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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.server;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.close.ManuallyCloseable;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.hlc.HybridTimestamp;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.Entry;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.RevisionUpdateListener;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.WatchListener;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.Operation;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metastorage.dsl.StatementResult;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.Cursor;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Defines key/value storage interface.
public interface KeyValueStorage extends ManuallyCloseable {
* Starts the given storage, allocating the necessary resources.
void start();
* Returns storage revision.
* @return Storage revision.
long revision();
* Returns update counter.
* @return Update counter.
long updateCounter();
* Returns an entry by the given key.
* @param key The key.
* @return Value corresponding to the given key.
Entry get(byte[] key);
* Returns an entry by the given key and bounded by the given revision.
* @param key The key.
* @param revUpperBound The upper bound of revision.
* @return Value corresponding to the given key.
Entry get(byte[] key, long revUpperBound);
* Returns all entries corresponding to the given key and bounded by given revisions.
* All these entries are ordered by revisions and have the same key.
* The lower bound and the upper bound are inclusive.
* @param key The key.
* @param revLowerBound The lower bound of revision.
* @param revUpperBound The upper bound of revision.
* @return Entries corresponding to the given key.
List<Entry> get(byte[] key, long revLowerBound, long revUpperBound);
* Returns all entries corresponding to given keys.
* @param keys Keys collection.
* @return Entries corresponding to given keys.
Collection<Entry> getAll(List<byte[]> keys);
* Returns all entries corresponding to given keys and bounded by the given revision.
* @param keys Keys collection.
* @param revUpperBound Upper bound of revision.
* @return Entries corresponding to given keys.
Collection<Entry> getAll(List<byte[]> keys, long revUpperBound);
* Inserts an entry with the given key and given value.
* @param key The key.
* @param value The value.
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
void put(byte[] key, byte[] value, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Inserts entries with given keys and given values.
* @param keys The key list.
* @param values The values list.
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
void putAll(List<byte[]> keys, List<byte[]> values, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Removes an entry with the given key.
* @param key The key.
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
void remove(byte[] key, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Remove all entries corresponding to given keys.
* @param keys The keys list.
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
void removeAll(List<byte[]> keys, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Performs {@code success} operation if condition is {@code true}, otherwise performs {@code failure} operations.
* @param condition Condition.
* @param success Success operations.
* @param failure Failure operations.
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
* @return Result of test condition.
boolean invoke(Condition condition, Collection<Operation> success, Collection<Operation> failure, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Invoke, which supports nested conditional statements with left and right branches of execution.
* @param iif {@link If} statement to invoke
* @param opTs Operation's timestamp.
* @return execution result
* @see If
* @see StatementResult
StatementResult invoke(If iif, HybridTimestamp opTs);
* Returns cursor by entries which correspond to the given keys range.
* @param keyFrom Start key of range (inclusive).
* @param keyTo Last key of range (exclusive).
* @return Cursor by entries which correspond to the given keys range.
Cursor<Entry> range(byte[] keyFrom, byte @Nullable [] keyTo);
* Returns cursor by entries which correspond to the given keys range and bounded by revision number.
* @param keyFrom Start key of range (inclusive).
* @param keyTo Last key of range (exclusive).
* @param revUpperBound Upper bound of revision.
* @return Cursor by entries which correspond to the given keys range.
Cursor<Entry> range(byte[] keyFrom, byte @Nullable [] keyTo, long revUpperBound);
* Creates subscription on updates of entries corresponding to the given keys range and starting from the given revision number.
* @param keyFrom Start key of range (inclusive).
* @param keyTo Last key of range (exclusive).
* @param rev Start revision number.
void watchRange(byte[] keyFrom, byte @Nullable [] keyTo, long rev, WatchListener listener);
* Registers a watch listener for the provided key.
* @param key Meta Storage key.
* @param rev Starting Meta Storage revision.
* @param listener Listener which will be notified for each update.
void watchExact(byte[] key, long rev, WatchListener listener);
* Registers a watch listener for the provided keys.
* @param keys Meta Storage keys.
* @param rev Starting Meta Storage revision.
* @param listener Listener which will be notified for each update.
void watchExact(Collection<byte[]> keys, long rev, WatchListener listener);
* Starts all registered watches.
* <p>Before calling this method, watches will not receive any updates.
* @param startRevision Revision to start processing updates from.
* @param revisionCallback Callback that will be invoked after all watches of a particular revision are processed, with the
* revision and modified entries (processed by at least one watch) as its argument.
void startWatches(long startRevision, OnRevisionAppliedCallback revisionCallback);
* Unregisters a watch listener.
void removeWatch(WatchListener listener);
* Compacts storage (removes tombstones).
* @param lowWatermark A time threshold for the entry. Only entries that have revisions with timestamp higher or equal to the
* watermark can be removed.
// TODO: IGNITE-16444 Correct compaction for Meta storage.
// TODO: IGNITE-19417 Provide low-watermark for compaction.
void compact(HybridTimestamp lowWatermark);
* Creates a snapshot of the storage's current state in the specified directory.
* @param snapshotPath Directory to store a snapshot.
* @return Future representing pending completion of the operation.
CompletableFuture<Void> snapshot(Path snapshotPath);
* Restores a state of the storage which was previously captured with a {@link #snapshot(Path)}.
* @param snapshotPath Path to the snapshot's directory.
void restoreSnapshot(Path snapshotPath);
* Returns the next possible key larger then the given one in lexicographic order. The returned key does not necessarily have to be
* present in the storage.
byte @Nullable [] nextKey(byte[] key);
* Looks up a timestamp by a revision.
* @param revision Revision by which to do a lookup.
* @return Timestamp corresponding to the revision.
HybridTimestamp timestampByRevision(long revision);
* Sets the revision listener. This is needed only for the recovery, after that listener must be set to {@code null}.
* {@code null} means that we no longer must be notified of revision updates for recovery, because recovery is finished.
* @param listener Revision listener.
void setRecoveryRevisionListener(@Nullable LongConsumer listener);
/** Registers a Meta Storage revision update listener. */
void registerRevisionUpdateListener(RevisionUpdateListener listener);
/** Unregisters a Meta Storage revision update listener. */
void unregisterRevisionUpdateListener(RevisionUpdateListener listener);
/** Explicitly notifies revision update listeners. */
CompletableFuture<Void> notifyRevisionUpdateListenerOnStart(long newRevision);
* Advances MetaStorage Safe Time to a new value without creating a new revision.
* @param newSafeTime New Safe Time value.
void advanceSafeTime(HybridTimestamp newSafeTime);