blob: fa871e505129e9ca7b35ed5dc54c5045676eb79c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg.flink;
import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableSchema;
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.LogicalType;
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.RowType;
import org.apache.flink.table.types.utils.TypeConversions;
import org.apache.iceberg.Schema;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.Type;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.TypeUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.Types;
* Converter between Flink types and Iceberg type.
* The conversion is not a 1:1 mapping that not allows back-and-forth conversion. So some information might get lost
* during the back-and-forth conversion.
* <p>
* This inconsistent types:
* <ul>
* <li>map Iceberg UUID type to Flink BinaryType(16)</li>
* <li>map Flink VarCharType(_) and CharType(_) to Iceberg String type</li>
* <li>map Flink VarBinaryType(_) to Iceberg Binary type</li>
* <li>map Flink TimeType(_) to Iceberg Time type (microseconds)</li>
* <li>map Flink TimestampType(_) to Iceberg Timestamp without zone type (microseconds)</li>
* <li>map Flink LocalZonedTimestampType(_) to Iceberg Timestamp with zone type (microseconds)</li>
* <li>map Flink MultiSetType to Iceberg Map type(element, int)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
public class FlinkSchemaUtil {
private FlinkSchemaUtil() {
* Convert the flink table schema to apache iceberg schema.
public static Schema convert(TableSchema schema) {
LogicalType schemaType = schema.toRowDataType().getLogicalType();
Preconditions.checkArgument(schemaType instanceof RowType, "Schema logical type should be RowType.");
RowType root = (RowType) schemaType;
Type converted = root.accept(new FlinkTypeToType(root));
return new Schema(converted.asStructType().fields());
* Convert a Flink {@link TableSchema} to a {@link Schema} based on the given schema.
* <p>
* This conversion does not assign new ids; it uses ids from the base schema.
* <p>
* Data types, field order, and nullability will match the Flink type. This conversion may return
* a schema that is not compatible with base schema.
* @param baseSchema a Schema on which conversion is based
* @param flinkSchema a Flink TableSchema
* @return the equivalent Schema
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type cannot be converted or there are missing ids
public static Schema convert(Schema baseSchema, TableSchema flinkSchema) {
// convert to a type with fresh ids
Types.StructType struct = convert(flinkSchema).asStruct();
// reassign ids to match the base schema
Schema schema = TypeUtil.reassignIds(new Schema(struct.fields()), baseSchema);
// fix types that can't be represented in Flink (UUID)
return FlinkFixupTypes.fixup(schema, baseSchema);
* Convert a {@link Schema} to a {@link RowType Flink type}.
* @param schema a Schema
* @return the equivalent Flink type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type cannot be converted to Flink
public static RowType convert(Schema schema) {
return (RowType) TypeUtil.visit(schema, new TypeToFlinkType());
* Convert a {@link Type} to a {@link LogicalType Flink type}.
* @param type a Type
* @return the equivalent Flink type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type cannot be converted to Flink
public static LogicalType convert(Type type) {
return TypeUtil.visit(type, new TypeToFlinkType());
* Convert a {@link RowType} to a {@link TableSchema}.
* @param rowType a RowType
* @return Flink TableSchema
public static TableSchema toSchema(RowType rowType) {
TableSchema.Builder builder = TableSchema.builder();
for (RowType.RowField field : rowType.getFields()) {
builder.field(field.getName(), TypeConversions.fromLogicalToDataType(field.getType()));