blob: 5146868ffaf4c10b7180cad3f14ff48f3646f5b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command
import java.util.Base64
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.hudi.DataSourceWriteOptions._
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig.TABLE_NAME
import org.apache.hudi.hive.MultiPartKeysValueExtractor
import org.apache.hudi.hive.ddl.HiveSyncMode
import org.apache.hudi.{AvroConversionUtils, DataSourceWriteOptions, HoodieSparkSqlWriter, HoodieWriterUtils, SparkAdapterSupport}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, AttributeReference, BoundReference, Cast, EqualTo, Expression, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Assignment, DeleteAction, InsertAction, MergeIntoTable, SubqueryAlias, UpdateAction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.RunnableCommand
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSqlUtils._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BooleanType, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.{HoodieOptionConfig, SerDeUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command.payload.ExpressionPayload
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command.payload.ExpressionPayload._
* The Command for hoodie MergeIntoTable.
* The match on condition must contain the row key fields currently, so that we can use Hoodie
* Index to speed up the performance.
* The main algorithm:
* We pushed down all the matched and not matched (condition, assignment) expression pairs to the
* ExpressionPayload. And the matched (condition, assignment) expression pairs will execute in the
* ExpressionPayload#combineAndGetUpdateValue to compute the result record, while the not matched
* expression pairs will execute in the ExpressionPayload#getInsertValue.
* For Mor table, it is a litter complex than this. The matched record also goes through the getInsertValue
* and write append to the log. So the update actions & insert actions should process by the same
* way. We pushed all the update actions & insert actions together to the
* ExpressionPayload#getInsertValue.
case class MergeIntoHoodieTableCommand(mergeInto: MergeIntoTable) extends RunnableCommand
with SparkAdapterSupport {
private var sparkSession: SparkSession = _
* The target table identify.
private lazy val targetTableIdentify: TableIdentifier = getMergeIntoTargetTableId(mergeInto)
* The target table schema without hoodie meta fields.
private var sourceDFOutput = mergeInto.sourceTable.output.filter(attr => !isMetaField(
* The target table schema without hoodie meta fields.
private lazy val targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields =
private lazy val targetTable =
private lazy val targetTableType =
* Return a map of target key to the source expression from the Merge-On Condition.
* e.g. merge on = s.s_id AND = s.s_name, we return
* Map("id" -> "s_id", "name" ->"s_name")
* TODO Currently Non-equivalent conditions are not supported.
private lazy val targetKey2SourceExpression: Map[String, Expression] = {
val conditions = splitByAnd(mergeInto.mergeCondition)
val allEqs = conditions.forall(p => p.isInstanceOf[EqualTo])
if (!allEqs) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-Equal condition is not support for Merge " +
s"Into Statement: ${mergeInto.mergeCondition.sql}")
val targetAttrs = mergeInto.targetTable.output
val target2Source =[EqualTo])
.map {
case EqualTo(left: AttributeReference, right)
if targetAttrs.indexOf(left) >= 0 => // left is the target field -> right
case EqualTo(left, right: AttributeReference)
if targetAttrs.indexOf(right) >= 0 => // right is the target field -> left
case eq =>
throw new AnalysisException(s"Invalidate Merge-On condition: ${eq.sql}." +
"The validate condition should be 'targetColumn = sourceColumnExpression', e.g." +
" = and t.dt = from_unixtime(s.ts)")
* Get the mapping of target preCombineField to the source expression.
private lazy val target2SourcePreCombineFiled: Option[(String, Expression)] = {
val updateActions = mergeInto.matchedActions.collect { case u: UpdateAction => u }
assert(updateActions.size <= 1, s"Only support one updateAction currently, current update action count is: ${updateActions.size}")
val updateAction = updateActions.headOption
HoodieOptionConfig.getPreCombineField( => {
val sourcePreCombineField = => u.assignments.filter {
case Assignment(key: AttributeReference, _) =>
case _=> false
).getOrElse {
// If there is no update action, mapping the target column to the source by order.
val target2Source = mergeInto.targetTable.output
.filter(attr => !isMetaField(
.zip(mergeInto.sourceTable.output.filter(attr => !isMetaField(
target2Source.getOrElse(preCombineField, null)
(preCombineField, sourcePreCombineField)
}).filter(p => p._2 != null)
override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
this.sparkSession = sparkSession
// Create the write parameters
val parameters = buildMergeIntoConfig(mergeInto)
val sourceDF = buildSourceDF(sparkSession)
if (mergeInto.matchedActions.nonEmpty) { // Do the upsert
executeUpsert(sourceDF, parameters)
} else { // If there is no match actions in the statement, execute insert operation only.
executeInsertOnly(sourceDF, parameters)
* Build the sourceDF. We will append the source primary key expressions and
* preCombine field expression to the sourceDF.
* e.g.
* <p>
* merge into h0
* using (select 1 as id, 'a1' as name, 1000 as ts) s0
* on = + 1
* when matched then update set id =, name =, ts = s0.ts + 1
* </p>
* "ts" is the pre-combine field of h0.
* The targetKey2SourceExpression is: ("id", " + 1").
* The target2SourcePreCombineFiled is:("ts", "s0.ts + 1").
* We will append the " + 1 as id" and "s0.ts + 1 as ts" to the sourceDF to compute the
* row key and pre-combine field.
private def buildSourceDF(sparkSession: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
var sourceDF = Dataset.ofRows(sparkSession, mergeInto.sourceTable)
targetKey2SourceExpression.foreach {
case (targetColumn, sourceExpression)
if !isEqualToTarget(targetColumn, sourceExpression) =>
sourceDF = sourceDF.withColumn(targetColumn, new Column(sourceExpression))
sourceDFOutput = sourceDFOutput :+ AttributeReference(targetColumn, sourceExpression.dataType)()
case _=>
target2SourcePreCombineFiled.foreach {
case (targetPreCombineField, sourceExpression)
if !isEqualToTarget(targetPreCombineField, sourceExpression) =>
sourceDF = sourceDF.withColumn(targetPreCombineField, new Column(sourceExpression))
sourceDFOutput = sourceDFOutput :+ AttributeReference(targetPreCombineField, sourceExpression.dataType)()
case _=>
private def isEqualToTarget(targetColumnName: String, sourceExpression: Expression): Boolean = {
sourceExpression match {
case attr: AttributeReference if => true
case Cast(attr: AttributeReference, _, _) if => true
case _=> false
* Execute the update and delete action. All the matched and not-matched actions will
* execute in one upsert write operation. We pushed down the matched condition and assignment
* expressions to the ExpressionPayload#combineAndGetUpdateValue and the not matched
* expressions to the ExpressionPayload#getInsertValue.
private def executeUpsert(sourceDF: DataFrame, parameters: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val updateActions = mergeInto.matchedActions.filter(_.isInstanceOf[UpdateAction])
// Check for the update actions
val deleteActions = mergeInto.matchedActions.filter(_.isInstanceOf[DeleteAction])
assert(deleteActions.size <= 1, "Should be only one delete action in the merge into statement.")
val deleteAction = deleteActions.headOption
val insertActions =[InsertAction])
// Check for the insert actions
// Append the table schema to the parameters. In the case of merge into, the schema of sourceDF
// may be different from the target table, because the are transform logical in the update or
// insert actions.
var writeParams = parameters +
(HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_SCHEMA_PROP.key -> getTableSchema.toString) +
(DataSourceWriteOptions.TABLE_TYPE.key -> targetTableType)
// Map of Condition -> Assignments
val updateConditionToAssignments = => {
val rewriteCondition =
.getOrElse(Literal.create(true, BooleanType))
val formatAssignments = rewriteAndReOrderAssignments(update.assignments)
rewriteCondition -> formatAssignments
// Serialize the Map[UpdateCondition, UpdateAssignments] to base64 string
val serializedUpdateConditionAndExpressions = Base64.getEncoder
if (deleteAction.isDefined) {
val deleteCondition = deleteAction.get.condition
.getOrElse(Literal.create(true, BooleanType))
// Serialize the Map[DeleteCondition, empty] to base64 string
val serializedDeleteCondition = Base64.getEncoder
.encodeToString(SerDeUtils.toBytes(Map(deleteCondition -> Seq.empty[Assignment])))
writeParams += (PAYLOAD_DELETE_CONDITION -> serializedDeleteCondition)
// Serialize the Map[InsertCondition, InsertAssignments] to base64 string
// Remove the meta fields from the sourceDF as we do not need these when writing.
val sourceDFWithoutMetaFields = removeMetaFields(sourceDF)
HoodieSparkSqlWriter.write(sparkSession.sqlContext, SaveMode.Append, writeParams, sourceDFWithoutMetaFields)
* If there are not matched actions, we only execute the insert operation.
* @param sourceDF
* @param parameters
private def executeInsertOnly(sourceDF: DataFrame, parameters: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val insertActions =[InsertAction])
var writeParams = parameters +
(HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_SCHEMA_PROP.key -> getTableSchema.toString)
// Remove the meta fields from the sourceDF as we do not need these when writing.
val sourceDFWithoutMetaFields = removeMetaFields(sourceDF)
HoodieSparkSqlWriter.write(sparkSession.sqlContext, SaveMode.Append, writeParams, sourceDFWithoutMetaFields)
private def checkUpdateAssignments(updateActions: Seq[UpdateAction]): Unit = {
updateActions.foreach(update =>
assert(update.assignments.length == targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields.length,
s"The number of update assignments[${update.assignments.length}] must equal to the " +
s"targetTable field size[${targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields.length}]"))
// For MOR table, the target table field cannot be the right-value in the update action.
if (targetTableType == MOR_TABLE_TYPE_OPT_VAL) {
updateActions.foreach(update => {
val targetAttrs = update.assignments.flatMap(a => a.value.collect {
case attr: AttributeReference if mergeInto.targetTable.outputSet.contains(attr) => attr
s"Target table's field(${",")}) cannot be the right-value of the update clause for MOR table.")
private def checkInsertAssignments(insertActions: Seq[InsertAction]): Unit = {
insertActions.foreach(insert =>
assert(insert.assignments.length == targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields.length,
s"The number of insert assignments[${insert.assignments.length}] must equal to the " +
s"targetTable field size[${targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields.length}]"))
private def getTableSchema: Schema = {
val (structName, nameSpace) = AvroConversionUtils
new StructType(targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields), structName, nameSpace)
* Serialize the Map[InsertCondition, InsertAssignments] to base64 string.
* @param insertActions
* @return
private def serializedInsertConditionAndExpressions(insertActions: Seq[InsertAction]): String = {
val insertConditionAndAssignments = => {
val rewriteCondition =
.getOrElse(Literal.create(true, BooleanType))
val formatAssignments = rewriteAndReOrderAssignments(insert.assignments)
// Do the check for the insert assignments
rewriteCondition -> formatAssignments
* Rewrite and ReOrder the assignments.
* The Rewrite is to replace the AttributeReference to BoundReference.
* The ReOrder is to make the assignments's order same with the target table.
* @param assignments
* @return
private def rewriteAndReOrderAssignments(assignments: Seq[Expression]): Seq[Expression] = {
val attr2Assignment = {
case Assignment(attr: AttributeReference, value) => {
val rewriteValue = replaceAttributeInExpression(value)
attr -> Alias(rewriteValue,
case assignment => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Illegal Assignment: ${assignment.sql}")
}.toMap[Attribute, Expression]
// reorder the assignments by the target table field
.filterNot(attr => isMetaField(
.map(attr => {
val assignment = attr2Assignment.getOrElse(attr,
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot find related assignment for field: ${}"))
castIfNeeded(assignment, attr.dataType, sparkSession.sqlContext.conf)
* Replace the AttributeReference to BoundReference. This is for the convenience of CodeGen
* in ExpressionCodeGen which use the field index to generate the code. So we must replace
* the AttributeReference to BoundReference here.
* @param exp
* @return
private def replaceAttributeInExpression(exp: Expression): Expression = {
val sourceJoinTargetFields = sourceDFOutput ++
mergeInto.targetTable.output.filterNot(attr => isMetaField(
exp transform {
case attr: AttributeReference =>
val index = sourceJoinTargetFields.indexWhere(p => p.semanticEquals(attr))
if (index == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"cannot find ${attr.qualifiedName} in source or " +
s"target at the merge into statement")
BoundReference(index, attr.dataType, attr.nullable)
case other => other
* Check the insert action expression.
* The insert expression should not contain target table field.
private def checkInsertExpression(expressions: Seq[Expression]): Unit = {
expressions.foreach(exp => {
val references = exp.collect {
case reference: BoundReference => reference
references.foreach(ref => {
if (ref.ordinal >= sourceDFOutput.size) {
val targetColumn = targetTableSchemaWithoutMetaFields(ref.ordinal - sourceDFOutput.size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Insert clause cannot contain target table's field: ${}" +
s" in ${exp.sql}")
* Create the config for hoodie writer.
* @param mergeInto
* @return
private def buildMergeIntoConfig(mergeInto: MergeIntoTable): Map[String, String] = {
val targetTableDb = targetTableIdentify.database.getOrElse("default")
val targetTableName = targetTableIdentify.identifier
val path = getTableLocation(targetTable, sparkSession)
.getOrElse(s"missing location for $targetTableIdentify")
val options =
val definedPk = HoodieOptionConfig.getPrimaryColumns(options)
// TODO Currently the mergeEqualConditionKeys must be the same the primary key.
if (targetKey2SourceExpression.keySet != definedPk.toSet) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Merge Key[${targetKey2SourceExpression.keySet.mkString(",")}] is not" +
s" Equal to the defined primary key[${definedPk.mkString(",")}] in table $targetTableName")
// Enable the hive sync by default if spark have enable the hive metastore.
val enableHive = isEnableHive(sparkSession)
withSparkConf(sparkSession, options) {
"path" -> path,
RECORDKEY_FIELD.key -> targetKey2SourceExpression.keySet.mkString(","),
KEYGENERATOR_CLASS.key -> classOf[SqlKeyGenerator].getCanonicalName,
PRECOMBINE_FIELD.key -> targetKey2SourceExpression.keySet.head, // set a default preCombine field
TABLE_NAME.key -> targetTableName,
PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key -> targetTable.partitionColumnNames.mkString(","),
PAYLOAD_CLASS.key -> classOf[ExpressionPayload].getCanonicalName,
META_SYNC_ENABLED.key -> enableHive.toString,
HIVE_USE_JDBC.key -> "false",
HIVE_DATABASE.key -> targetTableDb,
HIVE_TABLE.key -> targetTableName,
HIVE_PARTITION_FIELDS.key -> targetTable.partitionColumnNames.mkString(","),
HIVE_PARTITION_EXTRACTOR_CLASS.key -> classOf[MultiPartKeysValueExtractor].getCanonicalName,
URL_ENCODE_PARTITIONING.key -> "true", // enable the url decode for sql.
HoodieWriteConfig.INSERT_PARALLELISM.key -> "200", // set the default parallelism to 200 for sql
HoodieWriteConfig.UPSERT_PARALLELISM.key -> "200",
HoodieWriteConfig.DELETE_PARALLELISM.key -> "200",
SqlKeyGenerator.PARTITION_SCHEMA -> targetTable.partitionSchema.toDDL