blob: 887d46b32eb7e54813b008de2813012689a4b7c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package iceberg
import (
// ParseTransform takes the string representation of a transform as
// defined in the iceberg spec, and produces the appropriate Transform
// object or an error if the string is not a valid transform string.
func ParseTransform(s string) (Transform, error) {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "bucket"):
matches := regexFromBrackets.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if len(matches) != 2 {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
return BucketTransform{NumBuckets: n}, nil
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "truncate"):
matches := regexFromBrackets.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if len(matches) != 2 {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1])
return TruncateTransform{Width: n}, nil
switch s {
case "identity":
return IdentityTransform{}, nil
case "void":
return VoidTransform{}, nil
case "year":
return YearTransform{}, nil
case "month":
return MonthTransform{}, nil
case "day":
return DayTransform{}, nil
case "hour":
return HourTransform{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidTransform, s)
// Transform is an interface for the various Transformation types
// in partition specs. Currently, they do not yet provide actual
// transformation functions or implementation. That will come later as
// data reading gets implemented.
type Transform interface {
ResultType(t Type) Type
Equals(Transform) bool
Apply(Optional[Literal]) Optional[Literal]
Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error)
// IdentityTransform uses the identity function, performing no transformation
// but instead partitioning on the value itself.
type IdentityTransform struct{}
func (t IdentityTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (IdentityTransform) String() string { return "identity" }
func (IdentityTransform) ResultType(t Type) Type { return t }
func (IdentityTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(IdentityTransform)
return ok
func (IdentityTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) Optional[Literal] {
return value
func (t IdentityTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
if _, ok := pred.Term().(*BoundTransform); ok {
return projectTransformPredicate(t, name, pred)
switch p := pred.(type) {
case BoundUnaryPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name)), nil
case BoundLiteralPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name), p.Literal()), nil
case BoundSetPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name), p.Literals().Members()), nil
return nil, nil
// VoidTransform is a transformation that always returns nil.
type VoidTransform struct{}
func (t VoidTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (VoidTransform) String() string { return "void" }
func (VoidTransform) ResultType(t Type) Type { return t }
func (VoidTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(VoidTransform)
return ok
func (VoidTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) Optional[Literal] {
return Optional[Literal]{}
func (VoidTransform) Project(string, BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
return nil, nil
// BucketTransform transforms values into a bucket partition value. It is
// parameterized by a number of buckets. Bucket partition transforms use
// a 32-bit hash of the source value to produce a positive value by mod
// the bucket number.
type BucketTransform struct {
NumBuckets int
func (t BucketTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (t BucketTransform) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("bucket[%d]", t.NumBuckets) }
func (BucketTransform) ResultType(Type) Type { return PrimitiveTypes.Int32 }
func hashHelperInt[T ~int32 | ~int64](v any) uint32 {
var (
val = uint64(v.(T))
buf [8]byte
b = buf[:]
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, val)
return murmur3.Sum32(b)
func (t BucketTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(BucketTransform)
if !ok {
return false
return t.NumBuckets == rhs.NumBuckets
func (t BucketTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) Optional[Literal] {
if !value.Valid {
return Optional[Literal]{}
var hash uint32
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case TypedLiteral[[]byte]:
hash = murmur3.Sum32(v.Value())
case StringLiteral:
hash = murmur3.Sum32(unsafe.Slice(unsafe.StringData(string(v)), len(v)))
case UUIDLiteral:
hash = murmur3.Sum32(v[:])
case DecimalLiteral:
b, _ := v.MarshalBinary()
hash = murmur3.Sum32(b)
case Int32Literal:
hash = hashHelperInt[int64](int64(v))
case Int64Literal:
hash = hashHelperInt[int64](int64(v))
case DateLiteral:
hash = hashHelperInt[int64](int64(v))
case TimeLiteral:
hash = hashHelperInt[int64](int64(v))
case TimestampLiteral:
hash = hashHelperInt[int64](int64(v))
return Optional[Literal]{}
return Optional[Literal]{
Valid: true,
Val: Int32Literal((int32(hash) & math.MaxInt32) % int32(t.NumBuckets))}
func (t BucketTransform) Transformer(src Type) func(any) Optional[int32] {
var h func(any) uint32
switch src.(type) {
case Int32Type:
h = hashHelperInt[int32]
case DateType:
h = hashHelperInt[Date]
case Int64Type:
h = hashHelperInt[int64]
case TimeType:
h = hashHelperInt[Time]
case TimestampType:
h = hashHelperInt[Timestamp]
case TimestampTzType:
h = hashHelperInt[Timestamp]
case DecimalType:
h = func(v any) uint32 {
b, _ := DecimalLiteral(v.(Decimal)).MarshalBinary()
return murmur3.Sum32(b)
case StringType, FixedType, BinaryType:
h = func(v any) uint32 {
if v, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
return murmur3.Sum32(v)
str := v.(string)
return murmur3.Sum32(unsafe.Slice(unsafe.StringData(str), len(str)))
case UUIDType:
h = func(v any) uint32 {
if v, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
return murmur3.Sum32(v)
u := v.(uuid.UUID)
return murmur3.Sum32(u[:])
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32((int32(h(v)) & math.MaxInt32) % int32(t.NumBuckets))}
func (t BucketTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
if _, ok := pred.Term().(*BoundTransform); ok {
return projectTransformPredicate(t, name, pred)
transformer := t.Transformer(pred.Term().Type())
switch p := pred.(type) {
case BoundUnaryPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name)), nil
case BoundLiteralPredicate:
if p.Op() != OpEQ {
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name), transformLiteral(transformer, p.Literal())), nil
case BoundSetPredicate:
if p.Op() != OpIn {
return setApplyTransform(name, p, transformer), nil
return nil, nil
// TruncateTransform is a transformation for truncating a value to a specified width.
type TruncateTransform struct {
Width int
func (t TruncateTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (t TruncateTransform) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("truncate[%d]", t.Width) }
func (TruncateTransform) ResultType(t Type) Type { return t }
func (t TruncateTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
rhs, ok := other.(TruncateTransform)
if !ok {
return false
return t.Width == rhs.Width
func (t TruncateTransform) Transformer(src Type) (func(any) any, error) {
switch src.(type) {
case Int32Type:
return func(v any) any {
if v == nil {
return nil
val := v.(int32)
return val - (val % int32(t.Width))
}, nil
case Int64Type:
return func(v any) any {
if v == nil {
return nil
val := v.(int64)
return val - (val % int64(t.Width))
}, nil
case StringType, BinaryType:
return func(v any) any {
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
return v[:min(len(v), t.Width)]
case []byte:
return v[:min(len(v), t.Width)]
return nil
}, nil
case DecimalType:
bigWidth := big.NewInt(int64(t.Width))
return func(v any) any {
if v == nil {
return nil
val := v.(Decimal)
unscaled := val.Val.BigInt()
// unscaled - (((unscaled % width) + width) % width)
applied := (&big.Int{}).Mod(unscaled, bigWidth)
applied.Add(applied, bigWidth).Mod(applied, bigWidth)
val.Val = decimal128.FromBigInt(unscaled.Sub(unscaled, applied))
return val
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot truncate for type %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, src)
func (t TruncateTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) (out Optional[Literal]) {
if !value.Valid {
fn, err := t.Transformer(value.Val.Type())
if err != nil {
out.Valid = true
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case Int32Literal:
out.Val = Int32Literal(fn(int32(v)).(int32))
case Int64Literal:
out.Val = Int64Literal(fn(int64(v)).(int64))
case DecimalLiteral:
out.Val = DecimalLiteral(fn(Decimal(v)).(Decimal))
case StringLiteral:
out.Val = StringLiteral(fn(string(v)).(string))
case BinaryLiteral:
out.Val = BinaryLiteral(fn([]byte(v)).([]byte))
func (t TruncateTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
if _, ok := pred.Term().(*BoundTransform); ok {
return projectTransformPredicate(t, name, pred)
fieldType := pred.Term().Ref().Field().Type
transformer, err := t.Transformer(fieldType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch p := pred.(type) {
case BoundUnaryPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name)), nil
case BoundSetPredicate:
if p.Op() != OpIn {
switch fieldType.(type) {
case Int32Type:
return setApplyTransform(name, p, wrapTransformFn[int32](transformer)), nil
case Int64Type:
return setApplyTransform(name, p, wrapTransformFn[int64](transformer)), nil
case DecimalType:
return setApplyTransform(name, p, wrapTransformFn[Decimal](transformer)), nil
case StringType:
return setApplyTransform(name, p, wrapTransformFn[string](transformer)), nil
case BinaryType:
return setApplyTransform(name, p, wrapTransformFn[[]byte](transformer)), nil
case BoundLiteralPredicate:
switch fieldType.(type) {
case Int32Type:
return truncateNumber(name, p, wrapTransformFn[int32](transformer))
case Int64Type:
return truncateNumber(name, p, wrapTransformFn[int64](transformer))
case DecimalType:
return truncateNumber(name, p, wrapTransformFn[Decimal](transformer))
case StringType:
return truncateArray(name, p, wrapTransformFn[string](transformer))
case BinaryType:
return truncateArray(name, p, wrapTransformFn[[]byte](transformer))
return nil, nil
var epochTM = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC()
type timeTransform interface {
Transformer(Type) (func(any) Optional[int32], error)
func projectTimeTransform(t timeTransform, name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
if _, ok := pred.Term().(*BoundTransform); ok {
return projectTransformPredicate(t, name, pred)
transformer, err := t.Transformer(pred.Term().Ref().Type())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch p := pred.(type) {
case BoundUnaryPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(name)), nil
case BoundLiteralPredicate:
return truncateNumber(name, p, transformer)
case BoundSetPredicate:
if p.Op() != OpIn {
return setApplyTransform(name, p, transformer), nil
return nil, nil
// YearTransform transforms a datetime value into a year value.
type YearTransform struct{}
func (t YearTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (YearTransform) String() string { return "year" }
func (YearTransform) ResultType(Type) Type { return PrimitiveTypes.Int32 }
func (YearTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(YearTransform)
return ok
func (YearTransform) Transformer(src Type) (func(any) Optional[int32], error) {
switch src.(type) {
case DateType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32(v.(Date).ToTime().Year() - epochTM.Year()),
}, nil
case TimestampType, TimestampTzType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32(v.(Timestamp).ToTime().Year() - epochTM.Year()),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot apply year transform for type %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, src)
func (YearTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) (out Optional[Literal]) {
if !value.Valid {
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case DateLiteral:
out.Valid = true
out.Val = Int32Literal(Date(v).ToTime().Year() - epochTM.Year())
case TimestampLiteral:
out.Valid = true
out.Val = Int32Literal(Timestamp(v).ToTime().Year() - epochTM.Year())
func (t YearTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
return projectTimeTransform(t, name, pred)
// MonthTransform transforms a datetime value into a month value.
type MonthTransform struct{}
func (t MonthTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (MonthTransform) String() string { return "month" }
func (MonthTransform) ResultType(Type) Type { return PrimitiveTypes.Int32 }
func (MonthTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(MonthTransform)
return ok
func (MonthTransform) Transformer(src Type) (func(any) Optional[int32], error) {
switch src.(type) {
case DateType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
d := v.(Date).ToTime()
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32((d.Year()-epochTM.Year())*12 + (int(d.Month()) - int(epochTM.Month()))),
}, nil
case TimestampType, TimestampTzType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
d := v.(Timestamp).ToTime()
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32((d.Year()-epochTM.Year())*12 + (int(d.Month()) - int(epochTM.Month()))),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot apply month transform for type %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, src)
func (MonthTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) (out Optional[Literal]) {
if !value.Valid {
var tm time.Time
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case DateLiteral:
tm = Date(v).ToTime()
case TimestampLiteral:
tm = Timestamp(v).ToTime()
out.Valid = true
out.Val = Int32Literal(int32((tm.Year()-epochTM.Year())*12 + (int(tm.Month()) - int(epochTM.Month()))))
func (t MonthTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
return projectTimeTransform(t, name, pred)
// DayTransform transforms a datetime value into a date value.
type DayTransform struct{}
func (t DayTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (DayTransform) String() string { return "day" }
func (DayTransform) ResultType(Type) Type { return PrimitiveTypes.Date }
func (DayTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(DayTransform)
return ok
func (DayTransform) Transformer(src Type) (func(any) Optional[int32], error) {
switch src.(type) {
case DateType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32(v.(Date)),
}, nil
case TimestampType, TimestampTzType:
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32(v.(Timestamp).ToDate()),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot apply day transform for type %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, src)
func (DayTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) (out Optional[Literal]) {
if !value.Valid {
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case DateLiteral:
out.Valid, out.Val = true, Int32Literal(v)
case TimestampLiteral:
out.Valid, out.Val = true, Int32Literal(Timestamp(v).ToDate())
func (t DayTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
return projectTimeTransform(t, name, pred)
// HourTransform transforms a datetime value into an hour value.
type HourTransform struct{}
func (t HourTransform) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(t.String()), nil
func (HourTransform) String() string { return "hour" }
func (HourTransform) ResultType(Type) Type { return PrimitiveTypes.Int32 }
func (HourTransform) Equals(other Transform) bool {
_, ok := other.(HourTransform)
return ok
func (HourTransform) Transformer(src Type) (func(any) Optional[int32], error) {
switch src.(type) {
case TimestampType, TimestampTzType:
const factor = int64(time.Hour / time.Microsecond)
return func(v any) Optional[int32] {
if v == nil {
return Optional[int32]{}
return Optional[int32]{
Valid: true,
Val: int32(int64(v.(Timestamp)) / factor),
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot apply hour transform for type %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, src)
func (HourTransform) Apply(value Optional[Literal]) (out Optional[Literal]) {
if !value.Valid {
switch v := value.Val.(type) {
case TimestampLiteral:
const factor = int64(time.Hour / time.Microsecond)
out.Valid, out.Val = true, Int32Literal(int32(int64(v)/factor))
func (t HourTransform) Project(name string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
return projectTimeTransform(t, name, pred)
func removeTransform(partName string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
switch p := pred.(type) {
case BoundUnaryPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(partName)), nil
case BoundLiteralPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(partName), p.Literal()), nil
case BoundSetPredicate:
return p.AsUnbound(Reference(partName), p.Literals().Members()), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: cannot replace transform in unknown predicate: %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, pred)
func projectTransformPredicate(t Transform, partitionName string, pred BoundPredicate) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
term := pred.Term()
bt, ok := term.(*BoundTransform)
if !ok || !t.Equals(bt.transform) {
return nil, nil
return removeTransform(partitionName, pred)
func transformLiteral[T LiteralType](fn func(any) Optional[T], lit Literal) Literal {
switch l := lit.(type) {
case BoolLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(bool(l)).Val)
case Int32Literal:
return NewLiteral(fn(int32(l)).Val)
case Int64Literal:
return NewLiteral(fn(int64(l)).Val)
case Float32Literal:
return NewLiteral(fn(float32(l)).Val)
case Float64Literal:
return NewLiteral(fn(float64(l)).Val)
case DateLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(Date(l)).Val)
case TimeLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(Time(l)).Val)
case TimestampLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(Timestamp(l)).Val)
case StringLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(string(l)).Val)
case FixedLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn([]byte(l)).Val)
case BinaryLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn([]byte(l)).Val)
case UUIDLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(uuid.UUID(l)).Val)
case DecimalLiteral:
return NewLiteral(fn(Decimal(l)).Val)
panic("invalid literal type")
func wrapTransformFn[T LiteralType](fn func(any) any) func(any) Optional[T] {
return func(v any) Optional[T] {
out := fn(v)
if out == nil {
return Optional[T]{}
return Optional[T]{Valid: true, Val: out.(T)}
func truncateNumber[T LiteralType](name string, pred BoundLiteralPredicate, fn func(any) Optional[T]) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
boundary, ok := pred.Literal().(NumericLiteral)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: expected numeric literal, got %s",
ErrInvalidArgument, boundary.Type())
switch pred.Op() {
case OpLT:
return LiteralPredicate(OpLTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary.Decrement())), nil
case OpLTEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpLTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpGT:
return LiteralPredicate(OpGTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary.Increment())), nil
case OpGTEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpGTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
return nil, nil
func truncateArray[T LiteralType](name string, pred BoundLiteralPredicate, fn func(any) Optional[T]) (UnboundPredicate, error) {
boundary := pred.Literal()
switch pred.Op() {
case OpLT, OpLTEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpLTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpGT, OpGTEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpGTEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpEQ:
return LiteralPredicate(OpEQ, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpStartsWith:
return LiteralPredicate(OpStartsWith, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
case OpNotStartsWith:
return LiteralPredicate(OpNotStartsWith, Reference(name),
transformLiteral(fn, boundary)), nil
return nil, nil
func setApplyTransform[T LiteralType](name string, pred BoundSetPredicate, fn func(any) Optional[T]) UnboundPredicate {
lits := pred.Literals().Members()
for i, l := range lits {
lits[i] = transformLiteral(fn, l)
return pred.AsUnbound(Reference(name), lits)