blob: e9fcca004d138295fd816460ca2f7c63aace41a0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modulesynopsis SYSTEM "../style/modulesynopsis.dtd">
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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_allowmethods.xml.meta">
<description>Easily restrict what HTTP methods can be used on the server</description>
<p>This module makes it easy to restrict what HTTP methods can
used on an server. The most common configuration would be:</p>
&lt;Location /&gt;<br />
AllowMethods GET POST OPTIONS<br />
<description>Restrict access to the listed HTTP methods</description>
<syntax>AllowMethods reset|<em>HTTP-method</em>
<default>AllowMethods reset</default>
<p>The HTTP-methods are case sensitive, and are generally as per
RFC given in upper case. The GET and HEAD methods are treated as
equivalent. The <code>reset</code> keyword can be used
turn off <module>mod_allowmethods</module> in a deeper nested context:</p>
&lt;Location /svn&gt;<br />
AllowMethods reset<br />
<p>The TRACE method can not be denied by this module,
use <directive module="core">TraceEnable</directive> instead.</p>
<p><module>mod_allowmethods</module> was written to replace the rather
kludgy implementation of <directive module="core">Limit</directive> and
<directive module="core">LimitExcept</directive>.</p>