
+    cache_name = 'indexed_cache'
     schema_name = f'{cache_name}_schema'.upper()
     table_name = f'{cache_name}_table'.upper()
-    cache = client.create_cache({
+    yield {
         PROP_NAME: cache_name,
         PROP_SQL_SCHEMA: schema_name,
@@ -243,18 +261,67 @@
-    })
+    }
-    cache.put(test_key, test_value)
+def indexed_cache_fixture(client, indexed_cache_settings):
+    cache_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_NAME]
+    schema_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_SQL_SCHEMA]
+    table_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES][0]['table_name']
+    cache = client.create_cache(indexed_cache_settings)
+    yield cache, cache_name, schema_name, table_name
+    cache.destroy()
+async def async_indexed_cache_fixture(async_client, indexed_cache_settings):
+    cache_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_NAME]
+    schema_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_SQL_SCHEMA]
+    table_name = indexed_cache_settings[PROP_QUERY_ENTITIES][0]['table_name']
+    cache = await async_client.create_cache(indexed_cache_settings)
+    yield cache, cache_name, schema_name, table_name
+    await cache.destroy()
+def test_query_with_cache(client, indexed_cache_fixture):
+    return __check_query_with_cache(client, indexed_cache_fixture)
+async def test_query_with_cache_async(async_client, async_indexed_cache_fixture):
+    return await __check_query_with_cache(async_client, async_indexed_cache_fixture)
+def __check_query_with_cache(client, cache_fixture):
+    test_key, test_value = 42, 'Lorem ipsum'
+    cache, cache_name, schema_name, table_name = cache_fixture
+    query = f'select value from {table_name}'
     args_to_check = [
         ('schema', schema_name),
         ('cache', cache),
-        ('cache', cache.name),
+        ('cache', cache_name),
         ('cache', cache.cache_id)
-    for param, value in args_to_check:
-        page = client.sql(f'select value from {table_name}', **{param: value})
-        received = next(page)[0]
-        assert test_value == received
+    def inner():
+        cache.put(test_key, test_value)
+        for param, value in args_to_check:
+            with client.sql(query, **{param: value}) as cursor:
+                received = next(cursor)[0]
+                assert test_value == received
+    async def async_inner():
+        await cache.put(test_key, test_value)
+        for param, value in args_to_check:
+            async with client.sql(query, **{param: value}) as cursor:
+                row = await cursor.__anext__()
+                received = row[0]
+                assert test_value == received
+    return async_inner() if isinstance(cache, AioCache) else inner()
diff --git a/tests/common/test_sql_composite_key.py b/tests/common/test_sql_composite_key.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76de77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/common/test_sql_composite_key.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from enum import Enum
+import pytest
+from pyignite import GenericObjectMeta, AioClient
+from pyignite.datatypes import IntObject, String
+class StudentKey(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
+    type_name='test.model.StudentKey',
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('ID', IntObject),
+        ('DEPT', String)
+    ])
+    pass
+class Student(
+    metaclass=GenericObjectMeta,
+    type_name='test.model.Student',
+    schema=OrderedDict([
+        ('NAME', String),
+    ])
+    pass
+create_query = '''CREATE TABLE StudentTable (
+    id INT(11),
+    dept VARCHAR,
+    name CHAR(24),
+    PRIMARY KEY (id, dept))
+    WITH "CACHE_NAME=StudentCache, KEY_TYPE=test.model.StudentKey, VALUE_TYPE=test.model.Student"'''
+insert_query = '''INSERT INTO StudentTable (id, dept, name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'''
+select_query = 'SELECT id, dept, name FROM StudentTable'
+select_kv_query = 'SELECT _key, _val FROM StudentTable'
+drop_query = 'DROP TABLE StudentTable IF EXISTS'
+def student_table_fixture(client):
+    yield from __create_student_table_fixture(client)
+async def async_student_table_fixture(async_client):
+    async for _ in __create_student_table_fixture(async_client):
+        yield
+def __create_student_table_fixture(client):
+    def inner():
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+        client.sql(create_query)
+        yield None
+        client.sql(drop_query)
+    async def inner_async():
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+        await client.sql(create_query)
+        yield None
+        await client.sql(drop_query)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
+class InsertMode(Enum):
+    SQL = 1
+    CACHE = 2
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('insert_mode', [InsertMode.SQL, InsertMode.CACHE])
+def test_sql_composite_key(client, insert_mode, student_table_fixture):
+    __perform_test(client, insert_mode)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('insert_mode', [InsertMode.SQL, InsertMode.CACHE])
+async def test_sql_composite_key_async(async_client, insert_mode, async_student_table_fixture):
+    await __perform_test(async_client, insert_mode)
+def __perform_test(client, insert=InsertMode.SQL):
+    student_key = StudentKey(2, 'Business')
+    student_val = Student('Abe')
+    def validate_query_result(key, val, query_result):
+        """
+        Compare query result with expected key and value.
+        """
+        assert len(query_result) == 2
+        sql_row = dict(zip(query_result[0], query_result[1]))
+        assert sql_row['ID'] == key.ID
+        assert sql_row['DEPT'] == key.DEPT
+        assert sql_row['NAME'] == val.NAME
+    def validate_kv_query_result(key, val, query_result):
+        """
+        Compare query result with expected key and value.
+        """
+        assert len(query_result) == 2
+        sql_row = dict(zip(query_result[0], query_result[1]))
+        sql_key, sql_val = sql_row['_KEY'], sql_row['_VAL']
+        assert sql_key.ID == key.ID
+        assert sql_key.DEPT == key.DEPT
+        assert sql_val.NAME == val.NAME
+    def inner():
+        if insert == InsertMode.SQL:
+            result = client.sql(insert_query, query_args=[student_key.ID, student_key.DEPT, student_val.NAME])
+            assert next(result)[0] == 1
+        else:
+            studentCache = client.get_cache('StudentCache')
+            studentCache.put(student_key, student_val)
+            val = studentCache.get(student_key)
+            assert val is not None
+            assert val.NAME == student_val.NAME
+        query_result = list(client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True))
+        validate_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
+        query_result = list(client.sql(select_kv_query, include_field_names=True))
+        validate_kv_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
+    async def inner_async():
+        if insert == InsertMode.SQL:
+            result = await client.sql(insert_query, query_args=[student_key.ID, student_key.DEPT, student_val.NAME])
+            assert (await result.__anext__())[0] == 1
+        else:
+            studentCache = await client.get_cache('StudentCache')
+            await studentCache.put(student_key, student_val)
+            val = await studentCache.get(student_key)
+            assert val is not None
+            assert val.NAME == student_val.NAME
+        async with client.sql(select_query, include_field_names=True) as cursor:
+            query_result = [r async for r in cursor]
+            validate_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
+        async with client.sql(select_kv_query, include_field_names=True) as cursor:
+            query_result = [r async for r in cursor]
+            validate_kv_query_result(student_key, student_val, query_result)
+    return inner_async() if isinstance(client, AioClient) else inner()
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 59b7d3a..65134fd 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 import pytest
@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
 def skip_if_no_cext(request):
     skip = False
-        from pyignite import _cutils
+        from pyignite import _cutils  # noqa: F401
     except ImportError:
         if request.config.getoption('--force-cext'):
             pytest.fail("C extension failed to build, fail test because of --force-cext is set.")
@@ -38,6 +40,14 @@
         pytest.skip('skipped c extensions test, c extension is not available.')
+def event_loop():
+    """Create an instance of the default event loop for each test case."""
+    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
+    yield loop
+    loop.close()
 def pytest_addoption(parser):
diff --git a/tests/security/test_auth.py b/tests/security/test_auth.py
index 2dd19a0..4a1c52d 100644
--- a/tests/security/test_auth.py
+++ b/tests/security/test_auth.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import pytest
 from pyignite.exceptions import AuthenticationError
-from tests.util import start_ignite_gen, clear_ignite_work_dir, get_client
+from tests.util import start_ignite_gen, clear_ignite_work_dir, get_client, get_client_async
@@ -47,13 +47,27 @@
         assert all(node.alive for node in client._nodes)
+async def test_auth_success_async(with_ssl, ssl_params):
+    ssl_params['use_ssl'] = with_ssl
+    async with get_client_async(username=DEFAULT_IGNITE_USERNAME, password=DEFAULT_IGNITE_PASSWORD,
+                                **ssl_params) as client:
+        await client.connect("", 10801)
+        assert all(node.alive for node in client._nodes)
+auth_failed_params = [
+    ['invalid_user', 'invalid_password'],
+    [None, None]
     'username, password',
-    [
-        ['invalid_user', 'invalid_password'],
-        [None, None]
-    ]
+    auth_failed_params
 def test_auth_failed(username, password, with_ssl, ssl_params):
     ssl_params['use_ssl'] = with_ssl
@@ -61,3 +75,16 @@
     with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError):
         with get_client(username=username, password=password, **ssl_params) as client:
             client.connect("", 10801)
+    'username, password',
+    auth_failed_params
+async def test_auth_failed_async(username, password, with_ssl, ssl_params):
+    ssl_params['use_ssl'] = with_ssl
+    with pytest.raises(AuthenticationError):
+        async with get_client_async(username=username, password=password, **ssl_params) as client:
+            await client.connect("", 10801)
diff --git a/tests/security/test_ssl.py b/tests/security/test_ssl.py
index 6463a03..32db98f 100644
--- a/tests/security/test_ssl.py
+++ b/tests/security/test_ssl.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import pytest
 from pyignite.exceptions import ReconnectError
-from tests.util import start_ignite_gen, get_client, get_or_create_cache
+from tests.util import start_ignite_gen, get_client, get_or_create_cache, get_client_async, get_or_create_cache_async
 @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
@@ -30,27 +30,58 @@
 def test_connect_ssl(ssl_params):
-def __test_connect_ssl(**kwargs):
+async def test_connect_ssl_keystore_with_password_async(ssl_params_with_password):
+    await __test_connect_ssl(is_async=True, **ssl_params_with_password)
+async def test_connect_ssl_async(ssl_params):
+    await __test_connect_ssl(is_async=True, **ssl_params)
+def __test_connect_ssl(is_async=False, **kwargs):
     kwargs['use_ssl'] = True
-    with get_client(**kwargs) as client:
-        client.connect("", 10801)
+    def inner():
+        with get_client(**kwargs) as client:
+            client.connect("", 10801)
-        with get_or_create_cache(client, 'test-cache') as cache:
-            cache.put(1, 1)
+            with get_or_create_cache(client, 'test-cache') as cache:
+                cache.put(1, 1)
-            assert cache.get(1) == 1
+                assert cache.get(1) == 1
+    async def inner_async():
+        async with get_client_async(**kwargs) as client:
+            await client.connect("", 10801)
+            async with get_or_create_cache_async(client, 'test-cache') as cache:
+                await cache.put(1, 1)
+                assert (await cache.get(1)) == 1
+    return inner_async() if is_async else inner()
-    'invalid_ssl_params',
-    [
-        {'use_ssl': False},
-        {'use_ssl': True},
-        {'use_ssl': True, 'ssl_keyfile': 'invalid.pem', 'ssl_certfile': 'invalid.pem'}
-    ]
+invalid_params = [
+    {'use_ssl': False},
+    {'use_ssl': True},
+    {'use_ssl': True, 'ssl_keyfile': 'invalid.pem', 'ssl_certfile': 'invalid.pem'}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('invalid_ssl_params', invalid_params)
 def test_connection_error_with_incorrect_config(invalid_ssl_params):
     with pytest.raises(ReconnectError):
         with get_client(**invalid_ssl_params) as client:
             client.connect([("", 10801)])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('invalid_ssl_params', invalid_params)
+async def test_connection_error_with_incorrect_config_async(invalid_ssl_params):
+    with pytest.raises(ReconnectError):
+        async with get_client_async(**invalid_ssl_params) as client:
+            await client.connect([("", 10801)])
diff --git a/tests/test_cutils.py b/tests/test_cutils.py
index e7c095e..d66425f 100644
--- a/tests/test_cutils.py
+++ b/tests/test_cutils.py
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
     _cutils_hashcode = _cutils.hashcode
     _cutils_schema_id = _cutils.schema_id
 except ImportError:
-    _cutils_hashcode = lambda x: None
-    _cutils_schema_id = lambda x: None
+    _cutils_hashcode = lambda x: None  # noqa: E731
+    _cutils_schema_id = lambda x: None  # noqa: E731
diff --git a/tests/util.py b/tests/util.py
index af4c324..f1243fc 100644
--- a/tests/util.py
+++ b/tests/util.py
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
 import contextlib
 import glob
+import inspect
 import os
 import shutil
@@ -24,7 +26,12 @@
 import subprocess
 import time
-from pyignite import Client
+from pyignite import Client, AioClient
+    from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
+except ImportError:
+    from async_generator import asynccontextmanager
@@ -36,6 +43,15 @@
+async def get_client_async(**kwargs):
+    client = AioClient(**kwargs)
+    try:
+        yield client
+    finally:
+        await client.close()
 def get_or_create_cache(client, cache_name):
     cache = client.get_or_create_cache(cache_name)
@@ -45,6 +61,15 @@
+async def get_or_create_cache_async(client, cache_name):
+    cache = await client.get_or_create_cache(cache_name)
+    try:
+        yield cache
+    finally:
+        await cache.destroy()
 def wait_for_condition(condition, interval=0.1, timeout=10, error=None):
     start = time.time()
     res = condition()
@@ -62,6 +87,23 @@
     return False
+async def wait_for_condition_async(condition, interval=0.1, timeout=10, error=None):
+    start = time.time()
+    res = await condition() if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(condition) else condition()
+    while not res and time.time() - start < timeout:
+        await asyncio.sleep(interval)
+        res = await condition() if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(condition) else condition()
+    if res:
+        return True
+    if error is not None:
+        raise Exception(error)
+    return False
 def is_windows():
     return os.name == "nt"
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 3ab8dea..90153da 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -15,7 +15,15 @@
 skipsdist = True
-envlist = py{36,37,38,39}
+envlist = codestyle,py{36,37,38,39}
+ignore = F401,F403,F405,F821
+basepython = python3.8
+commands = flake8