blob: 844e0ef9e7fb4f82d1bbcdb33b6774ead3a62dd5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import OrderedDict
import ctypes
import decimal
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Tuple
import uuid
import attr
from pyignite.constants import *
from pyignite.exceptions import ParseError
from pyignite.utils import is_binary, is_hinted, is_iterable
from .type_codes import *
__all__ = ['AnyDataArray', 'AnyDataObject', 'Struct', 'StructArray', 'tc_map']
def tc_map(key: bytes, _memo_map: dict={}):
Returns a default parser/generator class for the given type code.
This mapping is used internally inside listed complex parser/generator
classes, so it has to be a function. Local imports are used for the same
:param key: Ignite type code,
:param _memo_map: do not use this parameter, it is for memoization
of the “type code-type class” mapping,
:return: parser/generator class for the type code.
if not _memo_map:
from pyignite.datatypes import (
Null, ByteObject, ShortObject, IntObject, LongObject, FloatObject,
DoubleObject, CharObject, BoolObject, UUIDObject, DateObject,
TimestampObject, TimeObject, EnumObject, BinaryEnumObject,
ByteArrayObject, ShortArrayObject, IntArrayObject, LongArrayObject,
FloatArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, CharArrayObject,
UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimestampArrayObject,
TimeArrayObject, EnumArrayObject, String, StringArrayObject,
DecimalObject, DecimalArrayObject, ObjectArrayObject,
MapObject, BinaryObject, WrappedDataObject,
_memo_map = {
TC_NULL: Null,
TC_BYTE: ByteObject,
TC_SHORT: ShortObject,
TC_INT: IntObject,
TC_LONG: LongObject,
TC_FLOAT: FloatObject,
TC_DOUBLE: DoubleObject,
TC_CHAR: CharObject,
TC_BOOL: BoolObject,
TC_DATE: DateObject,
TC_TIMESTAMP: TimestampObject,
TC_TIME: TimeObject,
TC_ENUM: EnumObject,
TC_BINARY_ENUM: BinaryEnumObject,
TC_BYTE_ARRAY: ByteArrayObject,
TC_SHORT_ARRAY: ShortArrayObject,
TC_INT_ARRAY: IntArrayObject,
TC_LONG_ARRAY: LongArrayObject,
TC_FLOAT_ARRAY: FloatArrayObject,
TC_DOUBLE_ARRAY: DoubleArrayObject,
TC_CHAR_ARRAY: CharArrayObject,
TC_BOOL_ARRAY: BoolArrayObject,
TC_DATE_ARRAY: DateArrayObject,
TC_TIMESTAMP_ARRAY: TimestampArrayObject,
TC_TIME_ARRAY: TimeArrayObject,
TC_ENUM_ARRAY: EnumArrayObject,
TC_STRING: String,
TC_STRING_ARRAY: StringArrayObject,
TC_DECIMAL: DecimalObject,
TC_DECIMAL_ARRAY: DecimalArrayObject,
TC_OBJECT_ARRAY: ObjectArrayObject,
TC_COLLECTION: CollectionObject,
TC_MAP: MapObject,
return _memo_map[key]
class StructArray:
""" `counter_type` counter, followed by count*following structure. """
following = attr.ib(type=list, factory=list)
counter_type = attr.ib(default=ctypes.c_int)
defaults = attr.ib(type=dict, default={})
def build_header_class(self):
return type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': [
('length', self.counter_type),
def parse(self, client: 'Client'):
buffer = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(self.counter_type))
length = int.from_bytes(buffer, byteorder=PROTOCOL_BYTE_ORDER)
fields = []
for i in range(length):
c_type, buffer_fragment = Struct(self.following).parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
data_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return data_class, buffer
def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
result = []
length = getattr(ctype_object, 'length', 0)
for i in range(length):
self.following, dict_type=dict
getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value):
length = len(value)
header_class = self.build_header_class()
header = header_class()
header.length = length
buffer = bytes(header)
for i, v in enumerate(value):
for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
v.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
for name, el_class in self.following:
buffer += el_class.from_python(v[name])
return buffer
class Struct:
""" Sequence of fields, including variable-sized and nested. """
fields = attr.ib(type=list)
dict_type = attr.ib(default=OrderedDict)
defaults = attr.ib(type=dict, default={})
def parse(self, client: 'Client') -> Tuple[type, bytes]:
buffer = b''
fields = []
for name, c_type in self.fields:
c_type, buffer_fragment = c_type.parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append((name, c_type))
data_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return data_class, buffer
def to_python(self, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
result = self.dict_type()
for name, c_type in self.fields:
result[name] = c_type.to_python(
getattr(ctype_object, name),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value) -> bytes:
buffer = b''
for default_key, default_value in self.defaults.items():
value.setdefault(default_key, default_value)
for name, el_class in self.fields:
buffer += el_class.from_python(value[name])
return buffer
class AnyDataObject:
Not an actual Ignite type, but contains a guesswork
on serializing Python data or parsing an unknown Ignite data object.
_python_map = None
_python_array_map = None
def get_subtype(iterable, allow_none=False):
# arrays of these types can contain Null objects
object_array_python_types = [
iterator = iter(iterable)
type_first = type(None)
while isinstance(None, type_first):
type_first = type(next(iterator))
except StopIteration:
raise TypeError(
'Can not represent an empty iterable '
'or an iterable of `NoneType` in Ignite type.'
if type_first in object_array_python_types:
allow_none = True
# if an iterable contains items of more than one non-nullable type,
# return None
if all([
isinstance(x, type_first)
or ((x is None) and allow_none) for x in iterator
return type_first
def parse(cls, client: 'Client'):
type_code = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte))
data_class = tc_map(type_code)
except KeyError:
raise ParseError('Unknown type code: `{}`'.format(type_code))
client.prefetch += type_code
return data_class.parse(client)
def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
type_code = ctype_object.type_code.to_bytes(
data_class = tc_map(type_code)
return data_class.to_python(ctype_object)
def _init_python_map(cls):
Optimizes Python types→Ignite types map creation for speed.
Local imports seem inevitable here.
from pyignite.datatypes import (
LongObject, DoubleObject, String, BoolObject, Null, UUIDObject,
DateObject, TimeObject, DecimalObject,
cls._python_map = {
int: LongObject,
float: DoubleObject,
str: String,
bytes: String,
bool: BoolObject,
type(None): Null,
uuid.UUID: UUIDObject,
datetime: DateObject,
date: DateObject,
timedelta: TimeObject,
decimal.Decimal: DecimalObject,
def _init_python_array_map(cls):
Optimizes Python types→Ignite array types map creation for speed.
from pyignite.datatypes import (
LongArrayObject, DoubleArrayObject, StringArrayObject,
BoolArrayObject, UUIDArrayObject, DateArrayObject, TimeArrayObject,
cls._python_array_map = {
int: LongArrayObject,
float: DoubleArrayObject,
str: StringArrayObject,
bytes: StringArrayObject,
bool: BoolArrayObject,
uuid.UUID: UUIDArrayObject,
datetime: DateArrayObject,
date: DateArrayObject,
timedelta: TimeArrayObject,
decimal.Decimal: DecimalArrayObject,
def map_python_type(cls, value):
from pyignite.datatypes import (
MapObject, ObjectArrayObject, BinaryObject,
if cls._python_map is None:
if cls._python_array_map is None:
value_type = type(value)
if is_iterable(value) and value_type is not str:
value_subtype = cls.get_subtype(value)
if value_subtype in cls._python_array_map:
return cls._python_array_map[value_subtype]
# a little heuristics (order may be important)
if all([
value_subtype is None,
len(value) == 2,
isinstance(value[0], int),
isinstance(value[1], dict),
return MapObject
if all([
value_subtype is None,
len(value) == 2,
isinstance(value[0], int),
return ObjectArrayObject
raise TypeError(
'Type `array of {}` is invalid'.format(value_subtype)
if is_binary(value):
return BinaryObject
if value_type in cls._python_map:
return cls._python_map[value_type]
raise TypeError(
'Type `{}` is invalid.'.format(value_type)
def from_python(cls, value):
return cls.map_python_type(value).from_python(value)
def infer_from_python(value: Any):
Convert pythonic value to ctypes buffer, type hint-aware.
:param value: pythonic value or (value, type_hint) tuple,
:return: bytes.
if is_hinted(value):
value, data_type = value
data_type = AnyDataObject
return data_type.from_python(value)
class AnyDataArray(AnyDataObject):
Sequence of AnyDataObjects, payload-only.
counter_type = attr.ib(default=ctypes.c_int)
def build_header(self):
return type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': [
('length', self.counter_type),
def parse(self, client: 'Client'):
header_class = self.build_header()
buffer = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(header_class))
header = header_class.from_buffer_copy(buffer)
fields = []
for i in range(header.length):
c_type, buffer_fragment = super().parse(client)
buffer += buffer_fragment
fields.append(('element_{}'.format(i), c_type))
final_class = type(
'_pack_': 1,
'_fields_': fields,
return final_class, buffer
def to_python(cls, ctype_object, *args, **kwargs):
result = []
for i in range(ctype_object.length):
getattr(ctype_object, 'element_{}'.format(i)),
*args, **kwargs
return result
def from_python(self, value):
header_class = self.build_header()
header = header_class()
length = len(value)
except TypeError:
value = [value]
length = 1
header.length = length
buffer = bytes(header)
for x in value:
buffer += infer_from_python(x)
return buffer