blob: 680dd545fc600b32dc386ca770a58139c3a63773 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
import {ComplexObjectType, CompositeType, ObjectArrayType} from "./ObjectType";
import BinaryUtils from "./internal/BinaryUtils";
import BinaryCommunicator from "./internal/BinaryCommunicator";
import ArgumentChecker from "./internal/ArgumentChecker";
import { IgniteClientError } from "./Errors";
import MessageBuffer from "./internal/MessageBuffer";
import {PRIMITIVE_TYPE} from "./internal/Constants";
* Class representing Cache Key part of Ignite {@link CacheConfiguration}.
* All configuration settings are optional and have defaults which are defined on a server side.
* See Apache Ignite documentation for details of every configuration setting.
export class CacheKeyConfiguration {
private _typeName: string;
private _affinityKeyFieldName: string;
* Public constructor.
* @param {string} [typeName=null] - Type name for which affinity field name is being defined.
* @param {string} [affinityKeyFieldName=null] - Affinity key field name.
* @return {CacheKeyConfiguration} - new CacheKeyConfiguration instance.
constructor(typeName: string = null, affinityKeyFieldName: string = null) {
this._typeName = typeName;
this._affinityKeyFieldName = affinityKeyFieldName;
* Sets type name for which affinity field name is being defined.
* @param {string} typeName - Type name for which affinity field name is being defined.
* @return {CacheKeyConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheKeyConfiguration.
setTypeName(typeName) {
this._typeName = typeName;
return this;
* Gets type name for which affinity field name is being defined.
* @return {string} - Type name for which affinity field name is being defined.
getTypeName() {
return this._typeName;
* Sets affinity key field name.
* @param {string} affinityKeyFieldName - Affinity key field name.
* @return {CacheKeyConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheKeyConfiguration.
setAffinityKeyFieldName(affinityKeyFieldName) {
this._affinityKeyFieldName = affinityKeyFieldName;
return this;
* Gets affinity key field name.
* @return {string} - Affinity key field name.
getAffinityKeyFieldName() {
return this._affinityKeyFieldName;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
async _write(communicator, buffer) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._typeName);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._affinityKeyFieldName);
* @ignore
async _read(communicator, buffer) {
this._typeName = BinaryCommunicator.readString(buffer);
this._affinityKeyFieldName = BinaryCommunicator.readString(buffer);
* Class representing one Query Entity element of Ignite {@link CacheConfiguration}.
* All configuration settings are optional and have defaults which are defined on a server side.
* See Apache Ignite documentation for details of every configuration setting.
export class QueryEntity {
private _keyTypeName: string;
private _valueTypeName: string;
private _tableName: string;
private _keyFieldName: string;
private _valueFieldName: string;
private _fields: QueryField[];
private _aliases: Map<string, string>;
private _indexes: QueryIndex[];
* Public constructor.
* @return {QueryEntity} - new QueryEntity instance.
constructor() {
this._keyTypeName = null;
this._valueTypeName = null;
this._tableName = null;
this._keyFieldName = null;
this._valueFieldName = null;
this._fields = null;
this._aliases = null;
this._indexes = null;
* Sets key type name for this query entity.
* @param {string} keyTypeName - Key type name.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setKeyTypeName(keyTypeName: string) {
this._keyTypeName = keyTypeName;
return this;
* Gets key type name for this query entity.
* @return {string} - Key type name.
getKeyTypeName() {
return this._keyTypeName;
* Sets value type name for this query entity.
* @param {string} valueTypeName - Value type name.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setValueTypeName(valueTypeName: string) {
this._valueTypeName = valueTypeName;
return this;
* Gets value type name for this query entity.
* @return {string} - Value type name.
getValueTypeName() {
return this._valueTypeName;
* Sets table name for this query entity.
* @param {string} tableName - Table name.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setTableName(tableName: string) {
this._tableName = tableName;
return this;
* Gets table name for this query entity.
* @return {string} - Table name.
getTableName() {
return this._tableName;
* Sets key field name.
* @param {string} keyFieldName - Key name.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setKeyFieldName(keyFieldName: string) {
this._keyFieldName = keyFieldName;
return this;
* Gets key field name.
* @return {string} - Key name.
getKeyFieldName() {
return this._keyFieldName;
* Sets value field name.
* @param {string} valueFieldName - Value name.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setValueFieldName(valueFieldName: string) {
this._valueFieldName = valueFieldName;
return this;
* Gets value field name.
* @return {string} - Value name.
getValueFieldName() {
return this._valueFieldName;
* Sets query fields for this query pair. The order of the fields is important as it
* defines the order of columns returned by the 'select *' queries.
* @param {Array<QueryField>} fields - Array of query fields.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setFields(fields: QueryField[]) {
this._fields = fields;
return this;
* Gets query fields for this query pair. The order of the fields is
* defines the order of columns returned by the 'select *' queries.
* @return {Array<QueryField>} - Array of query fields.
getFields() {
return this._fields;
* Sets mapping from a full property name in dot notation to an alias that will be
* used as SQL column name. Example: {"" -> "parentName"}.
* @param {Map<string, string>} aliases - Aliases map.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setAliases(aliases: Map<string, string>) {
this._aliases = aliases;
return this;
* Gets aliases map.
* @return {Map<string, string>} - Aliases map.
getAliases() {
return this._aliases;
* Sets a collection of index entities.
* @param {Array<QueryIndex>} indexes - Collection (array) of index entities.
* @return {QueryEntity} - the same instance of the QueryEntity.
setIndexes(indexes: QueryIndex[]) {
this._indexes = indexes;
return this;
* Gets a collection of index entities.
* @return {Array<QueryIndex>} - Collection (array) of index entities.
getIndexes() {
return this._indexes;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
async _write(communicator, buffer) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._keyTypeName);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._valueTypeName);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._tableName);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._keyFieldName);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._valueFieldName);
await this._writeSubEntities(communicator, buffer, this._fields);
await this._writeAliases(communicator, buffer);
await this._writeSubEntities(communicator, buffer, this._indexes);
* @ignore
async _writeAliases(communicator, buffer) {
const length = this._aliases ? this._aliases.size : 0;
if (length > 0) {
for (let [key, value] of this._aliases.entries()) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, key);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, value);
* @ignore
async _writeSubEntities(communicator, buffer, entities) {
const length = entities ? entities.length : 0;
if (length > 0) {
for (let entity of entities) {
await entity._write(communicator, buffer);
* @ignore
async _read(communicator, buffer) {
this._keyTypeName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._valueTypeName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._tableName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._keyFieldName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._valueFieldName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._fields = await this._readSubEntities(communicator, buffer, QueryField);
await this._readAliases(communicator, buffer);
this._indexes = await this._readSubEntities(communicator, buffer, QueryIndex);
* @ignore
async _readSubEntities(communicator, buffer, objectConstructor) {
const length = buffer.readInteger(buffer);
const result = new Array(length);
if (length > 0) {
let res;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
res = new objectConstructor();
await res._read(communicator, buffer);
result[i] = res;
return result;
* @ignore
async _readAliases(communicator, buffer) {
const length = buffer.readInteger(buffer);
this._aliases = new Map();
if (length > 0) {
let res;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
this._aliases.set(await communicator.readObject(buffer), await communicator.readObject(buffer));
* Class representing one Query Field element of {@link QueryEntity} of Ignite {@link CacheConfiguration}.
* All configuration settings are optional and have defaults which are defined on a server side.
* See Apache Ignite documentation for details of every configuration setting.
export class QueryField {
private _name: string;
private _typeName: string;
private _isKeyField: boolean;
private _isNotNull: boolean;
private _precision: number;
private _scale: number;
private _communicator: BinaryCommunicator;
private _buffer: MessageBuffer;
private _defaultValue: object;
private _valueType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType;
private _index: number;
* Public constructor.
* @param {string} [name=null] - Query field name.
* @param {string} [typeName=null] - Query field type name.
* @return {QueryField} - new QueryField instance.
constructor(name: string = null, typeName: string = null) {
this._name = name;
this._typeName = typeName;
this._isKeyField = false;
this._isNotNull = false;
this._defaultValue = undefined;
this._precision = -1;
this._scale = -1;
this._valueType = null;
this._communicator = null;
this._buffer = null;
this._index = null;
* Sets query field name.
* @param {string} name - Query field name.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setName(name) {
this._name = name;
return this;
* Gets query field name.
* @return {string} - Query field name.
getName() {
return this._name;
* Sets query field type name.
* @param {string} typeName - Query field type name.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setTypeName(typeName) {
this._typeName = typeName;
return this;
* Gets query field type name.
* @return {string} - Query field type name.
getTypeName() {
return this._typeName;
* Sets if it is a key query field or not.
* @param {boolean} isKeyField - True to make this query field a key field. False otherwise.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setIsKeyField(isKeyField) {
this._isKeyField = isKeyField;
return this;
* Gets if it is a key query field or not.
* @return {boolean} - True if this query field is a key field. False otherwise.
getIsKeyField() {
return this._isKeyField;
* Sets if this query field must be checked for null.
* @param {boolean} isNotNull - True if this query field must be checked for null. False otherwise.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setIsNotNull(isNotNull) {
this._isNotNull = isNotNull;
return this;
* Gets if this query field must be checked for null.
* @return {boolean} - True if this query field must be checked for null. False otherwise.
getIsNotNull() {
return this._isNotNull;
* Sets query field default value.
* @param {*} defaultValue - Query field default value.
* @param {PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [valueType=null] - type of the default value:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setDefaultValue(defaultValue: object, valueType: PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType = null) {
this._defaultValue = defaultValue;
this._valueType = valueType;
return this;
* Gets query field default value.
* @param {ObjectType.PRIMITIVE_TYPE | CompositeType} [valueType=null] - type of the default value:
* - either a type code of primitive (simple) type
* - or an instance of class representing non-primitive (composite) type
* - or null (or not specified) that means the type is not specified
* @async
* @return {*} - Query field default value.
async getDefaultValue(valueType = null) {
if (this._defaultValue === undefined) {
if (this._buffer) {
const position = this._buffer.position;
this._buffer.position = this._index;
const result = await this._communicator.readObject(this._buffer, valueType);
this._buffer.position = position;
return result;
else {
return null;
else {
return this._defaultValue;
* Sets query field precision.
* @param {number} precision - Query field precision.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setPrecision(precision) {
ArgumentChecker.isInteger(precision, 'precision');
this._precision = precision;
return this;
* Gets query field precision.
* @return {number} - Query field precision.
getPrecision() {
return this._precision;
* Sets query field scale.
* @param {number} scale - Query field scale.
* @return {QueryField} - the same instance of the QueryField.
setScale(scale) {
ArgumentChecker.isInteger(scale, 'scale');
this._scale = scale;
return this;
* Gets query field scale.
* @return {number} - Query field scale.
getScale() {
return this._scale;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
async _write(communicator, buffer) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._name);
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._typeName);
await communicator.writeObject(buffer, this._defaultValue ? this._defaultValue : null, this._valueType);
* @ignore
async _read(communicator, buffer) {
this._name = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._typeName = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._isKeyField = buffer.readBoolean();
this._isNotNull = buffer.readBoolean();
this._defaultValue = undefined;
this._communicator = communicator;
this._buffer = buffer;
this._index = buffer.position;
await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._precision = buffer.readInteger();
this._scale = buffer.readInteger();
* @typedef QueryIndex.INDEX_TYPE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property SORTED 0
* @property FULLTEXT 1
* @property GEOSPATIAL 2
export enum INDEX_TYPE {
* Class representing one Query Index element of {@link QueryEntity} of Ignite {@link CacheConfiguration}.
* All configuration settings are optional and have defaults which are defined on a server side.
* See Apache Ignite documentation for details of every configuration setting.
export class QueryIndex {
private _name: string;
private _inlineSize: number;
private _type: INDEX_TYPE;
private _fields: Map<string, boolean>;
* Public constructor.
* @param {string} [name=null] - Query index name.
* @param {string} type - Query index type name.
* @return {QueryIndex} - new QueryIndex instance.
constructor(name: string = null, type: INDEX_TYPE = INDEX_TYPE.SORTED) {
this._name = name;
this._inlineSize = -1;
this._fields = null;
static get INDEX_TYPE() {
return INDEX_TYPE;
* Sets query index name. Will be automatically set if not provided by a user.
* @param {string} name - Query index name.
* @return {QueryIndex} - the same instance of the QueryIndex.
setName(name) {
this._name = name;
return this;
* Gets query index name.
* @return {string} - Query index name.
getName() {
return this._name;
* Sets query index type.
* @param {INDEX_TYPE} type - Query index type.
* @return {QueryIndex} - the same instance of the QueryIndex.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setType(type: INDEX_TYPE): QueryIndex {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(type, 'type', false, QueryIndex.INDEX_TYPE);
this._type = type;
return this;
* Gets query index type.
* @return {QueryIndex.INDEX_TYPE} - Query index type.
getType() {
return this._type;
* Sets index inline size in bytes. When enabled, a part of the indexed value is placed directly
* to the index pages, thus minimizing data page accesses and increasing query performance. Allowed values:
* - -1 (default) - determine inline size automatically (see below)
* - 0 - index inline is disabled (not recommended)
* - positive value - fixed index inline
* When set to -1, Ignite will try to detect inline size automatically. It will be no more than
* CacheConfiguration.getSqlIndexInlineMaxSize(). Index inline will be enabled for all fixed-length types,
* but will not be enabled for String.
* @param {number} inlineSize - Index inline size in bytes.
* @return {QueryIndex} - the same instance of the QueryIndex.
setInlineSize(inlineSize) {
this._inlineSize = inlineSize;
return this;
* Gets index inline size in bytes.
* @return {number} - Index inline size in bytes.
getInlineSize() {
return this._inlineSize;
* Sets fields included in the index.
* @param {Map<string, boolean>} fields - Map of the index fields.
* @return {QueryIndex} - the same instance of the QueryIndex.
setFields(fields: Map<string, boolean>): QueryIndex {
this._fields = fields;
return this;
* Gets fields included in the index.
* @return {Map<string, boolean>} - Map of the index fields.
getFields() {
return this._fields;
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
async _write(communicator, buffer) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, this._name);
// write fields
const length = this._fields ? this._fields.size : 0;
if (length > 0) {
for (let [key, value] of this._fields.entries()) {
BinaryCommunicator.writeString(buffer, key);
* @ignore
async _read(communicator, buffer) {
this._name = await communicator.readObject(buffer);
this._type = buffer.readByte();
this._inlineSize = buffer.readInteger();
// read fields
const length = buffer.readInteger(buffer);
this._fields = new Map();
if (length > 0) {
let res;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
this._fields.set(await communicator.readObject(buffer), buffer.readBoolean());
const PROP_NAME = 0;
const PROP_CACHE_MODE = 1;
const PROP_BACKUPS = 3;
const PROP_COPY_ON_READ = 5;
const PROP_QUERY_ENTITY = 200;
const PROP_SQL_SCHEMA = 203;
const PROP_SQL_ESCAPE_ALL = 205;
const PROP_GROUP_NAME = 400;
const PROP_EAGER_TTL = 405;
const PROP_TYPES = Object.freeze({
[PROP_QUERY_ENTITY] : new ObjectArrayType(new ComplexObjectType(new QueryEntity())),
[PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION] : new ObjectArrayType(new ComplexObjectType(new CacheKeyConfiguration())),
* @typedef CacheConfiguration.CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property TRANSACTIONAL 0
* @property ATOMIC 1
const CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE = Object.freeze({
* @typedef CacheConfiguration.CACHE_MODE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property LOCAL 0
* @property REPLICATED 1
* @property PARTITIONED 2
const CACHE_MODE = Object.freeze({
LOCAL : 0,
* @typedef CacheConfiguration.PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property READ_ONLY_SAFE 0
* @property READ_ONLY_ALL 1
* @property READ_WRITE_SAFE 2
* @property READ_WRITE_ALL 3
* @property IGNORE 4
const PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY = Object.freeze({
* @typedef CacheConfiguration.REABALANCE_MODE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property SYNC 0
* @property ASYNC 1
* @property NONE 2
const REABALANCE_MODE = Object.freeze({
SYNC : 0,
ASYNC : 1,
NONE : 2
* @typedef CacheConfiguration.WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE
* @enum
* @readonly
* @property FULL_SYNC 0
* @property FULL_ASYNC 1
* @property PRIMARY_SYNC 2
const WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE = Object.freeze({
* Class representing Ignite cache configuration on a server.
* All configuration settings are optional and have defaults which are defined on a server side.
* See Apache Ignite documentation for details of every configuration setting.
export class CacheConfiguration {
private _properties: Map<number, object>;
* Public constructor.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - new CacheConfiguration instance.
constructor() {
this._properties = new Map<number, object>();
static get CACHE_MODE() {
return CACHE_MODE;
static get REABALANCE_MODE() {
* Sets cache atomicity mode.
* @param {CacheConfiguration.CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE} atomicityMode - Cache atomicity mode.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setAtomicityMode(atomicityMode) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(atomicityMode, 'atomicityMode', false, CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE);
this._properties.set(PROP_ATOMICITY_MODE, atomicityMode);
return this;
* Gets cache atomicity mode.
* @return {CacheConfiguration.CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE} - Cache atomicity mode.
getAtomicityMode() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_ATOMICITY_MODE);
* Sets number of nodes used to back up single partition for {@link CacheConfiguration.CACHE_MODE}.PARTITIONED cache.
* @param {number} backups - Number of backup nodes for one partition.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setBackups(backups) {
this._properties.set(PROP_BACKUPS, backups);
return this;
* Gets number of nodes used to back up single partition for {@link CacheConfiguration.CACHE_MODE}.PARTITIONED cache.
* @return {number} - Number of backup nodes for one partition.
getBackups() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_BACKUPS);
* Sets caching mode.
* @param {CacheConfiguration.CACHE_MODE} cacheMode - Caching mode.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setCacheMode(cacheMode) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(cacheMode, 'cacheMode', false, CACHE_MODE);
this._properties.set(PROP_CACHE_MODE, cacheMode);
return this;
* Gets caching mode.
* @return {CacheConfiguration.CACHE_MODE} - Caching mode.
getCacheMode() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_CACHE_MODE);
* Sets the flag indicating whether a copy of the value stored in the on-heap cache
* should be created for a cache operation return the value. Also, if this flag
* is set, copies are created for values passed to CacheInterceptor and to CacheEntryProcessor.
* If the on-heap cache is disabled then this flag is of no use.
* @param {boolean} copyOnRead - Copy on read flag.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setCopyOnRead(copyOnRead) {
this._properties.set(PROP_COPY_ON_READ, copyOnRead);
return this;
* Gets copy on read flag.
* @return {boolean} - Copy on read flag.
getCopyOnRead() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_COPY_ON_READ);
* Sets a name of DataRegionConfiguration for this cache.
* @param {string} dataRegionName - DataRegionConfiguration name. Can be null
* (default DataRegionConfiguration will be used) but should not be empty.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setDataRegionName(dataRegionName) {
this._properties.set(PROP_DATA_REGION_NAME, dataRegionName);
return this;
* Gets the name of DataRegionConfiguration for this cache.
* @return {string} - DataRegionConfiguration name.
getDataRegionName() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_DATA_REGION_NAME);
* Sets eager ttl flag. If there is at least one cache configured with this flag set to true,
* Ignite will create a single thread to clean up expired entries in background.
* When flag is set to false, expired entries will be removed on next entry access.
* @param {boolean} eagerTtl - True if Ignite should eagerly remove expired cache entries.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setEagerTtl(eagerTtl) {
this._properties.set(PROP_EAGER_TTL, eagerTtl);
return this;
* Gets eager ttl flag. If there is at least one cache configured with this flag set to true,
* Ignite will create a single thread to clean up expired entries in background.
* When flag is set to false, expired entries will be removed on next entry access.
* @return {boolean} - Flag indicating whether Ignite will eagerly remove expired entries.
getEagerTtl() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_EAGER_TTL);
* Enables or disables statistics for this cache.
* @param {boolean} statisticsEnabled - True to enable, false to disable.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setStatisticsEnabled(statisticsEnabled) {
this._properties.set(PROP_STATISTICS_ENABLED, statisticsEnabled);
return this;
* Gets if statistics are enabled for this cache.
* @return {boolean} - True if enabled, false if disabled.
getStatisticsEnabled() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_STATISTICS_ENABLED);
* Sets the cache group name. Caches with the same group name share single underlying 'physical' cache
* (partition set), but are logically isolated. Grouping caches reduces overall overhead, since
* internal data structures are shared.
* @param {string} groupName - Cache group name.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setGroupName(groupName) {
this._properties.set(PROP_GROUP_NAME, groupName);
return this;
* Gets the cache group name.
* @return {string} - Cache group name.
getGroupName() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_GROUP_NAME);
* Sets default lock timeout in milliseconds.
* @param {number} lockTimeout - Default lock timeout.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setDefaultLockTimeout(lockTimeout) {
this._properties.set(PROP_DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT, lockTimeout);
return this;
* Gets default lock acquisition timeout.
* @return {number} - Default lock timeout.
getDefaultLockTimeout() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
* Sets maximum number of allowed concurrent asynchronous operations. 0 - the number of concurrent asynchronous
* operations is unlimited.
* @param {number} maxConcurrentAsyncOperations - Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations(maxConcurrentAsyncOperations) {
this._properties.set(PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS, maxConcurrentAsyncOperations);
return this;
* Gets maximum number of allowed concurrent asynchronous operations.
* If 0 returned then number of concurrent asynchronous operations is unlimited.
* @return {number} - Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations or 0 if unlimited.
getMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS);
* Sets maximum number of query iterators that can be stored. Iterators are stored to support query
* pagination when each page of data is sent to user's node only on demand. Increase this property
* if you are running and processing lots of queries in parallel.
* @param {number} maxQueryIterators - Maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setMaxQueryIterators(maxQueryIterators) {
this._properties.set(PROP_MAX_QUERY_ITERATORS, maxQueryIterators);
return this;
* Gets maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
* @return {number} - Maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
getMaxQueryIterators() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_MAX_QUERY_ITERATORS);
* Enables/disables on-heap cache for the off-heap based page memory.
* @param {boolean} isOnheapCacheEnabled - On-heap cache enabled flag.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setIsOnheapCacheEnabled(isOnheapCacheEnabled) {
this._properties.set(PROP_IS_ONHEAP_CACHE_ENABLED, isOnheapCacheEnabled);
return this;
* Checks if the on-heap cache is enabled for the off-heap based page memory.
* @return {boolean} - On-heap cache enabled flag.
getIsOnheapCacheEnabled() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_IS_ONHEAP_CACHE_ENABLED);
* Sets partition loss policy. This policy defines how Ignite will react to a situation when
* all nodes for some partition leave the cluster.
* @param {CacheConfiguration.PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY} partitionLossPolicy - Partition loss policy.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setPartitionLossPolicy(partitionLossPolicy) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(partitionLossPolicy, 'partitionLossPolicy', false, PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY);
this._properties.set(PROP_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY, partitionLossPolicy);
return this;
* Gets partition loss policy. This policy defines how Ignite will react to a situation when
* all nodes for some partition leave the cluster.
* @return {CacheConfiguration.PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY} - Partition loss policy.
getPartitionLossPolicy() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY);
* Sets size of queries detail metrics that will be stored in memory for monitoring purposes.
* If 0, then history will not be collected. Note, larger number may lead to higher memory consumption.
* @param {number} queryDetailMetricsSize - Maximum number of latest queries metrics that will be stored in memory.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setQueryDetailMetricsSize(queryDetailMetricsSize) {
this._properties.set(PROP_QUERY_DETAIL_METRICS_SIZE, queryDetailMetricsSize);
return this;
* Gets size of queries detail metrics that will be stored in memory for monitoring purposes.
* If 0, then history will not be collected. Note, larger number may lead to higher memory consumption.
* @return {number} - Maximum number of query metrics that will be stored in memory.
getQueryDetailMetricsSize() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_QUERY_DETAIL_METRICS_SIZE);
* Defines a hint to query execution engine on desired degree of parallelism within a single node.
* Query executor may or may not use this hint depending on estimated query costs.
* Query executor may define certain restrictions on parallelism depending on query type and/or cache type.
* @param {number} queryParallelism - Query parallelism.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setQueryParallelism(queryParallelism) {
this._properties.set(PROP_QUERY_PARALLELISM, queryParallelism);
return this;
* Gets query parallelism parameter which is a hint to query execution engine on desired degree of
* parallelism within a single node.
* @return {number} - Query parallelism.
getQueryParallelism() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_QUERY_PARALLELISM);
* Sets read from backup flag.
* @param {boolean} readFromBackup - True to allow reads from backups. False - data always
* should be read from primary node and never from backup.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setReadFromBackup(readFromBackup) {
this._properties.set(PROP_READ_FROM_BACKUP, readFromBackup);
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether data can be read from backup.
* @return {boolean} - true if data can be read from backup node or false if data always
* should be read from primary node and never from backup.
getReadFromBackup() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_READ_FROM_BACKUP);
* Sets rebalance batch size (to be loaded within a single rebalance message). Rebalancing algorithm will split
* total data set on every node into multiple batches prior to sending data.
* @param {number} rebalanceBatchSize - Rebalance batch size (size in bytes of a single rebalance message).
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceBatchSize(rebalanceBatchSize) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE, rebalanceBatchSize);
return this;
* Gets size (in number bytes) to be loaded within a single rebalance message.
* @return {number} - Size in bytes of a single rebalance message.
getRebalanceBatchSize() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE);
* To gain better rebalancing performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start
* and provide one new to each next demand request. Sets number of batches generated by supply node at
* rebalancing start. Minimum is 1.
* @param {number} rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount - Batches count.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount(rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT, rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount);
return this;
* To gain better rebalancing performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start
* and provide one new to each next demand request. Gets number of batches generated by supply node at
* rebalancing start. Minimum is 1.
* @return {number} - Batches count.
getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT);
* Sets delay in milliseconds upon a node joining or leaving topology (or crash) after which rebalancing should be
* started automatically. Rebalancing should be delayed if you plan to restart nodes after they leave topology,
* or if you plan to start multiple nodes at once or one after another and don't want to repartition and rebalance
* until all nodes are started.
* @param {number} rebalanceDelay - Rebalance delay to set. 0 to start rebalancing immediately,
* -1 to start rebalancing manually, or positive value to specify delay in milliseconds after which rebalancing
* should start automatically.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceDelay(rebalanceDelay) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_DELAY, rebalanceDelay);
return this;
* Gets rebalance delay.
* @return {number} - Rebalance delay.
getRebalanceDelay() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_DELAY);
* Sets rebalance mode for distributed cache.
* @param {CacheConfiguration.REABALANCE_MODE} rebalanceMode - Rebalance mode.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setRebalanceMode(rebalanceMode) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(rebalanceMode, 'rebalanceMode', false, REABALANCE_MODE);
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_MODE, rebalanceMode);
return this;
* Gets rebalance mode for distributed cache.
* @return {CacheConfiguration.REABALANCE_MODE} - Rebalance mode.
getRebalanceMode() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_MODE);
* Sets cache rebalance order. Rebalance order can be set to non-zero value for caches with SYNC or
* ASYNC rebalance modes only. If cache rebalance order is positive, rebalancing for this cache will be started
* only when rebalancing for all caches with smaller rebalance order will be completed.
* @param {number} rebalanceOrder - Cache rebalance order.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceOrder(rebalanceOrder) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_ORDER, rebalanceOrder);
return this;
* Gets cache rebalance order.
* @return {number} - Cache rebalance order.
getRebalanceOrder() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_ORDER);
* Sets time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network. This parameter
* helps tune the amount of time to wait between rebalance messages to make sure that rebalancing process does not
* have any negative performance impact.
* @param {number} rebalanceThrottle - Time in millis to wait between rebalance messages, 0 to disable throttling.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceThrottle(rebalanceThrottle) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_THROTTLE, rebalanceThrottle);
return this;
* Gets time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network.
* @return {number} - Time in millis to wait between rebalance messages, 0 - throttling disabled.
getRebalanceThrottle() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_THROTTLE);
* Sets rebalance timeout (ms).
* @param {number} rebalanceTimeout - Rebalance timeout (ms).
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setRebalanceTimeout(rebalanceTimeout) {
this._properties.set(PROP_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT, rebalanceTimeout);
return this;
* Gets rebalance timeout (ms).
* @return {number} - Rebalance timeout (ms).
getRebalanceTimeout() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT);
* Sets sqlEscapeAll flag. If true all the SQL table and field names will be escaped with double quotes like
* ("tableName"."fieldsName"). This enforces case sensitivity for field names and also allows having special
* characters in table and field names.
* @param {boolean} sqlEscapeAll - Flag value.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setSqlEscapeAll(sqlEscapeAll) {
this._properties.set(PROP_SQL_ESCAPE_ALL, sqlEscapeAll);
return this;
* Gets sqlEscapeAll flag.
* @return {boolean} - Flag value.
getSqlEscapeAll() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_SQL_ESCAPE_ALL);
* Sets maximum inline size for sql indexes.
* @param {number} sqlIndexInlineMaxSize - Maximum payload size for offheap indexes.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setSqlIndexInlineMaxSize(sqlIndexInlineMaxSize) {
this._properties.set(PROP_SQL_INDEX_INLINE_MAX_SIZE, sqlIndexInlineMaxSize);
return this;
* Gets maximum inline size for sql indexes.
* @return {number} - Maximum payload size for offheap indexes.
getSqlIndexInlineMaxSize() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_SQL_INDEX_INLINE_MAX_SIZE);
* Sets sql schema to be used for current cache. This name will correspond to SQL ANSI-99 standard. Nonquoted
* identifiers are not case sensitive. Quoted identifiers are case sensitive. Be aware of using the same string
* in case sensitive and case insensitive manner simultaneously, since behaviour for such case is not specified.
* When sqlSchema is not specified, quoted cacheName is used instead. sqlSchema could not be an empty string.
* Has to be "\"\"" (quoted empty string) instead.
* @param {string} sqlSchema - Schema name for current cache according to SQL ANSI-99. Should not be null.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
setSqlSchema(sqlSchema) {
this._properties.set(PROP_SQL_SCHEMA, sqlSchema);
return this;
* Gets custom name of the sql schema. If custom sql schema is not set then undefined will be returned and quoted
* case sensitive name will be used as sql schema.
* @return {string} - Schema name for current cache according to SQL ANSI-99. Could be undefined.
getSqlSchema() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_SQL_SCHEMA);
* Sets write synchronization mode. Default synchronization mode is
* @param {CacheConfiguration.WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE} writeSynchronizationMode - Write synchronization mode
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setWriteSynchronizationMode(writeSynchronizationMode) {
ArgumentChecker.hasValueFrom(writeSynchronizationMode, 'writeSynchronizationMode', false, WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE);
this._properties.set(PROP_WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE, writeSynchronizationMode);
return this;
* Gets write synchronization mode. This mode controls whether the main caller should wait for update on
* other nodes to complete or not.
* @return {CacheConfiguration.WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE} - Write synchronization mode.
getWriteSynchronizationMode() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE);
* Sets cache key configurations.
* @param {...CacheKeyConfiguration} keyConfigurations - Cache key configurations.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setKeyConfigurations(...keyConfigurations) {
ArgumentChecker.hasType(keyConfigurations, 'keyConfigurations', true, CacheKeyConfiguration);
this._properties.set(PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION, keyConfigurations);
return this;
* Gets cache key configurations.
* @return {Array<CacheKeyConfiguration>} - Array of cache key configurations.
getKeyConfigurations() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION);
* Sets query entities configuration.
* @param {...QueryEntity} queryEntities - Query entities configuration.
* @return {CacheConfiguration} - the same instance of the CacheConfiguration.
* @throws {IgniteClientError} if error.
setQueryEntities(...queryEntities: QueryEntity[]) {
ArgumentChecker.hasType(queryEntities, 'queryEntities', true, QueryEntity);
this._properties.set(PROP_QUERY_ENTITY, queryEntities);
return this;
* Gets a collection (array) of configured query entities.
* @return {Array<QueryEntity>} - Array of query entities configurations.
getQueryEntities() {
return this._properties.get(PROP_QUERY_ENTITY);
/** Private methods */
* @ignore
async _write(communicator, buffer, name) {
this._properties.set(PROP_NAME, name);
const startPos = buffer.position;
buffer.position = buffer.position +
BinaryUtils.getSize(BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.INTEGER) +
for (let [propertyCode, property] of this._properties) {
await this._writeProperty(communicator, buffer, propertyCode, property);
const length = buffer.position - startPos;
buffer.position = startPos;
* @ignore
async _writeProperty(communicator, buffer, propertyCode, property) {
const propertyType = PROP_TYPES[propertyCode];
switch (BinaryUtils.getTypeCode(propertyType)) {
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.INTEGER:
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.LONG:
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.BOOLEAN:
await communicator.writeObject(buffer, property, propertyType, false);
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.STRING:
await communicator.writeObject(buffer, property, propertyType);
const length = property ? property.length : 0;
for (let prop of property) {
await prop._write(communicator, buffer);
throw IgniteClientError.internalError();
* @ignore
async _read(communicator, buffer) {
// length
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_ATOMICITY_MODE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_BACKUPS);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_CACHE_MODE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_COPY_ON_READ);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_DATA_REGION_NAME);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_EAGER_TTL);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_STATISTICS_ENABLED);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_GROUP_NAME);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_MAX_QUERY_ITERATORS);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_NAME);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_IS_ONHEAP_CACHE_ENABLED);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_QUERY_DETAIL_METRICS_SIZE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_QUERY_PARALLELISM);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_READ_FROM_BACKUP);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_DELAY);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_MODE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_ORDER);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_THROTTLE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_SQL_ESCAPE_ALL);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_SQL_INDEX_INLINE_MAX_SIZE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_SQL_SCHEMA);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_WRITE_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_CACHE_KEY_CONFIGURATION);
await this._readProperty(communicator, buffer, PROP_QUERY_ENTITY);
* @ignore
async _readProperty(communicator, buffer, propertyCode) {
const propertyType = PROP_TYPES[propertyCode];
switch (BinaryUtils.getTypeCode(propertyType)) {
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.INTEGER:
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.LONG:
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.BOOLEAN:
this._properties.set(propertyCode, await communicator._readTypedObject(buffer, propertyType));
case BinaryUtils.TYPE_CODE.STRING:
this._properties.set(propertyCode, await communicator.readObject(buffer, propertyType));
const length = buffer.readInteger();
if (length > 0) {
const properties = new Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const property = new propertyType._elementType._objectConstructor();
await property._read(communicator, buffer);
properties[i] = property;
this._properties.set(propertyCode, properties);
throw IgniteClientError.internalError();