blob: 3edcfc37ce32b4a4c466e8d828de1adec8bc92e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.gatling.protocol
import io.gatling.commons.util.Clock
import io.gatling.core.CoreComponents
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingConfiguration
import io.gatling.core.protocol.Protocol
import io.gatling.core.protocol.ProtocolKey
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite
import org.apache.ignite.client.IgniteClient
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.ClientConfiguration
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration
import org.apache.ignite.gatling.api.IgniteApi
* Ignite protocol globals.
object IgniteProtocol {
/** Session key the IgniteApi instance is stored under. */
val IgniteApiSessionKey = "__igniteApi__"
* Session key the TransactionApi instance is stored under.
* Presence of the TransactionApi instance in session means that the Ignite transaction is active now.
val TransactionApiSessionKey = "__transactionApi__"
* Session key for explicit locks flag.
* Presence of flag means that explicit locks were created in scenario.
val ExplicitLockWasUsedSessionKey = "__explicitLockWasUsed__"
* Initialise components of the Ignite protocol on simulation start.
val IgniteProtocolKey: ProtocolKey[IgniteProtocol, IgniteComponents] = new ProtocolKey[IgniteProtocol, IgniteComponents] {
override def protocolClass: Class[Protocol] =
override def defaultProtocolValue(configuration: GatlingConfiguration): IgniteProtocol =
IgniteProtocolBuilderBase.igniteCfg(new IgniteConfiguration()).build
* Return lambda to init the Ignite protocol components.
* Note, lambda would start new Ignite API instance if none was passed as a protocol configuration parameter
* (unless the `explicitClientStart` protocol parameter was used).
* If IGNITE_GATLING_USE_NANO_CLOCK system property is set substitutes the default Gatling clocks (which
* measures time in millis) with clocks measuring time in nanoseconds. This clocks will be used to measure
* duration of Ignite actions. This gives more precision for sub-millis requests.
* Note however that using nano clocks means the following limitations:
* - Native Gatling report generation doesn't work. So custom reporting should be implemented which would
* directly parse the Gatling generated simulation.log files.
* - Action groups duration measuring doesn't work. So testing scenarios should not contains any groups.
* @param coreComponents Gatling core components.
* @return Lambda creating Ignite components from the Ignite protocol parameters provided.
override def newComponents(coreComponents: CoreComponents): IgniteProtocol => IgniteComponents =
igniteProtocol => {
val components = IgniteComponents(
Option(System.getProperty("IGNITE_GATLING_USE_NANO_CLOCK")).map(_ => new NanoClock())
igniteProtocol.cfg match {
case IgniteClientConfigurationCfg(_) if !igniteProtocol.explicitClientStart => igniteProtocol.api = components.igniteApi
case IgniteConfigurationCfg(_) if !igniteProtocol.explicitClientStart => igniteProtocol.api = components.igniteApi
case _ =>
* Clock implementation measuring time in nanoseconds.
* NOTE, it returns nanoseconds from nowMillis() method !!!
private class NanoClock extends Clock {
override def nowSeconds: Long = nowMillis / 1000000
private val currentTimeMillisReference = System.currentTimeMillis
private val nanoTimeReference = System.nanoTime
override def nowMillis: Long = (System.nanoTime - nanoTimeReference) + currentTimeMillisReference * 1000000
* Ignite protocol parameters.
* @param cfg Ignite API configuration.
* @param explicitClientStart If true the default shared instance of Ignite API will not be started before the
* simulation start and it will not be automatically inserted into the client session
* upon injection into the scenario. To start Ignite API instance scenario should contain
* explicit `startIgniteApi` and `closeIgniteApi` actions.
* @param api Ignite API instance if started during the simulation. Stored here to be able to close it after
* simulation finish.
case class IgniteProtocol(cfg: IgniteCfg, explicitClientStart: Boolean = false, var api: Option[IgniteApi] = None) extends Protocol {
* Close all opened clients.
def close(): Unit =
cfg match {
case cfg: IgniteClientPoolCfg => cfg.pool.close()
case _: IgniteConfigurationCfg => api.foreach(api => api.close()(_ => (), _ => ()))
case _: IgniteClientConfigurationCfg => api.foreach(api => api.close()(_ => (), _ => ()))
case _ =>
* Abstract Ignite API configuration.
sealed trait IgniteCfg
* Ignite API configuration containing the pre-started Ignite (thin) Client instance.
* @param client Instance of Ignite (thin) Client.
case class IgniteClientCfg(client: IgniteClient) extends IgniteCfg
* Ignite API configuration containing the pre-started Ignite (thick) node instance.
* @param ignite Instance of the Ignite grid.
case class IgniteNodeCfg(ignite: Ignite) extends IgniteCfg
* Ignite API configuration containing the Ignite (thin) Client configuration instance.
* @param cfg Ignite (thin) client configuration.
case class IgniteClientConfigurationCfg(cfg: ClientConfiguration) extends IgniteCfg
* Ignite API configuration containing the Ignite node (thick) configuration instance.
* @param cfg Ignite (thick) node configuration.
case class IgniteConfigurationCfg(cfg: IgniteConfiguration) extends IgniteCfg
* Ignite API configuration containing the Ignite (thin) Client instances pool.
* @param pool Ignite (thin) client instances pool.
case class IgniteClientPoolCfg(pool: IgniteClientPool) extends IgniteCfg