blob: e134239733cc42342dd212a82086e05d7dd52f91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from pyignite.api import APIResult
from pyignite.connection import AioConnection, Connection
from pyignite.datatypes import Byte
from pyignite.exceptions import NotSupportedByClusterError
from pyignite.queries import Query, query_perform
from pyignite.queries.op_codes import OP_CLUSTER_GET_STATE, OP_CLUSTER_CHANGE_STATE
def cluster_get_state(connection: 'Connection', query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
Get cluster state.
:param connection: Connection to use,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status and a state
retrieved on success, non-zero status and an error description on failure.
return __cluster_get_state(connection, query_id)
async def cluster_get_state_async(connection: 'AioConnection', query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
Async version of cluster_get_state
return await __cluster_get_state(connection, query_id)
def __post_process_get_state(result):
if result.status == 0:
result.value = result.value['state']
return result
def __cluster_get_state(connection, query_id):
if not connection.protocol_context.is_cluster_api_supported():
raise NotSupportedByClusterError('Cluster API is not supported by the cluster')
query_struct = Query(OP_CLUSTER_GET_STATE, query_id=query_id)
return query_perform(
query_struct, connection,
response_config=[('state', Byte)],
def cluster_set_state(connection: 'Connection', state: int, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
Set cluster state.
:param connection: Connection to use,
:param state: State to set,
:param query_id: (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is
in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value
is generated,
:return: API result data object. Contains zero status if a value
is written, non-zero status and an error description otherwise.
return __cluster_set_state(connection, state, query_id)
async def cluster_set_state_async(connection: 'AioConnection', state: int, query_id=None) -> 'APIResult':
Async version of cluster_get_state
return await __cluster_set_state(connection, state, query_id)
def __post_process_set_state(result):
if result.status == 0:
result.value = result.value['state']
return result
def __cluster_set_state(connection, state, query_id):
if not connection.protocol_context.is_cluster_api_supported():
raise NotSupportedByClusterError('Cluster API is not supported by the cluster')
query_struct = Query(
('state', Byte)
return query_perform(
query_struct, connection,
'state': state,