blob: 7d5cbabe310941632ca158de2d22cc06c0175dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.allOf;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.failedFuture;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.catalog.commands.CatalogUtils.IMMEDIATE_TIMER_VALUE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.catalog.commands.CatalogUtils.INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.conditionForRecoverableStateChanges;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.conditionForZoneCreation;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.conditionForZoneRemoval;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.createZoneManagerExecutor;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.deleteDataNodesAndTriggerKeys;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.extractChangeTriggerRevision;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.extractDataNodes;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.toDataNodesMap;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.triggerScaleUpScaleDownKeysCondition;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.updateDataNodesAndScaleDownTriggerKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.updateDataNodesAndScaleUpTriggerKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.updateDataNodesAndTriggerKeys;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.updateLogicalTopologyAndVersion;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zoneDataNodesKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zoneScaleDownChangeTriggerKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zoneScaleUpChangeTriggerKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zoneTopologyAugmentation;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesLastHandledTopology;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesLogicalTopologyKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesLogicalTopologyPrefix;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesNodesAttributes;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.DistributionZonesUtil.zonesRecoverableStateRevision;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Conditions.notExists;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Conditions.value;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Operations.ops;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Operations.put;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Statements.iif;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.ByteUtils.bytesToLong;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.ByteUtils.fromBytes;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.ByteUtils.longToBytes;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.ByteUtils.toBytes;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.CompletableFutures.nullCompletedFuture;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.inBusyLock;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.inBusyLockAsync;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.shutdownAndAwaitTermination;
import static org.apache.ignite.lang.ErrorGroups.Common.NODE_STOPPING_ERR;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.catalog.CatalogManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.catalog.descriptors.CatalogZoneDescriptor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.causalitydatanodes.CausalityDataNodesEngine;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.exception.DistributionZoneNotFoundException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.rebalance.DistributionZoneRebalanceEngine;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.distributionzones.utils.CatalogAlterZoneEventListener;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.lang.ByteArray;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.lang.IgniteInternalException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.lang.IgniteStringFormatter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.lang.NodeStoppingException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.logger.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.logger.Loggers;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.manager.IgniteComponent;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.Entry;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.EntryEvent;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.MetaStorageManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.WatchEvent;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.WatchListener;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.CompoundCondition;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Condition;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Iif;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Operation;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.SimpleCondition;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.StatementResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Update;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.thread.NamedThreadFactory;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.thread.StripedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteSpinBusyLock;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly;
* Distribution zones manager.
public class DistributionZoneManager implements IgniteComponent {
/** The logger. */
private static final IgniteLogger LOG = Loggers.forClass(DistributionZoneManager.class);
/** Meta Storage manager. */
private final MetaStorageManager metaStorageManager;
/** Busy lock to stop synchronously. */
private final IgniteSpinBusyLock busyLock = new IgniteSpinBusyLock();
/** Prevents double stopping of the component. */
private final AtomicBoolean stopGuard = new AtomicBoolean();
/** Logical topology service to track topology changes. */
private final LogicalTopologyService logicalTopologyService;
/** Executor for scheduling tasks for scale up and scale down processes. */
private final StripedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor;
* Map with states for distribution zones. States are needed to track nodes that we want to add or remove from the data nodes,
* schedule and stop scale up and scale down processes.
private final Map<Integer, ZoneState> zonesState = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Listener for a topology events. */
private final LogicalTopologyEventListener topologyEventListener = new LogicalTopologyEventListener() {
public void onNodeJoined(LogicalNode joinedNode, LogicalTopologySnapshot newTopology) {
public void onNodeLeft(LogicalNode leftNode, LogicalTopologySnapshot newTopology) {
public void onTopologyLeap(LogicalTopologySnapshot newTopology) {
* The logical topology on the last watch event.
* It's enough to mark this field by volatile because we don't update the collection after it is assigned to the field.
private volatile Set<NodeWithAttributes> logicalTopology = emptySet();
* Local mapping of {@code nodeId} -> node's attributes, where {@code nodeId} is a node id, that changes between restarts.
* This map is updated every time we receive a topology event in a {@code topologyWatchListener}.
* TODO: properly clean up this map
* @see <a href="">Filter documentation</a>
private Map<String, NodeWithAttributes> nodesAttributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Watch listener for logical topology keys. */
private final WatchListener topologyWatchListener;
/** Rebalance engine. */
private final DistributionZoneRebalanceEngine rebalanceEngine;
/** Causality data nodes engine. */
private final CausalityDataNodesEngine causalityDataNodesEngine;
/** Catalog manager. */
private final CatalogManager catalogManager;
/** Executor for scheduling rebalances. */
private final ScheduledExecutorService rebalanceScheduler;
* Creates a new distribution zone manager.
* @param nodeName Node name.
* @param registry Registry for versioned values.
* @param metaStorageManager Meta Storage manager.
* @param logicalTopologyService Logical topology service.
* @param catalogManager Catalog manager.
public DistributionZoneManager(
String nodeName,
Consumer<LongFunction<CompletableFuture<?>>> registry,
MetaStorageManager metaStorageManager,
LogicalTopologyService logicalTopologyService,
CatalogManager catalogManager,
ScheduledExecutorService rebalanceScheduler
) {
this.metaStorageManager = metaStorageManager;
this.logicalTopologyService = logicalTopologyService;
this.catalogManager = catalogManager;
this.topologyWatchListener = createMetastorageTopologyListener();
this.rebalanceScheduler = rebalanceScheduler;
executor = createZoneManagerExecutor(
Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 3, 20),
NamedThreadFactory.create(nodeName, "dst-zones-scheduler", LOG)
// It's safe to leak with partially initialised object here, because rebalanceEngine is only accessible through this or by
// meta storage notification thread that won't start before all components start.
//noinspection ThisEscapedInObjectConstruction
rebalanceEngine = new DistributionZoneRebalanceEngine(
//noinspection ThisEscapedInObjectConstruction
causalityDataNodesEngine = new CausalityDataNodesEngine(
public CompletableFuture<Void> startAsync() {
return inBusyLockAsync(busyLock, () -> {
metaStorageManager.registerPrefixWatch(zonesLogicalTopologyPrefix(), topologyWatchListener);
CompletableFuture<Long> recoveryFinishFuture = metaStorageManager.recoveryFinishedFuture();
// At the moment of the start of this manager, it is guaranteed that Meta Storage has been recovered.
assert recoveryFinishFuture.isDone();
long recoveryRevision = recoveryFinishFuture.join();
return allOf(
).thenCompose((notUsed) -> rebalanceEngine.start());
public CompletableFuture<Void> stopAsync() {
if (!stopGuard.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
return nullCompletedFuture();
shutdownAndAwaitTermination(executor, 10, SECONDS);
shutdownAndAwaitTermination(rebalanceScheduler, 10, SECONDS);
return nullCompletedFuture();
* Gets data nodes of the zone using causality token and catalog version. {@code causalityToken} must be agreed
* with the {@code catalogVersion}, meaning that for the provided {@code causalityToken} actual {@code catalogVersion} must be provided.
* For example, if you are in the meta storage watch thread and {@code causalityToken} is the revision of the watch event, it is
* safe to take {@link CatalogManager#latestCatalogVersion()} as a {@code catalogVersion},
* because {@link CatalogManager#latestCatalogVersion()} won't be updated in a watch thread.
* The same is applied for {@link CatalogEventParameters}, it is safe to take {@link CatalogEventParameters#causalityToken()}
* as a {@code causalityToken} and {@link CatalogEventParameters#catalogVersion()} as a {@code catalogVersion}.
* <p>Return data nodes or throw the exception:
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} if causalityToken or zoneId is not valid.
* {@link DistributionZoneNotFoundException} if the zone with the provided zoneId does not exist.
* @param causalityToken Causality token.
* @param catalogVersion Catalog version.
* @param zoneId Zone id.
* @return The future with data nodes for the zoneId.
public CompletableFuture<Set<String>> dataNodes(long causalityToken, int catalogVersion, int zoneId) {
return causalityDataNodesEngine.dataNodes(causalityToken, catalogVersion, zoneId);
private CompletableFuture<Void> onUpdateScaleUpBusy(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters) {
int zoneId = parameters.zoneDescriptor().id();
int newScaleUp = parameters.zoneDescriptor().dataNodesAutoAdjustScaleUp();
long causalityToken = parameters.causalityToken();
if (newScaleUp == IMMEDIATE_TIMER_VALUE) {
return saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, causalityToken);
// It is safe to zonesTimers.get(zoneId) in term of NPE because meta storage notifications are one-threaded
// and this map will be initialized on a manager start or with catalog notification
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(zoneId);
if (newScaleUp != INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE) {
Optional<Long> highestRevision = zoneState.highestRevision(true);
assert highestRevision.isEmpty() || causalityToken >= highestRevision.get() : IgniteStringFormatter.format(
"Expected causalityToken that is greater or equal to already seen meta storage events: highestRevision={}, "
+ "causalityToken={}",
highestRevision.orElse(null), causalityToken
() -> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, causalityToken),
} else {
return nullCompletedFuture();
private CompletableFuture<Void> onUpdateScaleDownBusy(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters) {
int zoneId = parameters.zoneDescriptor().id();
int newScaleDown = parameters.zoneDescriptor().dataNodesAutoAdjustScaleDown();
long causalityToken = parameters.causalityToken();
if (newScaleDown == IMMEDIATE_TIMER_VALUE) {
return saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(zoneId, causalityToken);
// It is safe to zonesTimers.get(zoneId) in term of NPE because meta storage notifications are one-threaded
// and this map will be initialized on a manager start or with catalog notification
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(zoneId);
if (newScaleDown != INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE) {
Optional<Long> highestRevision = zoneState.highestRevision(false);
assert highestRevision.isEmpty() || causalityToken >= highestRevision.get() : IgniteStringFormatter.format(
"Expected causalityToken that is greater or equal to already seen meta storage events: highestRevision={}, "
+ "causalityToken={}",
highestRevision.orElse(null), causalityToken
() -> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(zoneId, causalityToken),
} else {
return nullCompletedFuture();
private CompletableFuture<Void> onUpdateFilter(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters) {
int zoneId = parameters.zoneDescriptor().id();
long causalityToken = parameters.causalityToken();
return saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, causalityToken);
* Restores zones' states.
* @param zone Zone descriptor.
* @param causalityToken Causality token.
* @return Future reflecting the completion of creation or restoring a zone.
private CompletableFuture<Void> restoreZoneStateBusy(CatalogZoneDescriptor zone, long causalityToken) {
int zoneId =;
Entry zoneDataNodesLocalMetaStorage = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zoneDataNodesKey(zoneId), causalityToken);
if (zoneDataNodesLocalMetaStorage.value() == null) {
// In this case, creation of a zone was interrupted during restart.
return onCreateZone(zone, causalityToken);
} else {
Entry topologyAugmentationMapLocalMetaStorage = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zoneTopologyAugmentation(zoneId), causalityToken);
ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Augmentation> topologyAugmentationMap;
if (topologyAugmentationMapLocalMetaStorage.value() == null) {
// This case means that there won't any logical topology updates before restart.
topologyAugmentationMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
} else {
topologyAugmentationMap = fromBytes(topologyAugmentationMapLocalMetaStorage.value());
ZoneState zoneState = new ZoneState(executor, topologyAugmentationMap);
ZoneState prevZoneState = zonesState.putIfAbsent(zoneId, zoneState);
assert prevZoneState == null : "Zone's state was created twice [zoneId = " + zoneId + ']';
return nullCompletedFuture();
private CompletableFuture<Void> onCreateZone(CatalogZoneDescriptor zone, long causalityToken) {
int zoneId =;
ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Augmentation> topologyAugmentationMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
ZoneState zoneState = new ZoneState(executor, topologyAugmentationMap);
ZoneState prevZoneState = zonesState.putIfAbsent(zoneId, zoneState);
assert prevZoneState == null : "Zone's state was created twice [zoneId = " + zoneId + ']';
Set<Node> dataNodes =;
causalityDataNodesEngine.onCreateZoneState(causalityToken, zone);
return initDataNodesAndTriggerKeysInMetaStorage(zoneId, causalityToken, dataNodes);
* Restores timers that were scheduled before a node's restart. Take the highest revision from the
* {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap()}, schedule scale up/scale down timers.
* @param catalogVersion Catalog version.
* @return Future that represents the pending completion of the operation.
* For the immediate timers it will be completed when data nodes will be updated in Meta Storage.
private CompletableFuture<Void> restoreTimers(int catalogVersion) {
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (CatalogZoneDescriptor zone : catalogManager.zones(catalogVersion)) {
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(;
// Max revision from the {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap()} for node joins.
Optional<Long> maxScaleUpRevisionOptional = zoneState.highestRevision(true);
// Max revision from the {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap()} for node removals.
Optional<Long> maxScaleDownRevisionOptional = zoneState.highestRevision(false);
maxScaleUpRevision -> {
// Take the highest revision from the topologyAugmentationMap and schedule scale up/scale down,
// meaning that all augmentations of nodes will be taken into account in newly created timers.
// If augmentations have already been proposed to data nodes in the metastorage before restart,
// that means we have updated corresponding trigger key and it's value will be greater or equal to
// the highest revision from the topologyAugmentationMap, and current timer won't affect data nodes.
futures.add(scheduleTimers(zone, true, false, maxScaleUpRevision));
maxScaleDownRevision -> futures.add(scheduleTimers(zone, false, true, maxScaleDownRevision))
return allOf(futures.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new));
* Method initialise data nodes value for the specified zone, also sets {@code revision} to the
* {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zoneScaleUpChangeTriggerKey(int)} and {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zoneScaleDownChangeTriggerKey(int)}
* if it passes the condition. It is called on the first creation of a zone.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone
* @param revision Revision of an event that has triggered this method.
* @param dataNodes Data nodes.
* @return Future reflecting the completion of initialisation of zone's keys in meta storage.
private CompletableFuture<Void> initDataNodesAndTriggerKeysInMetaStorage(
int zoneId,
long revision,
Set<Node> dataNodes
) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
throw new IgniteInternalException(NODE_STOPPING_ERR, new NodeStoppingException());
try {
// Update data nodes for a zone only if the corresponding data nodes keys weren't initialised in ms yet.
CompoundCondition triggerKeyCondition = conditionForZoneCreation(zoneId);
Update dataNodesAndTriggerKeyUpd = updateDataNodesAndTriggerKeys(zoneId, revision, toBytes(toDataNodesMap(dataNodes)));
Iif iif = iif(triggerKeyCondition, dataNodesAndTriggerKeyUpd, ops().yield(false));
return metaStorageManager.invoke(iif)
.whenComplete((invokeResult, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Failed to update zones' dataNodes value [zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
} else if (invokeResult) {"Update zones' dataNodes value [zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
} else {
"Failed to update zones' dataNodes value [zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
}).thenCompose((ignored) -> nullCompletedFuture());
} finally {
* Method deletes data nodes value for the specified zone.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone
* @param revision Revision of an event that has triggered this method.
private CompletableFuture<Void> removeTriggerKeysAndDataNodes(int zoneId, long revision) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
throw new IgniteInternalException(NODE_STOPPING_ERR, new NodeStoppingException());
try {
SimpleCondition triggerKeyCondition = conditionForZoneRemoval(zoneId);
Update removeKeysUpd = deleteDataNodesAndTriggerKeys(zoneId, revision);
Iif iif = iif(triggerKeyCondition, removeKeysUpd, ops().yield(false));
return metaStorageManager.invoke(iif)
.whenComplete((invokeResult, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Failed to delete zone's dataNodes keys [zoneId = {}, revision = {}]",
} else if (invokeResult) {"Delete zone's dataNodes keys [zoneId = {}, revision = {}]", zoneId, revision);
} else {
LOG.debug("Failed to delete zone's dataNodes keys [zoneId = {}, revision = {}]", zoneId, revision);
.thenCompose(ignored -> nullCompletedFuture());
} finally {
* Updates {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zonesLogicalTopologyKey()} and {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey()}
* in meta storage.
* @param newTopology Logical topology snapshot.
private void updateLogicalTopologyInMetaStorage(LogicalTopologySnapshot newTopology) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
throw new IgniteInternalException(NODE_STOPPING_ERR, new NodeStoppingException());
try {
Set<LogicalNode> logicalTopology = newTopology.nodes();
Condition updateCondition;
if (newTopology.version() == 1) {
// Very first start of the cluster, so we just initialize zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey
updateCondition = notExists(zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey());
} else {
updateCondition = value(zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey()).lt(longToBytes(newTopology.version()));
Iif iff = iif(
updateLogicalTopologyAndVersion(logicalTopology, newTopology.version()),
metaStorageManager.invoke(iff).whenComplete((res, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
"Failed to update distribution zones' logical topology and version keys [topology = {}, version = {}]",
} else if (res.getAsBoolean()) {
"Distribution zones' logical topology and version keys were updated [topology = {}, version = {}]",
} else {
"Failed to update distribution zones' logical topology and version keys [topology = {}, version = {}]",
} finally {
* Restores from local Meta Storage logical topology and nodes' attributes fields in {@link DistributionZoneManager} after restart.
* @param recoveryRevision Revision of the Meta Storage after its recovery.
private void restoreGlobalStateFromLocalMetastorage(long recoveryRevision) {
Entry lastHandledTopologyEntry = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zonesLastHandledTopology(), recoveryRevision);
Entry nodeAttributesEntry = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zonesNodesAttributes(), recoveryRevision);
if (lastHandledTopologyEntry.value() != null) {
// We save zonesLastHandledTopology and zonesNodesAttributes in Meta Storage in a one batch, so it is impossible
// that one value is not null, but other is null.
assert nodeAttributesEntry.value() != null;
logicalTopology = fromBytes(lastHandledTopologyEntry.value());
nodesAttributes = fromBytes(nodeAttributesEntry.value());
assert lastHandledTopologyEntry.value() == null || logicalTopology.equals(fromBytes(lastHandledTopologyEntry.value()))
: "Initial value of logical topology was changed after initialization from the Meta Storage manager.";
assert nodeAttributesEntry.value() == null
|| nodesAttributes.equals(fromBytes(nodeAttributesEntry.value()))
: "Initial value of nodes' attributes was changed after initialization from the Meta Storage manager.";
* Creates watch listener which listens logical topology and logical topology version.
* @return Watch listener.
private WatchListener createMetastorageTopologyListener() {
return new WatchListener() {
public CompletableFuture<Void> onUpdate(WatchEvent evt) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
return failedFuture(new NodeStoppingException());
try {
assert evt.entryEvents().size() == 2 :
"Expected an event with logical topology and logical topology version entries but was events with keys: "
+ evt.entryEvents().stream().map(entry -> entry.newEntry() == null ? "null" : entry.newEntry().key())
byte[] newLogicalTopologyBytes;
Set<NodeWithAttributes> newLogicalTopology = null;
long revision = 0;
for (EntryEvent event : evt.entryEvents()) {
Entry e = event.newEntry();
if (Arrays.equals(e.key(), zonesLogicalTopologyVersionKey().bytes())) {
revision = e.revision();
} else if (Arrays.equals(e.key(), zonesLogicalTopologyKey().bytes())) {
newLogicalTopologyBytes = e.value();
newLogicalTopology = fromBytes(newLogicalTopologyBytes);
assert newLogicalTopology != null : "The event doesn't contain logical topology";
assert revision > 0 : "The event doesn't contain logical topology version";
// It is safe to get the latest version of the catalog as we are in the metastore thread.
int catalogVersion = catalogManager.latestCatalogVersion();
return onLogicalTopologyUpdate(newLogicalTopology, revision, catalogVersion);
} finally {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to process logical topology event", e);
* Reaction on an update of logical topology. In this method {@link DistributionZoneManager#logicalTopology},
* {@link DistributionZoneManager#nodesAttributes}, {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap} are updated.
* This fields are saved to Meta Storage, also timers are scheduled.
* Note that all futures of Meta Storage updates that happen in this method are returned from this method.
* @param newLogicalTopology New logical topology.
* @param revision Revision of the logical topology update.
* @param catalogVersion Actual version of the Catalog.
* @return Future reflecting the completion of the actions needed when logical topology was updated.
private CompletableFuture<Void> onLogicalTopologyUpdate(Set<NodeWithAttributes> newLogicalTopology, long revision, int catalogVersion) {
Set<Node> removedNodes =
.filter(node -> !newLogicalTopology.contains(node))
Set<Node> addedNodes =
.filter(node -> !logicalTopology.contains(node))
Set<Integer> zoneIds = new HashSet<>();
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (CatalogZoneDescriptor zone : catalogManager.zones(catalogVersion)) {
int zoneId =;
updateLocalTopologyAugmentationMap(addedNodes, removedNodes, revision, zoneId);
futures.add(scheduleTimers(zone, !addedNodes.isEmpty(), !removedNodes.isEmpty(), revision));
newLogicalTopology.forEach(n -> nodesAttributes.put(n.nodeId(), n));
logicalTopology = newLogicalTopology;
futures.add(saveRecoverableStateToMetastorage(zoneIds, revision, newLogicalTopology));
return allOf(futures.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new));
* Update local topology augmentation map with newly added and removed nodes.
* @param addedNodes Nodes that was added to a topology and should be added to zones data nodes.
* @param removedNodes Nodes that was removed from a topology and should be removed from zones data nodes.
* @param revision Revision of the event that triggered this method.
* @param zoneId Zone's id.
private void updateLocalTopologyAugmentationMap(Set<Node> addedNodes, Set<Node> removedNodes, long revision, int zoneId) {
if (!addedNodes.isEmpty()) {
zonesState.get(zoneId).nodesToAddToDataNodes(addedNodes, revision);
if (!removedNodes.isEmpty()) {
zonesState.get(zoneId).nodesToRemoveFromDataNodes(removedNodes, revision);
* Saves recoverable state of the Distribution Zone Manager to Meta Storage atomically in one batch.
* After restart it could be used to restore these fields.
* @param zoneIds Set of zone id's, whose states will be saved in the Meta Storage.
* @param revision Revision of the event.
* @param newLogicalTopology New logical topology.
* @return Future representing pending completion of the operation.
private CompletableFuture<Void> saveRecoverableStateToMetastorage(
Set<Integer> zoneIds,
long revision,
Set<NodeWithAttributes> newLogicalTopology
) {
Operation[] puts = new Operation[3 + zoneIds.size()];
puts[0] = put(zonesNodesAttributes(), toBytes(nodesAttributes()));
puts[1] = put(zonesRecoverableStateRevision(), longToBytes(revision));
puts[2] = put(zonesLastHandledTopology(), toBytes(newLogicalTopology));
int i = 3;
// TODO: Properly utilise topology augmentation map. Also this map
// TODO: can be saved only once for all zones.
for (Integer zoneId : zoneIds) {
puts[i++] = put(zoneTopologyAugmentation(zoneId), toBytes(zonesState.get(zoneId).topologyAugmentationMap()));
Iif iif = iif(
return metaStorageManager.invoke(iif)
.whenComplete((invokeResult, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
LOG.error("Failed to update recoverable state for distribution zone manager [revision = {}]", e, revision);
} else if (invokeResult) {"Update recoverable state for distribution zone manager [revision = {}]", revision);
} else {
LOG.debug("Failed to update recoverable states for distribution zone manager [revision = {}]", revision);
}).thenCompose((ignored) -> nullCompletedFuture());
* Schedules scale up and scale down timers.
* @param zone Zone descriptor.
* @param nodesAdded Flag indicating that nodes was added to a topology and should be added to zones data nodes.
* @param nodesRemoved Flag indicating that nodes was removed from a topology and should be removed from zones data nodes.
* @param revision Revision that triggered that event.
* @return Future that represents the pending completion of the operation.
* For the immediate timers it will be completed when data nodes will be updated in Meta Storage.
private CompletableFuture<Void> scheduleTimers(CatalogZoneDescriptor zone, boolean nodesAdded, boolean nodesRemoved, long revision) {
int autoAdjust = zone.dataNodesAutoAdjust();
int autoAdjustScaleDown = zone.dataNodesAutoAdjustScaleDown();
int autoAdjustScaleUp = zone.dataNodesAutoAdjustScaleUp();
int zoneId =;
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
if ((nodesAdded || nodesRemoved) && autoAdjust != INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE) {
// TODO: IGNITE-18134 Create scheduler with dataNodesAutoAdjust timer.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Data nodes auto adjust is not supported.");
} else {
if (nodesAdded) {
if (autoAdjustScaleUp == IMMEDIATE_TIMER_VALUE) {
futures.add(saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, revision));
if (autoAdjustScaleUp != INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE) {
() -> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, revision),
if (nodesRemoved) {
if (zone.dataNodesAutoAdjustScaleDown() == IMMEDIATE_TIMER_VALUE) {
futures.add(saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(zoneId, revision));
if (autoAdjustScaleDown != INFINITE_TIMER_VALUE) {
() -> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(zoneId, revision),
return allOf(futures.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new));
* Method updates data nodes value for the specified zone after scale up timer timeout, sets {@code revision} to the
* {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zoneScaleUpChangeTriggerKey(int)} if it passes the condition.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone
* @param revision Revision of an event that has triggered this method.
CompletableFuture<Void> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(int zoneId, long revision) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
throw new IgniteInternalException(NODE_STOPPING_ERR, new NodeStoppingException());
try {
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(zoneId);
if (zoneState == null) {
// Zone was deleted
return nullCompletedFuture();
Set<ByteArray> keysToGetFromMs = Set.of(
return metaStorageManager.getAll(keysToGetFromMs).thenCompose(values -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
if (values.containsValue(null)) {
// Zone was deleted
return nullCompletedFuture();
Map<Node, Integer> dataNodesFromMetaStorage = extractDataNodes(values.get(zoneDataNodesKey(zoneId)));
long scaleUpTriggerRevision = extractChangeTriggerRevision(values.get(zoneScaleUpChangeTriggerKey(zoneId)));
long scaleDownTriggerRevision = extractChangeTriggerRevision(values.get(zoneScaleDownChangeTriggerKey(zoneId)));
if (revision <= scaleUpTriggerRevision) {
"Revision of the event is less than the scale up revision from the metastorage "
+ "[zoneId = {}, revision = {}, scaleUpTriggerRevision = {}]",
return nullCompletedFuture();
List<Node> deltaToAdd = zoneState.nodesToBeAddedToDataNodes(scaleUpTriggerRevision, revision);
Map<Node, Integer> newDataNodes = new HashMap<>(dataNodesFromMetaStorage);
deltaToAdd.forEach(n -> newDataNodes.merge(n, 1, Integer::sum));
// Update dataNodes, so nodeId will be updated with the latest seen data on the node.
// For example, node could be restarted with new nodeId, we need to update it in the data nodes.
deltaToAdd.forEach(n -> newDataNodes.put(n, newDataNodes.remove(n)));
// Remove redundant nodes that are not presented in the data nodes.
newDataNodes.entrySet().removeIf(e -> e.getValue() == 0);
Update dataNodesAndTriggerKeyUpd = updateDataNodesAndScaleUpTriggerKey(zoneId, revision, toBytes(newDataNodes));
Iif iif = iif(
triggerScaleUpScaleDownKeysCondition(scaleUpTriggerRevision, scaleDownTriggerRevision, zoneId),
return metaStorageManager.invoke(iif)
.thenCompose(invokeResult -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
if (invokeResult) {
// TODO: Properly utilise this map
// Currently we call clean up only on a node that successfully writes data nodes.
"Updating data nodes for a zone after scale up has succeeded "
+ "[zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
zoneState.cleanUp(Math.min(scaleDownTriggerRevision, revision));
} else {
LOG.debug("Updating data nodes for a zone after scale up has not succeeded "
+ "[zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
return saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleUp(zoneId, revision);
return nullCompletedFuture();
})).whenComplete((v, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
LOG.warn("Failed to update zones' dataNodes value after scale up [zoneId = {}, revision = {}]",
e, zoneId, revision);
} finally {
* Method updates data nodes value for the specified zone after scale down timer timeout, sets {@code revision} to the
* {@link DistributionZonesUtil#zoneScaleDownChangeTriggerKey(int)} if it passes the condition.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone
* @param revision Revision of an event that has triggered this method.
CompletableFuture<Void> saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(int zoneId, long revision) {
if (!busyLock.enterBusy()) {
throw new IgniteInternalException(NODE_STOPPING_ERR, new NodeStoppingException());
try {
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(zoneId);
if (zoneState == null) {
// Zone was deleted
return nullCompletedFuture();
Set<ByteArray> keysToGetFromMs = Set.of(
return metaStorageManager.getAll(keysToGetFromMs).thenCompose(values -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
if (values.containsValue(null)) {
// Zone was deleted
return nullCompletedFuture();
Map<Node, Integer> dataNodesFromMetaStorage = extractDataNodes(values.get(zoneDataNodesKey(zoneId)));
long scaleUpTriggerRevision = extractChangeTriggerRevision(values.get(zoneScaleUpChangeTriggerKey(zoneId)));
long scaleDownTriggerRevision = extractChangeTriggerRevision(values.get(zoneScaleDownChangeTriggerKey(zoneId)));
if (revision <= scaleDownTriggerRevision) {
"Revision of the event is less than the scale down revision from the metastorage "
+ "[zoneId = {}, revision = {}, scaleUpTriggerRevision = {}]",
return nullCompletedFuture();
List<Node> deltaToRemove = zoneState.nodesToBeRemovedFromDataNodes(scaleDownTriggerRevision, revision);
Map<Node, Integer> newDataNodes = new HashMap<>(dataNodesFromMetaStorage);
deltaToRemove.forEach(n -> newDataNodes.merge(n, -1, Integer::sum));
// Remove redundant nodes that are not presented in the data nodes.
newDataNodes.entrySet().removeIf(e -> e.getValue() == 0);
Update dataNodesAndTriggerKeyUpd = updateDataNodesAndScaleDownTriggerKey(zoneId, revision, toBytes(newDataNodes));
Iif iif = iif(
triggerScaleUpScaleDownKeysCondition(scaleUpTriggerRevision, scaleDownTriggerRevision, zoneId),
return metaStorageManager.invoke(iif)
.thenCompose(invokeResult -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
if (invokeResult) {
"Updating data nodes for a zone after scale down has succeeded "
+ "[zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
// TODO: Properly utilise this map
// Currently we call clean up only on a node that successfully writes data nodes.
zoneState.cleanUp(Math.min(scaleUpTriggerRevision, revision));
} else {
LOG.debug("Updating data nodes for a zone after scale down has not succeeded "
+ "[zoneId = {}, dataNodes = {}, revision = {}]",
return saveDataNodesToMetaStorageOnScaleDown(zoneId, revision);
return nullCompletedFuture();
})).whenComplete((v, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
LOG.warn("Failed to update zones' dataNodes value after scale down [zoneId = {}]", e, zoneId);
} finally {
* Class responsible for storing state for a distribution zone.
* States are needed to track nodes that we want to add or remove from the data nodes,
* to schedule and stop scale up and scale down processes.
public static class ZoneState {
/** Schedule task for a scale up process. */
private ScheduledFuture<?> scaleUpTask;
/** Schedule task for a scale down process. */
private ScheduledFuture<?> scaleDownTask;
/** The delay for the scale up task. */
private long scaleUpTaskDelay;
/** The delay for the scale down task. */
private long scaleDownTaskDelay;
* Map that stores pairs revision -> {@link Augmentation} for a zone. With this map we can track which nodes
* should be added or removed in the processes of scale up or scale down. Revision helps to track visibility of the events
* of adding or removing nodes because any process of scale up or scale down has a revision that triggered this process.
private final ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Augmentation> topologyAugmentationMap;
/** Executor for scheduling tasks for scale up and scale down processes. */
private final StripedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor;
* Constructor.
* @param executor Executor for scheduling tasks for scale up and scale down processes.
ZoneState(StripedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
topologyAugmentationMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
* Constructor.
* @param executor Executor for scheduling tasks for scale up and scale down processes.
* @param topologyAugmentationMap Map that stores pairs revision -> {@link Augmentation} for a zone. With this map we can
* track which nodes should be added or removed in the processes of scale up or scale down. Revision helps to track
* visibility of the events of adding or removing nodes because any process of scale up or scale down has a revision that
* triggered this process.
ZoneState(StripedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor, ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Augmentation> topologyAugmentationMap) {
this.executor = executor;
this.topologyAugmentationMap = topologyAugmentationMap;
* Map that stores pairs revision -> {@link Augmentation} for a zone. With this map we can track which nodes
* should be added or removed in the processes of scale up or scale down. Revision helps to track visibility of the events
* of adding or removing nodes because any process of scale up or scale down has a revision that triggered this process.
public ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Augmentation> topologyAugmentationMap() {
return topologyAugmentationMap;
* Reschedules existing scale up task, if it is not started yet and the delay of this task is not immediate,
* or schedules new one, if the current task cannot be canceled.
* @param delay Delay to start runnable in seconds.
* @param runnable Custom logic to run.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone to determine the executor of the task.
public synchronized void rescheduleScaleUp(long delay, Runnable runnable, int zoneId) {
scaleUpTask = executor.schedule(runnable, delay, SECONDS, zoneId);
scaleUpTaskDelay = delay;
* Reschedules existing scale down task, if it is not started yet and the delay of this task is not immediate,
* or schedules new one, if the current task cannot be canceled.
* @param delay Delay to start runnable in seconds.
* @param runnable Custom logic to run.
* @param zoneId Unique id of a zone to determine the executor of the task.
public synchronized void rescheduleScaleDown(long delay, Runnable runnable, int zoneId) {
scaleDownTask = executor.schedule(runnable, delay, SECONDS, zoneId);
scaleDownTaskDelay = delay;
* Cancels task for scale up and scale down. Used on {@link #onDropZoneBusy(DropZoneEventParameters)}.
* Not need to check {@code scaleUpTaskDelay} and {@code scaleDownTaskDelay} because after timer stopping on zone delete event
* the data nodes value will be updated.
synchronized void stopTimers() {
if (scaleUpTask != null) {
if (scaleDownTask != null) {
* Cancels task for scale up if it is not started yet and the delay of this task is not immediate.
synchronized void stopScaleUp() {
if (scaleUpTask != null && scaleUpTaskDelay > 0) {
* Cancels task for scale down if it is not started yet and the delay of this task is not immediate.
synchronized void stopScaleDown() {
if (scaleDownTask != null && scaleDownTaskDelay > 0) {
* Returns a set of nodes that should be added to zone's data nodes.
* @param scaleUpRevision Last revision of the scale up event. Nodes that were associated with this event
* or with the lower revisions, won't be included in the accumulation.
* @param revision Revision of the event for which this data nodes is needed.
* Nodes that were associated with this event will be included.
* @return List of nodes that should be added to zone's data nodes.
List<Node> nodesToBeAddedToDataNodes(long scaleUpRevision, long revision) {
return accumulateNodes(scaleUpRevision, revision, true);
* Returns a set of nodes that should be removed from zone's data nodes.
* @param scaleDownRevision Last revision of the scale down event. Nodes that were associated with this event
* or with the lower revisions, won't be included in the accumulation.
* @param revision Revision of the event for which this data nodes is needed.
* Nodes that were associated with this event will be included.
* @return List of nodes that should be removed from zone's data nodes.
List<Node> nodesToBeRemovedFromDataNodes(long scaleDownRevision, long revision) {
return accumulateNodes(scaleDownRevision, revision, false);
* Add nodes to the map where nodes that must be added to the zone's data nodes are accumulated.
* @param nodes Nodes to add to zone's data nodes.
* @param revision Revision of the event that triggered this addition.
void nodesToAddToDataNodes(Set<Node> nodes, long revision) {
topologyAugmentationMap.put(revision, new Augmentation(nodes, true));
* Add nodes to the map where nodes that must be removed from the zone's data nodes are accumulated.
* @param nodes Nodes to remove from zone's data nodes.
* @param revision Revision of the event that triggered this addition.
void nodesToRemoveFromDataNodes(Set<Node> nodes, long revision) {
topologyAugmentationMap.put(revision, new Augmentation(nodes, false));
* Accumulate nodes from the {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap} starting from the {@code fromKey} (excluding)
* to the {@code toKey} (including), where flag {@code addition} indicates whether we should accumulate nodes that should be
* added to data nodes, or removed.
* @param fromKey Starting key (excluding).
* @param toKey Ending key (including).
* @param addition Indicates whether we should accumulate nodes that should be added to data nodes, or removed.
* @return Accumulated nodes.
private List<Node> accumulateNodes(long fromKey, long toKey, boolean addition) {
return topologyAugmentationMap.subMap(fromKey, false, toKey, true).values()
.filter(a -> a.addition == addition)
.flatMap(a ->
* Cleans {@code topologyAugmentationMap} to the key, to which is safe to delete.
* Safe means that this key was handled both by scale up and scale down schedulers.
* @param toKey Key in map to which is safe to delete data from {@code topologyAugmentationMap}.
private void cleanUp(long toKey) {
topologyAugmentationMap.headMap(toKey, true).clear();
* Returns the highest revision which is presented in the {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap()} taking into account
* the {@code addition} flag.
* @param addition Flag indicating the type of the nodes for which we want to find the highest revision.
* @return The highest revision which is presented in the {@link ZoneState#topologyAugmentationMap()} taking into account
* the {@code addition} flag.
Optional<Long> highestRevision(boolean addition) {
return topologyAugmentationMap().entrySet()
.filter(e -> e.getValue().addition == addition)
public synchronized ScheduledFuture<?> scaleUpTask() {
return scaleUpTask;
public synchronized ScheduledFuture<?> scaleDownTask() {
return scaleDownTask;
* Class stores the info about nodes that should be added or removed from the data nodes of a zone.
* With flag {@code addition} we can track whether {@code nodeNames} should be added or removed.
public static class Augmentation implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7957428671075739621L;
/** Names of the node. */
private final Set<Node> nodes;
/** Flag that indicates whether {@code nodeNames} should be added or removed. */
private final boolean addition;
Augmentation(Set<Node> nodes, boolean addition) {
this.nodes = unmodifiableSet(nodes);
this.addition = addition;
public boolean addition() {
return addition;
public Set<Node> nodes() {
return nodes;
* Returns local mapping of {@code nodeId} -> node's attributes, where {@code nodeId} is a node id, that changes between restarts.
* This map is updated every time we receive a topology event in a {@code topologyWatchListener}.
* @return Mapping {@code nodeId} -> node's attributes.
public Map<String, NodeWithAttributes> nodesAttributes() {
return nodesAttributes;
public Map<Integer, ZoneState> zonesState() {
return zonesState;
public Set<NodeWithAttributes> logicalTopology() {
return logicalTopology;
private void registerCatalogEventListenersOnStartManagerBusy() {
catalogManager.listen(ZONE_CREATE, (CreateZoneEventParameters parameters) -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
return onCreateZone(parameters.zoneDescriptor(), parameters.causalityToken()).thenApply((ignored) -> false);
catalogManager.listen(ZONE_DROP, (DropZoneEventParameters parameters) -> inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> {
return onDropZoneBusy(parameters).thenApply((ignored) -> false);
catalogManager.listen(ZONE_ALTER, new ManagerCatalogAlterZoneEventListener());
private CompletableFuture<Void> createOrRestoreZonesStates(long recoveryRevision) {
int catalogVersion = catalogManager.latestCatalogVersion();
List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
// TODO: IGNITE-20287 Clean up abandoned resources for dropped tables from vault and metastore
for (CatalogZoneDescriptor zone : catalogManager.zones(catalogVersion)) {
futures.add(restoreZoneStateBusy(zone, recoveryRevision));
return allOf(futures.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new));
* Restore the event of the updating the logical topology from Meta Storage, that has not been completed before restart.
* Also start scale up/scale down timers.
* @param recoveryRevision Revision of the Meta Storage after its recovery.
* @return Future that represents the pending completion of the operations.
private CompletableFuture<Void> restoreLogicalTopologyChangeEventAndStartTimers(long recoveryRevision) {
Entry topologyEntry = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zonesLogicalTopologyKey(), recoveryRevision);
if (topologyEntry.value() != null) {
Set<NodeWithAttributes> newLogicalTopology = fromBytes(topologyEntry.value());
long topologyRevision = topologyEntry.revision();
// It is safe to get the latest version of the catalog as we are in the starting process.
int catalogVersion = catalogManager.latestCatalogVersion();
Entry lastUpdateRevisionEntry = metaStorageManager.getLocally(zonesRecoverableStateRevision(), recoveryRevision);
if (lastUpdateRevisionEntry.value() == null || topologyRevision > bytesToLong(lastUpdateRevisionEntry.value())) {
return onLogicalTopologyUpdate(newLogicalTopology, recoveryRevision, catalogVersion);
} else {
return restoreTimers(catalogVersion);
return nullCompletedFuture();
private class ManagerCatalogAlterZoneEventListener extends CatalogAlterZoneEventListener {
private ManagerCatalogAlterZoneEventListener() {
protected CompletableFuture<Void> onAutoAdjustScaleUpUpdate(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters, int oldAutoAdjustScaleUp) {
return inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> onUpdateScaleUpBusy(parameters));
protected CompletableFuture<Void> onAutoAdjustScaleDownUpdate(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters, int oldAutoAdjustScaleDown) {
return inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> onUpdateScaleDownBusy(parameters));
protected CompletableFuture<Void> onFilterUpdate(AlterZoneEventParameters parameters, String oldFilter) {
return inBusyLock(busyLock, () -> onUpdateFilter(parameters));
private CompletableFuture<Void> onDropZoneBusy(DropZoneEventParameters parameters) {
int zoneId = parameters.zoneId();
long causalityToken = parameters.causalityToken();
ZoneState zoneState = zonesState.get(zoneId);
return removeTriggerKeysAndDataNodes(zoneId, causalityToken).thenRun(() -> {
causalityDataNodesEngine.onDelete(causalityToken, zoneId);