blob: 9dbc31309b7e11fa2dc9502b5b52b486f734fd6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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namespace Apache.Ignite.Tests.Transactions
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;
using Ignite.Transactions;
using Internal;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Table;
using TransactionOptions = Ignite.Transactions.TransactionOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Tests for <see cref="ITransactions"/> and <see cref="ITransaction"/>.
/// </summary>
public class TransactionsTests : IgniteTestsBase
public async Task CleanTable()
await TupleView.DeleteAllAsync(null, Enumerable.Range(1, 3).Select(x => GetTuple(x)));
public async Task TestRecordViewBinaryOperations()
var key = GetTuple(1);
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(null, GetTuple(1, "1"));
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "22"));
Assert.IsFalse(await TupleView.DeleteExactAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "1")));
Assert.IsFalse(await TupleView.InsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "111")));
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "22"), (await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, key)).Value);
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "22"), (await TupleView.GetAndUpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "33"))).Value);
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "33"), (await TupleView.GetAndReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "44"))).Value);
Assert.IsTrue(await TupleView.ReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "55")));
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "55"), (await TupleView.GetAndDeleteAsync(tx, key)).Value);
Assert.IsFalse(await TupleView.DeleteAsync(tx, key));
await TupleView.UpsertAllAsync(tx, new[] { GetTuple(1, "6"), GetTuple(2, "7") });
Assert.AreEqual(3, (await TupleView.GetAllAsync(tx, new[] { key, GetTuple(2), GetTuple(3) })).Count);
var insertAllRes = await TupleView.InsertAllAsync(tx, new[] { GetTuple(1, "8"), GetTuple(3, "9") });
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "6"), (await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, key)).Value);
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "8"), insertAllRes.Single());
Assert.IsFalse(await TupleView.ReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(-1)));
Assert.IsTrue(await TupleView.ReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "10")));
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "10"), (await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, key)).Value);
Assert.IsFalse(await TupleView.ReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "1"), GetTuple(1, "11")));
Assert.IsTrue(await TupleView.ReplaceAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "10"), GetTuple(1, "12")));
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "12"), (await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, key)).Value);
var deleteAllRes = await TupleView.DeleteAllAsync(tx, new[] { GetTuple(3), GetTuple(4) });
Assert.AreEqual(4, deleteAllRes.Single()[0]);
Assert.IsFalse((await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, GetTuple(3))).HasValue);
var deleteAllExactRes = await TupleView.DeleteAllAsync(tx, new[] { GetTuple(1), GetTuple(5) });
Assert.AreEqual(5, deleteAllExactRes.Single()[0]);
Assert.IsFalse((await TupleView.GetAsync(tx, key)).HasValue);
await tx.RollbackAsync();
Assert.AreEqual(GetTuple(1, "1"), (await TupleView.GetAsync(null, key)).Value);
public async Task TestCommitUpdatesData()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "2"));
await tx.CommitAsync();
var res = await TupleView.GetAsync(null, GetTuple(1));
Assert.AreEqual("2", res.Value[ValCol]);
public async Task TestRollbackDoesNotUpdateData()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "2"));
await tx.RollbackAsync();
var (_, hasValue) = await TupleView.GetAsync(null, GetTuple(1));
public async Task TestDisposeDoesNotUpdateData()
await using (var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync())
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "2"));
await tx.RollbackAsync();
var (_, hasValue) = await TupleView.GetAsync(null, GetTuple(1));
public async Task TestCommitAfterRollbackIsIgnored()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await tx.CommitAsync();
await tx.RollbackAsync();
StringAssert.Contains("State = Committed", tx.ToString());
public async Task TestRollbackAfterCommitIsIgnored()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await tx.RollbackAsync();
await tx.CommitAsync();
StringAssert.Contains("State = RolledBack", tx.ToString());
public async Task TestMultipleDisposeIsAllowed()
var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await tx.DisposeAsync();
await tx.DisposeAsync();
await tx.CommitAsync();
StringAssert.Contains("State = RolledBack", tx.ToString());
public void TestCustomTransactionInterfaceThrows()
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<TransactionException>(
async () => await TupleView.UpsertAsync(new CustomTx(), GetTuple(1, "2")));
StringAssert.StartsWith("Unsupported transaction implementation", ex?.Message);
public async Task TestClientDisconnectClosesActiveTransactions()
await using var tx0 = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await TupleView.UpsertAsync(null, GetTuple(1, "1"));
using (var client2 = await IgniteClient.StartAsync(GetConfig()))
var table = await client2.Tables.GetTableAsync(TableName);
var tx1 = await client2.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await table!.RecordBinaryView.UpsertAsync(tx1, GetTuple(1, "2"));
// The code above is intentionally written in a way that we have no guarantee that the lock taken by tx1 is already released,
// as client2 is closed without rolling back tx1, forcing Ignite server to rollback tx1 in background. So we should check the
// value using transaction that is older than tx1, to make sure that the conflict on key 1 between tx0 and tx1 will not lead
// to exception.
Assert.AreEqual("1", (await TupleView.GetAsync(tx0, GetTuple(1))).Value[ValCol]);
public async Task TestTransactionFromAnotherClientThrows()
using var client2 = await IgniteClient.StartAsync(GetConfig());
await using var tx = await client2.Transactions.BeginAsync();
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<IgniteClientException>(async () => await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "2")));
Assert.AreEqual("Specified transaction belongs to a different IgniteClient instance.", ex!.Message);
public async Task TestReadOnlyTxSeesOldDataAfterUpdate()
var key = Random.Shared.NextInt64(1000, long.MaxValue);
var keyPoco = new Poco { Key = key };
await PocoView.UpsertAsync(null, new Poco { Key = key, Val = "11" });
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new TransactionOptions { ReadOnly = true });
Assert.AreEqual("11", (await PocoView.GetAsync(tx, keyPoco)).Value.Val);
// Update data in a different tx.
await using (var tx2 = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync())
await PocoView.UpsertAsync(null, new Poco { Key = key, Val = "22" });
await tx2.CommitAsync();
// Old tx sees old data.
Assert.AreEqual("11", (await PocoView.GetAsync(tx, keyPoco)).Value.Val);
// New tx sees new data
await using var tx3 = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new TransactionOptions { ReadOnly = true });
Assert.AreEqual("22", (await PocoView.GetAsync(tx3, keyPoco)).Value.Val);
public async Task TestUpdateInReadOnlyTxThrows()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new TransactionOptions { ReadOnly = true });
var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<Tx.TransactionException>(async () => await TupleView.UpsertAsync(tx, GetTuple(1, "1")));
Assert.AreEqual(ErrorGroups.Transactions.TxFailedReadWriteOperation, ex!.Code, ex.Message);
StringAssert.Contains("Failed to enlist read-write operation into read-only transaction", ex.Message);
public async Task TestCommitRollbackReadOnlyTxDoesNothing([Values(true, false)] bool commit)
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new TransactionOptions { ReadOnly = true });
var res = await PocoView.GetAsync(tx, new Poco { Key = 123 });
if (commit)
await tx.CommitAsync();
await tx.RollbackAsync();
public async Task TestReadOnlyTxAttributes()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new TransactionOptions { ReadOnly = true });
StringAssert.Contains("State = Open, IsReadOnly = True", tx.ToString());
public async Task TestReadWriteTxAttributes()
await using var tx = await Client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
StringAssert.Contains("State = Open, IsReadOnly = False", tx.ToString());
public async Task TestToString()
// Single connection.
using var client = await IgniteClient.StartAsync(new() { Endpoints = { "" + ServerPort } });
await using var tx1 = await client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await using var tx2 = await client.Transactions.BeginAsync(new(ReadOnly: true));
await using var tx3 = await client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
await tx2.RollbackAsync();
await tx3.CommitAsync();
var id = int.Parse(Regex.Match(tx1.ToString()!, @"\d+").Value);
Assert.AreEqual($"Transaction {{ Id = {id}, State = Open, IsReadOnly = False }}", tx1.ToString());
Assert.AreEqual($"Transaction {{ Id = {id + 1}, State = RolledBack, IsReadOnly = True }}", tx2.ToString());
Assert.AreEqual($"Transaction {{ Id = {id + 2}, State = Committed, IsReadOnly = False }}", tx3.ToString());
public async Task TestObservableTimestampIsInitializedFromHandshake()
using var client = await IgniteClient.StartAsync(new() { Endpoints = { "" + ServerPort } });
var observableTimestamp = client.GetFieldValue<ClientFailoverSocket>("_socket").ObservableTimestamp;
Assert.Greater(observableTimestamp, 0);
public async Task TestObservableTimestampPropagation([Values(true, false)] bool sql)
using var server = new FakeServer
ObservableTimestamp = 111
using var client = await server.ConnectClientAsync();
"Handshake should initialize observable timestamp");
server.ObservableTimestamp = 123;
// Non-transactional operations do not propagate timestamp.
await client.Tables.GetTablesAsync();
await client.Tables.GetTablesAsync();
Assert.AreEqual(0, server.LastClientObservableTimestamp);
// Transactional operations propagate timestamp.
if (sql)
await using var resultSet = await client.Sql.ExecuteAsync(null, "select 1");
await client.Transactions.BeginAsync();
Assert.AreEqual(123, server.LastClientObservableTimestamp);
private class CustomTx : ITransaction
public bool IsReadOnly => false;
public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
return new ValueTask(Task.CompletedTask);
public Task CommitAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task RollbackAsync()
return Task.CompletedTask;