blob: 6c636aeb3718908f78ac76159ccd88801b215d28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ctypes
import decimal
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Tuple, Union
from pyignite.datatypes.base import IgniteDataType
from .constants import *
LONG_MASK = 0xffffffff
def is_pow2(value: int) -> bool:
""" Check if value is power of two. """
return value > 0 and ((value & (value - 1)) == 0)
def is_iterable(value: Any) -> bool:
""" Check if value is iterable. """
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def is_binary(value):
Check if a value is a pythonic representation of a Complex object.
return all([
hasattr(value, 'type_name'),
hasattr(value, 'type_id'),
hasattr(value, 'schema'),
hasattr(value, 'schema_id'),
def is_hinted(value):
Check if a value is a tuple of data item and its type hint.
return (
isinstance(value, tuple)
and len(value) == 2
and issubclass(value[1], IgniteDataType)
def is_wrapped(value: Any) -> bool:
Check if a value is of WrappedDataObject type.
return (
type(value) is tuple
and len(value) == 2
and type(value[0]) is bytes
and type(value[1]) is int
def int_overflow(value: int) -> int:
Simulates 32bit integer overflow.
return ((value ^ 0x80000000) & 0xffffffff) - 0x80000000
def hashcode(data: Union[str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview]) -> int:
Calculate hash code used for identifying objects in Ignite binary API.
:param data: UTF-8-encoded string identifier of binary buffer or byte array
:return: hash code.
if isinstance(data, str):
For strings we iterate over code point which are of the int type
and can take up to 4 bytes and can only be positive.
result = 0
for char in data:
char_val = ord(char)
result = int_overflow(31 * result + char_val)
except TypeError:
For byte array we iterate over bytes which only take 1 byte. But
according to protocol, bytes during hashing should be treated as signed
integer numbers 8 bits long. On other hand elements in Python's `bytes`
are unsigned. For this reason we use ctypes.c_byte() to make them
result = 1
for byte in data:
byte = ctypes.c_byte(byte).value
result = int_overflow(31 * result + byte)
return result
def cache_id(cache: Union[str, int]) -> int:
Create a cache ID from cache name.
:param cache: cache name or ID,
:return: cache ID.
return cache if type(cache) is int else hashcode(cache)
def entity_id(cache: Union[str, int]) -> Optional[int]:
Create a type ID from type name or field ID from field name.
:param cache: entity name or ID,
:return: entity ID.
if cache is None:
return None
return cache if type(cache) is int else hashcode(cache.lower())
def schema_id(schema: Union[int, dict]) -> int:
Calculate Complex Object schema ID.
:param schema: a dict of field names: field types,
:return: schema ID.
if type(schema) is int:
return schema
if schema is None:
return 0
s_id = FNV1_OFFSET_BASIS if schema else 0
for field_name in schema.keys():
field_id = entity_id(field_name)
s_id ^= (field_id & 0xff)
s_id = int_overflow(s_id * FNV1_PRIME)
s_id ^= ((field_id >> 8) & 0xff)
s_id = int_overflow(s_id * FNV1_PRIME)
s_id ^= ((field_id >> 16) & 0xff)
s_id = int_overflow(s_id * FNV1_PRIME)
s_id ^= ((field_id >> 24) & 0xff)
s_id = int_overflow(s_id * FNV1_PRIME)
return s_id
def decimal_hashcode(value: decimal.Decimal) -> int:
This is a translation of `java.math.BigDecimal` class `hashCode()` method
to Python.
:param value: pythonic decimal value,
:return: hashcode.
sign, digits, scale = value.normalize().as_tuple()
sign = -1 if sign else 1
value = int(''.join([str(d) for d in digits]))
if value < MAX_LONG:
# this is the case when Java BigDecimal digits are stored
# compactly, in the internal 64-bit integer field
int_hash = (
(unsigned(value, ctypes.c_ulonglong) >> 32) * 31
+ (value & LONG_MASK)
# digits are not fit in the 64-bit long, so they get split internally
# to an array of values within 32-bit integer range each (it is really
# a part of `java.math.BigInteger` class internals)
magnitude = []
order = 0
while True:
elem = value >> order
if elem > 1:
magnitude.insert(0, ctypes.c_int(elem).value)
order += 32
int_hash = 0
for v in magnitude:
int_hash = (31 * int_hash + (v & LONG_MASK)) & LONG_MASK
return ctypes.c_int(31 * int_hash * sign - scale).value
def datetime_hashcode(value: int) -> int:
Calculates hashcode from UNIX epoch.
:param value: UNIX time,
:return: Java hashcode.
return (value & LONG_MASK) ^ (unsigned(value, ctypes.c_ulonglong) >> 32)
def status_to_exception(exc: Type[Exception]):
Converts erroneous status code with error message to an exception
of the given class.
:param exc: the class of exception to raise,
:return: decorator.
def ste_decorator(fn):
def ste_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
if result.status != 0:
raise exc(result.message)
return result.value
return ste_wrapper
return ste_decorator
def get_field_by_id(
obj: 'GenericObjectMeta', field_id: int
) -> Tuple[Any, IgniteDataType]:
Returns a complex object's field value, given the field's entity ID.
:param obj: complex object,
:param field_id: field ID,
:return: complex object field's value and type.
for fname, ftype in obj._schema.items():
if entity_id(fname) == field_id:
return getattr(obj, fname, getattr(ftype, 'default')), ftype
def unsigned(value: int, c_type: ctypes._SimpleCData = ctypes.c_uint) -> int:
""" Convert signed integer value to unsigned. """
return c_type(value).value
def capitalize(string: str) -> str:
Capitalizing the string, assuming the first character is a letter.
Does not touch any other character, unlike the `string.capitalize()`.
return string[:1].upper() + string[1:]
def process_delimiter(name: str, delimiter: str) -> str:
Splits the name by delimiter, capitalize each part, merge.
return ''.join([capitalize(x) for x in name.split(delimiter)])
def deprecated(version, reason):
def decorator_deprecated(fn):
def wrapper_deprecated(*args, **kwds):
warnings.warn(f'Deprecated since {version}. The reason: {reason}', category=DeprecationWarning)
return fn(*args, **kwds)
return wrapper_deprecated
return decorator_deprecated