blob: c24f0829dc4e5eba3101cb0a152fdbd3ff1f09ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package iceberg
import (
const (
partitionDataIDStart = 1000
InitialPartitionSpecID = 0
// UnpartitionedSpec is the default unpartitioned spec which can
// be used for comparisons or to just provide a convenience for referencing
// the same unpartitioned spec object.
var UnpartitionedSpec = &PartitionSpec{id: 0}
// PartitionField represents how one partition value is derived from the
// source column by transformation.
type PartitionField struct {
// SourceID is the source column id of the table's schema
SourceID int `json:"source-id"`
// FieldID is the partition field id across all the table partition specs
FieldID int `json:"field-id"`
// Name is the name of the partition field itself
Name string `json:"name"`
// Transform is the transform used to produce the partition value
Transform Transform `json:"transform"`
func (p *PartitionField) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s: %s(%d)", p.FieldID, p.Name, p.Transform, p.SourceID)
func (p *PartitionField) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type Alias PartitionField
aux := struct {
TransformString string `json:"transform"`
Alias: (*Alias)(p),
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &aux)
if err != nil {
return err
if p.Transform, err = ParseTransform(aux.TransformString); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// PartitionSpec captures the transformation from table data to partition values
type PartitionSpec struct {
// any change to a PartitionSpec will produce a new spec id
id int
fields []PartitionField
// this is populated by initialize after creation
sourceIdToFields map[int][]PartitionField
func NewPartitionSpec(fields ...PartitionField) PartitionSpec {
return NewPartitionSpecID(InitialPartitionSpecID, fields...)
func NewPartitionSpecID(id int, fields ...PartitionField) PartitionSpec {
ret := PartitionSpec{id: id, fields: fields}
return ret
// CompatibleWith returns true if this partition spec is considered
// compatible with the passed in partition spec. This means that the two
// specs have equivalent field lists regardless of the spec id.
func (ps *PartitionSpec) CompatibleWith(other *PartitionSpec) bool {
if ps == other {
return true
if len(ps.fields) != len(other.fields) {
return false
return slices.EqualFunc(ps.fields, other.fields, func(left, right PartitionField) bool {
return left.SourceID == right.SourceID && left.Name == right.Name &&
left.Transform == right.Transform
// Equals returns true iff the field lists are the same AND the spec id
// is the same between this partition spec and the provided one.
func (ps *PartitionSpec) Equals(other PartitionSpec) bool {
return == && slices.Equal(ps.fields, other.fields)
func (ps PartitionSpec) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if ps.fields == nil {
ps.fields = []PartitionField{}
return json.Marshal(struct {
ID int `json:"spec-id"`
Fields []PartitionField `json:"fields"`
}{, ps.fields})
func (ps *PartitionSpec) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
aux := struct {
ID int `json:"spec-id"`
Fields []PartitionField `json:"fields"`
}{ID:, Fields: ps.fields}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &aux); err != nil {
return err
}, ps.fields = aux.ID, aux.Fields
return nil
func (ps *PartitionSpec) initialize() {
ps.sourceIdToFields = make(map[int][]PartitionField)
for _, f := range ps.fields {
ps.sourceIdToFields[f.SourceID] =
append(ps.sourceIdToFields[f.SourceID], f)
func (ps *PartitionSpec) ID() int { return }
func (ps *PartitionSpec) NumFields() int { return len(ps.fields) }
func (ps *PartitionSpec) Field(i int) PartitionField { return ps.fields[i] }
func (ps *PartitionSpec) IsUnpartitioned() bool {
if len(ps.fields) == 0 {
return true
for _, f := range ps.fields {
if _, ok := f.Transform.(VoidTransform); !ok {
return false
return true
func (ps *PartitionSpec) FieldsBySourceID(fieldID int) []PartitionField {
return slices.Clone(ps.sourceIdToFields[fieldID])
func (ps PartitionSpec) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
for i, f := range ps.fields {
if i == 0 {
return b.String()
func (ps *PartitionSpec) LastAssignedFieldID() int {
if len(ps.fields) == 0 {
return partitionDataIDStart - 1
id := ps.fields[0].FieldID
for _, f := range ps.fields[1:] {
if f.FieldID > id {
id = f.FieldID
return id
// PartitionType produces a struct of the partition spec.
// The partition fields should be optional:
// - All partition transforms are required to produce null if the input value
// is null. This can happen when the source column is optional.
// - Partition fields may be added later, in which case not all files would
// have the result field and it may be null.
// There is a case where we can guarantee that a partition field in the first
// and only parittion spec that uses a required source column will never be
// null, but it doesn't seem worth tracking this case.
func (ps *PartitionSpec) PartitionType(schema *Schema) *StructType {
nestedFields := []NestedField{}
for _, field := range ps.fields {
sourceType, ok := schema.FindTypeByID(field.SourceID)
if !ok {
resultType := field.Transform.ResultType(sourceType)
nestedFields = append(nestedFields, NestedField{
ID: field.FieldID,
Name: field.Name,
Type: resultType,
Required: false,
return &StructType{FieldList: nestedFields}