blob: 77dcad9cfba607ce5ac4fdb1faa86fbfbd1d6514 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import date
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Union
from uuid import UUID
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, Field
class ErrorModel(BaseModel):
JSON error payload returned in a response with further details on the error
message: str = Field(..., description='Human-readable error message')
type: str = Field(
description='Internal type definition of the error',
code: int = Field(
..., description='HTTP response code', example=404, ge=400, le=600
stack: Optional[List[str]] = None
class CatalogConfig(BaseModel):
Server-provided configuration for the catalog.
overrides: Dict[str, str] = Field(
description='Properties that should be used to override client configuration; applied after defaults and client configuration.',
defaults: Dict[str, str] = Field(
description='Properties that should be used as default configuration; applied before client configuration.',
class UpdateNamespacePropertiesRequest(BaseModel):
removals: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
None, example=['department', 'access_group'], unique_items=True
updates: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
None, example={'owner': 'Hank Bendickson'}
class Namespace(BaseModel):
Reference to one or more levels of a namespace
__root__: List[str] = Field(
description='Reference to one or more levels of a namespace',
example=['accounting', 'tax'],
class PageToken(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description='An opaque token which allows clients to make use of pagination for a list API (e.g. ListTables). Clients will initiate the first paginated request by sending an empty `pageToken` e.g. `GET /tables?pageToken` or `GET /tables?pageToken=` signaling to the service that the response should be paginated.\nServers that support pagination will recognize `pageToken` and return a `next-page-token` in response if there are more results available. After the initial request, it is expected that the value of `next-page-token` from the last response is used in the subsequent request. Servers that do not support pagination will ignore `next-page-token` and return all results.',
class TableIdentifier(BaseModel):
namespace: Namespace
name: str
class PrimitiveType(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(..., example=['long', 'string', 'fixed[16]', 'decimal(10,2)'])
class ExpressionType(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
class Reference(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(..., example=['column-name'])
class Transform(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
class PartitionField(BaseModel):
field_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='field-id')
source_id: int = Field(..., alias='source-id')
name: str
transform: Transform
class PartitionSpec(BaseModel):
spec_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='spec-id')
fields: List[PartitionField]
class SortDirection(BaseModel):
__root__: Literal['asc', 'desc']
class NullOrder(BaseModel):
__root__: Literal['nulls-first', 'nulls-last']
class SortField(BaseModel):
source_id: int = Field(..., alias='source-id')
transform: Transform
direction: SortDirection
null_order: NullOrder = Field(..., alias='null-order')
class SortOrder(BaseModel):
order_id: int = Field(..., alias='order-id')
fields: List[SortField]
class Summary(BaseModel):
operation: Literal['append', 'replace', 'overwrite', 'delete']
additionalProperties: Optional[str] = None
class Snapshot(BaseModel):
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
parent_snapshot_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='parent-snapshot-id')
sequence_number: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='sequence-number')
timestamp_ms: int = Field(..., alias='timestamp-ms')
manifest_list: str = Field(
description="Location of the snapshot's manifest list file",
summary: Summary
schema_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='schema-id')
class SnapshotReference(BaseModel):
type: Literal['tag', 'branch']
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
max_ref_age_ms: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='max-ref-age-ms')
max_snapshot_age_ms: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='max-snapshot-age-ms')
min_snapshots_to_keep: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='min-snapshots-to-keep')
class SnapshotReferences(BaseModel):
__root__: Optional[Dict[str, SnapshotReference]] = None
class SnapshotLogItem(BaseModel):
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
timestamp_ms: int = Field(..., alias='timestamp-ms')
class SnapshotLog(BaseModel):
__root__: List[SnapshotLogItem]
class MetadataLogItem(BaseModel):
metadata_file: str = Field(..., alias='metadata-file')
timestamp_ms: int = Field(..., alias='timestamp-ms')
class MetadataLog(BaseModel):
__root__: List[MetadataLogItem]
class SQLViewRepresentation(BaseModel):
type: str
sql: str
dialect: str
class ViewRepresentation(BaseModel):
__root__: SQLViewRepresentation
class ViewHistoryEntry(BaseModel):
version_id: int = Field(..., alias='version-id')
timestamp_ms: int = Field(..., alias='timestamp-ms')
class ViewVersion(BaseModel):
version_id: int = Field(..., alias='version-id')
timestamp_ms: int = Field(..., alias='timestamp-ms')
schema_id: int = Field(
description='Schema ID to set as current, or -1 to set last added schema',
summary: Dict[str, str]
representations: List[ViewRepresentation]
default_catalog: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias='default-catalog')
default_namespace: Namespace = Field(..., alias='default-namespace')
class BaseUpdate(BaseModel):
action: str
class AssignUUIDUpdate(BaseUpdate):
Assigning a UUID to a table/view should only be done when creating the table/view. It is not safe to re-assign the UUID if a table/view already has a UUID assigned
action: Literal['assign-uuid']
uuid: str
class UpgradeFormatVersionUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['upgrade-format-version']
format_version: int = Field(..., alias='format-version')
class SetCurrentSchemaUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-current-schema']
schema_id: int = Field(
description='Schema ID to set as current, or -1 to set last added schema',
class AddPartitionSpecUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['add-spec']
spec: PartitionSpec
class SetDefaultSpecUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-default-spec']
spec_id: int = Field(
description='Partition spec ID to set as the default, or -1 to set last added spec',
class AddSortOrderUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['add-sort-order']
sort_order: SortOrder = Field(..., alias='sort-order')
class SetDefaultSortOrderUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-default-sort-order']
sort_order_id: int = Field(
description='Sort order ID to set as the default, or -1 to set last added sort order',
class AddSnapshotUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['add-snapshot']
snapshot: Snapshot
class SetSnapshotRefUpdate(BaseUpdate, SnapshotReference):
action: Literal['set-snapshot-ref']
ref_name: str = Field(..., alias='ref-name')
class RemoveSnapshotsUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['remove-snapshots']
snapshot_ids: List[int] = Field(..., alias='snapshot-ids')
class RemoveSnapshotRefUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['remove-snapshot-ref']
ref_name: str = Field(..., alias='ref-name')
class SetLocationUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-location']
location: str
class SetPropertiesUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-properties']
updates: Dict[str, str]
class RemovePropertiesUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['remove-properties']
removals: List[str]
class AddViewVersionUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['add-view-version']
view_version: ViewVersion = Field(..., alias='view-version')
class SetCurrentViewVersionUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-current-view-version']
view_version_id: int = Field(
description='The view version id to set as current, or -1 to set last added view version id',
class RemoveStatisticsUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['remove-statistics']
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
class RemovePartitionStatisticsUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['remove-partition-statistics']
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
class TableRequirement(BaseModel):
type: str
class AssertCreate(TableRequirement):
The table must not already exist; used for create transactions
type: Literal['assert-create']
class AssertTableUUID(TableRequirement):
The table UUID must match the requirement's `uuid`
type: Literal['assert-table-uuid']
uuid: str
class AssertRefSnapshotId(TableRequirement):
The table branch or tag identified by the requirement's `ref` must reference the requirement's `snapshot-id`; if `snapshot-id` is `null` or missing, the ref must not already exist
type: Literal['assert-ref-snapshot-id']
ref: str
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
class AssertLastAssignedFieldId(TableRequirement):
The table's last assigned column id must match the requirement's `last-assigned-field-id`
type: Literal['assert-last-assigned-field-id']
last_assigned_field_id: int = Field(..., alias='last-assigned-field-id')
class AssertCurrentSchemaId(TableRequirement):
The table's current schema id must match the requirement's `current-schema-id`
type: Literal['assert-current-schema-id']
current_schema_id: int = Field(..., alias='current-schema-id')
class AssertLastAssignedPartitionId(TableRequirement):
The table's last assigned partition id must match the requirement's `last-assigned-partition-id`
type: Literal['assert-last-assigned-partition-id']
last_assigned_partition_id: int = Field(..., alias='last-assigned-partition-id')
class AssertDefaultSpecId(TableRequirement):
The table's default spec id must match the requirement's `default-spec-id`
type: Literal['assert-default-spec-id']
default_spec_id: int = Field(..., alias='default-spec-id')
class AssertDefaultSortOrderId(TableRequirement):
The table's default sort order id must match the requirement's `default-sort-order-id`
type: Literal['assert-default-sort-order-id']
default_sort_order_id: int = Field(..., alias='default-sort-order-id')
class ViewRequirement(BaseModel):
type: str
class AssertViewUUID(ViewRequirement):
The view UUID must match the requirement's `uuid`
type: Literal['assert-view-uuid']
uuid: str
class RegisterTableRequest(BaseModel):
name: str
metadata_location: str = Field(..., alias='metadata-location')
class TokenType(BaseModel):
__root__: Literal[
] = Field(
description='Token type identifier, from RFC 8693 Section 3\n\nSee',
class OAuthClientCredentialsRequest(BaseModel):
OAuth2 client credentials request
grant_type: Literal['client_credentials']
scope: Optional[str] = None
client_id: str = Field(
description='Client ID\n\nThis can be sent in the request body, but OAuth2 recommends sending it in a Basic Authorization header.',
client_secret: str = Field(
description='Client secret\n\nThis can be sent in the request body, but OAuth2 recommends sending it in a Basic Authorization header.',
class OAuthTokenExchangeRequest(BaseModel):
OAuth2 token exchange request
grant_type: Literal['urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange']
scope: Optional[str] = None
requested_token_type: Optional[TokenType] = None
subject_token: str = Field(
..., description='Subject token for token exchange request'
subject_token_type: TokenType
actor_token: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description='Actor token for token exchange request'
actor_token_type: Optional[TokenType] = None
class OAuthTokenRequest(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[OAuthClientCredentialsRequest, OAuthTokenExchangeRequest]
class CounterResult(BaseModel):
unit: str
value: int
class TimerResult(BaseModel):
time_unit: str = Field(..., alias='time-unit')
count: int
total_duration: int = Field(..., alias='total-duration')
class MetricResult(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[CounterResult, TimerResult]
class Metrics(BaseModel):
__root__: Optional[Dict[str, MetricResult]] = None
class CommitReport(BaseModel):
table_name: str = Field(..., alias='table-name')
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
sequence_number: int = Field(..., alias='sequence-number')
operation: str
metrics: Metrics
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class OAuthError(BaseModel):
error: Literal[
error_description: Optional[str] = None
error_uri: Optional[str] = None
class OAuthTokenResponse(BaseModel):
access_token: str = Field(
..., description='The access token, for client credentials or token exchange'
token_type: Literal['bearer', 'mac', 'N_A'] = Field(
description='Access token type for client credentials or token exchange\n\nSee',
expires_in: Optional[int] = Field(
description='Lifetime of the access token in seconds for client credentials or token exchange',
issued_token_type: Optional[TokenType] = None
refresh_token: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description='Refresh token for client credentials or token exchange'
scope: Optional[str] = Field(
None, description='Authorization scope for client credentials or token exchange'
class IcebergErrorResponse(BaseModel):
JSON wrapper for all error responses (non-2xx)
class Config:
extra = Extra.forbid
error: ErrorModel
class CreateNamespaceResponse(BaseModel):
namespace: Namespace
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
description='Properties stored on the namespace, if supported by the server.',
example={'owner': 'Ralph', 'created_at': '1452120468'},
class GetNamespaceResponse(BaseModel):
namespace: Namespace
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
description='Properties stored on the namespace, if supported by the server. If the server does not support namespace properties, it should return null for this field. If namespace properties are supported, but none are set, it should return an empty object.',
example={'owner': 'Ralph', 'transient_lastDdlTime': '1452120468'},
class ListTablesResponse(BaseModel):
next_page_token: Optional[PageToken] = Field(None, alias='next-page-token')
identifiers: Optional[List[TableIdentifier]] = Field(None, unique_items=True)
class ListNamespacesResponse(BaseModel):
next_page_token: Optional[PageToken] = Field(None, alias='next-page-token')
namespaces: Optional[List[Namespace]] = Field(None, unique_items=True)
class UpdateNamespacePropertiesResponse(BaseModel):
updated: List[str] = Field(
description='List of property keys that were added or updated',
removed: List[str] = Field(..., description='List of properties that were removed')
missing: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
description="List of properties requested for removal that were not found in the namespace's properties. Represents a partial success response. Server's do not need to implement this.",
class BlobMetadata(BaseModel):
type: str
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
sequence_number: int = Field(..., alias='sequence-number')
fields: List[int]
properties: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
class PartitionStatisticsFile(BaseModel):
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
statistics_path: str = Field(..., alias='statistics-path')
file_size_in_bytes: int = Field(..., alias='file-size-in-bytes')
class BooleanTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: bool = Field(..., example=True)
class IntegerTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: int = Field(..., example=42)
class LongTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: int = Field(..., example=9223372036854775807)
class FloatTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: float = Field(..., example=3.14)
class DoubleTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: float = Field(..., example=123.456)
class DecimalTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="Decimal type values are serialized as strings. Decimals with a positive scale serialize as numeric plain text, while decimals with a negative scale use scientific notation and the exponent will be equal to the negated scale. For instance, a decimal with a positive scale is '123.4500', with zero scale is '2', and with a negative scale is '2E+20'",
class StringTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(..., example='hello')
class UUIDTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: UUID = Field(
description='UUID type values are serialized as a 36-character lowercase string in standard UUID format as specified by RFC-4122',
class DateTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: date = Field(
description="Date type values follow the 'YYYY-MM-DD' ISO-8601 standard date format",
class TimeTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="Time type values follow the 'HH:MM:SS.ssssss' ISO-8601 format with microsecond precision",
class TimestampTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="Timestamp type values follow the 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss' ISO-8601 format with microsecond precision",
class TimestampTzTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="TimestampTz type values follow the 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssss+00:00' ISO-8601 format with microsecond precision, and a timezone offset (+00:00 for UTC)",
class TimestampNanoTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="Timestamp_ns type values follow the 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssssssss' ISO-8601 format with nanosecond precision",
class TimestampTzNanoTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description="Timestamp_ns type values follow the 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssssssss+00:00' ISO-8601 format with nanosecond precision, and a timezone offset (+00:00 for UTC)",
class FixedTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description='Fixed length type values are stored and serialized as an uppercase hexadecimal string preserving the fixed length',
class BinaryTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: str = Field(
description='Binary type values are stored and serialized as an uppercase hexadecimal string',
class CountMap(BaseModel):
keys: Optional[List[IntegerTypeValue]] = Field(
None, description='List of integer column ids for each corresponding value'
values: Optional[List[LongTypeValue]] = Field(
None, description="List of Long values, matched to 'keys' by index"
class PrimitiveTypeValue(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[
class FileFormat(BaseModel):
__root__: Literal['avro', 'orc', 'parquet']
class ContentFile(BaseModel):
content: str
file_path: str = Field(..., alias='file-path')
file_format: FileFormat = Field(..., alias='file-format')
spec_id: int = Field(..., alias='spec-id')
partition: Optional[List[PrimitiveTypeValue]] = Field(
description='A list of partition field values ordered based on the fields of the partition spec specified by the `spec-id`',
example=[1, 'bar'],
file_size_in_bytes: int = Field(
..., alias='file-size-in-bytes', description='Total file size in bytes'
record_count: int = Field(
..., alias='record-count', description='Number of records in the file'
key_metadata: Optional[BinaryTypeValue] = Field(
None, alias='key-metadata', description='Encryption key metadata blob'
split_offsets: Optional[List[int]] = Field(
None, alias='split-offsets', description='List of splittable offsets'
sort_order_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='sort-order-id')
class PositionDeleteFile(ContentFile):
content: Literal['position-deletes']
class EqualityDeleteFile(ContentFile):
content: Literal['equality-deletes']
equality_ids: Optional[List[int]] = Field(
None, alias='equality-ids', description='List of equality field IDs'
class CreateNamespaceRequest(BaseModel):
namespace: Namespace
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
description='Configured string to string map of properties for the namespace',
example={'owner': 'Hank Bendickson'},
class RenameTableRequest(BaseModel):
source: TableIdentifier
destination: TableIdentifier
class TransformTerm(BaseModel):
type: Literal['transform']
transform: Transform
term: Reference
class SetPartitionStatisticsUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-partition-statistics']
partition_statistics: PartitionStatisticsFile = Field(
..., alias='partition-statistics'
class ReportMetricsRequest2(CommitReport):
report_type: str = Field(..., alias='report-type')
class StatisticsFile(BaseModel):
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
statistics_path: str = Field(..., alias='statistics-path')
file_size_in_bytes: int = Field(..., alias='file-size-in-bytes')
file_footer_size_in_bytes: int = Field(..., alias='file-footer-size-in-bytes')
blob_metadata: List[BlobMetadata] = Field(..., alias='blob-metadata')
class ValueMap(BaseModel):
keys: Optional[List[IntegerTypeValue]] = Field(
None, description='List of integer column ids for each corresponding value'
values: Optional[List[PrimitiveTypeValue]] = Field(
None, description="List of primitive type values, matched to 'keys' by index"
class DataFile(ContentFile):
content: Literal['data']
column_sizes: Optional[CountMap] = Field(
description='Map of column id to total count, including null and NaN',
value_counts: Optional[CountMap] = Field(
None, alias='value-counts', description='Map of column id to null value count'
null_value_counts: Optional[CountMap] = Field(
description='Map of column id to null value count',
nan_value_counts: Optional[CountMap] = Field(
description='Map of column id to number of NaN values in the column',
lower_bounds: Optional[ValueMap] = Field(
description='Map of column id to lower bound primitive type values',
upper_bounds: Optional[ValueMap] = Field(
description='Map of column id to upper bound primitive type values',
class Term(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[Reference, TransformTerm]
class SetStatisticsUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['set-statistics']
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
statistics: StatisticsFile
class UnaryExpression(BaseModel):
type: ExpressionType
term: Term
value: Dict[str, Any]
class LiteralExpression(BaseModel):
type: ExpressionType
term: Term
value: Dict[str, Any]
class SetExpression(BaseModel):
type: ExpressionType
term: Term
values: List[Dict[str, Any]]
class StructField(BaseModel):
id: int
name: str
type: Type
required: bool
doc: Optional[str] = None
class StructType(BaseModel):
type: Literal['struct']
fields: List[StructField]
class ListType(BaseModel):
type: Literal['list']
element_id: int = Field(..., alias='element-id')
element: Type
element_required: bool = Field(..., alias='element-required')
class MapType(BaseModel):
type: Literal['map']
key_id: int = Field(..., alias='key-id')
key: Type
value_id: int = Field(..., alias='value-id')
value: Type
value_required: bool = Field(..., alias='value-required')
class Type(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[PrimitiveType, StructType, ListType, MapType]
class Expression(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[
class AndOrExpression(BaseModel):
type: ExpressionType
left: Expression
right: Expression
class NotExpression(BaseModel):
type: ExpressionType
child: Expression
class TableMetadata(BaseModel):
format_version: int = Field(..., alias='format-version', ge=1, le=2)
table_uuid: str = Field(..., alias='table-uuid')
location: Optional[str] = None
last_updated_ms: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='last-updated-ms')
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
schemas: Optional[List[Schema]] = None
current_schema_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='current-schema-id')
last_column_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='last-column-id')
partition_specs: Optional[List[PartitionSpec]] = Field(
None, alias='partition-specs'
default_spec_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='default-spec-id')
last_partition_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='last-partition-id')
sort_orders: Optional[List[SortOrder]] = Field(None, alias='sort-orders')
default_sort_order_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='default-sort-order-id')
snapshots: Optional[List[Snapshot]] = None
refs: Optional[SnapshotReferences] = None
current_snapshot_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='current-snapshot-id')
last_sequence_number: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='last-sequence-number')
snapshot_log: Optional[SnapshotLog] = Field(None, alias='snapshot-log')
metadata_log: Optional[MetadataLog] = Field(None, alias='metadata-log')
statistics_files: Optional[List[StatisticsFile]] = Field(
None, alias='statistics-files'
partition_statistics_files: Optional[List[PartitionStatisticsFile]] = Field(
None, alias='partition-statistics-files'
class ViewMetadata(BaseModel):
view_uuid: str = Field(..., alias='view-uuid')
format_version: int = Field(..., alias='format-version', ge=1, le=1)
location: str
current_version_id: int = Field(..., alias='current-version-id')
versions: List[ViewVersion]
version_log: List[ViewHistoryEntry] = Field(..., alias='version-log')
schemas: List[Schema]
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class AddSchemaUpdate(BaseUpdate):
action: Literal['add-schema']
schema_: Schema = Field(..., alias='schema')
last_column_id: Optional[int] = Field(
description='The highest assigned column ID for the table. This is used to ensure columns are always assigned an unused ID when evolving schemas. When omitted, it will be computed on the server side.',
class TableUpdate(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[
class ViewUpdate(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[
class LoadTableResult(BaseModel):
Result used when a table is successfully loaded.
The table metadata JSON is returned in the `metadata` field. The corresponding file location of table metadata should be returned in the `metadata-location` field, unless the metadata is not yet committed. For example, a create transaction may return metadata that is staged but not committed.
Clients can check whether metadata has changed by comparing metadata locations after the table has been created.
The `config` map returns table-specific configuration for the table's resources, including its HTTP client and FileIO. For example, config may contain a specific FileIO implementation class for the table depending on its underlying storage.
The following configurations should be respected by clients:
## General Configurations
- `token`: Authorization bearer token to use for table requests if OAuth2 security is enabled
## AWS Configurations
The following configurations should be respected when working with tables stored in AWS S3
- `client.region`: region to configure client for making requests to AWS
- `s3.access-key-id`: id for for credentials that provide access to the data in S3
- `s3.secret-access-key`: secret for credentials that provide access to data in S3
- `s3.session-token`: if present, this value should be used for as the session token
- `s3.remote-signing-enabled`: if `true` remote signing should be performed as described in the `s3-signer-open-api.yaml` specification
metadata_location: Optional[str] = Field(
description='May be null if the table is staged as part of a transaction',
metadata: TableMetadata
config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class CommitTableRequest(BaseModel):
identifier: Optional[TableIdentifier] = Field(
description='Table identifier to update; must be present for CommitTransactionRequest',
requirements: List[TableRequirement]
updates: List[TableUpdate]
class CommitViewRequest(BaseModel):
identifier: Optional[TableIdentifier] = Field(
None, description='View identifier to update'
requirements: Optional[List[ViewRequirement]] = None
updates: List[ViewUpdate]
class CommitTransactionRequest(BaseModel):
table_changes: List[CommitTableRequest] = Field(..., alias='table-changes')
class CreateTableRequest(BaseModel):
name: str
location: Optional[str] = None
schema_: Schema = Field(..., alias='schema')
partition_spec: Optional[PartitionSpec] = Field(None, alias='partition-spec')
write_order: Optional[SortOrder] = Field(None, alias='write-order')
stage_create: Optional[bool] = Field(None, alias='stage-create')
properties: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class CreateViewRequest(BaseModel):
name: str
location: Optional[str] = None
schema_: Schema = Field(..., alias='schema')
view_version: ViewVersion = Field(
description='The view version to create, will replace the schema-id sent within the view-version with the id assigned to the provided schema',
properties: Dict[str, str]
class LoadViewResult(BaseModel):
Result used when a view is successfully loaded.
The view metadata JSON is returned in the `metadata` field. The corresponding file location of view metadata is returned in the `metadata-location` field.
Clients can check whether metadata has changed by comparing metadata locations after the view has been created.
The `config` map returns view-specific configuration for the view's resources.
The following configurations should be respected by clients:
## General Configurations
- `token`: Authorization bearer token to use for view requests if OAuth2 security is enabled
metadata_location: str = Field(..., alias='metadata-location')
metadata: ViewMetadata
config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class ReportMetricsRequest(BaseModel):
__root__: Union[ReportMetricsRequest1, ReportMetricsRequest2]
class ScanReport(BaseModel):
table_name: str = Field(..., alias='table-name')
snapshot_id: int = Field(..., alias='snapshot-id')
filter: Expression
schema_id: int = Field(..., alias='schema-id')
projected_field_ids: List[int] = Field(..., alias='projected-field-ids')
projected_field_names: List[str] = Field(..., alias='projected-field-names')
metrics: Metrics
metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class CommitTableResponse(BaseModel):
metadata_location: str = Field(..., alias='metadata-location')
metadata: TableMetadata
class Schema(StructType):
schema_id: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias='schema-id')
identifier_field_ids: Optional[List[int]] = Field(
None, alias='identifier-field-ids'
class ReportMetricsRequest1(ScanReport):
report_type: str = Field(..., alias='report-type')