blob: 3937bd3ecc4b1391b4f060e5c6cb839edaaa859d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# All files
# Code analysis
dotnet_diagnostic.SA0001.severity = none # Enable xmldoc file generation
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1600.severity = none # Elements should be documented
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1601.severity = none # Partial classes should be documented
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1602.severity = none # Enums should be documented
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1001.severity = none # Types that own disposable fields should be disposable
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1063.severity = none # Implement IDisposable correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1816.severity = none # Dispose must call SuppressFinalize
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2000.severity = none # Call Dispose
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2007.severity = none # Call ConfigureAwait (not needed in tests)
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1031.severity = none # DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1801.severity = none # UnusedParameters
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = none # Validate parameters.
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1308.severity = none # Normalize to upper case
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1014.severity = none # Mark assemblies with CLSCompliant
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1002.severity = none # Do not expose generic lists
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1051.severity = none # Do not declare visible instance fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1720.severity = none # Identifier contains type name
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1307.severity = none # Specify StringComparison for clarity
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2201.severity = none # Do not raise reserved exception types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1508.severity = none # Avoid dead conditional code
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1305.severity = none # Specify IFormatProvider
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1819.severity = none # Properties should not return arrays
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1812.severity = none # Avoid uninstantiated internal classes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5394.severity = none # Use secure random
dotnet_diagnostic.NUnit2005.severity = none # Consider using the constraint model
dotnet_diagnostic.NUnit2006.severity = none # Consider using the constraint model
dotnet_diagnostic.NUnit2015.severity = none # Consider using the constraint model
dotnet_diagnostic.NUnit2031.severity = none # Consider using the constraint model
# ReSharper (refer to
resharper_using_statement_resource_initialization_highlighting = none # Do not use object initializer for 'using' variable