blob: 74e0db1e32ce1d47ab56eb82bb6a270a24571e33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.ValidationException;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.TypeUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.PropertyUtil;
* Metadata for a table.
public class TableMetadata implements Serializable {
static final long INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0;
static final int DEFAULT_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 1;
static final int INITIAL_SPEC_ID = 0;
static final int INITIAL_SORT_ORDER_ID = 1;
private static final long ONE_MINUTE = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1);
* @deprecated will be removed in 0.9.0; use newTableMetadata(Schema, PartitionSpec, String, Map) instead.
public static TableMetadata newTableMetadata(TableOperations ops,
Schema schema,
PartitionSpec spec,
String location,
Map<String, String> properties) {
return newTableMetadata(schema, spec, SortOrder.unsorted(), location, properties, DEFAULT_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION);
public static TableMetadata newTableMetadata(Schema schema,
PartitionSpec spec,
SortOrder sortOrder,
String location,
Map<String, String> properties) {
return newTableMetadata(schema, spec, sortOrder, location, properties, DEFAULT_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION);
public static TableMetadata newTableMetadata(Schema schema,
PartitionSpec spec,
String location,
Map<String, String> properties) {
return newTableMetadata(schema, spec, SortOrder.unsorted(), location, properties, DEFAULT_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION);
static TableMetadata newTableMetadata(Schema schema,
PartitionSpec spec,
SortOrder sortOrder,
String location,
Map<String, String> properties,
int formatVersion) {
// reassign all column ids to ensure consistency
AtomicInteger lastColumnId = new AtomicInteger(0);
Schema freshSchema = TypeUtil.assignFreshIds(schema, lastColumnId::incrementAndGet);
// rebuild the partition spec using the new column ids
PartitionSpec.Builder specBuilder = PartitionSpec.builderFor(freshSchema)
for (PartitionField field : spec.fields()) {
// look up the name of the source field in the old schema to get the new schema's id
String sourceName = schema.findColumnName(field.sourceId());
// reassign all partition fields with fresh partition field Ids to ensure consistency
PartitionSpec freshSpec =;
// rebuild the sort order using the new column ids
int freshSortOrderId = sortOrder.isUnsorted() ? sortOrder.orderId() : INITIAL_SORT_ORDER_ID;
SortOrder freshSortOrder = freshSortOrder(freshSortOrderId, freshSchema, sortOrder);
// Validate the metrics configuration. Note: we only do this on new tables to we don't
// break existing tables.
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), location,
INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, System.currentTimeMillis(),
lastColumnId.get(), freshSchema, INITIAL_SPEC_ID, ImmutableList.of(freshSpec),
freshSortOrderId, ImmutableList.of(freshSortOrder),
ImmutableMap.copyOf(properties), -1, ImmutableList.of(),
ImmutableList.of(), ImmutableList.of());
public static class SnapshotLogEntry implements HistoryEntry {
private final long timestampMillis;
private final long snapshotId;
SnapshotLogEntry(long timestampMillis, long snapshotId) {
this.timestampMillis = timestampMillis;
this.snapshotId = snapshotId;
public long timestampMillis() {
return timestampMillis;
public long snapshotId() {
return snapshotId;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof SnapshotLogEntry)) {
return false;
SnapshotLogEntry that = (SnapshotLogEntry) other;
return timestampMillis == that.timestampMillis && snapshotId == that.snapshotId;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(timestampMillis, snapshotId);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("timestampMillis", timestampMillis)
.add("snapshotId", snapshotId)
public static class MetadataLogEntry {
private final long timestampMillis;
private final String file;
MetadataLogEntry(long timestampMillis, String file) {
this.timestampMillis = timestampMillis;
this.file = file;
public long timestampMillis() {
return timestampMillis;
public String file() {
return file;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
} else if (!(other instanceof MetadataLogEntry)) {
return false;
MetadataLogEntry that = (MetadataLogEntry) other;
return timestampMillis == that.timestampMillis &&
java.util.Objects.equals(file, that.file);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(timestampMillis, file);
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("timestampMillis", timestampMillis)
.add("file", file)
private final transient InputFile file;
// stored metadata
private final String metadataFileLocation;
private final int formatVersion;
private final String uuid;
private final String location;
private final long lastSequenceNumber;
private final long lastUpdatedMillis;
private final int lastColumnId;
private final Schema schema;
private final int defaultSpecId;
private final List<PartitionSpec> specs;
private final int defaultSortOrderId;
private final List<SortOrder> sortOrders;
private final Map<String, String> properties;
private final long currentSnapshotId;
private final List<Snapshot> snapshots;
private final Map<Long, Snapshot> snapshotsById;
private final Map<Integer, PartitionSpec> specsById;
private final Map<Integer, SortOrder> sortOrdersById;
private final List<HistoryEntry> snapshotLog;
private final List<MetadataLogEntry> previousFiles;
TableMetadata(InputFile file,
int formatVersion,
String uuid,
String location,
long lastSequenceNumber,
long lastUpdatedMillis,
int lastColumnId,
Schema schema,
int defaultSpecId,
List<PartitionSpec> specs,
int defaultSortOrderId,
List<SortOrder> sortOrders,
Map<String, String> properties,
long currentSnapshotId,
List<Snapshot> snapshots,
List<HistoryEntry> snapshotLog,
List<MetadataLogEntry> previousFiles) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(specs != null && !specs.isEmpty(), "Partition specs cannot be null or empty");
Preconditions.checkArgument(sortOrders != null && !sortOrders.isEmpty(), "Sort orders cannot be null or empty");
Preconditions.checkArgument(formatVersion <= SUPPORTED_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION,
"Unsupported format version: v%s", formatVersion);
Preconditions.checkArgument(formatVersion == 1 || uuid != null,
"UUID is required in format v%s", formatVersion);
Preconditions.checkArgument(formatVersion > 1 || lastSequenceNumber == 0,
"Sequence number must be 0 in v1: %s", lastSequenceNumber);
this.formatVersion = formatVersion;
this.file = file;
this.metadataFileLocation = file != null ? file.location() : null;
this.uuid = uuid;
this.location = location;
this.lastSequenceNumber = lastSequenceNumber;
this.lastUpdatedMillis = lastUpdatedMillis;
this.lastColumnId = lastColumnId;
this.schema = schema;
this.specs = specs;
this.defaultSpecId = defaultSpecId;
this.defaultSortOrderId = defaultSortOrderId;
this.sortOrders = sortOrders; = properties;
this.currentSnapshotId = currentSnapshotId;
this.snapshots = snapshots;
this.snapshotLog = snapshotLog;
this.previousFiles = previousFiles;
this.snapshotsById = indexAndValidateSnapshots(snapshots, lastSequenceNumber);
this.specsById = indexSpecs(specs);
this.sortOrdersById = indexSortOrders(sortOrders);
HistoryEntry last = null;
for (HistoryEntry logEntry : snapshotLog) {
if (last != null) {
(logEntry.timestampMillis() - last.timestampMillis()) >= -ONE_MINUTE,
"[BUG] Expected sorted snapshot log entries.");
last = logEntry;
if (last != null) {
// commits can happen concurrently from different machines.
// A tolerance helps us avoid failure for small clock skew
lastUpdatedMillis - last.timestampMillis() >= -ONE_MINUTE,
"Invalid update timestamp %s: before last snapshot log entry at %s",
lastUpdatedMillis, last.timestampMillis());
MetadataLogEntry previous = null;
for (MetadataLogEntry metadataEntry : previousFiles) {
if (previous != null) {
// commits can happen concurrently from different machines.
// A tolerance helps us avoid failure for small clock skew
(metadataEntry.timestampMillis() - previous.timestampMillis()) >= -ONE_MINUTE,
"[BUG] Expected sorted previous metadata log entries.");
previous = metadataEntry;
// Make sure that this update's lastUpdatedMillis is > max(previousFile's timestamp)
if (previous != null) {
// commits can happen concurrently from different machines.
// A tolerance helps us avoid failure for small clock skew
lastUpdatedMillis - previous.timestampMillis >= -ONE_MINUTE,
"Invalid update timestamp %s: before the latest metadata log entry timestamp %s",
lastUpdatedMillis, previous.timestampMillis);
currentSnapshotId < 0 || snapshotsById.containsKey(currentSnapshotId),
"Invalid table metadata: Cannot find current version");
public int formatVersion() {
return formatVersion;
public String metadataFileLocation() {
return metadataFileLocation;
public String uuid() {
return uuid;
public long lastSequenceNumber() {
return lastSequenceNumber;
public long nextSequenceNumber() {
return formatVersion > 1 ? lastSequenceNumber + 1 : INITIAL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER;
public long lastUpdatedMillis() {
return lastUpdatedMillis;
public int lastColumnId() {
return lastColumnId;
public Schema schema() {
return schema;
public PartitionSpec spec() {
return specsById.get(defaultSpecId);
public PartitionSpec spec(int id) {
return specsById.get(id);
public List<PartitionSpec> specs() {
return specs;
public Map<Integer, PartitionSpec> specsById() {
return specsById;
public int defaultSpecId() {
return defaultSpecId;
public int defaultSortOrderId() {
return defaultSortOrderId;
public SortOrder sortOrder() {
return sortOrdersById.get(defaultSortOrderId);
public List<SortOrder> sortOrders() {
return sortOrders;
public Map<Integer, SortOrder> sortOrdersById() {
return sortOrdersById;
public String location() {
return location;
public Map<String, String> properties() {
return properties;
public String property(String property, String defaultValue) {
return properties.getOrDefault(property, defaultValue);
public boolean propertyAsBoolean(String property, boolean defaultValue) {
return PropertyUtil.propertyAsBoolean(properties, property, defaultValue);
public int propertyAsInt(String property, int defaultValue) {
return PropertyUtil.propertyAsInt(properties, property, defaultValue);
public long propertyAsLong(String property, long defaultValue) {
return PropertyUtil.propertyAsLong(properties, property, defaultValue);
public Snapshot snapshot(long snapshotId) {
return snapshotsById.get(snapshotId);
public Snapshot currentSnapshot() {
return snapshotsById.get(currentSnapshotId);
public List<Snapshot> snapshots() {
return snapshots;
public List<HistoryEntry> snapshotLog() {
return snapshotLog;
public List<MetadataLogEntry> previousFiles() {
return previousFiles;
public TableMetadata withUUID() {
if (uuid != null) {
return this;
} else {
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), location,
lastSequenceNumber, lastUpdatedMillis, lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata updateSchema(Schema newSchema, int newLastColumnId) {
PartitionSpec.checkCompatibility(spec(), newSchema);
SortOrder.checkCompatibility(sortOrder(), newSchema);
// rebuild all of the partition specs and sort orders for the new current schema
List<PartitionSpec> updatedSpecs = Lists.transform(specs, spec -> updateSpecSchema(newSchema, spec));
List<SortOrder> updatedSortOrders = Lists.transform(sortOrders, order -> updateSortOrderSchema(newSchema, order));
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), newLastColumnId, newSchema, defaultSpecId, updatedSpecs,
defaultSortOrderId, updatedSortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
// The caller is responsible to pass a newPartitionSpec with correct partition field IDs
public TableMetadata updatePartitionSpec(PartitionSpec newPartitionSpec) {
PartitionSpec.checkCompatibility(newPartitionSpec, schema);
ValidationException.check(formatVersion > 1 || PartitionSpec.hasSequentialIds(newPartitionSpec),
"Spec does not use sequential IDs that are required in v1: %s", newPartitionSpec);
// if the spec already exists, use the same ID. otherwise, use 1 more than the highest ID.
int newDefaultSpecId = INITIAL_SPEC_ID;
for (PartitionSpec spec : specs) {
if (newPartitionSpec.compatibleWith(spec)) {
newDefaultSpecId = spec.specId();
} else if (newDefaultSpecId <= spec.specId()) {
newDefaultSpecId = spec.specId() + 1;
if (defaultSpecId == newDefaultSpecId) {
// the new spec is already current and no change is needed
return this;
ImmutableList.Builder<PartitionSpec> builder = ImmutableList.<PartitionSpec>builder()
if (!specsById.containsKey(newDefaultSpecId)) {
// get a fresh spec to ensure the spec ID is set to the new default
builder.add(freshSpec(newDefaultSpecId, schema, newPartitionSpec));
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, newDefaultSpecId,, defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties,
currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog, addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata replaceSortOrder(SortOrder newOrder) {
SortOrder.checkCompatibility(newOrder, schema);
// determine the next order id
for (SortOrder order : sortOrders) {
if (order.sameOrder(newOrder)) {
newOrderId = order.orderId();
} else if (newOrderId <= order.orderId()) {
newOrderId = order.orderId() + 1;
if (newOrderId == defaultSortOrderId) {
return this;
ImmutableList.Builder<SortOrder> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
if (!sortOrdersById.containsKey(newOrderId)) {
if (newOrder.isUnsorted()) {
newOrderId = SortOrder.unsorted().orderId();
} else {
// rebuild the sort order using new column ids
builder.add(freshSortOrder(newOrderId, schema, newOrder));
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
newOrderId,, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata addStagedSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) {
ValidationException.check(formatVersion == 1 || snapshot.sequenceNumber() > lastSequenceNumber,
"Cannot add snapshot with sequence number %s older than last sequence number %s",
snapshot.sequenceNumber(), lastSequenceNumber);
List<Snapshot> newSnapshots = ImmutableList.<Snapshot>builder()
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
snapshot.sequenceNumber(), snapshot.timestampMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, newSnapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata replaceCurrentSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) {
// there can be operations (viz. rollback, cherrypick) where an existing snapshot could be replacing current
if (snapshotsById.containsKey(snapshot.snapshotId())) {
return setCurrentSnapshotTo(snapshot);
ValidationException.check(formatVersion == 1 || snapshot.sequenceNumber() > lastSequenceNumber,
"Cannot add snapshot with sequence number %s older than last sequence number %s",
snapshot.sequenceNumber(), lastSequenceNumber);
List<Snapshot> newSnapshots = ImmutableList.<Snapshot>builder()
List<HistoryEntry> newSnapshotLog = ImmutableList.<HistoryEntry>builder()
.add(new SnapshotLogEntry(snapshot.timestampMillis(), snapshot.snapshotId()))
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
snapshot.sequenceNumber(), snapshot.timestampMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, snapshot.snapshotId(), newSnapshots, newSnapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata removeSnapshotsIf(Predicate<Snapshot> removeIf) {
List<Snapshot> filtered = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size());
for (Snapshot snapshot : snapshots) {
// keep the current snapshot and any snapshots that do not match the removeIf condition
if (snapshot.snapshotId() == currentSnapshotId || !removeIf.test(snapshot)) {
// update the snapshot log
Set<Long> validIds = Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(filtered, Snapshot::snapshotId));
List<HistoryEntry> newSnapshotLog = Lists.newArrayList();
for (HistoryEntry logEntry : snapshotLog) {
if (validIds.contains(logEntry.snapshotId())) {
// copy the log entries that are still valid
} else {
// any invalid entry causes the history before it to be removed. otherwise, there could be
// history gaps that cause time-travel queries to produce incorrect results. for example,
// if history is [(t1, s1), (t2, s2), (t3, s3)] and s2 is removed, the history cannot be
// [(t1, s1), (t3, s3)] because it appears that s3 was current during the time between t2
// and t3 when in fact s2 was the current snapshot.
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, filtered,
ImmutableList.copyOf(newSnapshotLog), addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
private TableMetadata setCurrentSnapshotTo(Snapshot snapshot) {
"Cannot set current snapshot to unknown: %s", snapshot.snapshotId());
ValidationException.check(formatVersion == 1 || snapshot.sequenceNumber() <= lastSequenceNumber,
"Last sequence number %s is less than existing snapshot sequence number %s",
lastSequenceNumber, snapshot.sequenceNumber());
if (currentSnapshotId == snapshot.snapshotId()) {
// change is a noop
return this;
long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<HistoryEntry> newSnapshotLog = ImmutableList.<HistoryEntry>builder()
.add(new SnapshotLogEntry(nowMillis, snapshot.snapshotId()))
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, nowMillis, lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs, defaultSortOrderId,
sortOrders, properties, snapshot.snapshotId(), snapshots, newSnapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata replaceProperties(Map<String, String> newProperties) {
ValidationException.check(newProperties != null, "Cannot set properties to null");
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, newProperties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis, newProperties));
public TableMetadata removeSnapshotLogEntries(Set<Long> snapshotIds) {
List<HistoryEntry> newSnapshotLog = Lists.newArrayList();
for (HistoryEntry logEntry : snapshotLog) {
if (!snapshotIds.contains(logEntry.snapshotId())) {
// copy the log entries that are still valid
ValidationException.check(currentSnapshotId < 0 || // not set
Iterables.getLast(newSnapshotLog).snapshotId() == currentSnapshotId,
"Cannot set invalid snapshot log: latest entry is not the current snapshot");
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, newSnapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
// The caller is responsible to pass a updatedPartitionSpec with correct partition field IDs
public TableMetadata buildReplacement(Schema updatedSchema, PartitionSpec updatedPartitionSpec,
SortOrder updatedSortOrder, String newLocation,
Map<String, String> updatedProperties) {
ValidationException.check(formatVersion > 1 || PartitionSpec.hasSequentialIds(updatedPartitionSpec),
"Spec does not use sequential IDs that are required in v1: %s", updatedPartitionSpec);
AtomicInteger newLastColumnId = new AtomicInteger(lastColumnId);
Schema freshSchema = TypeUtil.assignFreshIds(updatedSchema, schema, newLastColumnId::incrementAndGet);
// determine the next spec id
OptionalInt maxSpecId =;
int nextSpecId = maxSpecId.orElse(TableMetadata.INITIAL_SPEC_ID) + 1;
// rebuild the partition spec using the new column ids
PartitionSpec freshSpec = freshSpec(nextSpecId, freshSchema, updatedPartitionSpec);
// if the spec already exists, use the same ID. otherwise, use 1 more than the highest ID.
int specId =
ImmutableList.Builder<PartitionSpec> specListBuilder = ImmutableList.<PartitionSpec>builder().addAll(specs);
if (!specsById.containsKey(specId)) {
// determine the next order id
OptionalInt maxOrderId =;
int nextOrderId = maxOrderId.isPresent() ? maxOrderId.getAsInt() + 1 : INITIAL_SORT_ORDER_ID;
// rebuild the sort order using new column ids
int freshSortOrderId = updatedSortOrder.isUnsorted() ? updatedSortOrder.orderId() : nextOrderId;
SortOrder freshSortOrder = freshSortOrder(freshSortOrderId, freshSchema, updatedSortOrder);
// if the order already exists, use the same ID. otherwise, use the fresh order ID
Optional<SortOrder> sameSortOrder =
.filter(sortOrder -> sortOrder.sameOrder(freshSortOrder))
int orderId =;
ImmutableList.Builder<SortOrder> sortOrdersBuilder = ImmutableList.<SortOrder>builder().addAll(sortOrders);
if (!sortOrdersById.containsKey(orderId)) {
Map<String, String> newProperties = Maps.newHashMap();
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, newLocation,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), newLastColumnId.get(), freshSchema,
specId,, orderId,, ImmutableMap.copyOf(newProperties),
-1, snapshots, ImmutableList.of(), addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis, newProperties));
public TableMetadata updateLocation(String newLocation) {
return new TableMetadata(null, formatVersion, uuid, newLocation,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
public TableMetadata upgradeToFormatVersion(int newFormatVersion) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(newFormatVersion <= SUPPORTED_TABLE_FORMAT_VERSION,
"Cannot upgrade table to unsupported format version: v%s (supported: v%s)",
Preconditions.checkArgument(newFormatVersion >= formatVersion,
"Cannot downgrade v%s table to v%s", formatVersion, newFormatVersion);
if (newFormatVersion == formatVersion) {
return this;
return new TableMetadata(null, newFormatVersion, uuid, location,
lastSequenceNumber, System.currentTimeMillis(), lastColumnId, schema, defaultSpecId, specs,
defaultSortOrderId, sortOrders, properties, currentSnapshotId, snapshots, snapshotLog,
addPreviousFile(file, lastUpdatedMillis));
private List<MetadataLogEntry> addPreviousFile(InputFile previousFile, long timestampMillis) {
return addPreviousFile(previousFile, timestampMillis, properties);
private List<MetadataLogEntry> addPreviousFile(InputFile previousFile, long timestampMillis,
Map<String, String> updatedProperties) {
if (previousFile == null) {
return previousFiles;
int maxSize = Math.max(1, PropertyUtil.propertyAsInt(updatedProperties,
List<MetadataLogEntry> newMetadataLog;
if (previousFiles.size() >= maxSize) {
int removeIndex = previousFiles.size() - maxSize + 1;
newMetadataLog = Lists.newArrayList(previousFiles.subList(removeIndex, previousFiles.size()));
} else {
newMetadataLog = Lists.newArrayList(previousFiles);
newMetadataLog.add(new MetadataLogEntry(timestampMillis, previousFile.location()));
return newMetadataLog;
private static PartitionSpec updateSpecSchema(Schema schema, PartitionSpec partitionSpec) {
PartitionSpec.Builder specBuilder = PartitionSpec.builderFor(schema)
// add all of the fields to the builder. IDs should not change.
for (PartitionField field : partitionSpec.fields()) {
specBuilder.add(field.sourceId(), field.fieldId(),, field.transform().toString());
private static SortOrder updateSortOrderSchema(Schema schema, SortOrder sortOrder) {
SortOrder.Builder builder = SortOrder.builderFor(schema).withOrderId(sortOrder.orderId());
// add all of the fields to the builder. IDs should not change.
for (SortField field : sortOrder.fields()) {
builder.addSortField(field.transform().toString(), field.sourceId(), field.direction(), field.nullOrder());
private static PartitionSpec freshSpec(int specId, Schema schema, PartitionSpec partitionSpec) {
PartitionSpec.Builder specBuilder = PartitionSpec.builderFor(schema)
for (PartitionField field : partitionSpec.fields()) {
// look up the name of the source field in the old schema to get the new schema's id
String sourceName = partitionSpec.schema().findColumnName(field.sourceId());
private static SortOrder freshSortOrder(int orderId, Schema schema, SortOrder sortOrder) {
SortOrder.Builder builder = SortOrder.builderFor(schema).withOrderId(orderId);
for (SortField field : sortOrder.fields()) {
// look up the name of the source field in the old schema to get the new schema's id
String sourceName = sortOrder.schema().findColumnName(field.sourceId());
// reassign all sort fields with fresh sort field IDs
int newSourceId = schema.findField(sourceName).fieldId();
private static Map<Long, Snapshot> indexAndValidateSnapshots(List<Snapshot> snapshots, long lastSequenceNumber) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, Snapshot> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Snapshot snap : snapshots) {
ValidationException.check(snap.sequenceNumber() <= lastSequenceNumber,
"Invalid snapshot with sequence number %s greater than last sequence number %s",
snap.sequenceNumber(), lastSequenceNumber);
builder.put(snap.snapshotId(), snap);
private static Map<Integer, PartitionSpec> indexSpecs(List<PartitionSpec> specs) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, PartitionSpec> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (PartitionSpec spec : specs) {
builder.put(spec.specId(), spec);
private static Map<Integer, SortOrder> indexSortOrders(List<SortOrder> sortOrders) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, SortOrder> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (SortOrder sortOrder : sortOrders) {
builder.put(sortOrder.orderId(), sortOrder);