blob: f0a46f1576a66d363aeef07021fa660be0e3ca86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.iceberg.exceptions.RuntimeIOException;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.PropertyUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.SnapshotUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.Tasks;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
class IncrementalFileCleanup extends FileCleanupStrategy {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IncrementalFileCleanup.class);
FileIO fileIO,
ExecutorService deleteExecutorService,
ExecutorService planExecutorService,
Consumer<String> deleteFunc) {
super(fileIO, deleteExecutorService, planExecutorService, deleteFunc);
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:CyclomaticComplexity", "MethodLength"})
public void cleanFiles(TableMetadata beforeExpiration, TableMetadata afterExpiration) {
if (afterExpiration.refs().size() > 1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Cannot incrementally clean files for tables with more than 1 ref");
// clean up the expired snapshots:
// 1. Get a list of the snapshots that were removed
// 2. Delete any data files that were deleted by those snapshots and are not in the table
// 3. Delete any manifests that are no longer used by current snapshots
// 4. Delete the manifest lists
Set<Long> validIds = Sets.newHashSet();
for (Snapshot snapshot : afterExpiration.snapshots()) {
Set<Long> expiredIds = Sets.newHashSet();
for (Snapshot snapshot : beforeExpiration.snapshots()) {
long snapshotId = snapshot.snapshotId();
if (!validIds.contains(snapshotId)) {
// the snapshot was expired"Expired snapshot: {}", snapshot);
if (expiredIds.isEmpty()) {
// if no snapshots were expired, skip cleanup
SnapshotRef branchToCleanup = Iterables.getFirst(beforeExpiration.refs().values(), null);
if (branchToCleanup == null) {
Snapshot latest = beforeExpiration.snapshot(branchToCleanup.snapshotId());
List<Snapshot> snapshots = afterExpiration.snapshots();
// this is the set of ancestors of the current table state. when removing snapshots, this must
// only remove files that were deleted in an ancestor of the current table state to avoid
// physically deleting files that were logically deleted in a commit that was rolled back.
Set<Long> ancestorIds =
Sets.newHashSet(SnapshotUtil.ancestorIds(latest, beforeExpiration::snapshot));
Set<Long> pickedAncestorSnapshotIds = Sets.newHashSet();
for (long snapshotId : ancestorIds) {
String sourceSnapshotId =
if (sourceSnapshotId != null) {
// protect any snapshot that was cherry-picked into the current table state
// find manifests to clean up that are still referenced by a valid snapshot, but written by an
// expired snapshot
Set<String> validManifests = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<ManifestFile> manifestsToScan = Sets.newHashSet();
// Reads and deletes are done using Tasks.foreach(...).suppressFailureWhenFinished to complete
// as much of the delete work as possible and avoid orphaned data or manifest files.
(snapshot, exc) ->
"Failed on snapshot {} while reading manifest list: {}",
snapshot -> {
try (CloseableIterable<ManifestFile> manifests = readManifests(snapshot)) {
for (ManifestFile manifest : manifests) {
long snapshotId = manifest.snapshotId();
// whether the manifest was created by a valid snapshot (true) or an expired
// snapshot (false)
boolean fromValidSnapshots = validIds.contains(snapshotId);
// whether the snapshot that created the manifest was an ancestor of the table
// state
boolean isFromAncestor = ancestorIds.contains(snapshotId);
// whether the changes in this snapshot have been picked into the current table
// state
boolean isPicked = pickedAncestorSnapshotIds.contains(snapshotId);
// if the snapshot that wrote this manifest is no longer valid (has expired),
// then delete its deleted files. note that this is only for expired snapshots
// that are in the
// current table state
if (!fromValidSnapshots
&& (isFromAncestor || isPicked)
&& manifest.hasDeletedFiles()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(
e, "Failed to close manifest list: %s", snapshot.manifestListLocation());
// find manifests to clean up that were only referenced by snapshots that have expired
Set<String> manifestListsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<String> manifestsToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
Set<ManifestFile> manifestsToRevert = Sets.newHashSet();
(snapshot, exc) ->
"Failed on snapshot {} while reading manifest list: {}",
snapshot -> {
long snapshotId = snapshot.snapshotId();
if (!validIds.contains(snapshotId)) {
// determine whether the changes in this snapshot are in the current table state
if (pickedAncestorSnapshotIds.contains(snapshotId)) {
// this snapshot was cherry-picked into the current table state, so skip cleaning
// it up.
// its changes will expire when the picked snapshot expires.
// A -- C -- D (source=B)
// `- B <-- this commit
long sourceSnapshotId =
snapshot.summary(), SnapshotSummary.SOURCE_SNAPSHOT_ID_PROP, -1);
if (ancestorIds.contains(sourceSnapshotId)) {
// this commit was cherry-picked from a commit that is in the current table state.
// do not clean up its changes because it would revert data file additions that
// are in the current
// table.
// A -- B -- C
// `- D (source=B) <-- this commit
if (pickedAncestorSnapshotIds.contains(sourceSnapshotId)) {
// this commit was cherry-picked from a commit that is in the current table state.
// do not clean up its changes because it would revert data file additions that
// are in the current
// table.
// A -- C -- E (source=B)
// `- B `- D (source=B) <-- this commit
// find any manifests that are no longer needed
try (CloseableIterable<ManifestFile> manifests = readManifests(snapshot)) {
for (ManifestFile manifest : manifests) {
if (!validManifests.contains(manifest.path())) {
boolean isFromAncestor = ancestorIds.contains(manifest.snapshotId());
boolean isFromExpiringSnapshot = expiredIds.contains(manifest.snapshotId());
if (isFromAncestor && manifest.hasDeletedFiles()) {
// Only delete data files that were deleted in by an expired snapshot if
// that napshot is an ancestor of the current table state. Otherwise, a
// snapshot
// that deleted files and was rolled back will delete files that could be in
// the current
// table state.
if (!isFromAncestor && isFromExpiringSnapshot && manifest.hasAddedFiles()) {
// Because the manifest was written by a snapshot that is not an ancestor of
// the current table state, the files added in this manifest can be removed.
// The
// extra check whether the manifest was written by a known snapshot that was
// expired in this commit ensures that the full ancestor list between when
// the snapshot
// was written and this expiration is known and there is no missing history.
// If
// history were missing, then the snapshot could be an ancestor of the table
// state
// but the ancestor ID set would not contain it and this would be unsafe.
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(
e, "Failed to close manifest list: %s", snapshot.manifestListLocation());
// add the manifest list to the delete set, if present
if (snapshot.manifestListLocation() != null) {
Set<String> filesToDelete =
findFilesToDelete(manifestsToScan, manifestsToRevert, validIds, afterExpiration);
deleteFiles(filesToDelete, "data");
deleteFiles(manifestsToDelete, "manifest");
deleteFiles(manifestListsToDelete, "manifest list");
if (!beforeExpiration.statisticsFiles().isEmpty()) {
Set<String> expiredStatisticsFilesLocations =
expiredStatisticsFilesLocations(beforeExpiration, afterExpiration);
deleteFiles(expiredStatisticsFilesLocations, "statistics files");
private Set<String> findFilesToDelete(
Set<ManifestFile> manifestsToScan,
Set<ManifestFile> manifestsToRevert,
Set<Long> validIds,
TableMetadata current) {
Set<String> filesToDelete = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
(item, exc) ->
LOG.warn("Failed to get deleted files: this may cause orphaned data files", exc))
manifest -> {
// the manifest has deletes, scan it to find files to delete
try (ManifestReader<?> reader =, fileIO, current.specsById())) {
for (ManifestEntry<?> entry : reader.entries()) {
// if the snapshot ID of the DELETE entry is no longer valid, the data can be
// deleted
if (entry.status() == ManifestEntry.Status.DELETED
&& !validIds.contains(entry.snapshotId())) {
// use toString to ensure the path will not change (Utf8 is reused)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(e, "Failed to read manifest file: %s", manifest);
(item, exc) ->
LOG.warn("Failed to get added files: this may cause orphaned data files", exc))
manifest -> {
// the manifest has deletes, scan it to find files to delete
try (ManifestReader<?> reader =, fileIO, current.specsById())) {
for (ManifestEntry<?> entry : reader.entries()) {
// delete any ADDED file from manifests that were reverted
if (entry.status() == ManifestEntry.Status.ADDED) {
// use toString to ensure the path will not change (Utf8 is reused)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeIOException(e, "Failed to read manifest file: %s", manifest);
return filesToDelete;