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= Ignite 3 CLI Tool
== Overview
The Ignite 3 CLI tool uses REST API as a communication protocol between the node and the CLI, allowing you to configure the node. By default, the CLI tool runs in the interactive mode, but you can also execute commands without entering it.
When using the Ignite 3 CLI tool, the arguments should be put in quotation marks, and the string should not include line breaks. For example:
[source, bash]
cluster config update "security.authentication.providers.basic4={type=basic,username=name,password=pass}"
Otherwise, special POSIX characters in strings (`{` and `}` in the above command) will be handled appropriately, leading to potentially unpredictable results.
Alternatively, you can use the backslash (`\`) to escape all special characters in your command. For example:
[source, bash]
cluster config update security.authentication.providers.basic4=\{type=basic,username=name,password=pass\}
== Commands and Options
The following commands can be executed in the interactive CLI mode.
=== CLI Commands
These commands help you configure your CLI tool and cluster.
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
| `cli config` || Gets all CLI tool configuration values.
| `cli config profile create` | `[--copy-from] <profileName>` | Creates a profile with the given name.
| `cli config profile activate` | `<profileName>` | Activates the profile identified by name.
| `cli config profile list` | | Lists configuration profiles.
| `cli config profile show` | | Gets the current profile details.
| `cli config get` | `<key>` | Gets the value for the specified configuration key.
| `cli config set` | `<key=value>` | Sets configuration parameters using comma-separated input key-value pair(s).
| `cli config show` | `[--cluster-endpoint-url] [--selector]` | Shows the cluster configuration.
| `cli config remove` | `<key>` | Removes a configuration key.
=== Cluster Commands
These commands let you manage your cluster.
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
| `cluster init` | `[--cmg-node] [--meta-storage-node] <clusterName> or < --cluster-endpoint-url> <cluster-config> or < --cluster-config-file>`| Initializes a cluster.
| `cluster status` | `[--cluster-endpoint-url]` | Displays the detailed status of the specified cluster.
| `cluster topology physical` | `[--plain] [--cluster-endpoint-url]` | Shows physical topology of the specified cluster.
| `cluster topology logical` | `[--plain] [--cluster-endpoint-url]` | Shows logical topology of the specified cluster.
| `cluster unit deploy` | `[clusterUrl] [--nodes] <path> <version> <id>` | Deploys a unit for the cluster.
| `cluster unit undeploy` | `[clusterUrl] <version> <id>` | Undeploys a cluster's unit.
| `cluster unit list` | `[--plain] [clusterUrl] [--status] [<unitId>[--version]]` | Lists cluster's deployed units.
| `connect` | `[--username] [--password] --node-url[--node-name]` | Connects to the specified cluster, or to `localhost:3000` if no cluster is specified. All subsequent commands use the specified cluster URL.
| `disconnect` || Disconnects from the current cluster.
=== Snapshot Commands
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
|`cluster snapshot create`|`[--tables <list_of_tables> \| --all]`| Creates a new link:snapshots/snapshots-and-recovery[snapshot], optionally for the specified tables only.
|`cluster snapshot restore`| `<snapshot_id> [--tables <list_of_tables> \| --all]` | Restores data from the specified snapshot, optionally for the specified tables only.
|`cluster snapshot status`|`[<snapshot_id> [--all-nodes] [--tables <list_of_tables> \| --all]]`| Provides information about the current status of the specified snapshot, optionally for the specified tables only. If no snapshot ID is specified, provides information about the status of all snapshots.
=== Node Commands
These commands address specific node(s) in a cluster.
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
| `node config show` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name] [--selector]` | Gets the specified node configuration.
|`node config update` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name] [<args>...]` | Updates the local node configuration with the arguments in the HOCON format.
| `node status` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name]` |Shows the status of the default node, or a different one if specified.
| `node version` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name]` |Shows the node's build version.
| `node metric list` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name][--plain]` |Lists node's metrics.
| `node metric source enable` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name]<srcName>` |Enables a metric source for the node.
| `node metric source disable` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name]<srcName>` |Disables a metric source for the node.
| `node metric source list` | `[--node-url]/[--node-name][--plain]` |Lists node metrics' sources.
| `node unit list` | `[--plain] [--status] [<unitId> [--version]] [--node-url]/[--node-name]]` |Lists node's deployment units.
=== User and Role Commands
These commands help you manage access to the system - users and and roles.
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
|`role create`|`[--cluster-endpoint-url] <roleName>`| Creates a new role. New roles do not have any privileges.
|`role delete`|`[--cluster-endpoint-url] <roleName>`| Deletes the specified role. Role with assigned privileges cannot be deleted.
|`role list`|`[--plain] [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--user]`| Lists roles for the specified cluster, optionally filtered by user(s).
|`role show`|`[--with-privileges] [--with-users] [--cluster-endpoint-url] <roleName>`| Shows the role information, optionally including privileges assigned to the role and/or the users who have that role.
|`role privilege grant`|`[--on] [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--action] --to`| Grants to the specified role a privilege (permission to perform the specified action on an the specified object). For more information, see link:security/permissions[User Permissions and Roles].
|`role privilege revoke`|`[--action] [--from] [--cluster-endpoint-url] --to`|Revoke privilege(s) (permissions)(s) to perform the specified action on the specified object) from the role. For more information, see link:security/permissions[User Permissions and Roles].
| `user create` |`[--password] [cluster-endpoint-url] <username>` | Creates a new user.
| `user delete` |`[--cluster-endpoint-url] [--with-revoke] <username>`| Deletes the user.
| `user edit` |`[--password] [--cluster-endpoint-url] <username>` | Edits user configuration.
| `user list` |`[--plain] [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--role]`| Provides a list of users on the server, optionally filtered by role(s).
| `user show` |`[--with-roles] [--cluster-endpoint-url] <username>`| Provides extended information about the specific user, optionally with information about roles assigned to the user.
| `user role assign` | `[--profile] [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--role] [--to]`| Assigns role(s) to the specified user.
| `user role revoke` | `[--profile] [--cluster-endpoint-url] [--from] [--role]`| Revokes role(s) from the specified user.
=== Miscellaneous Commands
These are general-purpose commands.
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
| Command| Parameters | Description
| `cls` || Clears the terminal.
| `exit` || Stops the current interactive session.
| `help` | `<command or command group>` | Provides information on available command groups, commands in the specified group, or for the specified command.
| `sql` | `[--plain] [jdbc-url] [--script-file] <command>`| Executes the specified SQL query (command) or teh queries included in the specified file, on the specified cluster.
|`token revoke`|`[--cluster-endpoint-url] [--profile] [--token\|--username]`| Revokes the link:security/jwt[JWT token]. Can revoke a specific token, or all tokens from the user.
| `version` || Displays the current CLI tool version.