blob: e6c5bd9976de9116e4ad54b339c93ae8321d84e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
boolean IfNotExistsOpt() :
<IF> <NOT> <EXISTS> { return true; }
{ return false; }
SqlNodeList CreateTableOptionList() :
List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
final Span s = Span.of();
<COMMA> { s.add(this); } CreateTableOption(list)
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
void CreateTableOption(List<SqlNode> list) :
final Span s;
final SqlIdentifier key;
final SqlNode val;
key = SimpleIdentifier() { s = span(); }
val = Literal()
val = SimpleIdentifier()
list.add(new IgniteSqlCreateTableOption(key, val, s.end(this)));
SqlDataTypeSpec DataTypeEx() :
final SqlDataTypeSpec dt;
dt = DataType()
dt = IntervalType()
return dt;
SqlDataTypeSpec IntervalType() :
final Span s;
final SqlIntervalQualifier intervalQualifier;
<INTERVAL> { s = span(); } intervalQualifier = IntervalQualifier() {
return new SqlDataTypeSpec(new IgniteSqlIntervalTypeNameSpec(intervalQualifier, s.end(this)), s.pos());
SqlTypeNameSpec UuidType(Span s) :
final SqlIdentifier typeName;
<UUID> { s = span(); typeName = new SqlIdentifier(UuidType.NAME, s.pos()); }
return new IgniteSqlTypeNameSpec(typeName, s.end(this));
void TableElement(List<SqlNode> list) :
final SqlDataTypeSpec type;
final Boolean nullable;
final Span s = Span.of();
final ColumnStrategy strategy;
final SqlNode dflt;
SqlIdentifier id = null;
SqlNodeList columnList = new SqlNodeList(s.end(this));
IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyIndexType primaryIndexType = IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyIndexType.IMPLICIT_HASH;
id = SimpleIdentifier() type = DataTypeEx() nullable = NullableOptDefaultNull()
<DEFAULT_> { s.add(this); }
dflt = Literal()
dflt = SimpleIdentifier()
) {
strategy = ColumnStrategy.DEFAULT;
dflt = null;
strategy = nullable == null
? null
: nullable
? ColumnStrategy.NULLABLE
: ColumnStrategy.NOT_NULLABLE;
<PRIMARY> { s.add(this); } <KEY> {
columnList = SqlNodeList.of(id);
list.add(new IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyConstraint(s.end(columnList), null, columnList, primaryIndexType));
SqlDdlNodes.column(s.add(id).end(this), id,
type.withNullable(nullable), dflt, strategy));
[ <CONSTRAINT> { s.add(this); } id = SimpleIdentifier() ]
<PRIMARY> { s.add(this); } <KEY>
primaryIndexType = IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyIndexType.SORTED;
columnList = ColumnNameWithSortDirectionList()
primaryIndexType = IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyIndexType.HASH;
columnList = ColumnNameList()
columnList = ParenthesizedSimpleIdentifierList()
) {
list.add(new IgniteSqlPrimaryKeyConstraint(s.end(columnList), id, columnList, primaryIndexType));
* Parse a nullable option, default is null.
Boolean NullableOptDefaultNull() :
<NULL> { return true; }
<NOT> <NULL> { return false; }
{ return null; }
SqlNodeList TableElementList() :
final Span s;
final List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
<LPAREN> { s = span(); }
<COMMA> TableElement(list)
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
SqlCreate SqlCreateTable(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifNotExists;
final SqlIdentifier id;
final SqlNodeList columnList;
SqlNodeList optionList = null;
SqlNodeList colocationColumns = null;
ifNotExists = IfNotExistsOpt()
id = CompoundIdentifier()
columnList = TableElementList()
<COLOCATE> [<BY>] {s.add(this);}
colocationColumns = ParenthesizedSimpleIdentifierList()
<WITH> { s.add(this); } optionList = CreateTableOptionList()
return new IgniteSqlCreateTable(s.end(this), ifNotExists, id, columnList, colocationColumns, optionList);
SqlNode ColumnNameWithSortDirection() :
final Span s;
SqlNode col;
col = SimpleIdentifier()
| <DESC> {
col = SqlStdOperatorTable.DESC.createCall(getPos(), col);
return col;
SqlNodeList ColumnNameWithSortDirectionList() :
final Span s;
final List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
SqlNode col = null;
<LPAREN> { s = span(); }
col = ColumnNameWithSortDirection() { list.add(col); }
<COMMA> col = ColumnNameWithSortDirection() { list.add(col); }
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
SqlNodeList ColumnNameList() :
final Span s;
final List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
SqlNode col = null;
<LPAREN> { s = span(); }
col = SimpleIdentifier() { list.add(col); }
<COMMA> col = SimpleIdentifier() { list.add(col); }
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
SqlCreate SqlCreateIndex(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifNotExists;
final SqlIdentifier idxId;
final SqlIdentifier tblId;
final SqlNodeList columnList;
IgniteSqlIndexType type = IgniteSqlIndexType.IMPLICIT_TREE;
ifNotExists = IfNotExistsOpt()
idxId = SimpleIdentifier()
tblId = CompoundIdentifier()
columnList = ColumnNameWithSortDirectionList()
type = IgniteSqlIndexType.TREE;
columnList = ColumnNameWithSortDirectionList()
type = IgniteSqlIndexType.HASH;
columnList = ColumnNameList()
) {
return new IgniteSqlCreateIndex(s.end(this), ifNotExists, idxId, tblId, type, columnList);
boolean IfExistsOpt() :
<IF> <EXISTS> { return true; }
{ return false; }
SqlDrop SqlDropTable(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifExists;
final SqlIdentifier id;
<TABLE> ifExists = IfExistsOpt() id = CompoundIdentifier() {
return new IgniteSqlDropTable(s.end(this), ifExists, id);
SqlDrop SqlDropIndex(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifExists;
final SqlIdentifier idxId;
<INDEX> ifExists = IfExistsOpt() idxId = CompoundIdentifier() {
return new IgniteSqlDropIndex(s.end(this), ifExists, idxId);
void InfixCast(List<Object> list, ExprContext exprContext, Span s) :
final SqlDataTypeSpec dt;
dt = DataTypeEx() {
new SqlParserUtil.ToTreeListItem(SqlLibraryOperators.INFIX_CAST,
SqlNodeList ColumnWithTypeList() :
final Span s;
List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
SqlNode col;
<LPAREN> { s = span(); }
col = ColumnWithType() { list.add(col); }
<COMMA> col = ColumnWithType() { list.add(col); }
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
SqlNode ColumnWithType() :
SqlIdentifier id;
SqlDataTypeSpec type;
boolean nullable = true;
final ColumnStrategy strategy;
final SqlNode dflt;
final Span s = Span.of();
id = SimpleIdentifier()
type = DataTypeEx()
<NOT> <NULL> {
nullable = false;
<NULL> {
nullable = true;
<DEFAULT_> { s.add(this); } dflt = Literal() {
strategy = ColumnStrategy.DEFAULT;
dflt = null;
strategy = nullable ? ColumnStrategy.NULLABLE
: ColumnStrategy.NOT_NULLABLE;
return SqlDdlNodes.column(s.add(id).end(this), id, type.withNullable(nullable), dflt, strategy);
SqlNodeList ColumnWithTypeOrList() :
SqlNode col;
SqlNodeList list;
col = ColumnWithType() { return new SqlNodeList(Collections.singletonList(col), col.getParserPosition()); }
list = ColumnWithTypeList() { return list; }
SqlNode SqlAlterTable() :
final Span s;
final boolean ifExists;
final SqlIdentifier id;
boolean colIgnoreErr;
SqlNode col;
SqlNodeList cols;
<ALTER> { s = span(); }
<TABLE> ifExists = IfExistsOpt() id = CompoundIdentifier()
<ADD> [<COLUMN>] cols = ColumnWithTypeOrList() {
return new IgniteSqlAlterTableAddColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, id, cols);
<DROP> [<COLUMN>] cols = SimpleIdentifierOrList() {
return new IgniteSqlAlterTableDropColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, id, cols);
return SqlAlterColumn(s, id, ifExists);
SqlNode SqlAlterColumn(Span s, SqlIdentifier tableId, boolean ifExists) :
SqlIdentifier id;
SqlDataTypeSpec type;
Boolean nullable;
SqlNode dflt;
id = SimpleIdentifier()
<SET> <DATA> <TYPE> { s.add(this); } type = DataTypeEx() nullable = NullableOptDefaultNull() dflt = DefaultLiteralOrNull() {
return new IgniteSqlAlterColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, tableId, id, type, false, dflt, nullable == null ? null : !nullable);
<SET> <NOT> <NULL> {
return new IgniteSqlAlterColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, tableId, id, null, false, null, true);
return new IgniteSqlAlterColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, tableId, id, null, false, null, false);
<SET> <DEFAULT_> { s.add(this); } dflt = Literal()
return new IgniteSqlAlterColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, tableId, id, null, false, dflt, null);
return new IgniteSqlAlterColumn(s.end(this), ifExists, tableId, id, null, true, SqlLiteral.createNull(s.end(this)), null);
SqlNode DefaultLiteralOrNull() :
SqlNode dflt;
<DEFAULT_> dflt = Literal()
return dflt;
return null;
< NEGATE: "!" >
| < TILDE: "~" >
SqlCreate SqlCreateZone(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifNotExists;
final SqlIdentifier id;
SqlNodeList optionList = null;
<ZONE> { s.add(this); }
ifNotExists = IfNotExistsOpt()
id = CompoundIdentifier()
<WITH> { s.add(this); } optionList = CreateZoneOptionList()
return new IgniteSqlCreateZone(s.end(this), ifNotExists, id, optionList);
SqlNodeList CreateZoneOptionList() :
List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
final Span s = Span.of();
<COMMA> { s.add(this); } CreateZoneOption(list)
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
void CreateZoneOption(List<SqlNode> list) :
final Span s;
final SqlIdentifier key;
final SqlNode val;
key = SimpleIdentifier() { s = span(); }
val = Literal()
list.add(new IgniteSqlZoneOption(key, val, s.end(this)));
SqlDrop SqlDropZone(Span s, boolean replace) :
final boolean ifExists;
final SqlIdentifier zoneId;
<ZONE> ifExists = IfExistsOpt() zoneId = CompoundIdentifier() {
return new IgniteSqlDropZone(s.end(this), ifExists, zoneId);
SqlNode SqlAlterZone() :
final Span s;
final SqlIdentifier zoneId;
final boolean ifExists;
final SqlIdentifier newZoneId;
SqlNodeList optionList = null;
<ALTER> { s = span(); }
ifExists = IfExistsOpt()
zoneId = CompoundIdentifier()
<RENAME> <TO> newZoneId = SimpleIdentifier() {
return new IgniteSqlAlterZoneRenameTo(s.end(this), zoneId, newZoneId, ifExists);
return new IgniteSqlAlterZoneSetDefault(s.end(this), zoneId, ifExists);
{ s.add(this); } optionList = AlterZoneOptions() {
return new IgniteSqlAlterZoneSet(s.end(this), zoneId, optionList, ifExists);
SqlNodeList AlterZoneOptions() :
List<SqlNode> list = new ArrayList<SqlNode>();
final Span s = Span.of();
<COMMA> { s.add(this); } AlterZoneOption(list)
return new SqlNodeList(list, s.end(this));
void AlterZoneOption(List<SqlNode> list) :
final Span s;
final SqlIdentifier key;
final SqlNode val;
key = SimpleIdentifier() { s = span(); }
val = Literal()
list.add(new IgniteSqlZoneOption(key, val, s.end(this)));
* Parse datetime types: date, time, timestamp.
* TODO Method doesn't recognize 'TIME_WITH_LOCAL_TIME_ZONE' type and should be removed after IGNITE-21555.
SqlTypeNameSpec IgniteDateTimeTypeName() :
int precision = -1;
SqlTypeName typeName;
boolean withLocalTimeZone = false;
final Span s;
<DATE> {
typeName = SqlTypeName.DATE;
return new SqlBasicTypeNameSpec(typeName, getPos());
<TIME> { s = span(); }
precision = PrecisionOpt()
typeName = SqlTypeName.TIME;
return new SqlBasicTypeNameSpec(typeName, precision, s.end(this));
<TIMESTAMP> { s = span(); }
precision = PrecisionOpt()
withLocalTimeZone = TimeZoneOpt()
if (withLocalTimeZone) {
} else {
typeName = SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP;
return new SqlBasicTypeNameSpec(typeName, precision, s.end(this));
SqlNode SqlStartTransaction() :
final Span s;
IgniteSqlStartTransactionMode mode = IgniteSqlStartTransactionMode.IMPLICIT_READ_WRITE;
<START> { s = span(); }
mode = IgniteSqlStartTransactionMode.READ_ONLY;
mode = IgniteSqlStartTransactionMode.READ_WRITE;
] {
return new IgniteSqlStartTransaction(s.end(this), mode);
SqlNode SqlCommitTransaction() :
final Span s;
<COMMIT> { s = span(); } {
return new IgniteSqlCommitTransaction(s.end(this));