blob: f6af75fb049ccf9c35b31613b5fc0eafbccedbc3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef mod_md_md_acme_h
#define mod_md_md_acme_h
struct apr_array_header_t;
struct apr_bucket_brigade;
struct md_http_response_t;
struct apr_hash_t;
struct md_http_t;
struct md_json_t;
struct md_pkey_t;
struct md_t;
struct md_acme_acct_t;
struct md_acmev2_acct_t;
struct md_store_t;
struct md_result_t;
#define MD_AUTHZ_CHA_HTTP_01 "http-01"
#define MD_AUTHZ_CHA_SNI_01 "tls-sni-01"
#define MD_ACME_VERSION_1 0x010000
#define MD_ACME_VERSION_2 0x020000
#define MD_ACME_VERSION_MAJOR(i) (((i)&0xFF0000) >> 16)
typedef enum {
MD_ACME_S_UNKNOWN, /* MD has not been analysed yet */
MD_ACME_S_REGISTERED, /* MD is registered at CA, but not more */
MD_ACME_S_TOS_ACCEPTED, /* Terms of Service were accepted by account holder */
MD_ACME_S_CHALLENGED, /* MD challenge information for all domains is known */
MD_ACME_S_VALIDATED, /* MD domains have been validated */
MD_ACME_S_CERTIFIED, /* MD has valid certificate */
MD_ACME_S_DENIED, /* MD domains (at least one) have been denied by CA */
} md_acme_state_t;
typedef struct md_acme_t md_acme_t;
typedef struct md_acme_req_t md_acme_req_t;
* Request callback on a successful HTTP response (status 2xx).
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_req_res_cb(md_acme_t *acme,
const struct md_http_response_t *res, void *baton);
* Request callback to initialize before sending. May be invoked more than once in
* case of retries.
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_req_init_cb(md_acme_req_t *req, void *baton);
* Request callback on a successful response (HTTP response code 2xx) and content
* type matching application/.*json.
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_req_json_cb(md_acme_t *acme, apr_pool_t *p,
const apr_table_t *headers,
struct md_json_t *jbody, void *baton);
* Request callback on detected errors.
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_req_err_cb(md_acme_req_t *req,
const struct md_result_t *result, void *baton);
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_new_nonce_fn(md_acme_t *acme);
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_req_init_fn(md_acme_req_t *req, struct md_json_t *jpayload);
typedef apr_status_t md_acme_post_fn(md_acme_t *acme,
md_acme_req_init_cb *on_init,
md_acme_req_json_cb *on_json,
md_acme_req_res_cb *on_res,
md_acme_req_err_cb *on_err,
void *baton);
struct md_acme_t {
const char *url; /* directory url of the ACME service */
const char *sname; /* short name for the service, not necessarily unique */
apr_pool_t *p;
const char *user_agent;
const char *proxy_url;
const char *acct_id; /* local storage id account was loaded from or NULL */
struct md_acme_acct_t *acct; /* account at ACME server to use for requests */
struct md_pkey_t *acct_key; /* private RSA key belonging to account */
int version; /* as detected from the server */
union {
struct {
const char *new_authz;
const char *new_cert;
const char *new_reg;
const char *revoke_cert;
} v1;
struct {
const char *new_account;
const char *new_order;
const char *key_change;
const char *revoke_cert;
const char *new_nonce;
} v2;
} api;
const char *ca_agreement;
const char *acct_name;
md_acme_new_nonce_fn *new_nonce_fn;
md_acme_req_init_fn *req_init_fn;
md_acme_post_fn *post_new_account_fn;
struct md_http_t *http;
const char *nonce;
int max_retries;
struct md_result_t *last; /* result of last request */
* Global init, call once at start up.
apr_status_t md_acme_init(apr_pool_t *pool, const char *base_version, int init_ssl);
* Create a new ACME server instance. If path is not NULL, will use that directory
* for persisting information. Will load any information persisted in earlier session.
* url needs only be specified for instances where this has never been persisted before.
* @param pacme will hold the ACME server instance on success
* @param p pool to used
* @param url url of the server, optional if known at path
* @param proxy_url optional url of a HTTP(S) proxy to use
apr_status_t md_acme_create(md_acme_t **pacme, apr_pool_t *p, const char *url,
const char *proxy_url);
* Contact the ACME server and retrieve its directory information.
* @param acme the ACME server to contact
apr_status_t md_acme_setup(md_acme_t *acme, struct md_result_t *result);
void md_acme_report_result(md_acme_t *acme, apr_status_t rv, struct md_result_t *result);
/* account handling */
* Clear any existing account data from acme instance.
void md_acme_clear_acct(md_acme_t *acme);
apr_status_t md_acme_POST_new_account(md_acme_t *acme,
md_acme_req_init_cb *on_init,
md_acme_req_json_cb *on_json,
md_acme_req_res_cb *on_res,
md_acme_req_err_cb *on_err,
void *baton);
* Get the local name of the account currently used by the acme instance.
* Will be NULL if no account has been setup successfully.
const char *md_acme_acct_id_get(md_acme_t *acme);
const char *md_acme_acct_url_get(md_acme_t *acme);
* Specify the account to use by name in local store. On success, the account
* the "current" one used by the acme instance.
apr_status_t md_acme_use_acct(md_acme_t *acme, struct md_store_t *store,
apr_pool_t *p, const char *acct_id);
* Get the local name of the account currently used by the acme instance.
* Will be NULL if no account has been setup successfully.
const char *md_acme_acct_id_get(md_acme_t *acme);
* Agree to the given Terms-of-Service url for the current account.
apr_status_t md_acme_agree(md_acme_t *acme, apr_pool_t *p, const char *tos);
* Confirm with the server that the current account agrees to the Terms-of-Service
* given in the agreement url.
* If the known agreement is equal to this, nothing is done.
* If it differs, the account is re-validated in the hope that the server
* announces the Tos URL it wants. If this is equal to the agreement specified,
* the server is notified of this. If the server requires a ToS that the account
* thinks it has already given, it is resend.
* If an agreement is required, different from the current one, APR_INCOMPLETE is
* returned and the agreement url is returned in the parameter.
apr_status_t md_acme_check_agreement(md_acme_t *acme, apr_pool_t *p,
const char *agreement, const char **prequired);
apr_status_t md_acme_save_acct(md_acme_t *acme, apr_pool_t *p, struct md_store_t *store);
* Deactivate the current account at the ACME server..
apr_status_t md_acme_acct_deactivate(md_acme_t *acme, apr_pool_t *p);
/* request handling */
struct md_acme_req_t {
md_acme_t *acme; /* the ACME server to talk to */
apr_pool_t *p; /* pool for the request duration */
const char *url; /* url to POST the request to */
const char *method; /* HTTP method to use */
apr_table_t *prot_hdrs; /* JWS headers needing protection (nonce) */
struct md_json_t *req_json; /* JSON to be POSTed in request body */
apr_table_t *resp_hdrs; /* HTTP response headers */
struct md_json_t *resp_json; /* JSON response body received */
apr_status_t rv; /* status of request */
md_acme_req_init_cb *on_init; /* callback to initialize the request before submit */
md_acme_req_json_cb *on_json; /* callback on successful JSON response */
md_acme_req_res_cb *on_res; /* callback on generic HTTP response */
md_acme_req_err_cb *on_err; /* callback on encountered error */
int max_retries; /* how often this might be retried */
void *baton; /* userdata for callbacks */
struct md_result_t *result; /* result of this request */
apr_status_t md_acme_req_body_init(md_acme_req_t *req, struct md_json_t *payload);
apr_status_t md_acme_GET(md_acme_t *acme, const char *url,
md_acme_req_init_cb *on_init,
md_acme_req_json_cb *on_json,
md_acme_req_res_cb *on_res,
md_acme_req_err_cb *on_err,
void *baton);
* Perform a POST against the ACME url. If a on_json callback is given and
* the HTTP response is JSON, only this callback is invoked. Otherwise, on HTTP status
* 2xx, the on_res callback is invoked. If no on_res is given, it is considered a
* response error, since only JSON was expected.
* At least one callback needs to be non-NULL.
* @param acme the ACME server to talk to
* @param url the url to send the request to
* @param on_init callback to initialize the request data
* @param on_json callback on successful JSON response
* @param on_res callback on successful HTTP response
* @param baton userdata for callbacks
apr_status_t md_acme_POST(md_acme_t *acme, const char *url,
md_acme_req_init_cb *on_init,
md_acme_req_json_cb *on_json,
md_acme_req_res_cb *on_res,
md_acme_req_err_cb *on_err,
void *baton);
* Retrieve a JSON resource from the ACME server
apr_status_t md_acme_get_json(struct md_json_t **pjson, md_acme_t *acme,
const char *url, apr_pool_t *p);
apr_status_t md_acme_req_body_init(md_acme_req_t *req, struct md_json_t *jpayload);
apr_status_t md_acme_protos_add(struct apr_hash_t *protos, apr_pool_t *p);
#endif /* md_acme_h */