blob: 997a5f862d94ba5b4a513f23311e006d65c1c352 [file] [log] [blame]
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""" Tools to monitor client's events.
For example, a simple query logger might be implemented like this::
import logging
from pyignite import monitoring
class QueryLogger(monitoring.QueryEventListener):
def on_query_start(self, event):"Query {event.op_name} with query id "
f"{event.query_id} started on server "
def on_query_fail(self, event):"Query {event.op_name} with query id "
f"{event.query_id} on server "
f"{}:{event.port} "
f"failed in {event.duration}ms "
f"with error {event.error_msg}")
def on_query_success(self, event):"Query {event.op_name} with query id "
f"{event.query_id} on server " \
f"{}:{event.port} " \
f"succeeded in {event.duration}ms")
:class:`~ConnectionEventListener` is also available.
Event listeners can be registered by passing parameter to :class:`~pyignite.client.Client` or
:class:`~pyignite.aio_client.AioClient` constructor::
client = Client(event_listeners=[QueryLogger()])
with client.connect('', 10800):
.. note:: Events are delivered **synchronously**. Application threads block
waiting for event handlers. Care must be taken to ensure that your event handlers are efficient
enough to not adversely affect overall application performance.
.. note:: Debug logging is also available, standard ``logging`` is used. Just set ``DEBUG`` level to
*pyignite* logger.
from typing import Optional, Sequence
class _BaseEvent:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
object.__setattr__(self, k, v)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
raise TypeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} is immutable')
def __repr__(self):
class _ConnectionEvent(_BaseEvent):
__slots__ = ('host', 'port')
host: str
port: int
def __init__(self, host, port, **kwargs):
super().__init__(host=host, port=port, **kwargs)
class _HandshakeEvent(_ConnectionEvent):
__slots__ = ('protocol_context',)
protocol_context: Optional['ProtocolContext']
def __init__(self, host, port, protocol_context=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(host, port, protocol_context=protocol_context.copy() if protocol_context else None, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
class HandshakeStartEvent(_HandshakeEvent):
Published when a handshake started.
:ivar host: Address of the node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of the node to connect,
:ivar protocol_context: Client's protocol context.
def __init__(self, host, port, protocol_context=None, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host, port, protocol_context, **kwargs)
class HandshakeFailedEvent(_HandshakeEvent):
Published when a handshake failed.
:ivar host: Address of the node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of the node to connect,
:ivar protocol_context: Client's protocol context,
:ivar error_msg: Error message.
__slots__ = ('error_msg',)
error_msg: str
def __init__(self, host, port, protocol_context=None, err=None, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host, port, protocol_context, error_msg=repr(err) if err else '', **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"protocol_context={self.protocol_context}, error_msg={self.error_msg})"
class AuthenticationFailedEvent(HandshakeFailedEvent):
Published when an authentication is failed.
:ivar host: Address of the node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of the node to connect,
:ivar protocol_context: Client protocol context,
:ivar error_msg: Error message.
class HandshakeSuccessEvent(_HandshakeEvent):
Published when a handshake succeeded.
:ivar host: Address of the node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of the node to connect,
:ivar protocol_context: Client's protocol context,
:ivar node_uuid: Node's uuid, string.
__slots__ = ('node_uuid',)
node_uuid: str
def __init__(self, host, port, protocol_context, node_uuid, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host, port, protocol_context, node_uuid=str(node_uuid) if node_uuid else '', **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"node_uuid={self.node_uuid}, protocol_context={self.protocol_context})"
class ConnectionClosedEvent(_ConnectionEvent):
Published when a connection to the node is expectedly closed.
:ivar host: Address of node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of node to connect,
:ivar node_uuid: Node uuid, string.
__slots__ = ('node_uuid',)
node_uuid: str
def __init__(self, host, port, node_uuid, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host, port, node_uuid=str(node_uuid) if node_uuid else '', **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, node_uuid={self.node_uuid})"
class ConnectionLostEvent(ConnectionClosedEvent):
Published when a connection to the node is lost.
:ivar host: Address of the node to connect,
:ivar port: Port number of the node to connect,
:ivar node_uuid: Node's uuid, string,
:ivar error_msg: Error message.
__slots__ = ('error_msg',)
node_uuid: str
error_msg: str
def __init__(self, host, port, node_uuid, err, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host, port, node_uuid, error_msg=repr(err) if err else '', **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"node_uuid={self.node_uuid}, error_msg={self.error_msg})"
class _EventListener:
class ConnectionEventListener(_EventListener):
Base class for connection event listeners.
def on_handshake_start(self, event: HandshakeStartEvent):
Handle handshake start event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`HandshakeStartEvent`.
def on_handshake_success(self, event: HandshakeSuccessEvent):
Handle handshake success event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`HandshakeSuccessEvent`.
def on_handshake_fail(self, event: HandshakeFailedEvent):
Handle handshake failed event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`HandshakeFailedEvent`.
def on_authentication_fail(self, event: AuthenticationFailedEvent):
Handle authentication failed event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`AuthenticationFailedEvent`.
def on_connection_closed(self, event: ConnectionClosedEvent):
Handle connection closed event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`ConnectionClosedEvent`.
def on_connection_lost(self, event: ConnectionLostEvent):
Handle connection lost event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`ConnectionLostEvent`.
class _QueryEvent(_BaseEvent):
__slots__ = ('host', 'port', 'node_uuid', 'query_id', 'op_code', 'op_name')
host: str
port: int
node_uuid: str
query_id: int
op_code: int
op_name: str
def __init__(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, **kwargs):
This class is not supposed to be constructed by user.
super().__init__(host=host, port=port, node_uuid=str(node_uuid) if node_uuid else '',
query_id=query_id, op_code=op_code, op_name=op_name, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"node_uuid={self.node_uuid}, query_id={self.query_id}, " \
f"op_code={self.op_code}, op_name={self.op_name})"
class QueryStartEvent(_QueryEvent):
Published when a client's query started.
:ivar host: Address of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar port: Port number of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar node_uuid: Node's uuid, string,
:ivar query_id: Query's id,
:ivar op_code: Operation's id,
:ivar op_name: Operation's name.
class QuerySuccessEvent(_QueryEvent):
Published when a client's query finished successfully.
:ivar host: Address of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar port: Port number of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar node_uuid: Node's uuid, string,
:ivar query_id: Query's id,
:ivar op_code: Operation's id,
:ivar op_name: Operation's name,
:ivar duration: Query's duration in milliseconds.
__slots__ = ('duration', )
duration: int
def __init__(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration, **kwargs):
super().__init__(host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration=duration, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"node_uuid={self.node_uuid}, query_id={self.query_id}, " \
f"op_code={self.op_code}, op_name={self.op_name}, duration={self.duration})"
class QueryFailEvent(_QueryEvent):
Published when a client's query failed.
:ivar host: Address of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar port: Port number of the node on which the query is executed,
:ivar node_uuid: Node's uuid, string,
:ivar query_id: Query's id,
:ivar op_code: Operation's id,
:ivar op_name: Operation's name,
:ivar duration: Query's duration in milliseconds,
:ivar error_msg: Error message.
__slots__ = ('duration', 'err_msg')
duration: int
err_msg: str
def __init__(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration, err, **kwargs):
super().__init__(host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration=duration,
err_msg=repr(err) if err else '', **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(host={}, port={self.port}, " \
f"node_uuid={self.node_uuid}, query_id={self.query_id}, op_code={self.op_code}, " \
f"op_name={self.op_name}, duration={self.duration}, err_msg={self.err_msg})"
class QueryEventListener(_EventListener):
Base class for query event listeners.
def on_query_start(self, event: QueryStartEvent):
Handle query start event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`QueryStartEvent`.
def on_query_success(self, event: QuerySuccessEvent):
Handle query success event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`QuerySuccessEvent`.
def on_query_fail(self, event: QueryFailEvent):
Handle query fail event.
:param event: Instance of :class:`QueryFailEvent`.
class _EventListeners:
def __init__(self, listeners: Optional[Sequence]):
self.__connection_listeners = []
self.__query_listeners = []
if listeners:
for listener in listeners:
if isinstance(listener, ConnectionEventListener):
elif isinstance(listener, QueryEventListener):
def enabled_connection_listener(self):
return bool(self.__connection_listeners)
def enabled_query_listener(self):
return bool(self.__query_listeners)
def publish_handshake_start(self, host, port, protocol_context):
evt = HandshakeStartEvent(host, port, protocol_context)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_handshake_start(evt))
def publish_handshake_success(self, host, port, protocol_context, node_uuid):
evt = HandshakeSuccessEvent(host, port, protocol_context, node_uuid)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_handshake_success(evt))
def publish_handshake_fail(self, host, port, protocol_context, err):
evt = HandshakeFailedEvent(host, port, protocol_context, err)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_handshake_fail(evt))
def publish_authentication_fail(self, host, port, protocol_context, err):
evt = AuthenticationFailedEvent(host, port, protocol_context, err)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_authentication_fail(evt))
def publish_connection_closed(self, host, port, node_uuid):
evt = ConnectionClosedEvent(host, port, node_uuid)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_connection_closed(evt))
def publish_connection_lost(self, host, port, node_uuid, err):
evt = ConnectionLostEvent(host, port, node_uuid, err)
self.__publish_connection_events(lambda listener: listener.on_connection_lost(evt))
def publish_query_start(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name):
evt = QueryStartEvent(host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name)
self.__publish_query_events(lambda listener: listener.on_query_start(evt))
def publish_query_success(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration):
evt = QuerySuccessEvent(host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration)
self.__publish_query_events(lambda listener: listener.on_query_success(evt))
def publish_query_fail(self, host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration, err):
evt = QueryFailEvent(host, port, node_uuid, query_id, op_code, op_name, duration, err)
self.__publish_query_events(lambda listener: listener.on_query_fail(evt))
def __publish_connection_events(self, callback):
for listener in self.__connection_listeners:
except: # noqa: 13
def __publish_query_events(self, callback):
for listener in self.__query_listeners:
except: # noqa: 13