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= Volatile Storage
== Overview
Ignite Volatile storage is designed to provide a quick and responsive storage without guarantees of data persistence.
When it is enabled for the data region, Ignite stores all data in the data region in RAM. Data will be lost on cluster shutdown, so make sure to have a separate data region for persistent storage.
== Configuration Parameters
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
|name|| The name of the data region.
|initSize|`256 * 1024 * 1024`| Sets the initial space allocated to the data region.
|maxSize|`256 * 1024 * 1024`| Sets the maximum space that can be allocated to the data region.
|evictionMode|`DISABLED`| Sets the eviction algorithm to use. Possible values: `DISABLED`, `RANDOM_LRU`, `RANDOM_2_LRU`.
|evictionThreshold|`0.9`| Configures when the eviction process starts.
|emptyPagesPoolSize|100| The maximum number of empty pages Ignite will try to keep.
|pageSize|16384| The size of pages in the storage, in bytes.
|memoryAllocator.type|unsafe|Memory allocator configuration. Uses `sun.misc.Unsafe` to improve performance. Currently, no other options are available.
== Configuration Example
The example below shows how to configure one data region that uses volatile storage:
ignite config set --type cluster \
aimem.regions: [{
name: btree_volatile_region,
maxSize: 256000000