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<modulesynopsis metafile="mod_autht_jwt.xml.meta">
<description>Token authentication using JWT tokens</description>
<p>This module provides token parsing front-ends such as
<module>mod_auth_bearer</module> the ability to authenticate users
by verifying a JWT token as described in
<a href="">RFC 7519</a>.</p>
<p>A JWT token is read from the <var>Authorization</var> header
with an <var>auth-scheme</var> of <var>Bearer</var>.</p>
<p>When using <module>mod_auth_bearer</module> this module is invoked
via the
<directive module="mod_auth_bearer">AuthBearerProvider</directive>
with the <code>jwt</code> value.</p>
<p>This module can also be used standalone to generate JWT tokens
for passing to a backend server or service. Claims are embedded within
a token, which is then optionally signed, and passed using the
<var>Authorization</var> header as a <var>Bearer</var> token.</p>
<directive module="mod_auth_bearer">AuthBearerProvider</directive>
<description>Sets the name of the underlying crypto driver to
<syntax>AuthtJwtDriver <var>name</var> <var>[param[=value]]</var></syntax>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
<p>The <directive>AuthtJwtDriver</directive> directive specifies the name of
the crypto driver to be used for signing and verification. If not specified,
the driver defaults to the recommended driver compiled into APR-util.</p>
<p>Follow the instructions in the
<directive module="mod_session_crypto">SessionCryptoDriver</directive> to
set up the driver.</p>
<description>The JWS signing algorithm and passphrase/key to verify an incoming
JWT token</description>
<syntax>AuthtJwtVerify <var>algorithm</var> [<var>type</var> <var>param</var>]</syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthtJwtVerify</directive> directive specifies the algorithm
and secret used to verify incoming bearer tokens.</p>
<p>If the algorithm type <var>none</var> is selected, the token is not
protected, and will be accepted as is. Use only when the client is trusted, and the
channel is protected through other means, such as mutually authenticated TLS, or
unix domain sockets.</p>
<p>If present, the <var>sub</var> claim is assigned to REMOTE_USER.</p>
<example><title>No Verification Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Location "/mutual-tls-secured"&gt;
AuthType bearer
AuthName example-name
AuthBearerProvider jwt
AuthtJwtVerify none
Require valid-user
<p>If the algorithm type <var>HS256</var> is used, the algorithm is set to
<var>HMAC-SHA256</var>, and the secret is set within the <var>file</var> specified
as the third parameter. The contents of the bearer token is still visible, and so
the channel must still be protected from evesdropping through TLS.</p>
<p>If the signature is verified, and if present, the <var>sub</var> claim is
assigned to REMOTE_USER.</p>
<example><title>Verification Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Location "/secure"&gt;
AuthType bearer
AuthName example-name
AuthBearerProvider jwt
AuthtJwtVerify hs256 file "/www/conf/jwt.secret"
Require valid-user
<description>The JWS signing algorithm and passphrase/key to sign an outgoing
JWT token</description>
<syntax>AuthtJwtSign <var>algorithm</var> [<var>type</var> <var>param</var>]</syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthtJwtSign</directive> directive specifies the algorithm
and secret used to sign outgoing bearer tokens passed to a server or service.</p>
<p>If the algorithm type <var>none</var> is selected, the token is not
protected. Use only when the client is trusted, and the channel is protected
through other means, such as mutually authenticated TLS, or unix domain sockets.</p>
<p>Set the claims to be sent in the token using the
<directive module="mod_autht_jwt">AuthtJwtClaim</directive> directive. The
<var>sub</var> claim is used to pass the remote user.</p>
<example><title>No Verification Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Location "/mutual-tls-secured"&gt;
AuthtJwtClaim set sub %{REMOTE_USER}
AuthtJwtSign none
<p>If the algorithm type <var>HS256</var> is used, the algorithm is set to
<var>HMAC-SHA256</var>, and the secret is set within the <var>file</var> specified
as the third parameter. The contents of the bearer token is still visible, and so
the channel must still be protected from evesdropping through TLS.</p>
<example><title>Verification Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Location "/secure"&gt;
AuthtJwtClaim set sub %{REMOTE_USER}
AuthtJwtSign hs256 file "/www/conf/jwt.secret"
<description>Set a claim with the given name and expression, or unset the claim with the given name</description>
<syntax>AuthtJwtVerify <var>[set|unset]</var> <var>name</var> [<var>value</var>]</syntax>
<p>The <directive>AuthtJwtClaim</directive> directive adds and/or removes
claims from token being passed to the backend server or service.</p>
<p>When a claim is set, the value of the claim is the result of an expression. The
expression may include parameters from a digital certificate, or the name of the
user that has been authenticated to Apache httpd.</p>
<example><title>Pass Remote User Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
&lt;Location "/secure"&gt;
AuthtJwtClaim set sub %{REMOTE_USER}
AuthtJwtSign hs256 file "/www/conf/jwt.secret"
<p>When a claim is unset, the claim previously set is removed from the token.</p>
<example><title>Unset Claim Example</title>
<highlight language="config">
AuthtJwtClaim set my-claim present
&lt;Location "/secure"&gt;
AuthtJwtClaim set sub %{REMOTE_USER}
AuthtJwtClaim unset my-claim
AuthtJwtSign hs256 file "/www/conf/jwt.secret"