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= RocksDB Storage
RocksDB is a persistent storage engine based on LSM tree. It is best used in environments with a large number of write requests.
When the link:config/data-region[data region] is configured to use it, Ignite stores all the data on disk, and loads as much data as it can into RAM for processing.
== Configuration Properties
Below is the list of properties for link:[RocksDB,window=_blank] data regions:
[cols="1,1,3",opts="header", stripes=none]
|name|| The name of the data region.
|size| `256 * 1024 * 1024` | Size of the offheap cache.
|writeBufferSize | `64 * 1024 * 1024` | Size of the write buffer.
|cache| `lru` | The type of the cache to use. Currently only lru is supported. Using `clock` cache is not recommended.
|numShardBits| `-1` | The number of parts the cache is sharded to.
|flushDelayMillis |100| The delay before handling RocksDB flush events.
== Configuration Example
The example below shows how to configure a data region with RocksDB storage:
ignite config set --type cluster \
rocksDb.regions: [{
name: lsm_region,
size: 256000000,
cache: lru