blob: 656b999d2ef5b6c406b219775400144c5a6a537a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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= Getting Started Guide
This guide provides essential details on how to start working with Ignite 3.0 Alpha 5 by using the Ignite CLI tool, including the following information:
* How to download and install the tool.
* How to use the Ignite CLI tool to manage nodes.
* How to run built-in examples.
* Additional information regarding the use of the tool.
== Prerequisites
Ignite 3.0 Alpha 5 was officially tested on:
== Installing Ignite CLI Tool
To download and install the Ignite CLI Tool, follow the steps below:
. Download the archive with the Ignite CLI tool:
curl -L "" -o
tab:Windows (PowerShell)[]
tab:Windows (CMD)[]
. Unpack the archive:
unzip && cd apache-ignite-3.0.0-alpha5
tab:Windows (PowerShell)[]
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . ; cd apache-ignite-3.0.0-alpha5
tab:Windows (CMD)[]
tar -xf & cd apache-ignite-3.0.0-alpha5
. Add your installation directory to the PATH environment variable:
echo 'export PATH="'`pwd`':$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile && source
tab:Windows (PowerShell)[]
$ENV:PATH += ";."
tab:Windows (CMD)[]
set PATH=%cd%;%PATH%
NOTE: On Windows, this latter change is not permanent and only affects the current terminal session. If you want the
`ignite` command to be available after terminal or system restart, use the `System Properties` dialog to
permanently update the `PATH` environment variable by adding a full path to the Ignite installation directory.
== Using Ignite CLI Tool
Ignite CLI is a single entry point for all the Ignite operations. You can perform the following actions with it:
* Manage existing nodes.
* Install new nodes.
* Update old nodes to new versions.
* Install or remove optional modules.
Let's use some of the \<<Ignite CLI Tool Commands>>.
. Use the command below to see the full list:
[source, shell]
. Pass the `--help` parameter to the previous command to get its detailed description:
[source, shell]
ignite bootstrap --help
== Installing Ignite Artifacts and Dependencies
Ignite CLI allows to install Ignite modules and 3rd party Maven dependencies.
WARNING: If you have installed one of the Ignite 3 Alpha releases before, please remove the `~/.ignitecfg` file before proceeding. This is a temporary step, the procedure will be improved in the future releases.
. To start an Ignite 3.0 Alpha 5 cluster, you need to install Ignite core artifacts first:
[source, shell]
ignite init
. Use the `module add` command to download Guava from Maven and add it to the Ignite classpath:
[source, shell]
ignite module add
. Confirm the library is added to the Ignite dependencies list:
[source, shell]
ignite module list
== Starting a Node
This section explains how to start a node, how to stop, and perform other basic operations with it.
. Start a cluster node setting `my-first-node` as a node unique identifier:
[source, shell]
ignite node start --config=examples/config/ignite-config.json my-first-node
. Confirm the node is started and running:
[source, shell]
ignite node list
This command also displays the path to the log file.
. To view the log, use the log file path from the previous step result. To open the log file, use any suitable approach.
For example, use the `cat` command on a Unix operating system.
== Built-in Examples
Ignite 3.0 Alpha 5 comes with examples that are configured as a separate Maven project located in the `examples` folder.
The project includes the following examples:
* `RecordViewExample` demonstrates the usage of the `org.apache.ignite.table.RecordView` API to create a table. It also shows how to get data from a table, or insert a line into a table.
* `KeyValueViewExample` - demonstrates the usage of the `org.apache.ignite.table.KeyValueView` API to insert a line into a table.
* `SqlJdbcExample` - demonstrates the usage of the Apache Ignite JDBC driver.
To run any example, perform the following steps:
. Import the examples project into your IDE.
. Start a server node using the CLI tool:
[source, shell script]
ignite node start --config=$IGNITE_HOME/examples/config/ignite-config.json my-first-node
. Run the preferred example in the IDE.
== Stopping the Cluster
To stop the node, use the command below passing `my-first-node` as a node unique identifier:
[source, shell]
ignite node stop my-first-node
== Next Steps
From here, you may want to:
* Check out the link:ignite-cli-tool[Ignite CLI Tool] page for more detail on supported commands.
//== Apache Ignite Configuration
//Apache Ignite uses HOCON configuration format.
//For more detail, please see the link:[HOCON documentation,window=_blank].