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= Apache Ignite Documentation
Apache Ignite is a distributed database for high-performance computing with in-memory speed.
The technical documentation introduces you to the key capabilities, shows how to use certain features of
the current Apache Ignite version.
NOTE: Though this alpha release version does not support most of the Apache Ignite functionality,
it introduces several new features, which are to be accompanied with other improvements from the link:[Ignite Enhancement Proposal,window=_blank] list.
This alpha version of Apache Ignite, incorporating all the best solutions over the past years,
possesses the highest level of usability thanks to the following improvements:
* Schema-first approach: This feature introduces one-to-one mapping between data schemas and caches/tables,
which means that the schema is defined for a cache/table before its creation.
* Unified Configuration: This feature is presented by a set of the following improvements:
- Platform-agnostic configuration representation
- Clear separation between configuration and any third-party code
- Predictable configuration lifecycle
- Consistent runtime configuration change support
* Ignite CLI tool: This tool functions as a single sign-on for any operational, management, and development needs.
* See a link:[full list of improvements,window=_blank].
== New in Alpha 2
Apache Ignite Alpha 2 comes with the following new features:
- Added replication infrastructure based on Raft.
- New in-memory atomic storage with the basic insert-read functionality.
- New schema management engine and API.
== Known Issues
Due to changes between alpha 1 and alpha 2, Ignite cluster configuration commands no longer work. This will be fixed in alpha 3.
Affected commands: `config`, `config get`, `config set`.