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Set of functions to manipulate caches.
Ignite `cache` can be viewed as a named entity designed to store key-value
pairs. Each cache is split transparently between different Ignite partitions.
The choice of `cache` term is due to historical reasons. (Ignite initially had
only non-persistent storage tier.)
from typing import Union
from pyignite.datatypes.cache_config import cache_config_struct
from pyignite.datatypes.cache_properties import prop_map
from pyignite.datatypes import (
Int, Byte, prop_codes, Short, String, StringArray,
from pyignite.queries import Query, ConfigQuery
from pyignite.queries.op_codes import *
from pyignite.utils import cache_id
def compact_cache_config(cache_config: dict) -> dict:
This is to make cache config read/write-symmetrical.
:param cache_config: dict of cache config properties,
like {'is_onheapcache_enabled': 1},
:return: the same dict, but with property codes as keys,
result = {}
for k, v in cache_config.items():
if k == 'length':
prop_code = getattr(prop_codes, 'PROP_{}'.format(k.upper()))
result[prop_code] = v
return result
def cache_get_configuration(
connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], flags: int=0, query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Gets configuration for the given cache.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param cache: name or ID of the cache,
:param flags: Ignite documentation is unclear on this subject,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Result value is OrderedDict with
the cache configuration parameters.
query_struct = Query(
('hash_code', Int),
('flags', Byte),
result = query_struct.perform(
'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
'flags': flags,
('cache_config', cache_config_struct),
if result.status == 0:
result.value = compact_cache_config(result.value['cache_config'])
return result
def cache_create(
connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Creates a cache with a given name. Returns error if a cache with specified
name already exists.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param name: cache name,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status if a cache is
created successfully, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
query_struct = Query(
('cache_name', String),
return query_struct.perform(
'cache_name': name,
def cache_get_or_create(
connection: 'Connection', name: str, query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Creates a cache with a given name. Does nothing if the cache exists.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param name: cache name,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status if a cache is
created successfully, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
query_struct = Query(
('cache_name', String),
return query_struct.perform(
'cache_name': name,
def cache_destroy(
connection: 'Connection', cache: Union[str, int], query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Destroys cache with a given name.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param cache: name or ID of the cache,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object.
query_struct = Query(
('hash_code', Int),
return query_struct.perform(
'hash_code': cache_id(cache),
def cache_get_names(connection: 'Connection', query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
Gets existing cache names.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status and a list of cache
names, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
query_struct = Query(OP_CACHE_GET_NAMES, query_id=query_id)
result = query_struct.perform(
('cache_names', StringArray),
if result.status == 0:
result.value = result.value['cache_names']
return result
def cache_create_with_config(
connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Creates cache with provided configuration. An error is returned
if the name is already in use.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param cache_props: cache configuration properties to create cache with
in form of dictionary {property code: python value}.
You must supply at least name (PROP_NAME),
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status if cache was created,
non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
prop_types = {}
prop_values = {}
for i, prop_item in enumerate(cache_props.items()):
prop_code, prop_value = prop_item
prop_name = 'property_{}'.format(i)
prop_types[prop_name] = prop_map(prop_code)
prop_values[prop_name] = prop_value
prop_values['param_count'] = len(cache_props)
query_struct = ConfigQuery(
('param_count', Short),
] + list(prop_types.items()),
return query_struct.perform(connection, query_params=prop_values)
def cache_get_or_create_with_config(
connection: 'Connection', cache_props: dict, query_id=None,
) -> 'APIResult':
Creates cache with provided configuration. Does nothing if the name
is already in use.
:param connection: connection to Ignite server,
:param cache_props: cache configuration properties to create cache with
in form of dictionary {property code: python value}.
You must supply at least name (PROP_NAME),
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status if cache was created,
non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
prop_types = {}
prop_values = {}
for i, prop_item in enumerate(cache_props.items()):
prop_code, prop_value = prop_item
prop_name = 'property_{}'.format(i)
prop_types[prop_name] = prop_map(prop_code)
prop_values[prop_name] = prop_value
prop_values['param_count'] = len(cache_props)
query_struct = ConfigQuery(
('param_count', Short),
] + list(prop_types.items()),
return query_struct.perform(connection, query_params=prop_values)