blob: d3e6bdcbc285bf81ffadbacb3d7f403472e3cde8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg.spark.extensions;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.iceberg.AssertHelpers;
import org.apache.iceberg.Snapshot;
import org.apache.iceberg.Table;
import org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.ValidationException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchProcedureException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestRollbackToSnapshotProcedure extends SparkExtensionsTestBase {
public TestRollbackToSnapshotProcedure(String catalogName, String implementation, Map<String, String> config) {
super(catalogName, implementation, config);
public void removeTables() {
sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s", tableName);
public void testRollbackToSnapshotUsingPositionalArgs() {
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Table table = validationCatalog.loadTable(tableIdent);
Snapshot firstSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
assertEquals("Should have expected rows",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a"), row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
Snapshot secondSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
List<Object[]> output = sql(
"CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('%s', %dL)",
catalogName, tableIdent, firstSnapshot.snapshotId());
assertEquals("Procedure output must match",
ImmutableList.of(row(secondSnapshot.snapshotId(), firstSnapshot.snapshotId())),
assertEquals("Rollback must be successful",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
public void testRollbackToSnapshotUsingNamedArgs() {
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Table table = validationCatalog.loadTable(tableIdent);
Snapshot firstSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
assertEquals("Should have expected rows",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a"), row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
Snapshot secondSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
List<Object[]> output = sql(
"CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot(snapshot_id => %dL, table => '%s')",
catalogName, firstSnapshot.snapshotId(), tableIdent);
assertEquals("Procedure output must match",
ImmutableList.of(row(secondSnapshot.snapshotId(), firstSnapshot.snapshotId())),
assertEquals("Rollback must be successful",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
public void testRollbackToSnapshotRefreshesRelationCache() {
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Table table = validationCatalog.loadTable(tableIdent);
Snapshot firstSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Snapshot secondSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
Dataset<Row> query = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE id = 1");
spark.sql("CACHE TABLE tmp");
assertEquals("View should have expected rows",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a"), row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM tmp"));
List<Object[]> output = sql(
"CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot(table => '%s', snapshot_id => %dL)",
catalogName, tableIdent, firstSnapshot.snapshotId());
assertEquals("Procedure output must match",
ImmutableList.of(row(secondSnapshot.snapshotId(), firstSnapshot.snapshotId())),
assertEquals("View cache must be invalidated",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM tmp"));
sql("UNCACHE TABLE tmp");
public void testRollbackToSnapshotWithQuotedIdentifiers() {
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Table table = validationCatalog.loadTable(tableIdent);
Snapshot firstSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
assertEquals("Should have expected rows",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a"), row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
Snapshot secondSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
StringBuilder quotedNamespaceBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String level : tableIdent.namespace().levels()) {
String quotedNamespace = quotedNamespaceBuilder.toString();
List<Object[]> output = sql(
"CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('%s', %d)",
catalogName, quotedNamespace + ".`" + + "`", firstSnapshot.snapshotId());
assertEquals("Procedure output must match",
ImmutableList.of(row(secondSnapshot.snapshotId(), firstSnapshot.snapshotId())),
assertEquals("Rollback must be successful",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
public void testRollbackToSnapshotWithoutExplicitCatalog() {
Assume.assumeTrue("Working only with the session catalog", "spark_catalog".equals(catalogName));
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
Table table = validationCatalog.loadTable(tableIdent);
Snapshot firstSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
sql("INSERT INTO TABLE %s VALUES (1, 'a')", tableName);
assertEquals("Should have expected rows",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a"), row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
Snapshot secondSnapshot = table.currentSnapshot();
// use camel case intentionally to test case sensitivity
List<Object[]> output = sql(
"CALL SyStEm.rOLlBaCk_to_SnApShOt('%s', %dL)",
tableIdent, firstSnapshot.snapshotId());
assertEquals("Procedure output must match",
ImmutableList.of(row(secondSnapshot.snapshotId(), firstSnapshot.snapshotId())),
assertEquals("Rollback must be successful",
ImmutableList.of(row(1L, "a")),
sql("SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY id", tableName));
public void testRollbackToInvalidSnapshot() {
sql("CREATE TABLE %s (id bigint NOT NULL, data string) USING iceberg", tableName);
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject invalid snapshot id",
ValidationException.class, "Cannot roll back to unknown snapshot id",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('%s', -1L)", catalogName, tableIdent));
public void testInvalidRollbackToSnapshotCases() {
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should not allow mixed args",
AnalysisException.class, "Named and positional arguments cannot be mixed",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot(namespace => 'n1', table => 't', 1L)", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should not resolve procedures in arbitrary namespaces",
NoSuchProcedureException.class, "not found",
() -> sql("CALL %s.custom.rollback_to_snapshot('n', 't', 1L)", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject calls without all required args",
AnalysisException.class, "Missing required parameters",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('t')", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject calls without all required args",
AnalysisException.class, "Missing required parameters",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot(1L)", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject calls without all required args",
AnalysisException.class, "Missing required parameters",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot(table => 't')", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject calls with invalid arg types",
AnalysisException.class, "Wrong arg type for snapshot_id: cannot cast",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('t', 2.2)", catalogName));
AssertHelpers.assertThrows("Should reject calls with empty table identifier",
IllegalArgumentException.class, "Cannot handle an empty identifier",
() -> sql("CALL %s.system.rollback_to_snapshot('', 1L)", catalogName));