blob: 0a0dcd81f1784840a3bcbca35ca3df6d6f91e4c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.iceberg.spark.source;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.iceberg.BaseTable;
import org.apache.iceberg.DataFile;
import org.apache.iceberg.DeleteFile;
import org.apache.iceberg.Files;
import org.apache.iceberg.Schema;
import org.apache.iceberg.Table;
import org.apache.iceberg.TableMetadata;
import org.apache.iceberg.TableOperations;
import org.apache.iceberg.TestHelpers.Row;
import org.apache.iceberg.catalog.TableIdentifier;
import org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkStructLike;
import org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkTestBase;
import org.apache.iceberg.types.Types;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.Pair;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.StructLikeSet;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.StructProjection;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
public abstract class TestSparkReaderDeletes extends SparkTestBase {
private static final Schema SCHEMA = new Schema(
Types.NestedField.required(1, "id", Types.IntegerType.get()),
Types.NestedField.required(2, "data", Types.StringType.get()));
private Table table = null;
private List<Record> records = null;
private DataFile dataFile = null;
public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();
public void createTable() throws IOException {
this.table = catalog.createTable(TableIdentifier.of("default", "table"), SCHEMA);
TableOperations ops = ((BaseTable) table).operations();
TableMetadata meta = ops.current();
ops.commit(meta, meta.upgradeToFormatVersion(2));
this.records = Lists.newArrayList();
// records all use IDs that are in bucket id_bucket=0
GenericRecord record = GenericRecord.create(table.schema());
records.add(record.copy("id", 29, "data", "a"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 43, "data", "b"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 61, "data", "c"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 89, "data", "d"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 100, "data", "e"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 121, "data", "f"));
records.add(record.copy("id", 122, "data", "g"));
this.dataFile = FileHelpers.writeDataFile(table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), records);
public void dropTable() {
catalog.dropTable(TableIdentifier.of("default", "table"));
public void testEqualityDeletes() throws IOException {
Schema deleteRowSchema = table.schema().select("data");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(deleteRowSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
dataDelete.copy("data", "a"), // id = 29
dataDelete.copy("data", "d"), // id = 89
dataDelete.copy("data", "g") // id = 122
DeleteFile eqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), dataDeletes, deleteRowSchema);
StructLikeSet expected = rowSetWithoutIds(29, 89, 122);
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table);
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
public void testEqualityDeletesWithRequiredEqColumn() throws IOException {
Schema deleteRowSchema = table.schema().select("data");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(deleteRowSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
dataDelete.copy("data", "a"), // id = 29
dataDelete.copy("data", "d"), // id = 89
dataDelete.copy("data", "g") // id = 122
DeleteFile eqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), dataDeletes, deleteRowSchema);
StructLikeSet expected = selectColumns(rowSetWithoutIds(29, 89, 122), "id");
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table, "id"); // data is added by the reader to apply the eq deletes
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
public void testPositionDeletes() throws IOException {
List<Pair<CharSequence, Long>> deletes = Lists.newArrayList(
Pair.of(dataFile.path(), 0L), // id = 29
Pair.of(dataFile.path(), 3L), // id = 89
Pair.of(dataFile.path(), 6L) // id = 122
DeleteFile posDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), deletes);
StructLikeSet expected = rowSetWithoutIds(29, 89, 122);
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table);
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
public void testMixedPositionAndEqualityDeletes() throws IOException {
Schema dataSchema = table.schema().select("data");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(dataSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
dataDelete.copy("data", "a"), // id = 29
dataDelete.copy("data", "d"), // id = 89
dataDelete.copy("data", "g") // id = 122
DeleteFile eqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), dataDeletes, dataSchema);
List<Pair<CharSequence, Long>> deletes = Lists.newArrayList(
Pair.of(dataFile.path(), 3L), // id = 89
Pair.of(dataFile.path(), 5L) // id = 121
DeleteFile posDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), deletes);
StructLikeSet expected = rowSetWithoutIds(29, 89, 121, 122);
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table);
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
public void testMultipleEqualityDeleteSchemas() throws IOException {
Schema dataSchema = table.schema().select("data");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(dataSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
dataDelete.copy("data", "a"), // id = 29
dataDelete.copy("data", "d"), // id = 89
dataDelete.copy("data", "g") // id = 122
DeleteFile dataEqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), dataDeletes, dataSchema);
Schema idSchema = table.schema().select("id");
Record idDelete = GenericRecord.create(idSchema);
List<Record> idDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
idDelete.copy("id", 121), // id = 121
idDelete.copy("id", 29) // id = 29
DeleteFile idEqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), idDeletes, idSchema);
StructLikeSet expected = rowSetWithoutIds(29, 89, 121, 122);
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table);
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
public void testEqualityDeleteByNull() throws IOException {
// data is required in the test table; make it optional for this test
// add a new data file with a record where data is null
Record record = GenericRecord.create(table.schema());
DataFile dataFileWithNull = FileHelpers.writeDataFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0),
Lists.newArrayList(record.copy("id", 131, "data", null)));
// delete where data is null
Schema dataSchema = table.schema().select("data");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(dataSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
dataDelete.copy("data", null) // id = 131
DeleteFile eqDeletes = FileHelpers.writeDeleteFile(
table, Files.localOutput(temp.newFile()), Row.of(0), dataDeletes, dataSchema);
StructLikeSet expected = rowSetWithoutIds(131);
StructLikeSet actual = rowSet(table);
Assert.assertEquals("Table should contain expected rows", expected, actual);
private static StructLikeSet rowSet(Table table) {
return rowSet(table, "*");
private static StructLikeSet rowSet(Table table, String... columns) {
Dataset<org.apache.spark.sql.Row> df =
Types.StructType projection = table.schema().select(columns).asStruct();
StructLikeSet set = StructLikeSet.create(projection);
df.collectAsList().stream().forEach(row -> {
SparkStructLike rowWrapper = new SparkStructLike(projection);
return set;
private StructLikeSet selectColumns(StructLikeSet rows, String... columns) {
Schema projection = table.schema().select(columns);
StructLikeSet set = StructLikeSet.create(projection.asStruct());
.map(row -> StructProjection.create(table.schema(), projection).wrap(row))
return set;
private StructLikeSet rowSetWithoutIds(int... idsToRemove) {
Set<Integer> deletedIds = Sets.newHashSet(ArrayUtil.toIntList(idsToRemove));
StructLikeSet set = StructLikeSet.create(table.schema().asStruct());
.filter(row -> !deletedIds.contains(row.getField("id")))
return set;