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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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// <auto-generated/>
namespace Apache.Ignite
using System;
public static partial class ErrorGroups
/// <summary>
/// Gets the group name by code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="groupCode">Group code.</param>
/// <returns>Group name.</returns>
public static string GetGroupName(int groupCode) => groupCode switch
Common.GroupCode => Common.GroupName,
Table.GroupCode => Table.GroupName,
Client.GroupCode => Client.GroupName,
Sql.GroupCode => Sql.GroupName,
MetaStorage.GroupCode => MetaStorage.GroupName,
Index.GroupCode => Index.GroupName,
Transactions.GroupCode => Transactions.GroupName,
Replicator.GroupCode => Replicator.GroupName,
Storage.GroupCode => Storage.GroupName,
DistributionZones.GroupCode => DistributionZones.GroupName,
Network.GroupCode => Network.GroupName,
NodeConfiguration.GroupCode => NodeConfiguration.GroupName,
CodeDeployment.GroupCode => CodeDeployment.GroupName,
GarbageCollector.GroupCode => GarbageCollector.GroupName,
Authentication.GroupCode => Authentication.GroupName,
Compute.GroupCode => Compute.GroupName,
Catalog.GroupCode => Catalog.GroupName,
PlacementDriver.GroupCode => PlacementDriver.GroupName,
CriticalWorkers.GroupCode => CriticalWorkers.GroupName,
DisasterRecovery.GroupCode => DisasterRecovery.GroupName,
_ => UnknownGroupName
/// <summary> Common errors. </summary>
public static class Common
/// <summary> Common group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 1;
/// <summary> Common group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "CMN";
/// <summary> NodeStopping error. </summary>
public const int NodeStopping = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ComponentNotStarted error. </summary>
public const int ComponentNotStarted = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> IllegalArgument error. </summary>
public const int IllegalArgument = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> SslConfiguration error. </summary>
public const int SslConfiguration = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> NodeLeft error. </summary>
public const int NodeLeft = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> CursorAlreadyClosed error. </summary>
public const int CursorAlreadyClosed = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ResourceClosing error. </summary>
public const int ResourceClosing = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Internal error. </summary>
public const int Internal = (GroupCode << 16) | (65535 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Table errors. </summary>
public static class Table
/// <summary> Table group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 2;
/// <summary> Table group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "TBL";
/// <summary> TableAlreadyExists error. </summary>
public const int TableAlreadyExists = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TableNotFound error. </summary>
public const int TableNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ColumnAlreadyExists error. </summary>
public const int ColumnAlreadyExists = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ColumnNotFound error. </summary>
public const int ColumnNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TableStopping error. </summary>
public const int TableStopping = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TableDefinition error. </summary>
public const int TableDefinition = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> SchemaVersionMismatch error. </summary>
public const int SchemaVersionMismatch = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> UnsupportedPartitionType error. </summary>
public const int UnsupportedPartitionType = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Client errors. </summary>
public static class Client
/// <summary> Client group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 3;
/// <summary> Client group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "CLIENT";
/// <summary> Connection error. </summary>
public const int Connection = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Protocol error. </summary>
public const int Protocol = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ProtocolCompatibility error. </summary>
public const int ProtocolCompatibility = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TableIdNotFound error. </summary>
public const int TableIdNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Authentication error. </summary>
public const int Authentication = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Authorization error. </summary>
public const int Authorization = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Configuration error. </summary>
public const int Configuration = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ClusterIdMismatch error. </summary>
public const int ClusterIdMismatch = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ClientSslConfiguration error. </summary>
public const int ClientSslConfiguration = (GroupCode << 16) | (9 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> HandshakeHeader error. </summary>
public const int HandshakeHeader = (GroupCode << 16) | (10 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Sql errors. </summary>
public static class Sql
/// <summary> Sql group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 4;
/// <summary> Sql group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "SQL";
/// <summary> QueryNoResultSet error. </summary>
public const int QueryNoResultSet = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> SchemaNotFound error. </summary>
public const int SchemaNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> StmtParse error. </summary>
public const int StmtParse = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> StmtValidation error. </summary>
public const int StmtValidation = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ConstraintViolation error. </summary>
public const int ConstraintViolation = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ExecutionCancelled error. </summary>
public const int ExecutionCancelled = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Runtime error. </summary>
public const int Runtime = (GroupCode << 16) | (9 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PlanningTimeout error. </summary>
public const int PlanningTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (10 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Mapping error. </summary>
public const int Mapping = (GroupCode << 16) | (11 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxControlInsideExternalTx error. </summary>
public const int TxControlInsideExternalTx = (GroupCode << 16) | (12 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> MetaStorage errors. </summary>
public static class MetaStorage
/// <summary> MetaStorage group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 5;
/// <summary> MetaStorage group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "META";
/// <summary> StartingStorage error. </summary>
public const int StartingStorage = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> RestoringStorage error. </summary>
public const int RestoringStorage = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Compaction error. </summary>
public const int Compaction = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> OpExecution error. </summary>
public const int OpExecution = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> OpExecutionTimeout error. </summary>
public const int OpExecutionTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Index errors. </summary>
public static class Index
/// <summary> Index group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 6;
/// <summary> Index group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "IDX";
/// <summary> InvalidIndexDefinition error. </summary>
public const int InvalidIndexDefinition = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> IndexNotFound error. </summary>
public const int IndexNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> IndexAlreadyExists error. </summary>
public const int IndexAlreadyExists = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Transactions errors. </summary>
public static class Transactions
/// <summary> Transactions group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 7;
/// <summary> Transactions group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "TX";
/// <summary> TxStateStorage error. </summary>
public const int TxStateStorage = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxStateStorageStopped error. </summary>
public const int TxStateStorageStopped = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxUnexpectedState error. </summary>
public const int TxUnexpectedState = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> AcquireLock error. </summary>
public const int AcquireLock = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> AcquireLockTimeout error. </summary>
public const int AcquireLockTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxCommit error. </summary>
public const int TxCommit = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxRollback error. </summary>
public const int TxRollback = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxFailedReadWriteOperation error. </summary>
public const int TxFailedReadWriteOperation = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxReplicaUnavailable error. </summary>
public const int TxReplicaUnavailable = (GroupCode << 16) | (9 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxStateStorageRebalance error. </summary>
public const int TxStateStorageRebalance = (GroupCode << 16) | (10 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxReadOnlyTooOld error. </summary>
public const int TxReadOnlyTooOld = (GroupCode << 16) | (11 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxIncompatibleSchema error. </summary>
public const int TxIncompatibleSchema = (GroupCode << 16) | (12 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxPrimaryReplicaExpired error. </summary>
public const int TxPrimaryReplicaExpired = (GroupCode << 16) | (13 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxAlreadyFinished error. </summary>
public const int TxAlreadyFinished = (GroupCode << 16) | (14 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> TxStaleOperation error. </summary>
public const int TxStaleOperation = (GroupCode << 16) | (15 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Replicator errors. </summary>
public static class Replicator
/// <summary> Replicator group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 8;
/// <summary> Replicator group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "REP";
/// <summary> ReplicaCommon error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaCommon = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaIsAlreadyStarted error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaIsAlreadyStarted = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaTimeout error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaUnsupportedRequest error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaUnsupportedRequest = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaUnavailable error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaUnavailable = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaMiss error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaMiss = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> CursorClose error. </summary>
public const int CursorClose = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicaStopping error. </summary>
public const int ReplicaStopping = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ReplicationSafeTimeReordering error. </summary>
public const int ReplicationSafeTimeReordering = (GroupCode << 16) | (9 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Storage errors. </summary>
public static class Storage
/// <summary> Storage group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 9;
/// <summary> Storage group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "STORAGE";
/// <summary> Generic error. </summary>
public const int Generic = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> DirectoryCreation error. </summary>
public const int DirectoryCreation = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> AlreadyClosed error. </summary>
public const int AlreadyClosed = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> StorageRebalance error. </summary>
public const int StorageRebalance = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> AlreadyDestroyed error. </summary>
public const int AlreadyDestroyed = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> IndexNotBuilt error. </summary>
public const int IndexNotBuilt = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> DistributionZones errors. </summary>
public static class DistributionZones
/// <summary> DistributionZones group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 10;
/// <summary> DistributionZones group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "DISTRZONES";
/// <summary> ZoneNotFound error. </summary>
public const int ZoneNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Network errors. </summary>
public static class Network
/// <summary> Network group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 11;
/// <summary> Network group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "NETWORK";
/// <summary> UnresolvableConsistentId error. </summary>
public const int UnresolvableConsistentId = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PortInUse error. </summary>
public const int PortInUse = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> RecipientLeft error. </summary>
public const int RecipientLeft = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> AddressUnresolved error. </summary>
public const int AddressUnresolved = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> NodeConfiguration errors. </summary>
public static class NodeConfiguration
/// <summary> NodeConfiguration group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 12;
/// <summary> NodeConfiguration group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "NODECFG";
/// <summary> ConfigRead error. </summary>
public const int ConfigRead = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ConfigFileCreate error. </summary>
public const int ConfigFileCreate = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ConfigWrite error. </summary>
public const int ConfigWrite = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ConfigParse error. </summary>
public const int ConfigParse = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> CodeDeployment errors. </summary>
public static class CodeDeployment
/// <summary> CodeDeployment group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 13;
/// <summary> CodeDeployment group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "CODEDEPLOY";
/// <summary> UnitNotFound error. </summary>
public const int UnitNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> UnitAlreadyExists error. </summary>
public const int UnitAlreadyExists = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> UnitContentRead error. </summary>
public const int UnitContentRead = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> UnitUnavailable error. </summary>
public const int UnitUnavailable = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> GarbageCollector errors. </summary>
public static class GarbageCollector
/// <summary> GarbageCollector group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 14;
/// <summary> GarbageCollector group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "GC";
/// <summary> Closed error. </summary>
public const int Closed = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Authentication errors. </summary>
public static class Authentication
/// <summary> Authentication group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 15;
/// <summary> Authentication group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "AUTHENTICATION";
/// <summary> UnsupportedAuthenticationType error. </summary>
public const int UnsupportedAuthenticationType = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> InvalidCredentials error. </summary>
public const int InvalidCredentials = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> BasicProvider error. </summary>
public const int BasicProvider = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Compute errors. </summary>
public static class Compute
/// <summary> Compute group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 16;
/// <summary> Compute group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "COMPUTE";
/// <summary> ClassPath error. </summary>
public const int ClassPath = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ClassLoader error. </summary>
public const int ClassLoader = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ClassInitialization error. </summary>
public const int ClassInitialization = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> QueueOverflow error. </summary>
public const int QueueOverflow = (GroupCode << 16) | (4 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ComputeJobStateTransition error. </summary>
public const int ComputeJobStateTransition = (GroupCode << 16) | (5 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Cancelling error. </summary>
public const int Cancelling = (GroupCode << 16) | (6 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ResultNotFound error. </summary>
public const int ResultNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (7 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> FailToGetJobStatus error. </summary>
public const int FailToGetJobStatus = (GroupCode << 16) | (8 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ComputeJobFailed error. </summary>
public const int ComputeJobFailed = (GroupCode << 16) | (9 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ChangeJobPriorityNoJob error. </summary>
public const int ChangeJobPriorityNoJob = (GroupCode << 16) | (10 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ChangeJobPriorityJobExecuting error. </summary>
public const int ChangeJobPriorityJobExecuting = (GroupCode << 16) | (11 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PrimaryReplicaResolve error. </summary>
public const int PrimaryReplicaResolve = (GroupCode << 16) | (12 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> ChangeJobPriority error. </summary>
public const int ChangeJobPriority = (GroupCode << 16) | (13 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> NodeNotFound error. </summary>
public const int NodeNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (14 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> Catalog errors. </summary>
public static class Catalog
/// <summary> Catalog group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 17;
/// <summary> Catalog group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "CATALOG";
/// <summary> Validation error. </summary>
public const int Validation = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PlacementDriver errors. </summary>
public static class PlacementDriver
/// <summary> PlacementDriver group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 18;
/// <summary> PlacementDriver group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "PLACEMENTDRIVER";
/// <summary> PrimaryReplicaAwaitTimeout error. </summary>
public const int PrimaryReplicaAwaitTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PrimaryReplicaAwait error. </summary>
public const int PrimaryReplicaAwait = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> CriticalWorkers errors. </summary>
public static class CriticalWorkers
/// <summary> CriticalWorkers group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 19;
/// <summary> CriticalWorkers group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "WORKERS";
/// <summary> SystemWorkerBlocked error. </summary>
public const int SystemWorkerBlocked = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> SystemCriticalOperationTimeout error. </summary>
public const int SystemCriticalOperationTimeout = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> DisasterRecovery errors. </summary>
public static class DisasterRecovery
/// <summary> DisasterRecovery group code. </summary>
public const short GroupCode = 20;
/// <summary> DisasterRecovery group name. </summary>
public const String GroupName = "RECOVERY";
/// <summary> IllegalPartitionId error. </summary>
public const int IllegalPartitionId = (GroupCode << 16) | (1 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> NodesNotFound error. </summary>
public const int NodesNotFound = (GroupCode << 16) | (2 & 0xFFFF);
/// <summary> PartitionState error. </summary>
public const int PartitionState = (GroupCode << 16) | (3 & 0xFFFF);