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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Expression;
* Scan objects are immutable and can be shared between threads. Refinement methods, like
* {@link #select(Collection)} and {@link #filter(Expression)}, create new TableScan instances.
* @param <ThisT> the child Java API class, returned by method chaining
* @param <T> the Java type of tasks produces by this scan
* @param <G> the Java type of task groups produces by this scan
public interface Scan<ThisT, T extends ScanTask, G extends ScanTaskGroup<T>> {
* Create a new scan from this scan's configuration that will override the {@link Table}'s behavior based
* on the incoming pair. Unknown properties will be ignored.
* @param property name of the table property to be overridden
* @param value value to override with
* @return a new scan based on this with overridden behavior
ThisT option(String property, String value);
* Create a new scan from this with the schema as its projection.
* @param schema a projection schema
* @return a new scan based on this with the given projection
ThisT project(Schema schema);
* Create a new scan from this that, if data columns where selected
* via {@link #select(java.util.Collection)}, controls whether the match to the schema will be done
* with case sensitivity. Default is true.
* @return a new scan based on this with case sensitivity as stated
ThisT caseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive);
* Create a new scan from this that loads the column stats with each data file.
* <p>
* Column stats include: value count, null value count, lower bounds, and upper bounds.
* @return a new scan based on this that loads column stats.
ThisT includeColumnStats();
* Create a new scan from this that will read the given data columns. This produces
* an expected schema that includes all fields that are either selected or used by this scan's
* filter expression.
* @param columns column names from the table's schema
* @return a new scan based on this with the given projection columns
ThisT select(Collection<String> columns);
* Create a new scan from the results of this filtered by the {@link Expression}.
* @param expr a filter expression
* @return a new scan based on this with results filtered by the expression
ThisT filter(Expression expr);
* Create a new scan from this that applies data filtering to files but not to rows in those files.
* @return a new scan based on this that does not filter rows in files.
ThisT ignoreResiduals();
* Create a new scan to use a particular executor to plan. The default worker pool will be
* used by default.
* @param executorService the provided executor
* @return a table scan that uses the provided executor to access manifests
ThisT planWith(ExecutorService executorService);
* Returns this scan's projection {@link Schema}.
* <p>
* If the projection schema was set directly using {@link #project(Schema)}, returns that schema.
* <p>
* If the projection schema was set by calling {@link #select(Collection)}, returns a projection
* schema that includes the selected data fields and any fields used in the filter expression.
* @return this scan's projection schema
Schema schema();
* Plan tasks for this scan where each task reads a single file.
* <p>
* Use {@link #planTasks()} for planning balanced tasks where each task will read either a single file,
* a part of a file, or multiple files.
* @return an Iterable of tasks scanning entire files required by this scan
CloseableIterable<T> planFiles();
* Plan balanced task groups for this scan by splitting large and combining small tasks.
* <p>
* Task groups created by this method may read partial input files, multiple input files or both.
* @return an Iterable of balanced task groups required by this scan
CloseableIterable<G> planTasks();
* Returns the target split size for this scan.
long targetSplitSize();
* Returns the split lookback for this scan.
int splitLookback();
* Returns the split open file cost for this scan.
long splitOpenFileCost();