blob: 0ee6be61a23e8ae253bcbf7ff284ca8fe38c3a3c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <apr_lib.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <httpd.h>
#include <http_connection.h>
#include <http_core.h>
#include <http_request.h>
#include <http_log.h>
#include <ap_socache.h>
#include <rustls.h>
#include "tls_proto.h"
#include "tls_conf.h"
#include "tls_core.h"
#include "tls_filter.h"
#include "tls_util.h"
extern module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA tls_module;
static rustls_io_result tls_read_callback(
void *userdata, unsigned char *buf, size_t n, size_t *out_n)
tls_data_t *d = userdata;
size_t len = d->len > n? n : d->len;
memcpy(buf, d->data, len);
*out_n = len;
return 0;
* Provide TLS encrypted data to the rustls server_session in <fctx->cc->rustls_connection>.
* If <fctx->fin_tls_bb> holds data, take it from there. Otherwise perform a
* read via the network filters below us into that brigade.
* <fctx->fin_block> determines if we do a blocking read inititally or not.
* If the first read did to not produce enough data, any secondary read is done
* non-blocking.
* Had any data been added to <fctx->cc->rustls_connection>, call its "processing"
* function to handle the added data before leaving.
static apr_status_t read_tls_to_rustls(
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, apr_size_t len, apr_read_type_e block, int errors_expected)
tls_data_t d;
apr_size_t rlen;
apr_off_t passed = 0;
rustls_result rr = RUSTLS_RESULT_OK;
int os_err;
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
if (APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(fctx->fin_tls_bb)) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"read_tls_to_rustls, get data from network, block=%d", block);
rv = ap_get_brigade(fctx->fin_ctx->next, fctx->fin_tls_bb,
AP_MODE_READBYTES, block, (apr_off_t)len);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
goto cleanup;
while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(fctx->fin_tls_bb) && passed < (apr_off_t)len) {
apr_bucket *b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(fctx->fin_tls_bb);
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"read_tls_to_rustls, EOS");
if (fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb) {
rv = APR_EOF; goto cleanup;
rv = apr_bucket_read(b, (const char**)&, &d.len, block);
if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv)) {
else if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
goto cleanup;
if (d.len > 0) {
/* got something, do not block on getting more */
os_err = rustls_connection_read_tls(fctx->cc->rustls_connection,
tls_read_callback, &d, &rlen);
if (os_err) {
rv = APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(os_err);
goto cleanup;
if (fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb) {
/* we buffer for later replay on the 'real' rustls_connection */
apr_brigade_write(fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb, NULL, NULL, (const char*), rlen);
if (rlen >= d.len) {
else {
b->start += (apr_off_t)rlen;
b->length -= rlen;
fctx->fin_bytes_in_rustls += (apr_off_t)d.len;
passed += (apr_off_t)rlen;
else if (d.len == 0) {
if (passed > 0) {
rr = rustls_connection_process_new_packets(fctx->cc->rustls_connection);
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) goto cleanup;
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) {
if (!errors_expected) {
const char *err_descr = "";
rv = tls_core_error(fctx->c, rr, &err_descr);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10353)
"processing TLS data: [%d] %s", (int)rr, err_descr);
else if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv) && passed > 0) {
/* encountering EOF while actually having read sth is a success. */
else if (APR_SUCCESS == rv && passed == 0 && fctx->fin_block == APR_NONBLOCK_READ) {
else {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"read_tls_to_rustls, passed %ld bytes to rustls", (long)passed);
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_pass_tls_to_net(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(fctx->fout_tls_bb)) {
rv = ap_pass_brigade(fctx->fout_ctx->next, fctx->fout_tls_bb);
if (APR_SUCCESS == rv && fctx->c->aborted) {
fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb = 0;
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_pass_all_to_net(
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, int flush);
static apr_status_t filter_abort(
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv;
if (fctx->cc->state != TLS_CONN_ST_DONE) {
if (fctx->cc->state > TLS_CONN_ST_CLIENT_HELLO) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 1);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c, "filter_abort, flushed output");
fctx->c->aborted = 1;
fctx->cc->state = TLS_CONN_ST_DONE;
static apr_status_t filter_recv_client_hello(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter, server=%s, recv client hello", fctx->cc->server->server_hostname);
/* only for incoming connections */
if (rustls_connection_is_handshaking(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
apr_bucket_brigade *bb_tmp;
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c, "filter_recv_client_hello: start");
fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb = apr_brigade_create(fctx->c->pool, fctx->c->bucket_alloc);
do {
if (rustls_connection_wants_read(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
rv = read_tls_to_rustls(fctx, fctx->fin_max_in_rustls, APR_BLOCK_READ, 1);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
if (fctx->cc->client_hello_seen) {
rv = APR_EAGAIN; /* we got what we needed */
/* Something went wrong before we saw the client hello.
* This is a real error on which we should not continue. */
goto cleanup;
/* Notice: we never write here to the client. We just want to inspect
* the client hello. */
} while (!fctx->cc->client_hello_seen);
/* We have seen the client hello and selected the server (vhost) to use
* on this connection. Set up the 'real' rustls_connection based on the
* servers 'real' rustls_config. */
rv = tls_core_conn_seen_client_hello(fctx->c);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
bb_tmp = fctx->fin_tls_bb; /* data we have yet to feed to rustls */
fctx->fin_tls_bb = fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb; /* data we already fed to the pre_session */
fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb = NULL;
APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(fctx->fin_tls_bb, bb_tmp); /* all tls data from the client so far, reloaded */
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c, "filter_recv_client_hello: done");
return rv;
static apr_status_t filter_send_client_hello(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter, server=%s, send client hello", fctx->cc->server->server_hostname);
/* Only for outgoing connections */
if (rustls_connection_is_handshaking(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
while (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
/* write flushed, so it really gets out */
rv = fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 1);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
return rv;
* While <fctx->cc->rustls_connection> indicates that a handshake is ongoing,
* write TLS data from and read network TLS data to the server session.
* @return APR_SUCCESS when the handshake is completed
static apr_status_t filter_do_handshake(
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter, server=%s, do handshake", fctx->cc->server->server_hostname);
if (rustls_connection_is_handshaking(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
do {
if (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 1);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
else if (rustls_connection_wants_read(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
rv = read_tls_to_rustls(fctx, fctx->fin_max_in_rustls, APR_BLOCK_READ, 0);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
while (rustls_connection_is_handshaking(fctx->cc->rustls_connection));
/* rustls reports the TLS handshake to be done, when it *internally* has
* processed everything into its buffers. Not when the buffers have been
* send to the other side. */
if (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 1);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter, server=%s, handshake done", fctx->cc->server->server_hostname);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
if (fctx->cc->last_error_descr) {
"handshake failed: %s", fctx->cc->last_error_descr);
return rv;
static apr_status_t progress_tls_atleast_to(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, tls_conn_state_t state)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
/* handle termination immediately */
if (state == TLS_CONN_ST_DONE) {
goto cleanup;
&& TLS_CONN_ST_CLIENT_HELLO == fctx->cc->state) {
rv = tls_core_conn_init(fctx->c);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
if (fctx->cc->outgoing) {
rv = filter_send_client_hello(fctx);
else {
rv = filter_recv_client_hello(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
fctx->cc->state = TLS_CONN_ST_HANDSHAKE;
&& TLS_CONN_ST_HANDSHAKE== fctx->cc->state) {
rv = filter_do_handshake(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
rv = tls_core_conn_post_handshake(fctx->c);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
fctx->cc->state = TLS_CONN_ST_TRAFFIC;
if (state < fctx->cc->state) {
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
filter_abort(fctx); /* does change the state itself */
return rv;
* The connection filter converting TLS encrypted network data into plain, unencrpyted
* traffic data to be processed by filters above it in the filter chain.
* Unfortunately, Apache's filter infrastructure places a heavy implementation
* complexity on its input filters for the various use cases its HTTP/1.x parser
* (mainly) finds convenient:
* <bb> the bucket brigade to place the data into.
* <mode> one of
* - AP_MODE_READBYTES: just add up to <readbytes> data into <bb>
* - AP_MODE_GETLINE: make a best effort to get data up to and including a CRLF.
* it can be less, but not more t than that.
* - AP_MODE_EATCRLF: never used, we puke on it.
* - AP_MODE_SPECULATIVE: read data without consuming it.
* - AP_MODE_EXHAUSTIVE: never used, we puke on it.
* - AP_MODE_INIT: called once on a connection. needs to pass down the filter
* chain, giving every filter the change to "INIT".
* <block> do blocking or non-blocking reads
* <readbytes> max amount of data to add to <bb>, seems to be 0 for GETLINE
static apr_status_t filter_conn_input(
ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bb, ap_input_mode_t mode,
apr_read_type_e block, apr_off_t readbytes)
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx = f->ctx;
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
apr_off_t passed = 0, nlen;
rustls_result rr = RUSTLS_RESULT_OK;
apr_size_t in_buf_len;
char *in_buf = NULL;
fctx->fin_block = block;
if (f->c->aborted) {
rv = filter_abort(fctx); goto cleanup;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter_conn_input, server=%s, mode=%d, block=%d, readbytes=%ld",
fctx->cc->server->server_hostname, mode, block, (long)readbytes);
rv = progress_tls_atleast_to(fctx, TLS_CONN_ST_TRAFFIC);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup; /* this also leaves on APR_EAGAIN */
if (!fctx->cc->rustls_connection) {
return ap_get_brigade(f->next, bb, mode, block, readbytes);
#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20200420, 1)
ap_filter_reinstate_brigade(f, fctx->fin_plain_bb, NULL);
if (AP_MODE_INIT == mode) {
/* INIT is used to trigger the handshake, it does not return any traffic data. */
goto cleanup;
/* If we have nothing buffered, try getting more input.
* a) ask rustls_connection for decrypted data, if it has any.
* Note that only full records can be decrypted. We might have
* written TLS data to the session, but that does not mean it
* can give unencryted data out again.
* b) read TLS bytes from the network and feed them to the rustls session.
* c) go back to a) if b) added data.
while (APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(fctx->fin_plain_bb)) {
apr_size_t rlen = 0;
apr_bucket *b;
if (fctx->fin_bytes_in_rustls > 0) {
in_buf_len = APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE;
in_buf = ap_calloc(in_buf_len, sizeof(char));
rr = rustls_connection_read(fctx->cc->rustls_connection,
(unsigned char*)in_buf, in_buf_len, &rlen);
rlen = 0;
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) goto cleanup;
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_input: got %ld plain bytes from rustls", (long)rlen);
if (rlen > 0) {
b = apr_bucket_heap_create(in_buf, rlen, free, fctx->c->bucket_alloc);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(fctx->fin_plain_bb, b);
else {
in_buf = NULL;
if (rlen == 0) {
/* that did not produce anything either. try getting more
* TLS data from the network into the rustls session. */
fctx->fin_bytes_in_rustls = 0;
rv = read_tls_to_rustls(fctx, fctx->fin_max_in_rustls, block, 0);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup; /* this also leave on APR_EAGAIN */
if (AP_MODE_GETLINE == mode) {
if (readbytes <= 0) readbytes = HUGE_STRING_LEN;
rv = tls_util_brigade_split_line(bb, fctx->fin_plain_bb, block, readbytes, &nlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
passed += nlen;
else if (AP_MODE_READBYTES == mode) {
ap_assert(readbytes > 0);
rv = tls_util_brigade_transfer(bb, fctx->fin_plain_bb, readbytes, &nlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
passed += nlen;
else if (AP_MODE_SPECULATIVE == mode) {
ap_assert(readbytes > 0);
rv = tls_util_brigade_copy(bb, fctx->fin_plain_bb, readbytes, &nlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
passed += nlen;
else if (AP_MODE_EXHAUSTIVE == mode) {
/* return all we have */
APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(bb, fctx->fin_plain_bb);
else {
/* We do support any other mode */
rv = APR_ENOTIMPL; goto cleanup;
fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 0);
if (NULL != in_buf) free(in_buf);
if (APLOGctrace3(fctx->c)) {
tls_util_bb_log(fctx->c, APLOG_TRACE3, "tls_input, fctx->fin_plain_bb", fctx->fin_plain_bb);
tls_util_bb_log(fctx->c, APLOG_TRACE3, "tls_input, bb", bb);
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) {
const char *err_descr = "";
rv = tls_core_error(fctx->c, rr, &err_descr);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10355)
"tls_filter_conn_input: [%d] %s", (int)rr, err_descr);
else if (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv)) {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE4, rv, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_input: no data available");
else if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10356)
else {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_input: passed %ld bytes", (long)passed);
#if AP_MODULE_MAGIC_AT_LEAST(20200420, 1)
ap_filter_setaside_brigade(f, fctx->fin_plain_bb);
return rv;
static rustls_io_result tls_write_callback(
void *userdata, const unsigned char *buf, size_t n, size_t *out_n)
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx = userdata;
apr_status_t rv;
if ((apr_off_t)n + fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb >= (apr_off_t)fctx->fout_auto_flush_size) {
apr_bucket *b = apr_bucket_transient_create((const char*)buf, n, fctx->fout_tls_bb->bucket_alloc);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(fctx->fout_tls_bb, b);
fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb += (apr_off_t)n;
rv = fout_pass_tls_to_net(fctx);
*out_n = n;
else {
rv = apr_brigade_write(fctx->fout_tls_bb, NULL, NULL, (const char*)buf, n);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb += (apr_off_t)n;
*out_n = n;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE5, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_write_callback: %ld bytes", (long)n);
return APR_TO_OS_ERROR(rv);
static rustls_io_result tls_write_vectored_callback(
void *userdata, const rustls_iovec *riov, size_t count, size_t *out_n)
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx = userdata;
const struct iovec *iov = (const struct iovec*)riov;
apr_status_t rv;
size_t i, n = 0;
apr_bucket *b;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++iov) {
b = apr_bucket_transient_create((const char*)iov->iov_base, iov->iov_len, fctx->fout_tls_bb->bucket_alloc);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(fctx->fout_tls_bb, b);
n += iov->iov_len;
fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb += (apr_off_t)n;
rv = fout_pass_tls_to_net(fctx);
*out_n = n;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE5, rv, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_write_vectored_callback: %ld bytes in %d slices", (long)n, (int)count);
return APR_TO_OS_ERROR(rv);
* Read TLS encrypted data from <fctx->cc->rustls_connection> and pass it down
* Apache's filter chain to the network.
* For now, we always FLUSH the data, since that is what we need during handshakes.
static apr_status_t fout_pass_rustls_to_tls(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
if (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection)) {
size_t dlen;
int os_err;
do {
os_err = rustls_connection_write_tls_vectored(
fctx->cc->rustls_connection, tls_write_vectored_callback, fctx, &dlen);
if (os_err) {
rv = APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(os_err);
goto cleanup;
while (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection));
else {
do {
os_err = rustls_connection_write_tls(
fctx->cc->rustls_connection, tls_write_callback, fctx, &dlen);
if (os_err) {
rv = APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(os_err);
goto cleanup;
while (rustls_connection_wants_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection));
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE3, rv, fctx->c,
"fout_pass_rustls_to_tls, %ld bytes ready for network", (long)fctx->fout_bytes_in_tls_bb);
fctx->fout_bytes_in_rustls = 0;
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_pass_buf_to_rustls(
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, const char *buf, apr_size_t len)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
rustls_result rr = RUSTLS_RESULT_OK;
apr_size_t written;
while (len) {
/* check if we will exceed the limit of data in rustls.
* rustls does not guarantuee that it will accept all data, so we
* iterate and flush when needed. */
if (fctx->fout_bytes_in_rustls + (apr_off_t)len > (apr_off_t)fctx->fout_max_in_rustls) {
rv = fout_pass_rustls_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
rr = rustls_connection_write(fctx->cc->rustls_connection,
(const unsigned char*)buf, len, &written);
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) goto cleanup;
ap_assert(written <= len);
fctx->fout_bytes_in_rustls += (apr_off_t)written;
buf += written;
len -= written;
if (written == 0) {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10357)
"fout_pass_buf_to_rustls: not read by rustls at all");
goto cleanup;
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) {
const char *err_descr = "";
rv = tls_core_error(fctx->c, rr, &err_descr);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10358)
"fout_pass_buf_to_tls to rustls: [%d] %s", (int)rr, err_descr);
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_pass_all_to_tls(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx)
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
if (fctx->fout_buf_plain_len) {
rv = fout_pass_buf_to_rustls(fctx, fctx->fout_buf_plain, fctx->fout_buf_plain_len);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c,
"fout_pass_all_to_tls: %ld plain bytes written to rustls",
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
fctx->fout_buf_plain_len = 0;
rv = fout_pass_rustls_to_tls(fctx);
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_pass_all_to_net(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, int flush)
apr_status_t rv;
rv = fout_pass_all_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
if (flush) {
apr_bucket *b = apr_bucket_flush_create(fctx->fout_tls_bb->bucket_alloc);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(fctx->fout_tls_bb, b);
rv = fout_pass_tls_to_net(fctx);
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_add_bucket_to_plain(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, apr_bucket *b)
const char *data;
apr_size_t dlen, buf_remain;
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
ap_assert((apr_size_t)-1 != b->length);
if (b->length == 0) {
goto cleanup;
buf_remain = fctx->fout_buf_plain_size - fctx->fout_buf_plain_len;
if (buf_remain == 0) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
buf_remain = fctx->fout_buf_plain_size - fctx->fout_buf_plain_len;
ap_assert(buf_remain > 0);
if (b->length > buf_remain) {
apr_bucket_split(b, buf_remain);
rv = apr_bucket_read(b, &data, &dlen, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
ap_assert(dlen <= buf_remain);
memcpy(fctx->fout_buf_plain + fctx->fout_buf_plain_len, data, dlen);
fctx->fout_buf_plain_len += dlen;
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_add_bucket_to_tls(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, apr_bucket *b)
apr_status_t rv;
rv = fout_pass_all_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(fctx->fout_tls_bb, b);
if (AP_BUCKET_IS_EOC(b)) {
fctx->cc->state = TLS_CONN_ST_NOTIFIED;
rv = fout_pass_rustls_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
return rv;
static apr_status_t fout_append_plain(tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx, apr_bucket *b)
const char *data;
apr_size_t dlen, buf_remain;
rustls_result rr = RUSTLS_RESULT_OK;
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
const char *lbuf = NULL;
int flush = 0;
if (b) {
/* if our plain buffer is full, now is a good time to flush it. */
buf_remain = fctx->fout_buf_plain_size - fctx->fout_buf_plain_len;
if (buf_remain == 0) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_tls(fctx);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
buf_remain = fctx->fout_buf_plain_size - fctx->fout_buf_plain_len;
ap_assert(buf_remain > 0);
/* Resolve any indeterminate bucket to a "real" one by reading it. */
if ((apr_size_t)-1 == b->length) {
rv = apr_bucket_read(b, &data, &dlen, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv)) {
goto maybe_flush;
else if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
/* Now `b` is the bucket that we need to append and consume */
/* outgoing buckets:
* need to become:
* because we need to send the meta buckets down the
* network filters. */
rv = fout_add_bucket_to_tls(fctx, b);
flush = 1;
else if (b->length == 0) {
else if (b->length < 1024 || fctx->fout_buf_plain_len > 0) {
/* we want to buffer small chunks to create larger TLS records and
* not leak security relevant information. So, we buffer small
* chunks and add (parts of) later, larger chunks if the plain
* buffer contains data. */
rv = fout_add_bucket_to_plain(fctx, b);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
else {
/* we have a large chunk and our plain buffer is empty, write it
* directly into rustls. */
if (b->length > TLS_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE) {
apr_bucket_split(b, TLS_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
&& (lbuf = malloc(b->length))) {
/* A file bucket is a most wonderous thing. Since the dawn of time,
* it has been subject to many optimizations for efficient handling
* of large data in the server:
* - unless one reads from it, it will just consist of a file handle
* and the offset+length information.
* - a apr_bucket_read() will transform itself to a bucket holding
* some 8000 bytes of data (APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE), plus a following
* bucket that continues to hold the file handle and updated offsets/length
* information.
* Using standard bucket brigade handling, one would send 8000 bytes
* chunks to the network and that is fine for many occasions.
* - to have improved performance, the http: network handler takes
* the file handle directly and uses sendfile() when the OS supports it.
* - But there is not sendfile() for TLS (netflix did some experiments).
* So.
* rustls will try to collect max length traffic data into ont TLS
* message, but it can only work with what we gave it. If we give it buffers
* that fit what it wants to assemble already, its work is much easier.
* We can read file buckets in large chunks than APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE,
* with a bit of knowledge about how they work.
apr_bucket_file *f = (apr_bucket_file *)b->data;
apr_file_t *fd = f->fd;
apr_off_t offset = b->start;
dlen = b->length;
rv = apr_file_seek(fd, APR_SET, &offset);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
rv = apr_file_read(fd, (void*)lbuf, &dlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv && !APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv)) goto cleanup;
rv = fout_pass_buf_to_rustls(fctx, lbuf, dlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
else {
rv = apr_bucket_read(b, &data, &dlen, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
rv = fout_pass_buf_to_rustls(fctx, data, dlen);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
if (flush) {
rv = fout_pass_all_to_net(fctx, 1);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
if (lbuf) free((void*)lbuf);
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) {
const char *err_descr = "";
rv = tls_core_error(fctx->c, rr, &err_descr);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10359)
"write_bucket_to_rustls: [%d] %s", (int)rr, err_descr);
return rv;
* The connection filter converting plain, unencrypted traffic data into TLS
* encrypted bytes and send the down the Apache filter chain out to the network.
* <bb> the data to send, including "meta data" such as FLUSH indicators
* to force filters to write any data set aside (an apache term for
* 'buffering').
* The buckets in <bb> need to be completely consumed, e.g. <bb> will be
* empty on a successful return. but unless FLUSHed, filters may hold
* buckets back internally, for various reasons. However they always
* need to be processed in the order they arrive.
static apr_status_t filter_conn_output(
ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx = f->ctx;
apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;
rustls_result rr = RUSTLS_RESULT_OK;
if (f->c->aborted) {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE4, 0, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_output: aborted conn");
rv = APR_ECONNABORTED; goto cleanup;
rv = progress_tls_atleast_to(fctx, TLS_CONN_ST_TRAFFIC);
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup; /* this also leaves on APR_EAGAIN */
if (fctx->cc->state == TLS_CONN_ST_DONE) {
/* have done everything, just pass through */
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE4, 0, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_output: tls session is already done");
rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
goto cleanup;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, fctx->cc->server,
"tls_filter_conn_output, server=%s", fctx->cc->server->server_hostname);
if (APLOGctrace5(fctx->c)) {
tls_util_bb_log(fctx->c, APLOG_TRACE5, "filter_conn_output", bb);
while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bb)) {
rv = fout_append_plain(fctx, APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb));
if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto cleanup;
if (APLOGctrace5(fctx->c)) {
tls_util_bb_log(fctx->c, APLOG_TRACE5, "filter_conn_output, processed plain", bb);
tls_util_bb_log(fctx->c, APLOG_TRACE5, "filter_conn_output, tls", fctx->fout_tls_bb);
if (rr != RUSTLS_RESULT_OK) {
const char *err_descr = "";
rv = tls_core_error(fctx->c, rr, &err_descr);
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, fctx->c, APLOGNO(10360)
"tls_filter_conn_output: [%d] %s", (int)rr, err_descr);
else {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, fctx->c,
"tls_filter_conn_output: done");
return rv;
int tls_filter_pre_conn_init(conn_rec *c)
tls_conf_conn_t *cc;
tls_filter_ctx_t *fctx;
if (OK != tls_core_pre_conn_init(c)) {
return DECLINED;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, c->base_server,
"tls_filter_pre_conn_init on %s", c->base_server->server_hostname);
cc = tls_conf_conn_get(c);
fctx = apr_pcalloc(c->pool, sizeof(*fctx));
fctx->c = c;
fctx->cc = cc;
cc->filter_ctx = fctx;
/* a bit tricky: registering out filters returns the ap_filter_t*
* that it created for it. The ->next field points always
* to the filter "below" our filter. That will be other registered
* filters and last, but not least, the network filter on the socket.
* Therefore, wenn we need to read/write TLS data during handshake, we can
* pass the data to/call on ->next- Since ->next can change during the setup of
* a connections (other modules register also sth.), we keep the ap_filter_t*
* returned here, since httpd core will update the ->next whenever someone
* adds a filter or removes one. This can potentially happen all the time.
fctx->fin_ctx = ap_add_input_filter(TLS_FILTER_RAW, fctx, NULL, c);
fctx->fin_tls_bb = apr_brigade_create(c->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
fctx->fin_tls_buffer_bb = NULL;
fctx->fin_plain_bb = apr_brigade_create(c->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
fctx->fout_ctx = ap_add_output_filter(TLS_FILTER_RAW, fctx, NULL, c);
fctx->fout_tls_bb = apr_brigade_create(c->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
fctx->fout_buf_plain_size = APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE;
fctx->fout_buf_plain = apr_pcalloc(c->pool, fctx->fout_buf_plain_size);
fctx->fout_buf_plain_len = 0;
/* Let the filters have 2 max-length TLS Messages in the rustls buffers.
* The effects we would like to achieve here are:
* 1. pass data out, so that every bucket becomes its own TLS message.
* This hides, if possible, the length of response parts.
* If we give rustls enough plain data, it will use the max TLS message
* size and things are more hidden. But we can only write what the application
* or protocol gives us.
* 2. max length records result in less overhead for all layers involved.
* 3. a TLS message from the client can only be decrypted when it has
* completely arrived. If we provide rustls with enough data (if the
* network has it for us), it should always be able to decrypt at least
* one TLS message and we have plain bytes to forward to the protocol
* handler.
fctx->fin_max_in_rustls = 4 * TLS_REC_MAX_SIZE;
fctx->fout_max_in_rustls = 4 * TLS_PREF_PLAIN_CHUNK_SIZE;
fctx->fout_auto_flush_size = 2 * TLS_REC_MAX_SIZE;
return OK;
void tls_filter_conn_init(conn_rec *c)
tls_conf_conn_t *cc = tls_conf_conn_get(c);
if (cc && cc->filter_ctx && !cc->outgoing) {
/* We are one in a row of hooks that - possibly - want to process this
* connection, the (HTTP) protocol handlers among them.
* For incoming connections, we need to select the protocol to use NOW,
* so that the later protocol handlers do the right thing.
* Send an INIT down the input filter chain to trigger the TLS handshake,
* which will select a protocol via ALPN. */
apr_bucket_brigade* temp;
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, 0, c->base_server,
"tls_filter_conn_init on %s, triggering handshake", c->base_server->server_hostname);
temp = apr_brigade_create(c->pool, c->bucket_alloc);
ap_get_brigade(c->input_filters, temp, AP_MODE_INIT, APR_BLOCK_READ, 0);
void tls_filter_register(
apr_pool_t *pool)
ap_register_input_filter(TLS_FILTER_RAW, filter_conn_input, NULL, AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION + 5);
ap_register_output_filter(TLS_FILTER_RAW, filter_conn_output, NULL, AP_FTYPE_CONNECTION + 5);