blob: 38d7f5efe62e7e96e70fd1ccd1bd78decdb74700 [file] [log] [blame]
* mod_proxy_http2: fixed using the wrong "bucket_alloc" from the backend
connection when sending data on the frontend one. This caused crashes
or infinite loops in rare situations.
* mod_proxy_http2: fixed a bug in retry/response handling that could lead
to wrong status codes or HTTP messages send at the end of response bodies
exceeding the announced content-length.
* mod_proxy_http2: fix retry handling to not leak temporary errors.
On detecting that that an existing connection was shutdown by the other
side, a 503 response leaked even though the request was retried on a
fresh connection.
* mod_http2: fixed a bug that did cleanup of consumed and pending buckets in
the wrong order when a bucket_beam was destroyed.
[Stefan Eissing]