blob: b966841c9e841e65d09282fead1398c07c0d6efe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import static org.apache.ignite.internal.testframework.IgniteTestUtils.assertThrowsWithCause;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.table.Table;
import org.apache.ignite.table.Tuple;
import org.apache.ignite.table.mapper.Mapper;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Tests marshaller, ensures consistent behavior across client and embedded modes.
public class ItThinClientMarshallingTest extends ItAbstractThinClientTest {
protected Ignite ignite() {
return client();
public void testUnmappedPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var pojoView = table.recordView(TestPojo2.class);
var pojo = new TestPojo2();
pojo.key = 1;
pojo.val = "val";
pojo.unmapped = "unmapped";
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> pojoView.upsert(null, pojo), IllegalArgumentException.class);
"Fields [unmapped, unmapped2] of type "
+ "$TestPojo2 are not mapped to columns",
public void testKvUnmappedKeyPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var kvPojoView = table.keyValueView(TestPojo.class, TestPojo.class);
var pojo = new TestPojo();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> kvPojoView.put(null, pojo, pojo), IllegalArgumentException.class);
"Fields [val] of type$TestPojo "
+ "are not mapped to columns",
public void testKvUnmappedValPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var kvPojoView = table.keyValueView(Integer.class, TestPojo.class);
var pojo = new TestPojo();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> kvPojoView.put(null, 1, pojo), IllegalArgumentException.class);
"Fields [key] of type$TestPojo "
+ "are not mapped to columns",
public void testUnmappedTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
var tuple = Tuple.create().set("key", 1).set("val", "val").set("unmapped", "unmapped");
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.upsert(null, tuple), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Tuple doesn't match schema: schemaVersion=1, extraColumns=[UNMAPPED]", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvUnmappedKeyTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
var tuple = Tuple.create().set("key", 1).set("val", "val");
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.put(null, tuple, tuple), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Key tuple doesn't match schema: schemaVersion=1, extraColumns=[VAL]", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvUnmappedValTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
var key = Tuple.create().set("key", 1);
var tuple = Tuple.create().set("key", 1).set("val", "val");
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.put(null, key, tuple), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Value tuple doesn't match schema: schemaVersion=1, extraColumns=[KEY]", ex.getMessage());
public void testMissingPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var pojoView = table.recordView(MissingFieldPojo.class);
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> pojoView.upsert(null, new MissingFieldPojo()), IllegalArgumentException.class);
assertEquals("No mapped object field found for column 'KEY'", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvMissingKeyPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var kvPojoView = table.keyValueView(MissingFieldPojo.class, String.class);
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> kvPojoView.put(null, new MissingFieldPojo(), ""), IllegalArgumentException.class);
assertEquals("No mapped object field found for column 'KEY'", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvMissingValPojoFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var kvPojoView = table.keyValueView(Integer.class, MissingFieldPojo.class);
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> kvPojoView.put(null, 1, new MissingFieldPojo()), IllegalArgumentException.class);
assertEquals("No mapped object field found for column 'VAL'", ex.getMessage());
public void testMissingKeyTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.upsert(null, Tuple.create()), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Missed key column: KEY", ex.getMessage());
public void testMissingValTupleFields() {
var tableName = "testMissingValTupleFields";
ignite().sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (KEY INT PRIMARY KEY, VAL VARCHAR NOT NULL)");
Table table = ignite().tables().table(tableName);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.upsert(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1)), IgniteException.class);
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("Column 'VAL' does not allow NULLs"));
public void testKvMissingKeyTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.put(null, Tuple.create(), Tuple.create()), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Missed key column: KEY", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvMissingValTupleFields() {
var tableName = "testKvMissingValTupleFields";
ignite().sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (KEY INT PRIMARY KEY, VAL VARCHAR NOT NULL)");
Table table = ignite().tables().table(tableName);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(
() -> tupleView.put(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1), Tuple.create()),
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("Column 'VAL' does not allow NULLs"));
public void testMissingTupleFieldsWithDefaultValue() {
var tableName = "testMissingTupleFieldsWithDefaultValue";
Table table = ignite().tables().table(tableName);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
tupleView.upsert(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1));
assertEquals("def", tupleView.get(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1)).value("VAL"));
public void testIncompatiblePojoFieldType() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var pojoView = table.recordView(Mapper.of(IncompatibleFieldPojo.class));
IncompatibleFieldPojo rec = new IncompatibleFieldPojo();
rec.key = "1";
rec.val = BigDecimal.ONE;
Throwable ex = assertThrows(IgniteException.class, () -> pojoView.upsert(null, rec));
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), startsWith("Column's type mismatch"));
public void testIncompatiblePojoFieldType2() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var pojoView = table.recordView(Mapper.of(IncompatibleFieldPojo2.class));
IncompatibleFieldPojo2 rec = new IncompatibleFieldPojo2();
rec.key = -1;
rec.val = "f";
Throwable ex = assertThrows(IgniteException.class, () -> pojoView.upsert(null, rec));
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), startsWith("Column's type mismatch"));
public void testIncompatibleTupleElementType() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Tuple rec = Tuple.create().set("KEY", "1").set("VAL", BigDecimal.ONE);
Throwable ex = assertThrows(IgniteException.class, () -> tupleView.upsert(null, rec));
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), startsWith("Column's type mismatch"));
public void testBoxedPrimitivePojo() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var pojoView = table.recordView(Mapper.of(BoxedPrimitivePojo.class));
BoxedPrimitivePojo rec = new BoxedPrimitivePojo();
rec.key = -1;
rec.val = "f";
pojoView.upsert(null, rec);
assertEquals("f", pojoView.get(null, rec).val);
public void testBoxedPrimitiveTuple() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Integer key = -1;
Tuple rec = Tuple.create().set("KEY", key).set("VAL", "v");
tupleView.upsert(null, rec);
assertEquals("v", tupleView.get(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", key)).value("VAL"));
public void testNullKeyTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.upsert(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", null)), IgniteException.class);
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("Column 'KEY' does not allow NULLs"));
public void testNullValTupleFields() {
var tableName = "testNullValTupleFields";
ignite().sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (KEY INT PRIMARY KEY, VAL VARCHAR NOT NULL)");
Table table = ignite().tables().table(tableName);
var tupleView = table.recordView();
Tuple rec = Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1).set("VAL", null);
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.upsert(null, rec), IgniteException.class);
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("Column 'VAL' does not allow NULLs"));
public void testKvNullKeyTupleFields() {
Table table = ignite().tables().table(TABLE_NAME);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(() -> tupleView.put(null, Tuple.create(), Tuple.create()), IgniteException.class);
assertEquals("Missed key column: KEY", ex.getMessage());
public void testKvNullValTupleFields() {
var tableName = "testKvNullValTupleFields";
ignite().sql().execute(null, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (KEY INT PRIMARY KEY, VAL VARCHAR NOT NULL)");
Table table = ignite().tables().table(tableName);
var tupleView = table.keyValueView();
Throwable ex = assertThrowsWithCause(
() -> tupleView.put(null, Tuple.create().set("KEY", 1), Tuple.create().set("VAL", null)),
assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("Column 'VAL' does not allow NULLs"));
private static class TestPojo2 {
public int key;
public String val;
public String unmapped;
public String unmapped2;
public static String staticField;
public transient String transientField;
private static class MissingFieldPojo {
public int unknown;
private static class IncompatibleFieldPojo {
public String key; // Must be int.
public BigDecimal val;
private static class IncompatibleFieldPojo2 {
public short key; // Must be int.
public String val;
private static class BoxedPrimitivePojo {
public Integer key;
public String val;