blob: 897b448fb53403558d256a881a9db023352779cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.hudi.table.action.rollback;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hudi.client.common.HoodieEngineContext;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.hudi.common.HoodieRollbackStat;
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.FileSlice;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieCommitMetadata;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieWriteStat;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.log.block.HoodieCommandBlock;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.log.block.HoodieLogBlock;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieActiveTimeline;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieInstant;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieIOException;
import org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
public class RollbackUtils {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(RollbackUtils.class);
static Map<HoodieLogBlock.HeaderMetadataType, String> generateHeader(String instantToRollback, String rollbackInstantTime) {
// generate metadata
Map<HoodieLogBlock.HeaderMetadataType, String> header = new HashMap<>(3);
header.put(HoodieLogBlock.HeaderMetadataType.INSTANT_TIME, rollbackInstantTime);
header.put(HoodieLogBlock.HeaderMetadataType.TARGET_INSTANT_TIME, instantToRollback);
return header;
* Helper to merge 2 rollback-stats for a given partition.
* @param stat1 HoodieRollbackStat
* @param stat2 HoodieRollbackStat
* @return Merged HoodieRollbackStat
static HoodieRollbackStat mergeRollbackStat(HoodieRollbackStat stat1, HoodieRollbackStat stat2) {
final List<String> successDeleteFiles = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> failedDeleteFiles = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<FileStatus, Long> commandBlocksCount = new HashMap<>();
final List<FileStatus> filesToRollback = new ArrayList<>();
return new HoodieRollbackStat(stat1.getPartitionPath(), successDeleteFiles, failedDeleteFiles, commandBlocksCount);
* Generate all rollback requests that needs rolling back this action without actually performing rollback for COW table type.
* @param fs instance of {@link FileSystem} to use.
* @param basePath base path of interest.
* @param shouldAssumeDatePartitioning {@code true} if date partitioning should be assumed. {@code false} otherwise.
* @return {@link List} of {@link ListingBasedRollbackRequest}s thus collected.
public static List<ListingBasedRollbackRequest> generateRollbackRequestsByListingCOW(FileSystem fs, String basePath, boolean shouldAssumeDatePartitioning) {
try {
return FSUtils.getAllPartitionPaths(fs, basePath, shouldAssumeDatePartitioning).stream()
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Error generating rollback requests", e);
* Generate all rollback requests that we need to perform for rolling back this action without actually performing rolling back for MOR table type.
* @param instantToRollback Instant to Rollback
* @param table instance of {@link HoodieTable} to use.
* @param context instance of {@link HoodieEngineContext} to use.
* @return list of rollback requests
public static List<ListingBasedRollbackRequest> generateRollbackRequestsUsingFileListingMOR(HoodieInstant instantToRollback, HoodieTable table, HoodieEngineContext context) throws IOException {
String commit = instantToRollback.getTimestamp();
HoodieWriteConfig config = table.getConfig();
List<String> partitions = FSUtils.getAllPartitionPaths(table.getMetaClient().getFs(), table.getMetaClient().getBasePath(),
int sparkPartitions = Math.max(Math.min(partitions.size(), config.getRollbackParallelism()), 1);
context.setJobStatus(RollbackUtils.class.getSimpleName(), "Generate all rollback requests");
return context.flatMap(partitions, partitionPath -> {
HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = table.getMetaClient().reloadActiveTimeline();
List<ListingBasedRollbackRequest> partitionRollbackRequests = new ArrayList<>();
switch (instantToRollback.getAction()) {
case HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION:"Rolling back commit action.");
case HoodieTimeline.COMPACTION_ACTION:
// If there is no delta commit present after the current commit (if compaction), no action, else we
// need to make sure that a compaction commit rollback also deletes any log files written as part of the
// succeeding deltacommit.
boolean higherDeltaCommits =
!activeTimeline.getDeltaCommitTimeline().filterCompletedInstants().findInstantsAfter(commit, 1).empty();
if (higherDeltaCommits) {
// Rollback of a compaction action with no higher deltacommit means that the compaction is scheduled
// and has not yet finished. In this scenario we should delete only the newly created parquet files
// and not corresponding base commit log files created with this as baseCommit since updates would
// have been written to the log files."Rolling back compaction. There are higher delta commits. So only deleting data files");
} else {
// No deltacommits present after this compaction commit (inflight or requested). In this case, we
// can also delete any log files that were created with this compaction commit as base
// commit."Rolling back compaction plan. There are NO higher delta commits. So deleting both data and"
+ " log files");
case HoodieTimeline.DELTA_COMMIT_ACTION:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (A) The following cases are possible if index.canIndexLogFiles and/or index.isGlobal
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (A.1) Failed first commit - Inserts were written to log files and HoodieWriteStat has no entries. In
// this scenario we would want to delete these log files.
// (A.2) Failed recurring commit - Inserts/Updates written to log files. In this scenario,
// HoodieWriteStat will have the baseCommitTime for the first log file written, add rollback blocks.
// (A.3) Rollback triggered for first commit - Inserts were written to the log files but the commit is
// being reverted. In this scenario, HoodieWriteStat will be `null` for the attribute prevCommitTime and
// and hence will end up deleting these log files. This is done so there are no orphan log files
// lying around.
// (A.4) Rollback triggered for recurring commits - Inserts/Updates are being rolled back, the actions
// taken in this scenario is a combination of (A.2) and (A.3)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (B) The following cases are possible if !index.canIndexLogFiles and/or !index.isGlobal
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (B.1) Failed first commit - Inserts were written to parquet files and HoodieWriteStat has no entries.
// In this scenario, we delete all the parquet files written for the failed commit.
// (B.2) Failed recurring commits - Inserts were written to parquet files and updates to log files. In
// this scenario, perform (A.1) and for updates written to log files, write rollback blocks.
// (B.3) Rollback triggered for first commit - Same as (B.1)
// (B.4) Rollback triggered for recurring commits - Same as (B.2) plus we need to delete the log files
// as well if the base parquet file gets deleted.
try {
HoodieCommitMetadata commitMetadata = HoodieCommitMetadata.fromBytes(
.getInstantDetails(new HoodieInstant(true, instantToRollback.getAction(), instantToRollback.getTimestamp()))
// In case all data was inserts and the commit failed, delete the file belonging to that commit
// We do not know fileIds for inserts (first inserts are either log files or parquet files),
// delete all files for the corresponding failed commit, if present (same as COW)
// append rollback blocks for updates
if (commitMetadata.getPartitionToWriteStats().containsKey(partitionPath)) {
.addAll(generateAppendRollbackBlocksAction(partitionPath, instantToRollback, commitMetadata, table));
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Failed to collect rollback actions for commit " + commit, io);
}, Math.min(partitions.size(), sparkPartitions)).stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static List<ListingBasedRollbackRequest> generateAppendRollbackBlocksAction(String partitionPath, HoodieInstant rollbackInstant,
HoodieCommitMetadata commitMetadata, HoodieTable table) {
// wStat.getPrevCommit() might not give the right commit time in the following
// scenario : If a compaction was scheduled, the new commitTime associated with the requested compaction will be
// used to write the new log files. In this case, the commit time for the log file is the compaction requested time.
// But the index (global) might store the baseCommit of the parquet and not the requested, hence get the
// baseCommit always by listing the file slice
Map<String, String> fileIdToBaseCommitTimeForLogMap = table.getSliceView().getLatestFileSlices(partitionPath)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(FileSlice::getFileId, FileSlice::getBaseInstantTime));
return commitMetadata.getPartitionToWriteStats().get(partitionPath).stream().filter(wStat -> {
// Filter out stats without prevCommit since they are all inserts
boolean validForRollback = (wStat != null) && (!wStat.getPrevCommit().equals(HoodieWriteStat.NULL_COMMIT))
&& (wStat.getPrevCommit() != null) && fileIdToBaseCommitTimeForLogMap.containsKey(wStat.getFileId());
if (validForRollback) {
// For sanity, log instant time can never be less than base-commit on which we are rolling back
HoodieTimeline.LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, rollbackInstant.getTimestamp()));
return validForRollback && HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(fileIdToBaseCommitTimeForLogMap.get(
// Base Ts should be strictly less. If equal (for inserts-to-logs), the caller employs another option
// to delete and we should not step on it
wStat.getFileId()), HoodieTimeline.LESSER_THAN, rollbackInstant.getTimestamp());
}).map(wStat -> {
String baseCommitTime = fileIdToBaseCommitTimeForLogMap.get(wStat.getFileId());
return ListingBasedRollbackRequest.createRollbackRequestWithAppendRollbackBlockAction(partitionPath, wStat.getFileId(),