blob: 1254482d3bb10f1fdaceb917f23974afb2b78f54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.lang;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.ignite.error.code.annotations.ErrorCodeGroup;
* Defines error groups and its errors.
public class ErrorGroups {
/** List of all registered error groups. */
private static final Int2ObjectMap<ErrorGroup> registeredGroups = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
* Initializes and register all error groups and error codes.
public static synchronized void initialize() {
for (Class<?> cls : ErrorGroups.class.getDeclaredClasses()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize error groups", e);
* Creates a new error group with the given {@code groupName} and {@code groupCode}.
* @param groupName Group name to be created.
* @param groupCode Group code to be created.
* @return New error group.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified name or group code already registered.
* Also, this exception is thrown if the given {@code groupName} is {@code null} or empty.
public static synchronized ErrorGroup registerGroup(String groupName, short groupCode) {
if (groupName == null || groupName.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Group name is null or empty");
String grpName = groupName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (registeredGroups.containsKey(groupCode)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Error group already registered [groupName=" + groupName + ", groupCode=" + groupCode
+ ", registeredGroup=" + registeredGroups.get(groupCode) + ']');
for (ErrorGroup group : registeredGroups.values()) {
if ( {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Error group already registered [groupName=" + groupName + ", groupCode=" + groupCode
+ ", registeredGroup=" + group + ']');
ErrorGroup newGroup = new ErrorGroup(grpName, groupCode);
registeredGroups.put(groupCode, newGroup);
return newGroup;
* Returns group code extracted from the given full error code.
* @param code Full error code.
* @return Group code.
public static short extractGroupCode(int code) {
return (short) (code >>> 16);
* Returns error group identified by the given {@code groupCode}.
* @param groupCode Group code
* @return Error Group.
public static ErrorGroup errorGroupByGroupCode(short groupCode) {
return registeredGroups.get(groupCode);
* Returns error group identified by the given error {@code code}.
* @param code Full error code
* @return Error Group.
public static ErrorGroup errorGroupByCode(int code) {
ErrorGroup grp = registeredGroups.get(extractGroupCode(code));
assert grp != null : "group not found, code=" + code;
return grp;
/** Common error group. */
public static class Common {
/** Common error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup COMMON_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("CMN", (short) 1);
/** Node stopping error. */
public static final int NODE_STOPPING_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Component not started error. */
public static final int COMPONENT_NOT_STARTED_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Illegal argument or argument in a wrong format has been passed. */
public static final int ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** SSL can not be configured error. */
public static final int SSL_CONFIGURATION_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Operation failed because a node has left the cluster. */
public static final int NODE_LEFT_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Cursor is already closed error. */
public static final int CURSOR_ALREADY_CLOSED_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Resource closing error. */
public static final int RESOURCE_CLOSING_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
* This error code represents an internal error caused by faulty logic or coding in the Ignite codebase.
* In general, this error code should be considered as a non-recoverable error
public static final int INTERNAL_ERR = COMMON_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 0xFFFF);
/** Tables error group. */
public static class Table {
/** Table error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup TABLE_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("TBL", (short) 2);
/** Table already exists. */
public static final int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Table not found. */
public static final int TABLE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Column already exists. */
public static final int COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Column not found. */
public static final int COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Table is stopping. */
public static final int TABLE_STOPPING_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) (5));
/** Table definition is incorrect. */
public static final int TABLE_DEFINITION_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Schema version mismatch. */
public static final int SCHEMA_VERSION_MISMATCH_ERR = TABLE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Client error group. */
public static class Client {
/** Client error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup CLIENT_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("CLIENT", (short) 3);
/** Connection failed. */
public static final int CONNECTION_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Protocol breakdown. */
public static final int PROTOCOL_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Incompatible protocol version. */
public static final int PROTOCOL_COMPATIBILITY_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Table not found by ID. */
public static final int TABLE_ID_NOT_FOUND_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Authentication error. */
public static final int AUTHENTICATION_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Authorization error. */
public static final int AUTHORIZATION_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Configuration error. */
public static final int CONFIGURATION_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Cluster ID mismatch error. */
public static final int CLUSTER_ID_MISMATCH_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 8);
/** Client SSL configuration error. */
public static final int CLIENT_SSL_CONFIGURATION_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 9);
/** Client handshake header error. */
public static final int HANDSHAKE_HEADER_ERR = CLIENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 10);
/** SQL error group. */
public static class Sql {
/** SQL error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup SQL_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("SQL", (short) 4);
/** Query without a result set error. */
public static final int QUERY_NO_RESULT_SET_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Schema not found. */
public static final int SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Statement parsing error. This error is returned when an SQL statement string is not valid according to syntax rules. */
public static final int STMT_PARSE_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
* Statement validation error. Although statement is grammatically correct, the semantic is in question.
* This error may appear in following cases:
* <ul>
* <li>the statement refer to relation that doesn't exists.</li>
* <li>the statement describes action that is prohibited by the system, like changing columns belonging to primary keys.</li>
* <li>the statement contains operation that is not defined for given operands' types, like addition of DATE and DECIMAL.</li>
* <li>etc</li>
* </ul>
* <p>See message for details.
public static final int STMT_VALIDATION_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Constraint violation error such as primary key violation. */
public static final int CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Statement canceled error. Statement is canceled due to timeout, admin action, etc. */
public static final int EXECUTION_CANCELLED_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 8);
* Runtime error. Errors caused by programming errors in SQL statement itself, such errors happen during statement execution:
* <ul>
* <li>Numeric overflow errors.</li>
* <li>Type conversion errors such as {@code SELECT CAST('abc' AS INTEGER)}.</li>
* <li>Function execution errors.</li>
* </ul>
public static final int RUNTIME_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 9);
/** Planning timed out without finding any valid plan. */
public static final int PLANNING_TIMEOUT_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 10);
* SQL engine was unable to map query on current cluster topology.
* <p>This may be due to a variety of reasons, but most probably because of all nodes hosting certain system view
* or a table partition went offline.
* <p>See error message for details.
public static final int MAPPING_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 11);
/** Execution of transaction control statement inside an external transaction is forbidden. */
public static final int TX_CONTROL_INSIDE_EXTERNAL_TX_ERR = SQL_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 12);
/** Meta storage error group. */
public static class MetaStorage {
/** Meta storage error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("META", (short) 5);
/** Failed to start the underlying key value storage. */
public static final int STARTING_STORAGE_ERR = META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Failed to restore the underlying key value storage. */
public static final int RESTORING_STORAGE_ERR = META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Failed to compact the underlying key value storage. */
public static final int COMPACTION_ERR = META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Failed to perform an operation on the underlying key value storage. */
public static final int OP_EXECUTION_ERR = META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Failed to perform an operation within a specified time period. Usually in such cases the operation should be retried. */
public static final int OP_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_ERR = META_STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Index error group. */
public static class Index {
/** Index error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup INDEX_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("IDX", (short) 6);
/** Invalid index definition. */
public static final int INVALID_INDEX_DEFINITION_ERR = INDEX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Index not found. */
public static final int INDEX_NOT_FOUND_ERR = INDEX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Index already exists. */
public static final int INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR = INDEX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Transactions error group. */
public static class Transactions {
/** Transactions error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup TX_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("TX", (short) 7);
/** Error of tx state storage. */
public static final int TX_STATE_STORAGE_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Tx state storage is stopped. */
public static final int TX_STATE_STORAGE_STOPPED_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Error of unexpected tx state on state change. */
public static final int TX_UNEXPECTED_STATE_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Failed to acquire a lock on a key due to a conflict. */
public static final int ACQUIRE_LOCK_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Failed to acquire a lock on a key within a timeout. */
public static final int ACQUIRE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Failed to commit a transaction. */
public static final int TX_COMMIT_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Failed to rollback a transaction. */
public static final int TX_ROLLBACK_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Failed to enlist read-write operation into read-only transaction. */
public static final int TX_FAILED_READ_WRITE_OPERATION_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 8);
/** The error happens when the replica is not ready to handle a request. */
public static final int TX_REPLICA_UNAVAILABLE_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 9);
/** Tx state storage rebalancing error. */
public static final int TX_STATE_STORAGE_REBALANCE_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 10);
/** Error occurred when trying to create a read-only transaction with a timestamp older than the data available in the tables. */
public static final int TX_READ_ONLY_TOO_OLD_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 11);
/** Failure due to an incompatible schema change. */
public static final int TX_INCOMPATIBLE_SCHEMA_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 12);
/** Failure due to primary replica expiration. */
public static final int TX_PRIMARY_REPLICA_EXPIRED_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 13);
/** Operation failed because the transaction is already finished. */
public static final int TX_ALREADY_FINISHED_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 14);
/** Failure due to a stale operation of a completed transaction is detected. */
public static final int TX_STALE_OPERATION_ERR = TX_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 15);
/** Replicator error group. */
public static class Replicator {
/** Replicator error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("REP", (short) 8);
/** Common error for the replication procedure. */
public static final int REPLICA_COMMON_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Replica with the same identifier is already existed. */
public static final int REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_STARTED_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Timeout has happened during the replication procedure. */
public static final int REPLICA_TIMEOUT_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** The error happens when the replication level try to handle an unsupported request. */
public static final int REPLICA_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** The error happens when the replica is not ready to handle a request. */
public static final int REPLICA_UNAVAILABLE_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** The error happens when the replica is not the current primary replica. */
public static final int REPLICA_MISS_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Failed to close cursor. */
public static final int CURSOR_CLOSE_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Stopping replica exception code. */
public static final int REPLICA_STOPPING_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 8);
/** Replication safe time reordering. */
public static final int REPLICATION_SAFE_TIME_REORDERING_ERR = REPLICATOR_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 9);
/** Storage error group. */
public static class Storage {
/** Storage error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup STORAGE_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("STORAGE", (short) 9);
/** Default error code when nothing else is specified. */
public static final int GENERIC_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Failed to create a directory. */
public static final int DIRECTORY_CREATION_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Operation on a closed storage. */
public static final int ALREADY_CLOSED_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Storage rebalancing error. */
public static final int STORAGE_REBALANCE_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Operation on a destroyed storage. */
public static final int ALREADY_DESTROYED_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Error reading from an index that has not yet been built. */
public static final int INDEX_NOT_BUILT_ERR = STORAGE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Distribution zones error group. */
public static class DistributionZones {
/** Distribution zones group. */
public static final ErrorGroup DISTRIBUTION_ZONES_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("DISTRZONES", (short) 10);
/** Distribution zone is not found. */
public static final int ZONE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = DISTRIBUTION_ZONES_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Network error group. */
public static class Network {
/** Network error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup NETWORK_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("NETWORK", (short) 11);
/** Unresolvable consistent ID. */
public static final int UNRESOLVABLE_CONSISTENT_ID_ERR = NETWORK_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Port is in use. */
public static final int PORT_IN_USE_ERR = NETWORK_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Recipient node has left the physical topology. */
public static final int RECIPIENT_LEFT_ERR = NETWORK_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Could not resolve address. */
public static final int ADDRESS_UNRESOLVED_ERR = NETWORK_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Node configuration error group. */
public static class NodeConfiguration {
/** Node configuration error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup NODE_CONFIGURATION_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("NODECFG", (short) 12);
/** Config read error. */
public static final int CONFIG_READ_ERR = NODE_CONFIGURATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Config file creation error. */
public static final int CONFIG_FILE_CREATE_ERR = NODE_CONFIGURATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Config write error. */
public static final int CONFIG_WRITE_ERR = NODE_CONFIGURATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Config parse error. */
public static final int CONFIG_PARSE_ERR = NODE_CONFIGURATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Code deployment error group. */
public static class CodeDeployment {
/** Code deployment error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup CODE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("CODEDEPLOY", (short) 13);
/** Access to non-existing deployment unit. */
public static final int UNIT_NOT_FOUND_ERR = CODE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Unit duplicate error. */
public static final int UNIT_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR = CODE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Deployment unit content read error. */
public static final int UNIT_CONTENT_READ_ERR = CODE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Deployment unit is unavailable for computing. */
public static final int UNIT_UNAVAILABLE_ERR = CODE_DEPLOYMENT_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
* Garbage collector error group.
public static class GarbageCollector {
/** Garbage collector error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup GC_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("GC", (short) 14);
/** Garbage collector closed error. */
public static final int CLOSED_ERR = GC_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
* Authentication error group.
public static class Authentication {
/** Authentication error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup AUTHENTICATION_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("AUTHENTICATION", (short) 15);
/** Authentication error caused by unsupported authentication type. */
public static final int UNSUPPORTED_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ERR = AUTHENTICATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Authentication error caused by invalid credentials. */
public static final int INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERR = AUTHENTICATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Basic authentication provider is not found. */
public static final int BASIC_PROVIDER_ERR = AUTHENTICATION_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
* Compute error group.
public static class Compute {
/** Compute error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("COMPUTE", (short) 16);
/** Classpath error. */
public static final int CLASS_PATH_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Class loader error. */
public static final int CLASS_LOADER_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Job class initialization error. */
public static final int CLASS_INITIALIZATION_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);
/** Compute execution queue overflow error. */
public static final int QUEUE_OVERFLOW_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 4);
/** Compute job state transfer error. */
public static final int COMPUTE_JOB_STATE_TRANSITION_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 5);
/** Compute job cancel failed error. */
public static final int CANCELLING_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 6);
/** Compute job result not found error. */
public static final int RESULT_NOT_FOUND_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 7);
/** Compute job status can't be retrieved. */
public static final int FAIL_TO_GET_JOB_STATUS_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 8);
/** Compute job failed. */
public static final int COMPUTE_JOB_FAILED_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 9);
/** Cannot change job priority, compute job not found error. */
public static final int CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY_NO_JOB_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 10);
/** Cannot change job priority, compute job is already executing. */
public static final int CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY_JOB_EXECUTING_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 11);
/** Cannot resolve primary replica for colocated execution. */
public static final int PRIMARY_REPLICA_RESOLVE_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 12);
/** Cannot change job priority. */
public static final int CHANGE_JOB_PRIORITY_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 13);
/** Specified node is not found in the cluster. */
public static final int NODE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = COMPUTE_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 14);
/** Catalog error group. */
public static class Catalog {
/** Catalog error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup CATALOG_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("CATALOG", (short) 17);
/** Command to the catalog has not passed the validation. See exception message for details. */
public static final int VALIDATION_ERR = CATALOG_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Placement driver error group. */
public static class PlacementDriver {
/** Placement driver error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup PLACEMENT_DRIVER_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("PLACEMENTDRIVER", (short) 18);
/** Primary replica await timeout error. */
public static final int PRIMARY_REPLICA_AWAIT_TIMEOUT_ERR = PLACEMENT_DRIVER_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Primary replica await error. */
public static final int PRIMARY_REPLICA_AWAIT_ERR = PLACEMENT_DRIVER_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Critical workers error group. */
public static class CriticalWorkers {
/** Critical workers error group. */
public static final ErrorGroup CRITICAL_WORKERS_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("WORKERS", (short) 19);
/** System worker does not update its heartbeat for a long time. */
public static final int SYSTEM_WORKER_BLOCKED_ERR = CRITICAL_WORKERS_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** System-critical operation timed out. */
public static final int SYSTEM_CRITICAL_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_ERR = CRITICAL_WORKERS_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Disaster recovery error group. */
public static class DisasterRecovery {
/** Disaster recovery group. */
public static final ErrorGroup RECOVERY_ERR_GROUP = registerGroup("RECOVERY", (short) 20);
/** Partitions were not found. */
public static final int PARTITIONS_NOT_FOUND_ERR = RECOVERY_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 1);
/** Nodes were not found. */
public static final int NODES_NOT_FOUND_ERR = RECOVERY_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 2);
/** Error while returning partition states. */
public static final int PARTITION_STATE_ERR = RECOVERY_ERR_GROUP.registerErrorCode((short) 3);