blob: 76951c42394f82286c398499fbd5c03d7a6fda06 [file] [log] [blame]
baseURL = "" # This is populated by the github deploy workflow and is equal to "<domainName>/docs/<version|latest>"
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relativeURLs = "true"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Apache Iceberg"
theme= "iceberg-theme"
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search = true
versions.iceberg = "" # This is populated by the github deploy workflow and is equal to the branch name
versions.nessie = "0.50.0"
latestVersions.iceberg = "1.2.0" # This is used for the version badge on the "latest" site version
BookSection='docs' # This determines which directory will inform the left navigation menu
baseName = "docssearch"
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home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex" ]
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{ name = "latest", pre = "relative", url = "../latest", weight = 1 },
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{ name = "1.1.0", pre = "relative", url = "../1.1.0", weight = 993 },
{ name = "1.0.0", pre = "relative", url = "../1.0.0", weight = 994 },
{ name = "0.14.1", pre = "relative", url = "../0.14.1", weight = 995 },
{ name = "0.14.0", pre = "relative", url = "../0.14.0", weight = 996 },
{ name = "0.13.2", pre = "relative", url = "../0.13.2", weight = 997 },
{ name = "0.13.1", pre = "relative", url = "../0.13.1", weight = 998 },
{ name = "0.13.0", pre = "relative", url = "../0.13.0", weight = 999 },
{ name = "0.12.1", pre = "relative", url = "../0.12.1", weight = 1000 }
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{ name = "Quickstart", pre = "relative", url = "../../spark-quickstart", weight = 100 },
{ name = "Docs", pre = "relative", url = "../../docs/latest", weight = 200 },
{ name = "Releases", pre = "relative", url = "../../releases", weight = 600 },
{ name = "Blogs", pre = "relative", url = "../../blogs", weight = 998 },
{ name = "Talks", pre = "relative", url = "../../talks", weight = 999 },
{ name = "Roadmap", pre = "relative", url = "../../roadmap", weight = 997 },
{ name = "Project", weight = 1100 },
{ name = "Community", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../community", weight = 100 },
{ name = "Spec", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../spec", weight = 200 },
{ name = "View Spec", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../view-spec", weight = 300 },
{ name = "Puffin Spec", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../puffin-spec", weight = 400 },
{ name = "Multi-Engine Support", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../multi-engine-support", weight = 450 },
{ name = "How To Release", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../how-to-release", weight = 500 },
{ name = "Terms", parent = "Project", pre = "relative", url = "../../terms", weight = 600 },
{ name = "ASF", weight = 1200 },
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{ name = "Security", identifier = "_security", parent = "ASF", url = "" },
{ name = "Sponsors", identifier = "_sponsors", parent = "ASF", url = "" },
{ name = "Donate", identifier = "_donate", parent = "ASF", url = "" },
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main = [ # Main menu, docs site left nav
{ name = "Introduction", url = "/", weight = 1},
{ name = "Tables", weight = 100 },
{ name = "Spark", weight = 200},
{ name = "Flink", weight = 300},
{ name = "Trino", identifier = "_trino", weight = 500, url = "" },
{ name = "Presto", identifier = "_presto", weight = 600, url = "" },
{ name = "Dremio", identifier = "_dremio", weight = 700, url = "" },
{ name = "StarRocks", identifier = "_starrocks", weight = 701, url = "" },
{ name = "Amazon Athena", identifier = "_athena", weight = 800, url = "" },
{ name = "Amazon EMR", identifier = "_emr", weight = 900, url = "" },
{ name = "Impala", identifier = "_impala", weight = 1000, url = "" },
{ name = "Doris", identifier = "_doris", weight = 1001, url = "" },
{ name = "PyIceberg", identifier = "_python", weight = 1400, url = ""},
{ name = "Integrations", weight = 1100 },
{ name = "API", weight = 1200},
{ name = "Javadoc", pre = "relative", url = "../../javadoc/latest", weight = 1300} # `url` is populated by the github deploy workflow and is equal to "../../javadoc/<branch name>"