blob: 05c98e3aeb7ba38fddf318216ef99d15f7cf6651 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hudi
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericRecord, GenericRecordBuilder, IndexedRecord}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieConversionUtils.toScalaOption
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieMergeOnReadRDD.{AvroDeserializerSupport, collectFieldOrdinals, getPartitionPath, projectAvro, projectAvroUnsafe, projectRowUnsafe, resolveAvroSchemaNullability}
import org.apache.hudi.MergeOnReadSnapshotRelation.getFilePath
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieMetadataConfig
import org.apache.hudi.common.engine.HoodieLocalEngineContext
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils.getRelativePartitionPath
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{HoodieLogFile, HoodieRecord, HoodieRecordPayload, OverwriteWithLatestAvroPayload}
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.log.HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils.checkState
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodiePayloadConfig
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.config.HoodieRealtimeConfig
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.utils.HoodieRealtimeRecordReaderUtils.getMaxCompactionMemoryInBytes
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadata.getDataTableBasePathFromMetadataTable
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.{HoodieBackedTableMetadata, HoodieTableMetadata}
import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.InternalSchema
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.avro.HoodieAvroDeserializer
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{SpecificInternalRow, UnsafeProjection}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitionedFile
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SerializableWritable, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import java.util.Properties
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Try
case class HoodieMergeOnReadPartition(index: Int, split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit) extends Partition
class HoodieMergeOnReadRDD(@transient sc: SparkContext,
@transient config: Configuration,
fullSchemaFileReader: PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow],
requiredSchemaFileReader: PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow],
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
mergeType: String,
@transient fileSplits: Seq[HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit])
extends RDD[InternalRow](sc, Nil) with HoodieUnsafeRDD {
protected val maxCompactionMemoryInBytes: Long = getMaxCompactionMemoryInBytes(new JobConf(config))
private val confBroadcast = sc.broadcast(new SerializableWritable(config))
private val payloadProps = tableState.preCombineFieldOpt
.map(preCombineField =>
.getOrElse(new Properties())
private val whitelistedPayloadClasses: Set[String] = Seq(
override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {
val mergeOnReadPartition = split.asInstanceOf[HoodieMergeOnReadPartition]
val iter = mergeOnReadPartition.split match {
case dataFileOnlySplit if dataFileOnlySplit.logFiles.isEmpty =>
case logFileOnlySplit if logFileOnlySplit.dataFile.isEmpty =>
new LogFileIterator(logFileOnlySplit, getConfig)
case split if mergeType.equals(DataSourceReadOptions.REALTIME_SKIP_MERGE_OPT_VAL) =>
val baseFileIterator = requiredSchemaFileReader.apply(split.dataFile.get)
new SkipMergeIterator(split, baseFileIterator, getConfig)
case split if mergeType.equals(DataSourceReadOptions.REALTIME_PAYLOAD_COMBINE_OPT_VAL) =>
val (baseFileIterator, schema) = readBaseFile(split)
new RecordMergingFileIterator(split, baseFileIterator, schema, getConfig)
case _ => throw new HoodieException(s"Unable to select an Iterator to read the Hoodie MOR File Split for " +
s"file path: ${mergeOnReadPartition.split.dataFile.get.filePath}" +
s"log paths: ${mergeOnReadPartition.split.logFiles.toString}" +
s"hoodie table path: ${tableState.tablePath}" +
s"spark partition Index: ${mergeOnReadPartition.index}" +
s"merge type: ${mergeType}")
if (iter.isInstanceOf[Closeable]) {
// register a callback to close logScanner which will be executed on task completion.
// when tasks finished, this method will be called, and release resources.
Option(TaskContext.get()).foreach(_.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => iter.asInstanceOf[Closeable].close()))
private def readBaseFile(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit): (Iterator[InternalRow], HoodieTableSchema) = {
// NOTE: This is an optimization making sure that even for MOR tables we fetch absolute minimum
// of the stored data possible, while still properly executing corresponding relation's semantic
// and meet the query's requirements.
// Here we assume that iff queried table
// a) It does use one of the standard (and whitelisted) Record Payload classes
// then we can avoid reading and parsing the records w/ _full_ schema, and instead only
// rely on projected one, nevertheless being able to perform merging correctly
if (!whitelistedPayloadClasses.contains(tableState.recordPayloadClassName))
(fullSchemaFileReader(split.dataFile.get), tableSchema)
(requiredSchemaFileReader(split.dataFile.get), requiredSchema)
override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = => HoodieMergeOnReadPartition(file._2, file._1)).toArray
private def getConfig: Configuration = {
val conf = confBroadcast.value.value
HoodieMergeOnReadRDD.CONFIG_INSTANTIATION_LOCK.synchronized {
new Configuration(conf)
* Provided w/ instance of [[HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit]], iterates over all of the records stored in
* Delta Log files (represented as [[InternalRow]]s)
private class LogFileIterator(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit,
config: Configuration)
extends Iterator[InternalRow] with Closeable with AvroDeserializerSupport {
protected override val requiredAvroSchema: Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(requiredSchema.avroSchemaStr)
protected override val requiredStructTypeSchema: StructType = requiredSchema.structTypeSchema
protected val logFileReaderAvroSchema: Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(tableSchema.avroSchemaStr)
protected val recordBuilder: GenericRecordBuilder = new GenericRecordBuilder(requiredAvroSchema)
protected var recordToLoad: InternalRow = _
// TODO validate whether we need to do UnsafeProjection
protected val unsafeProjection: UnsafeProjection = UnsafeProjection.create(requiredStructTypeSchema)
// NOTE: This maps _required_ schema fields onto the _full_ table schema, collecting their "ordinals"
// w/in the record payload. This is required, to project records read from the Delta Log file
// which always reads records in full schema (never projected, due to the fact that DL file might
// be stored in non-columnar formats like Avro, HFile, etc)
private val requiredSchemaFieldOrdinals: List[Int] = collectFieldOrdinals(requiredAvroSchema, logFileReaderAvroSchema)
// TODO: now logScanner with internalSchema support column project, we may no need projectAvroUnsafe
private var logScanner =
HoodieMergeOnReadRDD.scanLog(split.logFiles, getPartitionPath(split), logFileReaderAvroSchema, tableState,
maxCompactionMemoryInBytes, config, tableSchema.internalSchema)
private val logRecords = logScanner.getRecords.asScala
// NOTE: This iterator iterates over already projected (in required schema) records
// NOTE: This have to stay lazy to make sure it's initialized only at the point where it's
// going to be used, since we modify `logRecords` before that and therefore can't do it any earlier
protected lazy val logRecordsIterator: Iterator[Option[GenericRecord]] = {
case (_, record) =>
val avroRecordOpt = toScalaOption(record.getData.getInsertValue(logFileReaderAvroSchema, payloadProps)) {
avroRecord => projectAvroUnsafe(avroRecord, requiredAvroSchema, requiredSchemaFieldOrdinals, recordBuilder)
protected def removeLogRecord(key: String): Option[HoodieRecord[_ <: HoodieRecordPayload[_]]] =
override def hasNext: Boolean =
logRecordsIterator.hasNext && {
val avroRecordOpt =
if (avroRecordOpt.isEmpty) {
// Record has been deleted, skipping
} else {
recordToLoad = unsafeProjection(deserialize(avroRecordOpt.get))
override final def next(): InternalRow = recordToLoad
override def close(): Unit =
if (logScanner != null) {
try {
} finally {
logScanner = null
* Provided w/ instance of [[HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit]], provides an iterator over all of the records stored in
* Base file as well as all of the Delta Log files simply returning concatenation of these streams, while not
* performing any combination/merging of the records w/ the same primary keys (ie producing duplicates potentially)
private class SkipMergeIterator(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit,
baseFileIterator: Iterator[InternalRow],
config: Configuration)
extends LogFileIterator(split, config) {
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (baseFileIterator.hasNext) {
val curRow =
recordToLoad = unsafeProjection(curRow)
} else {
* Provided w/ instance of [[HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit]], provides an iterator over all of the records stored in
* a) Base file and all of the b) Delta Log files combining records with the same primary key from both of these
* streams
private class RecordMergingFileIterator(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit,
baseFileIterator: Iterator[InternalRow],
baseFileReaderSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
config: Configuration)
extends LogFileIterator(split, config) {
// NOTE: Record-merging iterator supports 2 modes of operation merging records bearing either
// - Full table's schema
// - Projected schema
// As such, no particular schema could be assumed, and therefore we rely on the caller
// to correspondingly set the scheme of the expected output of base-file reader
private val baseFileReaderAvroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(baseFileReaderSchema.avroSchemaStr)
private val requiredSchemaFieldOrdinals: List[Int] = collectFieldOrdinals(requiredAvroSchema, baseFileReaderAvroSchema)
private val serializer = sparkAdapter.createAvroSerializer(baseFileReaderSchema.structTypeSchema,
baseFileReaderAvroSchema, resolveAvroSchemaNullability(baseFileReaderAvroSchema))
private val recordKeyOrdinal = baseFileReaderSchema.structTypeSchema.fieldIndex(tableState.recordKeyField)
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (baseFileIterator.hasNext) {
val curRowRecord =
val curKey = curRowRecord.getString(recordKeyOrdinal)
val updatedRecordOpt = removeLogRecord(curKey)
if (updatedRecordOpt.isEmpty) {
// No merge needed, load current row with required projected schema
recordToLoad = unsafeProjection(projectRowUnsafe(curRowRecord, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema, requiredSchemaFieldOrdinals))
} else {
val mergedAvroRecordOpt = merge(serialize(curRowRecord), updatedRecordOpt.get)
if (mergedAvroRecordOpt.isEmpty) {
// Record has been deleted, skipping
} else {
// NOTE: In occurrence of a merge we can't know the schema of the record being returned, b/c
// record from the Delta Log will bear (full) Table schema, while record from the Base file
// might already be read in projected one (as an optimization).
// As such we can't use more performant [[projectAvroUnsafe]], and instead have to fallback
// to [[projectAvro]]
val projectedAvroRecord = projectAvro(mergedAvroRecordOpt.get, requiredAvroSchema, recordBuilder)
recordToLoad = unsafeProjection(deserialize(projectedAvroRecord))
} else {
private def serialize(curRowRecord: InternalRow): GenericRecord =
private def merge(curAvroRecord: GenericRecord, newRecord: HoodieRecord[_ <: HoodieRecordPayload[_]]): Option[IndexedRecord] = {
// NOTE: We have to pass in Avro Schema used to read from Delta Log file since we invoke combining API
// on the record from the Delta Log
toScalaOption(newRecord.getData.combineAndGetUpdateValue(curAvroRecord, logFileReaderAvroSchema, payloadProps))
private object HoodieMergeOnReadRDD {
def scanLog(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: Path,
logSchema: Schema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
maxCompactionMemoryInBytes: Long,
hadoopConf: Configuration, internalSchema: InternalSchema = InternalSchema.getEmptyInternalSchema): HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner = {
val tablePath = tableState.tablePath
val fs = FSUtils.getFs(tablePath, hadoopConf)
if (HoodieTableMetadata.isMetadataTable(tablePath)) {
val metadataConfig = HoodieMetadataConfig.newBuilder().enable(true).build()
val dataTableBasePath = getDataTableBasePathFromMetadataTable(tablePath)
val metadataTable = new HoodieBackedTableMetadata(
new HoodieLocalEngineContext(hadoopConf), metadataConfig,
hadoopConf.get(HoodieRealtimeConfig.SPILLABLE_MAP_BASE_PATH_PROP, HoodieRealtimeConfig.DEFAULT_SPILLABLE_MAP_BASE_PATH))
// NOTE: In case of Metadata Table partition path equates to partition name (since there's just one level
// of indirection among MT partitions)
val relativePartitionPath = getRelativePartitionPath(new Path(tablePath), partitionPath)
metadataTable.getLogRecordScanner(logFiles.asJava, relativePartitionPath).getLeft
} else {
val logRecordScannerBuilder = HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner.newBuilder()
.withLogFilePaths( => getFilePath(logFile.getPath)).asJava)
if (logFiles.nonEmpty) {
getRelativePartitionPath(new Path(tableState.tablePath), logFiles.head.getPath.getParent))
* Projects provided instance of [[InternalRow]] into provided schema, assuming that the
* the schema of the original row is strictly a superset of the given one
private def projectRowUnsafe(row: InternalRow,
projectedSchema: StructType,
ordinals: Seq[Int]): InternalRow = {
val projectedRow = new SpecificInternalRow(projectedSchema)
var curIndex = 0 { case (field, pos) =>
val curField = if (row.isNullAt(pos)) {
} else {
row.get(pos, field.dataType)
projectedRow.update(curIndex, curField)
curIndex += 1
* Projects provided instance of [[IndexedRecord]] into provided schema, assuming that the
* the schema of the original row is strictly a superset of the given one
def projectAvroUnsafe(record: IndexedRecord,
projectedSchema: Schema,
ordinals: List[Int],
recordBuilder: GenericRecordBuilder): GenericRecord = {
val fields = projectedSchema.getFields.asScala
checkState(fields.length == ordinals.length) {
case (field, pos) => recordBuilder.set(field, record.get(pos))
* Projects provided instance of [[IndexedRecord]] into provided schema, assuming that the
* the schema of the original row is strictly a superset of the given one
* This is a "safe" counterpart of [[projectAvroUnsafe]]: it does build mapping of the record's
* schema into projected one itself (instead of expecting such mapping from the caller)
def projectAvro(record: IndexedRecord,
projectedSchema: Schema,
recordBuilder: GenericRecordBuilder): GenericRecord = {
projectAvroUnsafe(record, projectedSchema, collectFieldOrdinals(projectedSchema, record.getSchema), recordBuilder)
* Maps [[projected]] [[Schema]] onto [[source]] one, collecting corresponding field ordinals w/in it, which
* will be subsequently used by either [[projectRowUnsafe]] or [[projectAvroUnsafe()]] method
* @param projected target projected schema (which is a proper subset of [[source]] [[Schema]])
* @param source source schema of the record being projected
* @return list of ordinals of corresponding fields of [[projected]] schema w/in [[source]] one
private def collectFieldOrdinals(projected: Schema, source: Schema): List[Int] = { => source.getField(
private def getPartitionPath(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit): Path = {
// Determine partition path as an immediate parent folder of either
// - The base file
// - Some log file => new Path(baseFile.filePath))
private def resolveAvroSchemaNullability(schema: Schema) = {
AvroConversionUtils.resolveAvroTypeNullability(schema) match {
case (nullable, _) => nullable
trait AvroDeserializerSupport extends SparkAdapterSupport {
protected val requiredAvroSchema: Schema
protected val requiredStructTypeSchema: StructType
private lazy val deserializer: HoodieAvroDeserializer =
sparkAdapter.createAvroDeserializer(requiredAvroSchema, requiredStructTypeSchema)
protected def deserialize(avroRecord: GenericRecord): InternalRow = {
checkState(avroRecord.getSchema.getFields.size() == requiredStructTypeSchema.fields.length)