blob: caa3af4dac8cc894c203de3c791972b597f2325c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command.payload
import java.util.{Base64, Properties}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericData, GenericRecord, IndexedRecord}
import org.apache.hudi.DataSourceWriteOptions._
import org.apache.hudi.avro.HoodieAvroUtils
import org.apache.hudi.avro.HoodieAvroUtils.bytesToAvro
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{DefaultHoodieRecordPayload, HoodiePayloadProps, HoodieRecord}
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.{ValidationUtils, Option => HOption}
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig
import org.apache.hudi.sql.IExpressionEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.sql.avro.{AvroSerializer, SchemaConverters}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.SerDeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command.payload.ExpressionPayload.getEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* A HoodieRecordPayload for MergeIntoHoodieTableCommand.
* It will execute the condition and assignments expression in the
* match and not-match actions and compute the final record to write.
* If there is no condition match the record, ExpressionPayload will return
* a HoodieWriteHandle.IGNORE_RECORD, and the write handles will ignore this record.
class ExpressionPayload(record: GenericRecord,
orderingVal: Comparable[_])
extends DefaultHoodieRecordPayload(record, orderingVal) {
def this(recordOpt: HOption[GenericRecord]) {
this(recordOpt.orElse(null), 0)
* The schema of this table.
private var writeSchema: Schema = _
override def combineAndGetUpdateValue(currentValue: IndexedRecord,
schema: Schema): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Should not call this method for ${getClass.getCanonicalName}")
override def getInsertValue(schema: Schema): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Should not call this method for ${getClass.getCanonicalName}")
override def combineAndGetUpdateValue(targetRecord: IndexedRecord,
schema: Schema, properties: Properties): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
val sourceRecord = bytesToAvro(recordBytes, schema)
val joinSqlRecord = new SqlTypedRecord(joinRecord(sourceRecord, targetRecord))
processMatchedRecord(joinSqlRecord, Some(targetRecord), properties)
* Process the matched record. Firstly test if the record matched any of the update-conditions,
* if matched, return the update assignments result. Secondly, test if the record matched
* delete-condition, if matched then return a delete record. Finally if no condition matched,
* return a {@link HoodieWriteHandle.IGNORE_RECORD} which will be ignored by HoodieWriteHandle.
* @param inputRecord The input record to process.
* @param targetRecord The origin exist record.
* @param properties The properties.
* @return The result of the record to update or delete.
private def processMatchedRecord(inputRecord: SqlTypedRecord,
targetRecord: Option[IndexedRecord], properties: Properties): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
// Process update
val updateConditionAndAssignmentsText =
assert(updateConditionAndAssignmentsText != null,
s"${ExpressionPayload.PAYLOAD_UPDATE_CONDITION_AND_ASSIGNMENTS} have not set")
var resultRecordOpt: HOption[IndexedRecord] = null
// Get the Evaluator for each condition and update assignments.
val updateConditionAndAssignments = getEvaluator(updateConditionAndAssignmentsText.toString, writeSchema)
for ((conditionEvaluator, assignmentEvaluator) <- updateConditionAndAssignments
if resultRecordOpt == null) {
val conditionVal = evaluate(conditionEvaluator, inputRecord).get(0).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
// If the update condition matched then execute assignment expression
// to compute final record to update. We will return the first matched record.
if (conditionVal) {
val resultRecord = evaluate(assignmentEvaluator, inputRecord)
if (targetRecord.isEmpty || needUpdatingPersistedRecord(targetRecord.get, resultRecord, properties)) {
resultRecordOpt = HOption.of(resultRecord)
} else {
// if the PreCombine field value of targetRecord is greate
// than the new incoming record, just keep the old record value.
resultRecordOpt = HOption.of(targetRecord.get)
if (resultRecordOpt == null) {
// Process delete
val deleteConditionText = properties.get(ExpressionPayload.PAYLOAD_DELETE_CONDITION)
if (deleteConditionText != null) {
val deleteCondition = getEvaluator(deleteConditionText.toString, writeSchema).head._1
val deleteConditionVal = evaluate(deleteCondition, inputRecord).get(0).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
if (deleteConditionVal) {
resultRecordOpt = HOption.empty()
if (resultRecordOpt == null) {
// If there is no condition matched, just filter this record.
// here we return a IGNORE_RECORD, HoodieMergeHandle will not handle it.
} else {
* Process the not-matched record. Test if the record matched any of insert-conditions,
* if matched then return the result of insert-assignment. Or else return a
* {@link HoodieWriteHandle.IGNORE_RECORD} which will be ignored by HoodieWriteHandle.
* @param inputRecord The input record to process.
* @param properties The properties.
* @return The result of the record to insert.
private def processNotMatchedRecord(inputRecord: SqlTypedRecord, properties: Properties): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
val insertConditionAndAssignmentsText =
// Get the evaluator for each condition and insert assignment.
val insertConditionAndAssignments =
ExpressionPayload.getEvaluator(insertConditionAndAssignmentsText.toString, writeSchema)
var resultRecordOpt: HOption[IndexedRecord] = null
for ((conditionEvaluator, assignmentEvaluator) <- insertConditionAndAssignments
if resultRecordOpt == null) {
val conditionVal = evaluate(conditionEvaluator, inputRecord).get(0).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
// If matched the insert condition then execute the assignment expressions to compute the
// result record. We will return the first matched record.
if (conditionVal) {
val resultRecord = evaluate(assignmentEvaluator, inputRecord)
resultRecordOpt = HOption.of(resultRecord)
if (resultRecordOpt != null) {
} else {
// If there is no condition matched, just filter this record.
// Here we return a IGNORE_RECORD, HoodieCreateHandle will not handle it.
override def getInsertValue(schema: Schema, properties: Properties): HOption[IndexedRecord] = {
val incomingRecord = bytesToAvro(recordBytes, schema)
if (isDeleteRecord(incomingRecord)) {
} else {
val sqlTypedRecord = new SqlTypedRecord(incomingRecord)
if (isMORTable(properties)) {
// For the MOR table, both the matched and not-matched record will step into the getInsertValue() method.
// We call the processMatchedRecord() method if current is a Update-Record to process
// the matched record. Or else we call processNotMatchedRecord() method to process the not matched record.
val isUpdateRecord = properties.getProperty(HoodiePayloadProps.PAYLOAD_IS_UPDATE_RECORD_FOR_MOR, "false").toBoolean
if (isUpdateRecord) {
processMatchedRecord(sqlTypedRecord, Option.empty, properties)
} else {
processNotMatchedRecord(sqlTypedRecord, properties)
} else {
// For COW table, only the not-matched record will step into the getInsertValue method, So just call
// the processNotMatchedRecord() here.
processNotMatchedRecord(sqlTypedRecord, properties)
private def isMORTable(properties: Properties): Boolean = {
properties.getProperty(TABLE_TYPE.key, null) == MOR_TABLE_TYPE_OPT_VAL
private def convertToRecord(values: Array[AnyRef], schema: Schema): IndexedRecord = {
assert(values.length == schema.getFields.size())
val writeRecord = new GenericData.Record(schema)
for (i <- values.indices) {
writeRecord.put(i, values(i))
* Init the table schema.
private def initWriteSchemaIfNeed(properties: Properties): Unit = {
if (writeSchema == null) {
s"Missing ${HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_SCHEMA_PROP.key}")
writeSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(properties.getProperty(HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_SCHEMA_PROP.key))
* Join the source record with the target record.
* @return
private def joinRecord(sourceRecord: IndexedRecord, targetRecord: IndexedRecord): IndexedRecord = {
val leftSchema = sourceRecord.getSchema
// the targetRecord is load from the disk, it contains the meta fields, so we remove it here
val rightSchema = HoodieAvroUtils.removeMetadataFields(targetRecord.getSchema)
val joinSchema = mergeSchema(leftSchema, rightSchema)
val values = new ArrayBuffer[AnyRef]()
for (i <- 0 until joinSchema.getFields.size()) {
val value = if (i < leftSchema.getFields.size()) {
} else { // skip meta field
targetRecord.get(i - leftSchema.getFields.size() + HoodieRecord.HOODIE_META_COLUMNS.size())
values += value
convertToRecord(values.toArray, joinSchema)
private def mergeSchema(a: Schema, b: Schema): Schema = {
val mergedFields = =>
new Schema.Field("a_" +,
field.schema, field.doc, field.defaultVal, field.order)) ++ =>
new Schema.Field("b_" +,
field.schema, field.doc, field.defaultVal, field.order))
Schema.createRecord(a.getName, a.getDoc, a.getNamespace, a.isError, mergedFields.asJava)
private def evaluate(evaluator: IExpressionEvaluator, sqlTypedRecord: SqlTypedRecord): GenericRecord = {
try evaluator.eval(sqlTypedRecord) catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"Error in execute expression: ${e.getMessage}.\n${evaluator.getCode}", e)
object ExpressionPayload {
* Property for pass the merge-into delete clause condition expresssion.
val PAYLOAD_DELETE_CONDITION = "hoodie.payload.delete.condition"
* Property for pass the merge-into update clauses's condition and assignments.
val PAYLOAD_UPDATE_CONDITION_AND_ASSIGNMENTS = "hoodie.payload.update.condition.assignments"
* Property for pass the merge-into insert clauses's condition and assignments.
val PAYLOAD_INSERT_CONDITION_AND_ASSIGNMENTS = "hoodie.payload.insert.condition.assignments"
* A cache for the serializedConditionAssignments to the compiled class after CodeGen.
* The Map[IExpressionEvaluator, IExpressionEvaluator] is the map of the condition expression
* to the assignments expression.
private val cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build[String, Map[IExpressionEvaluator, IExpressionEvaluator]]()
* Do the CodeGen for each condition and assignment expressions.We will cache it to reduce
* the compile time for each method call.
def getEvaluator(
serializedConditionAssignments: String, writeSchema: Schema): Map[IExpressionEvaluator, IExpressionEvaluator] = {
new Callable[Map[IExpressionEvaluator, IExpressionEvaluator]] {
override def call(): Map[IExpressionEvaluator, IExpressionEvaluator] = {
val serializedBytes = Base64.getDecoder.decode(serializedConditionAssignments)
val conditionAssignments = SerDeUtils.toObject(serializedBytes)
.asInstanceOf[Map[Expression, Seq[Expression]]]
// Do the CodeGen for condition expression and assignment expression {
case (condition, assignments) =>
val conditionType = StructType(Seq(StructField("_col0", condition.dataType, nullable = true)))
val conditionSerializer = new AvroSerializer(conditionType,
SchemaConverters.toAvroType(conditionType), false)
val conditionEvaluator = ExpressionCodeGen.doCodeGen(Seq(condition), conditionSerializer)
val assignSqlType = SchemaConverters.toSqlType(writeSchema).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
val assignSerializer = new AvroSerializer(assignSqlType, writeSchema, false)
val assignmentEvaluator = ExpressionCodeGen.doCodeGen(assignments, assignSerializer)
conditionEvaluator -> assignmentEvaluator