blob: 9fd5d646939dff35ee9b325c6c44a664e239ac90 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import ctypes
import decimal
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Tuple, Union, Callable
import uuid
import attr
from pyignite.constants import *
from pyignite.exceptions import ParseError
from pyignite.utils import is_binary, is_hinted, is_iterable
from .type_codes import *
__all__ = [
'AnyDataArray', 'AnyDataObject', 'Struct', 'StructArray', 'tc_map',
def tc_map(key: bytes, _memo_map: dict = {}):
Returns a default parser/generator class for the given type code.
This mapping is used internally inside listed complex parser/generator
classes, so it has to be a function. Local imports are used for the same
:param key: Ignite type code,
:param _memo_map: do not use this parameter, it is for memoization
of the “type code-type class” mapping,
:return: parser/generator class for the type code.
if not _memo_map:
from pyignite.datatypes import (
Null, ByteObject, ShortObject, IntObject, LongObject, FloatObject,
DoubleObject, CharObject, BoolObject, UUIDObject, DateObject,
TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject,
ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject, IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject,
FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, CharArrayObject,
UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject,
TimeArrayObject, EnumArrayObject, String, StringArrayObject,
DecimalObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject,
MapObject, BinaryObject, WrappedDataObject,
_memo_map = {
TC_NULL: Null,
TC_BYTE: ByteObject,
TC_SHORT: ShortObject,
TC_INT: IntObject,
TC_LONG: LongObject,
TC_FLOAT: FloatObject,
TC_DOUBLE: DoubleObject,
TC_CHAR: CharObject,
TC_BOOL: BoolObject,
TC_DATE: DateObject,
TC_TIMESTAMP: TimestampObject,
TC_TIME: TimeObject,
TC_ENUM: EnumObject,
TC_BINARY_ENUM: BinaryEnumObject,
TC_BYTE_ARRAY: ByteArrayObject,
TC_SHORT_ARRAY: ShortArrayObject,
TC_INT_ARRAY: IntArrayObject,
TC_LONG_ARRAY: LongArrayObject,
TC_FLOAT_ARRAY: FloatArrayObject,
TC_DOUBLE_ARRAY: DoubleArrayObject,
TC_CHAR_ARRAY: CharArrayObject,
TC_BOOL_ARRAY: BoolArrayObject,
TC_DATE_ARRAY: DateArrayObject,
TC_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY: TimestampArrayObject,
TC_TIME_ARRAY: TimeArrayObject,
TC_ENUM_ARRAY: EnumArrayObject,
TC_STRING: String,
TC_STRING_ARRAY: StringArrayObject,
TC_DECIMAL: DecimalObject,
TC_DECIMAL_ARRAY: DecimalArrayObject,
TC_OBJECT_ARRAY: ObjectArrayObject,
TC_COLLECTION: CollectionObject,
TC_MAP: MapObject,
return _memo_map[key]
class Conditional:
def __init__(self, predicate1: Callable[[any], bool], predicate2: Callable[[any], bool], var1, var2):
self.predicate1 = predicate1
self.predicate2 = predicate2
self.var1 = var1
self.var2 = var2
def parse(self, client: 'Client', context):
return self.var1.parse(client) if self.predicate1(context) else self.var2.parse(client)
def to_python(self, ctype_object, context, *args, **kwargs):
return self.var1.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs) if self.predicate2(context) else self.var2.to_python(ctype_object, *args, **kwargs)
class StructArray:
""" `counter_type` counter, followed by count*following structure. """
following = attr.ib(type=list, factory=list)
counter_type = attr.ib(default=ctypes.c_int)
defaults = attr.ib(type=dict, default={})
def build_header_class(self):
return type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': [
('length', self.counter_type),
def parse(self, client: 'Client'):
buffer = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(self.counter_type))
length = int.from_bytes(buffer, byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
fields = []
for i in range(length):
c_type, buffer_fragment = Struct(self.following).parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
data_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return data_class, buffer
def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
result = []
length = getattr(ctype_object, 'length', 0)
for i in range(length):
self.following, dict_type=dict
getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value):
length = len(value)
header_class = self.build_header_class()
header = header_class()
header.length = length
buffer = bytearray(header)
for i, v in enumerate(value):
for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
v.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
for name, el_class in self.following:
buffer += el_class.from_python(v[name])
return bytes(buffer)
class Struct:
""" Sequence of fields, including variable-sized and nested. """
fields = attr.ib(type=list)
dict_type = attr.ib(default=OrderedDict)
defaults = attr.ib(type=dict, default={})
def parse(
self, client: 'Client'
) -> Tuple[ctypes.BigEndianStructure, bytes]:
buffer = b''
fields = []
values = {}
for name, c_type in self.fields:
is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
c_type, buffer_fragment = c_type.parse(client, values) if is_cond else c_type.parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append((name, c_type))
values[name] = buffer_fragment
data_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return data_class, buffer
def to_python(
self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs
) -> Union[dict, OrderedDict]:
result = self.dict_type()
for name, c_type in self.fields:
is_cond = isinstance(c_type, Conditional)
result[name] = c_type.to_python(
getattr(ctype_object, name),
*args, **kwargs
) if is_cond else c_type.to_python(
getattr(ctype_object, name),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value) -> bytes:
buffer = b''
for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
value.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
for name, el_class in self.fields:
buffer += el_class.from_python(value[name])
return buffer
class AnyDataObject:
Not an actual Ignite type, but contains a guesswork
on serializing Python data or parsing an unknown Ignite data object.
_python_map = None
_python_array_map = None
def get_subtype(iterable, allow_none=False):
# arrays of these types can contain Null objects
object_array_python_types = [
iterator = iter(iterable)
type_first = type(None)
while isinstance(None, type_first):
type_first = type(next(iterator))
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError(
'Can not represent an empty iterable '
'or an iterable of `NoneType` in Ignite type.'
if type_first in object_array_python_types:
allow_none = True
# if an iterable contains items of more than one non-nullable type,
# return None
if all([
isinstance(x, type_first)
or ((x is None) and allow_none) for x in iterator
return type_first
def parse(cls, client: 'Client'):
type_code = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte))
data_class = tc_map(type_code)
except KeyError:
raise ParseError('Unknown type code: `{}`'.format(type_code))
client.prefetch += type_code
return data_class.parse(client)
def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
type_code = ctype_object.type_code.to_bytes(
data_class = tc_map(type_code)
return data_class.to_python(ctype_object)
def _init_python_map(cls):
Optimizes Python types→Ignite types map creation for speed.
Local imports seem inevitable here.
from pyignite.datatypes import (
LongObject, DoubleObject, String, BoolObject, Null, UUIDObject,
DateObject, TimeObject, DecimalObject, ByteArrayObject,
cls._python_map = {
int: LongObject,
float: DoubleObject,
str: String,
bytes: String,
bytearray: ByteArrayObject,
bool: BoolObject,
type(None): Null,
uuid.UUID: UUIDObject,
datetime: DateObject,
date: DateObject,
timedelta: TimeObject,
decimal.Decimal: DecimalObject,
def _init_python_array_map(cls):
Optimizes Python types→Ignite array types map creation for speed.
from pyignite.datatypes import (
LongArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, StringArrayObject,
BoolArrayObject, UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimeArrayObject,
cls._python_array_map = {
int: LongArrayObject,
float: DoubleArrayObject,
str: StringArrayObject,
bytes: StringArrayObject,
bool: BoolArrayObject,
uuid.UUID: UUIDArrayObject,
datetime: DateArrayObject,
date: DateArrayObject,
timedelta: TimeArrayObject,
decimal.Decimal: DecimalArrayObject,
def map_python_type(cls, value):
from pyignite.datatypes import (
MapObject, CollectionObject, BinaryObject,
if cls._python_map is None:
if cls._python_array_map is None:
value_type = type(value)
if is_iterable(value) and value_type not in (str, bytearray, bytes):
value_subtype = cls.get_subtype(value)
if value_subtype in cls._python_array_map:
return cls._python_array_map[value_subtype]
# a little heuristics (order is important)
if all([
value_subtype is None,
len(value) == 2,
isinstance(value[0], int),
isinstance(value[1], dict),
return MapObject
if all([
value_subtype is None,
len(value) == 2,
isinstance(value[0], int),
return CollectionObject
# no default for ObjectArrayObject, sorry
raise TypeError(
'Type `array of {}` is invalid'.format(value_subtype)
if is_binary(value):
return BinaryObject
if value_type in cls._python_map:
return cls._python_map[value_type]
raise TypeError(
'Type `{}` is invalid.'.format(value_type)
def from_python(cls, value):
return cls.map_python_type(value).from_python(value)
def infer_from_python(value: Any):
Convert pythonic value to ctypes buffer, type hint-aware.
:param value: pythonic value or (value, type_hint) tuple,
:return: bytes.
if is_hinted(value):
value, data_type = value
data_type = AnyDataObject
return data_type.from_python(value)
class AnyDataArray(AnyDataObject):
Sequence of AnyDataObjects, payload-only.
counter_type = attr.ib(default=ctypes.c_int)
def build_header(self):
return type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': [
('length', self.counter_type),
def parse(self, client: 'Client'):
header_class = self.build_header()
buffer = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(header_class))
header = header_class.from_buffer_copy(buffer)
fields = []
for i in range(header.length):
c_type, buffer_fragment = super().parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
final_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return final_class, buffer
def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
result = []
for i in range(ctype_object.length):
getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value):
header_class = self.build_header()
header = header_class()
length = len(value)
except TypeError:
value = [value]
length = 1
header.length = length
buffer = bytearray(header)
for x in value:
buffer += infer_from_python(x)
return bytes(buffer)